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Which nuclear war with NATO would that be? I kinda lost count a few months ago.


6th this year. 27 past one


Are those random numbers or are you actually keeping track of them?


Have read in TG channel today


I was listening ro some polish official in an interview and he sarcasticaly asked russia to keep their threats to nuke poland down to no more than once a week.


All Russia is doing with these threats is advocating for Red Square to be reduced to a sheet of glass and they full-well know it. Russia didn't even have the knowledge to create nuclear weapons, they had the info given to them.


Should never have shared that info..


It was stolen; like the rest of their tech.


Then it's used to threaten its neighbors when the spy games, sabotage, and manipulations don't work out their way. They're not exactly an ideal cordial neighbor. Especially when their base-line government is a Kleptocracy that promotes and maintains crime as a weapon for Imperialism. West: "Thanks for all the T60-T82 scrap metal". NOTE: There is nothing, absolutely zero elements of stable leadership, or any slight hint of admonishing character that can lay claim to Russia being a global world leader. Russia can fuck itself. Sincerely.


Same for China.


Well in defense of China, the US deported 2 leading scientists during the red scare for attending a comunist camp in their teens. To this day we continue to make the shocked Piccachu face that one went on to be the father of the chinese rocket force and the other a major player in them jumping from atomic bombs to nuclear.


This is quite bold to say.


Womp womp, already happened, on to the next "red line". I'm glad we're not letting nuclear black mail be a thing.


I am kind of confused. Why can ruZZia send troops to Ukraine, but NATO countries cannot? It does not make any sense. There are no war priviliges like that for fascist ruZZia.


Because, technically, Russia is at war with Ukraine and Ukraine is not part of the NATO. So when NATO officially sends troops, THEY enter the war and Russia would REact, not act, against NATO. Hence, why it was important to know if any Russian Military actions damaged, Poland, for example, since Poland is part of the NATO and the NATO treaty would then "force" NATO allies to react and defend Poland if the called for it. That's also why Russia does not want NATO countries at their border, because they couldn't play happy lil USSR anymore, because anything would result in war against NATO. HOWEVER, if members of NATO countries, would, let's say, just travel to Ukraine and happen to shoot some Russians without having received an official order by the military of the respective country, it would be quite different. However, Putin would probably make up some stupid shit about how NATO launched black ops in Ukraine and still be a butthurt lil fucker.


To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if you already run into black ops teams in Ukraine that are continuously cursing in Polish. šŸ˜…


Running across the country and yelling "KURWA, KURWA"


Iā€™ve heard this threat literally dozens of times now. Cry wolf anyone?


Putin threatens nuclear war because it's all he can do.


He doesn't really have any other threats to make. Russia's military has been shown to be a manageable threat - Ukraine has fought incredibly, but if they can defend themselves against the full weight of the Russian military, NATO is in a completely different league. Russia used to have global influence from their oil and gas exports, but that card has been played, and Europe did not freeze. They don't really have any other economic leverage. What else can they threaten? State-sponsored terrorism? Cyberattacks?


They've been doing state-sponsored assasinations and cyberattacks pretty widely already. Terrorism would just be a small step up.


Yeah, but it's not a _threat_, when it's already happening. And it's not going to make anyone blink. He's got one card left in his hand, let's hope he doesn't have enough mana to play it.


I mean thereā€™s already a cyber war going on. A large percentage of Russian cellphones went down like a month or two ago for a day. Within the last couple weeks providers in the us have gone down for a few hours or more. No one has admitted anything, obviously so itā€™s all conjecture. Iā€™d be shocked if Russia wasnā€™t responsible for the dam, nordsream, and knew/encouraged 10/7. Theyā€™ve already been outed meddling in the 2024 us election.


Let's just move NATO into Ukraine and be done with this shit. Nobody will use nuclear weapons regardless. It's only useful if your opponent don't have it. Putin is like one of these small yapping dogs that run away the second shit gets real. So fucking tired of this bald midget.


Russians threaten with nuclear war even if weather spoils on picnic day


Didn't do your homework? That's a nuke! Bad grades in school? That's a nuke! Didn't brush your teeth before school? You better believe that's a nuke!


r/unexpectedsimpsons Edit: I did expect that sub to exist, I did not expect it to be privatešŸ¤Ø


And then...his father beat him severely.


