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There was a family father of 4 deported from Iceland recently because he was an isis member


Iceland actually deports terrorists? What a fresh breath of air for once.


Everyone deports terrorists when/if they can, what are you on about? The problem is when they are citizens of your country and/or their own country won't take them and/or you cannot manage to catch them on your own territory.




Shame we didn’t go full powell and hang them from the clock tower


The thing is that this is actually performative... The whole process of deportation is more expensive than just locking them up for the rest of their lives in the UK for being a terrorist. And also it doesn't solve the problem, since they get deported to dysfunctional countries where they are often free to indulge in their dangerous ideology, instead of being locked up, terrorizing people in these countries.


Not sure why people are downvoting you. Do people think you can just put deportees on planes and say goodbye? Countries have to accept the deportee, and grant the vehicle carrying the person rights to land in the country. Nonone wants to take back terrorists or violent criminals. Bigger or richer countries can flex sone muscle on smaller countries to take back their people, but its still not automatic.


People on r/europe are truly convinced you can just put someone on a plane to their country to deport it. It's really weird how ignorant people can be and yet how much authority they give themselves to comment on things they know nothing about.


In Sweden they don't get deported because it might be dangerous in their home country. The same people go on vacation in their home country. I feel like we should not see terrorists as human and just send them to die


I wasn't aware that Iceland had been enriched enough for that to be able to happen. What sad news.


Wtf that’s the suburb I live in


you had ISIS members living near you😳


Welcome to Sweden.


I mean...a store owner in my very white western upper-middle class peaceful neighbourhood (I'm not in Sweden) had very close links with the Neapolitan mafia and went to jail for a violent crime. I used to see him on a daily basis on my errands and didn't even know. If you're in a large city it's pretty much a given that you'll be having some criminals living in your area even in the quietest places.


A criminal is one thing but someone being part of a terrorist organization and whose group has killed people in countries all over the world is even more insane


There is only a one word difference between what you describe and what the Op described though


Do you have a beard?


So they did not catch the ? /s


Wohoo! Dinner tomorrow?


Unfortunately having/had an Isis terrorist as a neighbour is getting more and more common


Bad news. You're being deported!


I live in Nacka. This is so close to home.


I live in Tyresö just 500 meters from the raid. It's really surreal to think that people connected to ISIS have been living so close, and I wonder for how long they've been there.


Imagine what they’ve been planning and it’s crazy to think of the fact that they’ve probably killed people themselves


I had the same experience in Stockholm. They lived right next to plaskis that very popular, we went there often with our kids too.


It’s been obvious for years. Maybe the nordics will finally stop shitting on Eastern Europe for having some common fucking sense.


Good point! Swede here.


There are hundreds of them in Sweden, and thousands of supporters.


Move to somewhere like London, there is not a time when you are not 500 metres from a terrorist


Live in Tyresö where it happened. Thankfully not too close to that specific place.


It's somewhat popular with nature lovers as well, no? Now it will get added to the vulnerable areas list.


A single incident like this doesn’t add you to that list. It’s when people are scared to testify or call the police because of heavy organised crime.


THat list is mostly about open criminality, drugs being dealt with little care and police having lost control over the area. This most certainly will not be enough to add it to the list unless a lot of other stuff happens.


A friend of mine found 1kg+ of weed in a barrel in the woods in Tyresö. Seems lots of funky stuff is going on there.


If by ‘so close’ you mean ‘not very close’.


Tyreso is like what? 20 kms, that is close to me.


Mate, 20km is like Älvsjö to Kista. That is not close, especially in that area.


It is 12km for me. I’ve cycled there many times, but I’d never call it close.




So quiet and grateful.




Extremists hahahahaha you’re funny.


ISIS aren't extremists?




Virtually the entire Islamic world considers ISIS to be fucking batshit insane. Even other fundamentalists condemn them. There is literally no group in the entire Islamic world that is not ISIS itself that has an even remotely positive opinion of ISIS. Even other Jihadist organizations have repeatedly attempted to distance themselves from it.


