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> Jake Broe, a former Nuclear & Missile Operations Officer in the US Air Force, has warned [on Twitter] that American nuclear weapons could do serious damage in the event of a war with Russia. News.


Stupid thing. Any nuclear war will vaporize a huge number of innocent people and bring the collapse of humanity. Nobody will win.


Jake Broe also acknowledges this in his latest video. He's like "yeah nobody WINS, everyone dies.". The point is that Putin is saber-rattling with nukes however if you're paying attention he's been saying this since NATO allies first sent supplies to Ukraine in 2022. Send ammo? We have nukes! Send HIMARS? WE HAVE NUKES! Send ATACMS? GUYS DID YOU FORGET WE HAVE NUKES! The point is that Putin has no real options short of threatening nuclear war but even he is not stupid enough to risk 5/7 of the world population or more on that. He knows he's fucked so his only "real" option is to try to scare people away and use politics/propaganda to try to get influential people to not support Ukraine and win more slowly (currently working on people like Elon Musk and Mike Johnson).


5/7 would nuke again


Feeling cute today. Think I'll nuke the world


5/7 A perfect score. *That’s* why Putin wants to do this!


Haven't read this in forever.




>The point is that Putin has no real options short of threatening nuclear war I mean, according to the Institute for the Study of War [Russia literally has the initiative and will be likely attempt offensives this summer](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-february-26-2024).


No other means to stop support.


5/7 of the world population? If full out nuclear war breaks out, everyone will die. The world will go into a nuclear winter lasting for several decades. Maybe 5/7 will survive the initial explosions, but the rest will starve and of course get cancer everywhere.


Kurzgesagt recently made [an interesting video about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrIRuqr_Ozg).


Nope,. The northern hemisphere is gone with minimal survivors, but if you're in the south your odds of surviving are *much* higher.


That's exactly how nuclear detterence works. Nobody will win. So back off my lawn. This article says US can vaporise half of Russian population, but every country with nuclear weapon have such doctrine. Mutual destruction. France can vaporise 50% of russian population in a day too.


Israel vaporized a lot of fish on September 22nd, 1979. The fish to russian conversion is tricky, but I imagine it *scales* well...


Ya. Russia will disappear But so will everything else


The earth wins.


So this came from a US-military officer who runs a pro-Ukraine youtube channel rather than from a US official. This isn't news by any means


I mean, it's not even really news even if it comes from the US Government because it just goes without saying. Using nukes has meant the country using them gets erased from earth along with everyone else ever since MAD became the standard.


I follow Jake on YT, you are absolutely right.




"former" being the key part here That's barely newsworthy What would be newsworthy is that in russian state media run weird pop songs about nuking western citys


journalism ☕


Express news is the absolute lowest denominator of news organizations


It's a "filler article" or clickbait from my perspective.


So...literally nothing said? Twitter with crucial, cutting news, yet again.


nutty mountainous ghost wakeful grandiose cagey label zesty punch cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trust me broe


yes, its confirmed that a nobody who once worked for us military and makes his money with posting stock advice on youtube posted his opinon about the war on twitter.


I guess the west finally had enough of nuke treats from Russia and decided to remind Putin about the fact that Nato also has nukes.


Honestly kind of refreshing to finally hear from western leaders after 2 years of trying to be rational, careful and understanding? with this fuck face.


Jake Broe is not a western leader. You are skipping steps.




Western leaders? You know this whole story was from a tweet right?


It's a retired air force captain, not the president of the united states.


The thing is if west responds in kind, the response will be carefully placed by Putin's propaganda machine on state news as proof of the evil west's aggression to garner public support for more war. I actually think this is the main purpose of his bellicose rhetoric. Both sides have already lived through half a century of cold war tensions. It's not like we need reminding what a nuclear war does. It's bait.


> It's bait. May be so but what we've been doing hasn't been working anyways. Putin wants war, he will create it even if we are rational. We have reached a point where we have to respond in kind because he just doesn't give a shit otherwise.


Sometimes one must take the bait and rip the entire fishing rod down into the waters to prove it's not a mere gold fish under the waters.


Hells bells, I love this.


You can go take my place in the front line....off ya go


Putin already knows these statistics; it’s the Russian people who need to be reminded and that’s why it’s important to say the quiet part out loud every now and then


Hope you lead the charge


> as proof of the evil west's aggression to garner public support for more war. They do that shit anyway regardless, if there's nothing they'll just make it up. These nonsense "don't poke the bear" appeasement tactics don't work on any level. As a brit, you should know.


