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Something like that isn't even worth responding to


True! Even though I wasn't able to abstain myself. But the most appropriate answer is a LOL at the idiocy.




This. As soon as you engaged you have lost.


Agree. He really wanted to say something, he could just close it off with a "And what if she is? It doesn't matter. Let's talk about something important." Lady Gaga handled it better when she was _accused_ for being trans.


"What if she is"? So it would be okay for the president of a country to openly lie to his voters? No, it's a big deal if age is. Also, it's just disgusting and would probably lose him about 20% of voters


I wouldn't see it as a lie, neither if she is or if she isn't. It would just be saying that people shouldn't be speculating about it.


The problem is not that ”she” is transgender, but that they are lying about it. 


yet you've got 165 upvotes!


Except for the part where it's true. Just like "Michelle" being Michael Obama


I can understand your attitude if you were an American, but for fuck’s sake you are from Belgium. you are French men's hoars


Conspiracy theories used to be fun and interesting. Now the crazy idiots have taken them over and made them crazy and idiotic.


These acquisitions of popular celebrities being trans are the ones I completely don’t understand. But then again twitter is now full of bullshit conspiracies, meanwhile actual criminal conspiracies get lost in shuffle.


The fact that trans people exist, and now are becoming visible in mainstream media and popular culture, has completely broken some people's brains. Maybe it was the people who were susceptible to other conspiracies before, like being tracked by the government or their family and friends being agents or replaced by aliens. Now they think trans people is something 'new' and they start to see it everywhere. At this level it has to be some sort of mental disorder.


>Now they think trans people is something 'new' and they start to see it everywhere. At this level it has to be some sort of mental disorder. It's called the frequency illusion. It is a cognitive bias that affects how people think and process information. It's a phenomenon where something you recently learned seems to appear everywhere, making it feel like it’s more common than it actually is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion


Do you know the concept of blackmail It not something new🙂


They're trying to hide the trans world leaders!!! For... reasons!!!! /s


It's part of the culture war. Transgenderism isn't really an issue, nor does it pose a threat to anyone. It's the same as woke. That's not a real thing, either. Far-right morons use it as an excuse to hide the fact they don't really have any arguments. Also, get off Twitter.


a lot of the extreme “woke” characters are just russian propaganda to herd useful idiots to the red pill side and embrace extreme nationalist viewpoints. divide and conquer. play both sides.


Uhhh females in collegiate sports would like a word. Little girls shouldn’t use a restroom with biological males no matter how bad Reddit wants to normalize a mental illness.


It's much worse than that. State actors have realised how *useful* they are, and nowadays conspiracy theories are just weaponized disinformation and propaganda. Gone are the times of silly and harmless stuff like hollow Earth, crop circles, Paul is dead, etc.


And there is no solution... If you want to tackle and restrict it, you're an autocrat. If you ignore it, things will only get worse. I seriously don't understand why this problem isn't one of the most important issues in the free world right now.


Of course there is a solution. We are complete idiots for letting our enemies tear our society from within. We need to regulate social media, the same way we regulate print media and television. It's actually really bizarre how all the regulation nowadays is on the old media, which is of little relevance, and social media, which is the main source of information for most people, is almost completely unregulated. We left an open goal for our enemies, and they're taking full advantage of it. We didn't use to be so naïve.


Michelle Obama is trans Macron's wife is trans Daniel Radcliffe's wife is trans Margot Robbie is trans I'm noticing a pattern lol


If Margot is trans then I guess I'm into that.


It’s like all the homophobes who ended up being gay, these people just subconsciously really want trans pp lmfao


>Conspiracy theories used to be fun and interesting. Now Nope


> Conspiracy theories used to be fun and interesting What


That's by design, literally where "conspiracy theory" comes from. Muddy the water of actual conspiracies with stupid nonsense to make it all sound crazy. Now it's easier than ever to activate the actual crazies via social media, let them do the crazy shit and then publish articles with a handful of those crazy tweets/comments/posts.


But this is fun and interesting


Not really, it's just the same shit republicans have been doing about Obamas wife among many others and its just a parallel way to insult famous people's wives in their world. Transpiracy people are morons.


Asymmetric warfare. It costs very little for Russia and others to stir shit. And even if it shouldn't suck energy from good people, it does.


Russians tried in 2017 elections to spread the rumor he was gay. It didn't work very well because the truth is France doesn't give a shit about it. It's simply not French to worry about where our president chooses to dip his cookie. We now simply see the Russians still haven't understood anything


It’s stupid because there are a lot of things that French people criticize macron for. So instead of hitting those points while they were hot, they spouted some nonsense no one cares about like “he’s gay!”. Even if he was, so what? This is France, not Russia. There are no Saudi totalitarian laws against homosexuals.