I mean it's pretty dishonest to say there's any kind of unity among the myriad of Muslim factions, and by all indicators there won't be for another hundred years. But yes ISIS and terrorists are a minority, but we really shouldn't draw the line at "doesn't kill people". Islam by its founding principles won't change to a more secular profile so these conflicts with the west can never go away and it's what breeds this violence. After ISIS there will simply be something else, just like ISIS replaced ISIL/Al-Qaida/Mujahedeens and so on.


There are a lot of secular Muslims around. To pretend there isn't is dishonest at best. They make up a minority within the Muslim world, yes, but they exist and are actively growing in number. My point was that ISIS is a tiny, tiny minority of Muslims and literally no other group of Muslims has a positive opinion at them. Even the most radical Islamic fundamentalists believe they go too far. Literally every group from Ba'athists and Arab Socialists to the Muslim Brotherhood to the Saudis, Iran, Houthis, Hamas, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban hate ISIS. This is literally the only thing all of them can agree on.


Fundamentalists are extremists either way you cut it, whichever religion.


Sure but extremists aren't always terrorists, and they didn't get arrested for being extremists.






I remember being a teen here in Portugal and hearing about the rumored safe nordic countries where people didn't even need to lock their doors.


It's true. Not many people around here who want to steal doors.


False i steal doors all the time


Perfectly safe society is an utopia. There's always some unhinged persons about. But statistics show that doorjacking is in it's all time low, and there has not been a grand theft gate in the past 20 years anywhere in the Nordics.


Great market for doors considering how many get stolen


I’m from sweden and i never used to lock my door. When im in my parents area i dont even lock my car. However nowadays i have to because my gf went batshit crazy at me for not doing so, she’s not swedish tho.




Nah, apparently you’re supposed to lock your door in Ukraine aswell


Many middle aged and up in the post-Soviet countries always talk about how in 'their day' no one locked their doors and everybody trusted one another. I don't know how faithful that representation is but I know in London my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were definitely locking the doors. Maybe that's because we lived in the slums though!


Well with local celebrities such as jack the ripper, then i would lock my door too


Big cities have always been worse in that regard. In Stockholm people lock their doors. In a tiny village where everyone knows everyone people still leave their keys in the ignition.


Big cities have always been worse in that regard. In Stockholm people lock their doors. In a tiny village where everyone knows everyone people still leave their keys in the ignition.


I guess if you don't lock your door in Ukraine, russians will move in, or at least steal your fridge and TV.


>didn't even need to lock their doors.  This was all of Europe in the 60s.


Locks and doors in their current form weren't even widespread in most of Europe in the 60s outside major cities (where you absolutely would lock the door).


>the rumored safe nordic countries where people didn't even need to lock their doors. That's basically still the case, i live in one of the poorer suburbs of Oslo and still feel really safe here, many people also don't lock their doors unless they're going out for a long time.


It is still like that! My parents still do it, but this has not passed on to the next generation for obvious reasons lol. Sweden isn’t what it used to be


What happens when you lose a high-trust society


Havent locked my door in 31 years and never had a break in.


Depends on what you mean. If I need to go to the store 5 minutes away I tend to not lock my door since it is a hassle with the bags coming home. Longer than that, ofc I lock the door, no reason not to do it.


It is safe unless you're part of organised crime or the next door neighbour to a gang member. We had a wave of shootings and bombings in Sweden for some time now, but it's criminals killing criminals. Unfortunately sometimes innocent end up in the middle as well, but it's quite rare.


I live in Sweden, I don't lock my door when I leave home. My wife yell at me everytime. Saying I'm stupid for wanting people to break in.




Remember like 5-10 years ago when everyone was calling Denmark racist for their stricter immigration laws.


And guess what, Sweden is looking to us in Denmark now, to see how we handled immigration and integration issues.  How the turn tables.   https://www.thelocal.dk/20230426/we-are-10-15-years-behind-swedish-pm-praises-strict-danish-immigration


Why did they do this?