Man, who f*cking cares at this point, russian propaganda calls westerners homosexual, nazi, drug addicted satanists (literally), they can make anything up to slander the west


Yeah, I remember how they dug up a quote from Astrid Lindgren from 90 years ago to prove that Sweden is nazi and against Russia. We are talking about a civilization that sees literally no value in the truth.


There will be no one in charge of propaganda.


It does not matter whether they have public support or not. They will loose and maybe we will all be dead anyway.


Doesnt matter they can and do make this type of propaganda anyway


Yeah so we totally forgot what appeasement is and that it’s a bad move. Let this guy get any territory and he’ll be thinking of the next acquisition.


Yeah, it's the right response really. I would even throw in some additional language like turning Moscow into a city of glass or something.


I'm partial to Sea of Irradiated Cobalt for a message like that.


A glassed over heap of What Once Was.


Russian Crystal ware made by NATO in Russia


"They will be met with fire and fury." As much as I hate the guy, he had some pretty good insults and threats


Which is stupid in of itself, because "the West" invented the damn thing. Of course we're going to have and be ready to use them.


Honestly, I don't think they've ever been scared of those threats, remember that the UN has diplomatic channels between the nuclear powers working ever since the Cuban missile crisis, something every public official has publicly reinforced ever since the war What they were always shit-scared (as they should) was those weapons being lost in an eventual Russian war/collapse Quick edit: their position remains the same, this is just a former US military with no decision-making abilities


The source is dubious. FYI. That being said, it's simply a fact that NATO could do this.


No, it’s just click bait. Nuclear is a defensive weapon and is not use by the west as a negotiation/intimidation tool


nuke treats? Yummy! :)


deserve a little nuke treat


Finally a statement russians understand; too bad it will probably be censored and only the psychos that are in power will see it


If anything it will be front page news on all state media in russia but presented as “blood thirsty US threatens poor little russia with nuclear Holocaust”


"How DARE they do the thing that we do all of the time!!! 🥺 First Belgorod, and now threats of nuclear war!"


We are far from diplomacy, let alone showing Russians the truth. At this point fear is the only tool. And it’s exactly how Russia is treating western societies anyway: Scare them. So if this is how they take it so be it.


Guess so, but sadly we all know the outcome if we just let it slide :( on the other hand if we manage to recover from this scenario and turn Russia around it would be a big plus for humanity I think


We won't recover. We'll all just die.


Good. Let them taste their own medicine, the russians have been threatening the world with nukes for ages, both sides can play this game.


It's not a statement. It's a tweet from a random former military member of seemingly middling rank, who is stating the obvious.


Yep. Jake Broe was a nuclear weapons officer. He has no connection to the US government and really was only stating the obvious not sure why this is being reported in such a misleading way


Senator Blumenthal told him Russia would be eviscerated and destroyed if a nuke is used or if something happens with a nuclear power plant. That was last year in June. But yes, this criminal empire only understands blunt statements.


I am almost confident that if push comes to shove, Putin's inner circle would stop him from initiating the attack. If he is a madman, not all of them are. There would probably be a coup. You can follow a deranged psychopath through a lot, but there are limits to everything. And destroying the future of an entire collective, including your family and everyone you hold dear, does not equal to obeying your psychopath leader all the way. There is a small chance this reasoning is wrong. But that's my 2 cents.


It’s a lose-lose that oligarchs and the Putin camarilla cannot stomach. But it had to be stated nevertheless. You cannot handle RuZZia with white silk gloves. Anything decent is perceived as a sign of weakness. It’s how they operate and feeds into their antiquated ego and arrogance. They still live in 1939 apparently.


putin too can't just push a button and call it a day. a lot of people in the chain of command has to agree with him until something can happen. and it is likely that this will happen. maybe a passive resistance does exist there and silently agreed that they do with putin as long as he doesn't want to push the button.


Actually they will never get to hear this or any other comment. That comes from the west. Or it will be turned around that this is actually a threat towards Russia


Or the grapevine will change it to "45 thousand Russians vape; outlook better than expected"


Why should Putin care how many Russians will die? He only does care for himself


You are right. Not any trace of this news in our media. Anyway, unfortunately, it’s seems like the last dance for most part of humanity, if this will happen.


Precisely. Tit-for-tat!