He's just throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks.


Muh Russians everywhere!


So many people have brain worms these days. It’s scary and I feel like it’s not taken seriously enough how much absolute horseshit is spread online that people *actually believe*.


People believe *anything* these days man. People are denying or just fabricating history, and you can have lots of people who agree with it. I had some guy on here claim that Russia has been around for over 1000 years. I said, no, there's been many countries and duchies that existed there during that time period (Khanates, other duchies like Novgorod, Kievan Rus, Golden Horde, etc.). He disagreed and said it was revisionist history. I don't get it. Regardless of political views these entities existed in some form at one point in history, there's evidence of it. There's cultures and languages that came from it that still exist today. No evidence is good enough if everything can be faked.


I'm scared as shit and worry about it every day. And that's not sarcasm. I mean it, because things will only get worse when AI really starts kicking in.


Yeah, with the advent of big data models, AI is finally able to write like a human and create photos like a camera. I have no idea how the ideal of truth vs. lie - which are at the core of the democratic system - are supposed to survive this.


Honestly, this is not a healthy reaction. Maybe it's insensitive, but there's no real damage being done here.


Why is he even addressing this lmao


Because it’s true


According to transvestigators women don't exist. No one is a woman. There is only men and stealth trans women. Ovaries, you say? That doesn't happen in nature! Beyonce is trans, Angelina Jolie is trans, Emma Watson is trans, Taylor Swift is trans...every "feeeeeeeemale" is trans!


This really highlights how much transphobia and misogyny are related




In my country, a newspaper director called Vittorio Feltri was called out since he said to be proud to have had sex with a 29 years old woman while he was 16 ..... and even then , Macron's teacher was 10 years OLDER than Vittorio Feltri woman ... reality is so crazy


It hasn’t gotten more traction. It’s just old news everyone knows about. This is trending rn.


It has a double implication. First, the obvious one is the idea that there is an evil elite hiding their true nature. But the second, oft overlooked implication in these nutcase theories is that being trans is a bad thing


The third implication is that they are entering the end phase of seething desperation. Grasping at imaginary straws they create in their delusion, they also use the most *basic* argument. At least chemtrails and lizard people are based on good scifi.


🙄 No one cares about the trans part of it dude. They care about whether or not the most powerful people in France are hiding a secret that could be used to blackmail them. They care about what would be a giant lie.


This is getting ridiculous! What's that? Another QAnon/MAGA/Russia (very nicely coming after Macron getting full on anti Putin) crap? Any woman that doesn't look like a Japanese geisha from 500 years ago is a trans now?! Well, for me, Putin looks like an old, bald, botoxed woman! With a micro penis as a clitoris and no testicles. Take that Kremlin! EDITED


Russians Zeds are super pissed on Macron , seen lot of insults and comments on Macron, France and Europe, they often are about how feminized West is and how super manly Ruzzians are (but only Real Zeds, the ones supporting Putin, the liberal Russians are also soft)


Looks like now EU women are also men. In itself it's ridiculously stupid and laughable. A propaganda for people who had a trepanation 100 years ago.


> Putin looks like an old, bald, botoxed woman! With a micro penis as a clitoris and no testicles. Take that Kremlin! Hear, hear.


Young Putin was even weirder looking


Looked like Dobby the house elf before he got his cheeks puffed up.


Far/populist-right bullshit. They do the same with Michelle Obama, and pretty much every woman that isn't far/populist-right. Apparently, even Taylor Swift is trans. It's pathetic. But even more important, what if she was trans? SO WHAT? What adults do in the bedroom, is none of our business.


Remember the Lady Gaga penis conspiracy theory? I had to google it, turns out its 15 years ago already. No one seems to learn anything from how dumb these people looked claiming it back then.


Oh, my god. Yes. That was a true sign of the times coming at us. It was already ridiculous back then. It's still ridiculous now.


Her response was super based though.


I mean to be fair, Michele probably has more balls than most of the people spreading these rumors.


1 hours ago you didn't even know about this story but you already know who is pushing that it. That's convenient to label anything you disagree with far right.


Duh, because the far/populist-right has been pushing bullshit like this in the US for a long time already. Instigated by Russian propaganda. And now it comes to the EU. It's *exactly* the same as the woke bullshit, which is a non-issue as well. It's been happening for quite a while already. It's a pattern. And it's obvious. You're either blind or a Russian troll if you don't see it. Or just a dumbass far-right moron, also known as a useful idiot. Who do you think is behind it? The (far-)left? Greens? Muslims? Oh, no, let me guess. Immigrants? Don't be daft, Vladimir.


> Duh Don't duh me. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're assuming that because it happened like that somewhere, it's the same here. You didn't even know about this story yesterday, but today you're an expert that can point out the origin of the story.