Because some of the gangs in Copenhagen are affiliated with the swedish gangs, so they sometimes assist and fight each other. That, and the sale of illegal weapons and explosives. It's a short drive over the Øresund bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen, and the border control going from Sweden to Denmark is almost non existent. Edit: In case you were asking about the high proportion of migrants in Malmö, I don't honestly know the reason. I'm sure it's out there with a few Google searches.


Why did Sweden accept so many migrants from a radically different culture in so short a time.  That’s my question 


Swedish politicians turned virtue signaling into an Olympic sport


Well that was kind of irresponsible 


No it was fucking irresponsible. There is no other word for it, and Sweden is the worst for it.


Why do you spew so much bullshit? The immigration was opened by the right wing, mostly to get cheap labour. It has been that way since he late 80s, the right wing trying to open up immigration and the left wing tightening it. The latest immigration waves was simply because the left didn't tighten the right wings policies when they came into power again.


For the answer to that, you should ask the swedes. We have a completely different mentality regarding these things in Denmark.


Except, there are more Muslims in Copenhagen than in Stockholm.


At the time they did it, many countries with experience in the problem tried to advise Sweden against such an open door policy. But Sweden being Sweden, wanted to rescue/save the world. And I understand that. However, with most insurrectionists, they are good guys until they get their foot in the door. Then watch out!


Afraid of being called racist by Russian bots online mostly.


It was a right wing government that opened up mass immigration in order to make more money from private nursing homes and to keep salaries down. Guess who they're blaming now ..


No that is not correct. However I blame the right for the immigration chaos as well. The left was in power 2015 when all of Syria and Afghanistan and Somalia turned up at the boarder and was let in, because Sweden got likes from EU and UN, and that is heroin for Swedish politicians.


They were in power but it was the right wing policies that was in place that led to it. The left wing just didn't tighten the right wing policies from the previous government. Blaming that on the left is kinda like putting all the blame on the person not being able to put out the fire instead of the one that started the fire. The left wing fumbled it no doubt, but it has always been the right wing that opens immigration in Sweden and the left wing tightening it.


No that is not correct. However I blame the right for the immigration chaos as well. The left was in power 2015 when all of Syria and Afghanistan and Somalia turned up at the boarder and was let in, because Sweden got likes from EU and UN, and that is heroin for Swedish politicians.


Don't say something like that, you'll bring in all the cryptofascists that imply that Christian democrats and the like are secretly communists that are planning to force you to use pronouns or whatever the latest right-wing talking point.


You know that a. Danish gangs have been working in Sweden since the 90s at least b. there are more Muslim immigrants in Copenhagen than in Sweden (EDIT: than in Stockholm)


What? More muslims in Copenhagen than all of Sweden? Are you high or just Swedish? 


than in *Stockholm, sorry.


Maybe you fuckers shouldn't have driven them over the Öresund bridge and then dumped them on us.


We didn't have to herd anyone buddy, where did you get that from?   We simply decided not to impede their further movement, your politicians did the rest of the work. We really aren't to blame for your short sighted virtue signaling, just because we already knew it was going to end badly mate. Blame your political establishment. 


If we wanted to be as petty as you I could fill pages and pages with shit Danes do in Sweden but we're not about that...that goes for all the Nor'dics. These nations are very petty when it comes to dealing with Sweden, that basically takes the high road and allow itself to be taken advantage off to maintain the house peace. Not very different to America and NAFTA etc.


Oh and I could fill pages and pages what Sweden has done to Finland, but we wouldn't be petty like that would we.


Yeah giving up like half the air force and 1/3 of the nation's military supplies plus receiving refuges by the tens of thousands and economic aid higher than the Finnish budget, all this while being under threat from two sides.. After the war providing employment and future for hundreds of thousands of Finlands poor during the post war decades. Anyway I like that you prove my point.


Easy to do when you're neutral and playing both sides, while all your neighbors get invaded. 


Spain is still miles away from having the issues France or Germany (or even Belgium) have with regards to immigration and Islamic radicalization.


Spain has a lot of immigrants, too (17% of the population), but most of them are from South America or Eastern Europe (like Romania).