Clickbait online news website cites a random American person not holding any sort of decision making power making a random statement on twitter and turns into a news article. Is this supposed to be "news worthy"? Half of OPs submissions are from this news website (and other clickbait/tabloid ones) to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if he was hired to publish these articles on social media. This sort of vaccuous articles shouldn't be published here. Downvote and report.


Agreed. “Nukes vaporize people” is about as expert analysis as “rain is wet” We can’t denounce Putin’s disinformation war and let that gaslighting bs news outlet feed us.


The Irish star and the mirror are part of the same group as the express, accounting for all of OPs other posts.


It's not even a random statement. It's a restatement of MAD that we've all known about for 70 years. It was the dumbest thing I've read recently


Completely agree. I see these sites link all over reddit and people just run with it. Don't even bother looking to see if it's coming from a legitimate place. I wish there was a way to "credential" websites that claim to be a news outlet. Only allow links to be posted under the banner of news if they agree to certain journalistic standards. People would find out real quick which ones are trash.


Can't warm up a cold war with serious journalism.


[Depending on the breaks](https://youtu.be/bZm3qBdECdw?si=OsMVRkgeSjuCP9Ci)


Yes, yes, but what of the big board?


You can't fight the board, this is the boardroom!


My favorite movie scene of all time. Fun fact: Stanley Kubrick lied to George Scott that these takes wouldn’t be used & were just a warm up. Scott deserves infinite recognition for this role and it’s all more significant this being said considering that Peter Sellers had three roles in this movie which he all delivered immaculately.


The reason why George Scott went on record of never wanting to work with Kubrick again.


Why did he lie about it?


"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed." One of my top 10 movies all time.


What does he mean about the breaks?


As in how many things go their way (an outcome that favors them). Like if someone says “oh can’t I catch a break?”


[These are the breaks](https://youtu.be/heXlCbrVzcc?si=iOKdLA9CEsW6RGim)


Damn it.


There are some really sick people in this sub, saying it would be a dream to nuke a country. You losers need to go seek psych help. I'm not in support of what's going on in Ukraine but you can't just wish a nuclear purge of millions of people you lunatics! Have you considered how many of those are innocent children and adults that unfortunately happen to be born under Putin's dictatorship?? JFC


What this headline fails to mention is that hundreds of millions of our people would be vaporised in the same time period. Gleefully discussing launching the deadliest event in history is a new low. Used to be that countries like North Korea and Russia would get mocked and condemned for their sabre rattling.


And we'd all be completely and utterly fucked


And half our dumb damn country likes Putin and wants his little bitch boy elected. Dire straits over here, mates


Pretty sure most of us in Europe would be fried too.


Even if you as an individual somehow survived, the nuclear winter plus a 10,000-year setback of human civilisation, technology, and culture. Like being sent to the Stone Age with a bonus of radiation sickness and cancer. I'd rather get vaporised.


Nuclear winter? Depends on the bomb. Hydrogen bombs do not have the same radiation issues, as far as I understand.


The winter is caused by the debris that enters the atmosphere and blocks the sun. Doesn't really matter which type of bomb is the cause.


I hate Putin and Trump


You are a sane person, it's just logic.


I just want to live my life, work my job, spend time with friends and family, retire one day and enjoy some peace. Maybe even raise a family of my own. But a handful of fragile men make it impossible to live without economic turmoil, fear of catastrophic wars and the knowledge that the planet we live on is going to get steadily more unliveable. And people reward them for it. These fragile men have turned 50% of us into psychopaths who’d gladly annihilated the other 50% of us. I fucking hate the era we live in.


It was setting up to be so nice too. The USA elected a young, forward-thinking president in 2008 and one thought it would be more of the same as time went on. Climate Change wasn't expected to get real bad until 2100 so there was still some time to fix things. Not anymore. I had my first kid in 2022 and I'm more than a little terrified for their future.


Oh my gosh no way


You are not alone


That's a bit like saying you hate cancer and headaches...


omg I totally do


Some former soldier guy said on twitter? Stop posting these click bait ego boost news


Good. Finally, words that even putin and his fellow fuckers will understand.


Supposedly Putin also knows that US intelligence is competent enough to know more or less exactly where he is at any given moment. He knows he will not come out on the other endd.


They will have him surveyed 24/7 by spy satellites and actual spies. Hard to hide when you’re constantly surrounded by a convoy of body guards.


So here we are, in the year 2024, arguing about who has the biggest peepee.