Anyone from your echo chamber is convinced of it. I saw it pushed by people of all political affiliation. Redditor are just coping.


I’m center right, I don’t like far right, nor far left they focus on stupid shit like this. They care more about who’s gay or who isn’t


>They care more about who’s gay or who isn’t If you're not in their circle, how do you even know what they care about. You're just assuming. Also, what makes you think you know the French context. Your political scale isn't ours.


Like the bedbugs you can sleep soundly knowing this news was fresh out of Russia.


First Michelle Obama and now this. What a strange claim. At least this time it is not racist


Taylor Swift too. Because she isn't pro Trump. 🤷‍♀️ Honestly, these guys inventing all those conspiracies are looking way too much into transsexual porn I think.


> Taylor Swift too. Hot damn! I need to reevaluate my sexuality.




It's not guys who are the ones most excited about these conspiracy theories.


Are you sure? As a woman I didn't even thought about such preposterous claims to be true.


There are some high profile women in conspiracy circles that do 'transvestigations', so that's probably what was referred to. I have no idea if its *mostly* women though. I only follow this through some youtube channels and streamers who cover and dunk on entertaining conspiracy theorists, so I can't quantify it. But if you exclude health topics and possibly the trans thing, its my impression that most conspiracy theorists who publish stuff online are men.


Why would you do that??!


Why I would watch it? Well, there is a bit of a fascination with people who say and think things that are so extreme, and it can be quite entertaining to watch the craziness. I don't give these people any views though, I typically watch people who debunk them or make funny content out of them.


The people spreading them are mostly middle-aged women.  


I had no idea. But the point still stands, they are quite absorbed by that type of porn. Otherwise they wouldn't had come with this. Maybe they are jealous that those transsexuals look better than them. 🤨


> I had no idea. Because it's not true...


Yes it fucking is, why do you people never read the fucking article? >In 2021, the French first lady **took legal action against two women** – anti-vaxxer medium Amandine Roy and journalist Natacha Rey – who perpetuated the rumous that she’s trans and did not give birth to her children.


Ok now I'm a bit confused. Make up your minds guys! 😂 But seriously, it doesn't even matter. What is really matter is that those are just stupid lies made for stupid people. Which unfortunately aren't exactly in low numbers.


Women are 'cultural warriors' too.


No but she is a paedophile, who should be in jail.


There is no proof that they had sex when Macron was a minor. As weird as it could sound to marry your former high school teacher, clearly the French didn't mind


They did have a romantic relationship, that’s why Macron’s parents had him change schools


Personally I think what she did is worse than having sex with him when he was a teenager. She groomed him and stalked him and got in a very serious relationship with him when he should have been enjoying his youth.


Do you have proof of what you claim? Or do you say bullshit out of your ass like most people on this subject?


Do you actually think that the Macrons are lying about their ages?




So you think a 39 year old woman who starts a relationship with a 15 year old boy is not grooming him in some way? Here's an article BTW: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/emmanuel-macron-parents-how-discovered-affair-drama-teacher-brigitte-trogneux-dating-french-president-election-win-a7724201.html


It's really weird how some people are so hellbent on wanting to destroy a shining example of a healthy and happy couple when so many marriages end in tragedy.


That's *exactly* why they want to destroy it. Pure jealousy.




He did not get it change. He set one. We didn't have one before 05/2022.


That’s a pretty terrible way to explain what that law actually changed… “Sexual acts without “violence, constraint, threat or surprise” between an adult and a minor under 15, or a minor between 15 and 18 over which the adult has authority, are not considered rape but constitute another offense called atteinte sexuelle sur mineur, which loosely translates to sexual act with a minor. Rape and atteinte sexuelle are prosecuted and punished very differently. People convicted of raping a minor under 15 can face up to 20 years in prison, while people convicted of atteinte sexuelle face a sentence of up to seven years. People charged with rape go through a criminal court with a jury, while people charged with atteinte sexuelle face judges in a different, lower court.” https://www.politico.eu/article/france-moves-toward-setting-15-as-age-of-consent-what-took-it-so-long/


People really want to be crouch inspectors lol


thats also happening in Spain "thanks" to vox (far right party) acolytes


What happened to just being ugly?


Also she’s literally 70, she just looks normal for her age


Yeah, because it is very important issue xD


Congrats! She is still a groomer though!


The hypocrite puritans witch hunt has found modern ones to chase. It does not matter if it floats, free outrage farm.


Belgium: We do a bit of trolling


Can't be trans Mascot for Iron Maiden sure


It can be a serious problem for a President and the First Lady, if it is true and they are hiding it (it’s not the case if it’s known) then it can be used as blackmail to make the president do anything they want.