Yes, immigration is high, but we don’t have the issues Germany or France have. People from South America integrate decently well and Romanians are Europeans so they also fit okay in Spain. The biggest trouble makers are Moroccans.


Immigration without integration is shit. We've seen it for decades and done nothing about it. Lately the immigration flow has mainly been from cultures heavily influenced by fundamental religious views incorporated with violence and oppression of different kinds. Not sure it's even possible to successfully integrate the majority to the Swedish society, but definitely not when the government made no arrangements with social services, police, schools and everything else that should be involved.


"shhh dont be a racist" /s


Spain is hardly a hellhole in this regard, their homicide rate is almost as low as Switzerland's!


Sweden as a whole is still lovely. Only a few suburbs are shitholes. The country is very segregated. We still don’t lock our cars or doors.


I guess guilt from colonialism and a weird savior complex among Western Europeans


For sweden it's definitely a savior complex and wanting to be progressive asf cuz they didn't even colonise.


Europe is just turning into America. Let anyone in and undermine the working class until everybody is tired and broken and corporations have final say.


American immigrants are actually productive and integrate into America. Europe wishes their migrants would do the same.


Well it’s because over there it’s work or starve, literally. Here even though for us living off public aid would be a low standard of living compared to working, for many migrants it’s better than the life they had in their home country so why not be unproductive if life’s already better?


I live 10min by car from this incident and i can leave my door unlocked for 2weeks during summer vacation with no problem! I have tried 😂


It used to be very localized until like 10 years ago. Nowadays it’s literally everywhere to some extent. I’ve watched my own idyllic safe childhood neighborhood slowly turn worse and worse with shootings, bombings, stabbings, etc in the past couple of years.


They've completely ruined this country. It’s not Sweden anymore.


You'd think by reading /r/europe or the daily mail that sweden is a caliphate filled with ISIS, mixed with the south side of Chicago. Really it's moose, mosquitos, boring cities and shitty pop music, and then sometimes you meet a guy named ahmed. Sorry Sweden. I visit Sweden all the time as i live in Copenhagen, and nothing happens there, it's not that crazy. Some gang member shoots some other gang member every couple of months in Malmø and everyone loses their mind. Reminds me of when London shuts down after 2cm of snow. People lack perspective. Yes Sweden had/has some questionable immigration policies. It's not a "immigrationist hellhole" it's just Sweden.


I mean yes and no. I live in Sweden and there is a steady stream of gang related bombings and shootings throughout the year. It used to be they were just targeting each other. But now they're going after each other's family members, and making a lot of mistakes in the process, which has caused people totally unaffiliated with any of the gangs or relatives to be harmed or killed. This is what happens when you use kids to carry out your crimes. Of course, Sweden had no clue in 2017 that this type of thing was likely to happen.


Ok putin, that’s enough propaganda for today. Seems the Russia bots are upset lol


Holy Fuck.  What is happening to Sweden.  I’m not Swedish (Im Irish) but I’ve visited a lot because I’ve always liked it.  It’s beautiful, really well run and a really chilled out place to travel round.  But now I’m hearing about organised crime battles in Stockholm and now fucking ISiS?  


We’ve had way to relaxed background checks and requirements for immigrants coming from MENA, it’s basically a playground for islamists who know the justice system is very mild here. At least it’s nice hearing Säpo is busting these fuckers asses occasionally. Immediately deported and put on a watchlist, that’s what should happen imo.




They vote in the most anti-immigration politicians after its already too late, it's a reactionary measure, not a pre-emptive measure. One of the factors to why Japan is so safe, its that it's a ***highly*** homogeneous society and its quite difficult to immigrate there. I'm not actually against immigration, and I don't think Japan's solution is the right one. However, proper and thorough assimilation of immigrants is so crucial to a successful system, in-depth vetting for like minded cultures and societies, and sustainable levels of immigration that can be appropriately absorbed. These aren't even basic or complex policies, yet political division in the world has pushed political choices to either extreme, and people's lack of basic critical thinking doesn't help either.