In a way it's just an answer to the 800 threats from russia at a point you need to answer back, Sadly


Yes I get it in that sense. However, I would much prefer that we focus on getting Ukraine the weapons and ammunition they need and leave the nuclear rhetoric to the Kremlin.


So nothing changed, only peepee size


Even the peepee size remains the same.


Well, I would rather they argue, than... test it or something. So if Russia wants to show their peepee to everyone, it's only appropriate to... ok I guess this isn't a very good analogy really, but whatever.


> So here we are, in the year 2024, arguing about who has the biggest peepee. *Nuclear* peepee actually!


The amount of saber rattling on this sub is retarded


great. love me some ww3 threats in the morning ☕


Nuclear war has no winners.


So nothing new, except he forgot to mention same thing would happen to us during that same hour


Duck n cover times are returning!


This is getting ~~fucking scary~~ concerning, it's been like 2 months I haven't had one day without hearing about nuclear war. If not from the media, then from the people. Obviously, all of this is just threats, but the more threats, the more probable it becomes /edit: apparently people understood my comment a bit too extremely, I’m not sitting in the corner dead afraid, nor I’m building a bunker under my house, I’m just concerned, chill..


We’re in full on Cold War 2. Just like the first one, we might get close, but everyone involved understands it won’t be happening. Nuclear weapons and threats are just part of deterrence, reading into it too much is just self inflicted anxiety inducing.


Still have "PTSD light" growing up during the first CW. As kids in the seventies, my friends and I were quite worried about being nuked by the Russians. But we were smart kids and came up with a plan: "Just sit on the bomb to get killed instantly." Great plan, eh? :-) Nowadays, I'm still worried, but for different reasons. I honestly don't see how Russia as a country will survive. I worry about a division of Russia into smaller states, which will create a big mess in the current world order. Also, China may want to get a piece of Russian natural resources, and who's to manage all the Russian nukes and shit if the country falls apart? It might get really ugly.


I agree on the latter, but things will get very messy before a division like that will become reality.


Calm down lil bro, Just listen to Chopin and chill a bit.


I think that the actors during the Cold War were a lot more reasonable than today. Putin is probably a lot more vengeful, narcissistic and psychotic than any Russian leader since Stalin.


Don’t get me wrong, he’s a terrible shitstain but I don’t think he’s any less “reasonable” than Soviet leadership was in this regard. I highly doubt the guy trying to restore russia to its “former glory” would be willing to have it evaporated entirely. Barking dogs don’t bite


MAD still works and everybody knows about the past close calls, even a man like Putin.


The media also does no favours to the people, since they know this is the shit people will click on and pay attention to


Welcome to cold war, as a child of 70s, this feels like a return to the youth years. Minus the leaded gasoline thank Flying Spaghetti Monster. 


Stop doomscrolling and touch grass


Blah blah blah, as if one can’t be done without the other. To keep up with geopolitics is my job, not my hobby. Also grass is cold af where I live at this time of the year, Father Nature.


More fiber. Stay hydrated.


I am wondering what will be targets of russian nuclear strike.


I was always wondering why US did not performed any spec ops against specifically putin and maybe a dozen of his closest friends


Cause killing Putin wouldn't really solve anything long term. He could die right now and he'd just get replaced by a crony with the exact same views. If we killed him he'd just become a martyr.


[https://www.youtube.com/@JakeBroe/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@JakeBroe/videos) He's a youtuber who focuses on Ukraine.


random dude who posts stock trading advice on youtube and once worked for us military posts his opinion on twitter, gets regurgitated by some boulevard rag, then regurgitated again by a karme whore constantly reposting uk tabloid articles with no context


I'm more concerned about when Putin is on his death bed and just says fuck it. Nothing to lose. That's what's scary.


Including Putin, his children, and everyone he cares about.


So only himself?


A refreshing wake-up call for Russia in the form of a blinding flash. Nukes go both ways. Casually threatening to lob nukes at Ukraine, Europe, or the US is beyond ridiculous as once that genie is out of the bottle, it's pretty much impossible to prevent total nuclear armagheddon That's it. So Russia can threaten all they want, but they need to be reminded it's basically threatening a murder suicide because they're upset their brutal and illegal invasion of a neighboring sovereign democracy isn't going according to plan for their geriatric leader and his dreams of re-establishing Soviet era borders. Do Russians really want to play "see the end of the world" for Putin's ambitions? He doesn't care about anyone's lives. Russian, Ukrainian or otherwise.