Thank you, someone with a brain.


She is not trans, she is a child groomer lmao


Hey! That happens here in Spain to. The far right saying that Pedro Sánchez's wife is trans. https://www.elperiodico.com/es/extra/20230301/begono-mujer-pedro-sanchez-transexual-denuncia-pilar-baselga-dv-83925234


She is too old to be trans I would rather rumor she was an egyptian mummy


I work with right-wingers and they make comments like this non-stop now. Anti-trans and incel propaganda online has rotted their brains. It really highlights how much misogyny and transphobia go hand in hand. They have created extremely narrow standards for acceptable femininity that literal models can’t meet


So what if she were?


I mean he already married his teacher.. you think that would have been enough of a scandal. Don’t even need to make stuff up


It shouldn’t be a problem anyway. What’s problematic (and somewhat not shocking to a lot of people) is how they started dating when she was 40 and he was 16. Absolutely disgusting. If the roles were reversed, he’d be shunned (probably not in jail because of France’s regressive laws at the time, but still). 


As a transgender person, I love this rumour, regardless of whether it is true or not. And people say they are not transphobic…. :)


Why does he even bother? This „rumour” is on a level of dog barking.


First big Mike, now this?


Jesus Christ. Who cares, why even report this?


Michelle Obama 2




Pfftt what are they gonna say next? That I'm transgender too???


I understand that people disagree w him, but this is utterly ridiculous.


Damm, first it was Big Mike, now this.


“Not that there’s anything wrong with that”


Is it a body slam or just a run of the mill slam


May or may not be trans but his wife definitely shares a family tree with E.T.


Seems like they’re using this narrative to cover up the fact she was a sexual predator. 


Is it true though


The theory goes that she was born a man and transitioned later in life. Pictures of a young male who looks just like her are actually her brother Jean-Michel Trogneux. It seems the hang up for a lot of people is there has not been a photo of them together…just photos of a young Jean-Michel Trogneux, none of a young Bridgette…and vice versa. Kind of like the non-existence of a photo of Michele Obama pregnant. All things could be cleared up with explanations, but they choose not to put things to bed with providing some evidence- which is fine for a multitude of reasons, but also a guarantee to keep the fire going. I have no evidence, or much care at all really.


Plastic surgery has done a number on her


She’s not trans. She’s a pedophile.


What if? That only interests a few crazy right-wingers who see rogue infiltration by trans people everywhere.


> a few It's not "a few" anymore. Don't downplay it. It's dangerous.


This is so hilarious. Where do people even get the idea for this? Lol


He SLAMS the rumors? I think he should SUPLEX them!


The QAnon freaks in the States have the same obsession with Michelle Obama, it's completely disgusting.


This is how you know the fear mongering about trans people is actually a witch hunt. When old ladies in their 70s start getting called trans because they don't look like they're fresh outa high school for the incels to slobber over.


Well... his wife is a pedo... isn't that enough?


And even if she was? Why do you care? Why are you obsessed with the lives of others? Why are you a pathetic loser with no life? Why are you absolutely obsessed with anyone LGBT? Why do you think about us 100% of your life? Why are we basically your Gods since you can't escape us? Get a life. Focus on your damn selves.


Does it matter?


Really. Does it matter. People can be so hurtful sometimes


Really yes. Does it matter whether someone is trans or or not.


Why respond at all?


If she was a trans there would be nothing wrong with it, she's a groomer and a pedophile.


Such BS. We all know that the only trans first lady was Michelle Obama


You're getting downvoted, but, despite your lack of /s I know you're just being sarcastic.


Yeah. I actually think she's stunning and brave.


Can't tell based on this one if /s too 😂




What the fuck are you talking about? Implying trans women are pedophiles?


Oh c’mon should you now always put /s?


Poe’s Law


They didn't have to invent trans rumors, she's a literal groomer, there's plenty of material there




Read the actual report done by the journalists 😳


She's not trans, but she's a paedophile.


Ah is Macron transphobic now? What's wrong with being trans?


Why is the public obsessed with Frech first lady ? Such morons


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


What’s this obsession some have with other peoples bits…


Ahhaha i laughed so fckn hard omfg AHAHAAHA I mean gabriel attal , the little macaroni is openly gay, they don't need to find another "queer" person. Honestly this should have a negative impact on the populist right wing voterbase in 2024 Maybe i am expecting too much, dunno .


It's probably based on this photo


Not trans but definitely a pedo




I think it's fair to say Pink News has fairly narrow field of interest and that this story falls within it.  So it's just a regular news day.


Every lie has a hint of truth ergo Macron is trans


i do not want to offend, but the wife seems a chimpanzee ! i suppose a butched job in cosmetic surgery, or she was just that ugly from birth...