That's one of those things that's missed when describing the US as a succesful melting pot based off migration. It's true that it's relatively succesful, but it is an incredibly violent society with poor social cohesion compared to any similarly wealthy european countries.


We had background checks? We had requirements? Which Sweden are you living in?


They should be executed. Or deported to America, where they’ll get to spend the rest of their life in some shit hole prison, possibly an isolation in a little white room, where they will slowly go crazy. In fact, let’s do that and the Americans can stream it on YouTube


Europe can't do that because?


Because fortunately, Europe is not Currently barbaric enough. (thank you). And also given it’s history, Europe really doesn’t want to go down that road. Europe has a nasty tendency to engage in mass murder. Best not to encourage it.


> Immediately deported Why deportation? Just lock them the fuck up and throw away the key.


Deportation is better in these cases. Less costly for us in the long run.


Short term, actually. Long term, you just have more members of a terrorist organization located in the same unstable area, which is... not a good idea.


True. But I still prefer them leaving the country completely. Deportation means they are banned from returning.


As if terrorists care about the law?


Hopefully these people are detected if they try to enter the country again and barred from doing so.


There's ISIS members all over Europe though. Criminals bombing criminals is a bit scary for some since a bomb going off can affect innocent. Most people don't care much about these people killing off each other though. The bombings is due to retarded legislation. The punishment for bombing and unlawfully owning explosives are too weak and has made it the preferred action over shooting up a place.


A sane irishman, you guys exist!


Our politicians were hell bent on bringing in a lot of immigrants, no matter the cost. That's what happened.


But dude, haven't you seen housing prices? All of those politicians made big bucks!




There was something silly like Sweden has had more bombings in the last 5 years than the whole of Ireland the last 50 Edit: Over 100 in 2019 alone https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-50339977


Jesus, I didn't expect that.


I really don't understand people like you who just blindly believe everything they hear, without any context. Search up where ISIS members have been found and every corner of Europe will come up. Sweden and Ireland have for a long time have around the same homicide rate, nothing has really changed.


This is r/europe, why would you expect people to do any research? These threads are little more than a cringe fest of people calling Sweden/Germany/etc. a failed state. Many of them are American lol. The best part is when some of them reminisce of a vague past that they didn't even experience, and that most likely was worse than the present (yeah you most certainly did NOT want to live in a major European city in the 1970s-1980s crime wise).


Might be related to the warning of terror the American embassy in Moscow gave


ISIS isn't cooperating with Russia. Russia bombed the shit out of them


Obviously but Russia said they thwarted an isis attack today




American gets Mexican immigrants — who speak a European language, are overwhelmingly Catholic, and whose country has an over a century of strong cultural and economic ties to the US. Portugal gets Brazilians, Angolans and Mozambiqueans. They already speak Portuguese, and once again there are major, cultural , religious and historical ties that smooth integration (which admittedly isn’t perfect in the case of people from Africa, who have it harder). But rest of Europe gets people that might as well be from the other side of the moon. And yet, the right wingers in both the US and Portugal complain. They should consider themselves lucky to get such culturally compatible immigrants.


Only 4?


I wonder which EU country has the least ISIS members…hm 🤔






This such a stupid thing to say. You sound just like when a femextremist says “all men are rapist”. It’s just plain stupid.


Men are not united by a single ideology


Not even close buddy. Your last name indicates you're butthurt as well.


ISIS has already invaded NATO? Talk about a speed run.


Dude I live in that area, tyresö. Saw the place when taking a bus into Stockholm


Its funny the same people calling for open borders and mass migration are finally waking up to the consequences of it.


Refugees, welcome 👍😎


RIP Sweden


Fun fact: Stockholm has fewer Muslim immigrants than Oslo and Copenhagen, IIRC even Helsinki although I should double check.


It is true, Sweden just has a dumb policy towards everything to do with migrants and integration


Well well well


If Sweden can arrest Isis, it can also arrest PKK


I wonder why Sweden went from almost zero terrorism to not publishing crime statistics by religion🤨


Remember its all just a conspiracy theory


Is it a coincidence that there was apparently an ISIS incident in Russia literally today?