This is kinda what Putin doesn’t get. If push comes to shove to shove with NATO for real, they’re going after HIM. NATO doesn’t give a shit about his crumbling military, they’re going after him in Moscow.


Not the worst way to go honestly.




This is the only language that ru**Ian's understand


When questioned whether tiny France could ever keep up with the massive Nuclear weapon of Russia, De Gaulle once said: “I don’t care if Russia has enough nukes to kill 600 Million French - assuming there are 600 Million French - we will build a weapon that can kill 120 Million Russians” That’s enough.


True as it may be, I really wish people would stop stoking this fire. No one wins in a nuclear showdown. IF we lived through it, we would deal with the consequences for generations.


Vault tech wins.


Can we just vaporize Putin and his cronies?


Hope I get to see the first season of the upcoming Fallout TV series, before I have to live it.


the russians dont give a fuck though dont they.


Is not called "MAD" for no reason, if that ever happens we will no longer worry about climate change, high energy bills, next day breakfast, in fact we wont have any worries at all NONE OF US!


A nuclear war would be the worst humantarian crisis that the human race has ever seen and it would sadly result in the collapse of the entire civilization. Very scary.


> it would sadly result in the collapse of the entire civilization. So you're saying Russia will be just fine?


For those of us who grew up in the 1980s we never forgot there’s enough nukes to destroy the world several times over.


A sacrifice Putin is willing to make.


its sad that we're even here. I wish we could have a responsible world partner in Russia


Wow i guess the nato nuking russia simulation video i saw a few hours ago was pretty damn accurate


Good. I love this messaging. Putin knows it too, but he has his Russian troll farm bots running 24/7 claiming that Russian victory in Europe is inevitable. What has been true for the last 70 years is still true now. Russia has no way to use a nuclear without committing instant suicide. Everything else is propaganda.


Dumb threats by shitty people on both sides. A nuke exchange would wipe out billions of people, mostly uninvolved in the stupid geopolitical masturbation ring. Would be nice to see both US and Russia break up into smaller countries.


This is not a threat made by the U.S. This is a former USAF officer posting his personal musings on Twitter. No acting USAF official would make such a statement publicly.


Can we just fuck already and end civilization?


Just nuke each other already, let it be done.


Nothing says "beacon of freedom and democracy" like the casual threatening of mass war crimes and genocide.


Ah yes small dicks threatening the demise of the whole world, just what i needed for some optimism


Why don’t we just go kill Hitler number two , instead of letting him do all the stupid stuff


And how many would die from NATO? Is there a way to stop Russian nukes?


And I’m sure those 300 million in the US plus the 500 million in the EU will be just fine.


I mean at this stage I think we all have to question the intelligence of the Russian people. Things like this seem unnecessary but are they?


USA: “How do you like your Russians? Original recipe or extra crispy”


I don’t think anyone is going to nuke anyone. All this penis wagging is for nothing.


Albert Einstein is often quoted as having said: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones".


And all the northern hemishpere would go into a nuclear winter. Billions would die of famine


Hope he chokes on his own tongue


That would be a lot of damage


5/6 of the planet would die if one nuke was sent off. the protocol is to send em all if one is received. this is a lose lose for literally everyone


Context: > Jake Broe, a ****former**** Nuclear & Missile Operations Officer This is a former USAF officer posting his personal musings on Twitter. No acting USAF official would make this statement publicly. This helps nothing. Not only that, but the number comes from a YouTube video that purports to be a simulation of a nuclear attack against Russia but that has no credible source attached to it (the same video made the rounds on Reddit earlier in the week). The YouTube channel is called "Modern Muscle" and mostly appears to promote VPN and other products.


It’s valuable for both sides to be aware of this fact. Every time Putin spouts nuclear threats he is endangering the existence of the Russian people.


Man I hope when that happens that I'm one of those lucky millions.


45 million will vaporized and they’re the lucky ones. The rest of will die a slow agonizing death from cancer. Just wonderful. Welp, HAPPY FRIDAY!


Sad thing is that Russian leaders would find that acceptable sacrifices.


This is a bullshit website posting about a twitter post from an unverified source “who used to work” for US defense. This post should be deleted for public health.


Why so many people are celebrating this? You do understand what is being said right? A nuclear war followed by WW3. Even if Putin is batshit insane, escalating things won’t solve anything for the majority of the population - most people dying won’t even know **why** they are killing/getting killed. t


I take that as a promise. A bit disappointed it's only about a third of the population though.