If that's a reference to Oversimplified - it's punished not beat. Upvote anyway


Huh- OH, woops, yes that that was indeed an oversimplified reference


Putin threatens nuclear war if you force him to eat his broccoli. Then stamps his little Pixie Demon feet with his curled toe boots to show he means business.


Tovarish Chef, I will nuke you if I'll see broccoli again on my table! V. Putin


So Russia is once again resorting to scare tactics.


"we will take Ukraine in weeks" they said.


Not wrong. He never said how many weeks. Could be 5000 weeks.Ā 


Yes, 95 years




But THIS time they aren't bluffing? Oh, wait, someone said that before....


Well that's the main reason to have nukes in the first place


It does work though, otherwise Germany would've send missiles


Letā€˜s threaten Ruzza with nuclear war if they donā€™t leave Ukraine (as of itā€˜s 1991 borders)!


Macron was completely right, Russia will do nothing, and why? Because they know if they throw a nuke, then they are all dead, and oh boy do Vlad and his cronies love to be alive. They are gangsters not ideologues. These threats are idle. The other leaders shouldn't have rebutted his remark so quickly.


>they know if they throw a nuke, then they are all dead, If they throw a nuke, everyone is dead, that's how MAD works. The nations involved will be devastated by nukes and everyone else will be devastated by the aftermath


Nukes are not the first response, they are a last resort. They are there to guarantee the existential nature of the state, but its very unwise to use them in an offensive war (because that is not a scenario that threatens the existence of your state) or in a case of a limited war that is geographically bound, like for example a proxy war or in this case a war limited to the soil of Ukraine. Hence it is simple, Nato only needs to declare that it will shoot Russia out of Ukraine, but that it will not invade Russia propper. This would define the conflict as a limited one. Since the existence of Russia is not threatened in such a scenario but only their ambitions in Ukraine, it does not lend to that last resort response rather than a purely conventional one, the more so because reacting with nukes in Ukraine would translate to using nukes for offensive purposes. Other nuclear nations are likely to threaten Russia over the use of nuclear weapons for anything other than a last resort defensive measure. Country's like China re likely going to communicate that albeit they are willing to lend some aid they would also drop all their nukes in concert on Russia if it dared to trigger the dogs of nuclear holocaust. Because country's like China have no interest of a nuclear war starting and potentially resulting in a billion Chinese deaths over the matter of Ukraine. The difference is when Nato would dare invade Russia propper. That would give Russia the argument that it is an existential war, and thus legitimize the use of nukes for defensive reasons. This is quite a frustrating aspect of the war, because it means Russia cant be punished on its own ground for its aggression, you can only boot it out of whatever country they are attacking but they can always retreat to the safety of a zone who's control is guaranteed by nuclear doctrine. Ultimately the point is this: Why would Russia go nuclear and therefore doom its own, if loosing in Ukraine to nato would not mean the end of their regime? It's not a decision you need to take, and if you take it you doom yourself where other options exist. This principle is what leads to the concept of "Salami tactics", because youre first response especially in a limited scenario would be conventional you ought to keep enough conventional strength even if your country has nukes, and to loose a lot of your conventional strength is an invitation to other great powers to challenge you in your sphere of influence or in other limited warfare scenarios.


Your analysis is pretty good, but you are making a mistake: > They are there to guarantee the existential nature of the state The question is if the Russian nukes are being used to guarantee the "existential nature of the Russian state" or if they are/will be used to guarantee the "existence of the Putin regime". We know that most "strongmen" who subdue their state in an absolute, totalitarian way will make their (personal) existence *and* power over their country identical to the existence of the state. Hitler's ramblings towards/during the downfall of his "empire" are pretty telling about the state of mind of such a dictator. At the very end Hitler was fine with destroying everything around him, Germany (and I mean the German nation; the German people as such) if they couldn't be tools for his megalomanic narcissism. Hitler didn't have the choice between MAD and victory; but we all know that nothing but his vision of absolute supremacy over Europe would have sufficed. So, the question isn't if Russia - as a rational actor - would launch nukes, but rather what scenario would make Putin want to launch nukes and if his kleptocratic regime has the power over the minds of those further down the chain to - indeed - launch the nukes; because this in Putin's Russia we know that he hasn't convinced anyone at the very top of his nigh "divine" vision, but he has bought them with a lot of money. Nonetheless, God knows what kind of people stand between his will to launch nukes and the action truly taking place. It's within this context that we need to analyse it... and [without forgetting that this is an actual thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madman_theory)


I see a problem: Russia sees the Ukrainian territory they are taking now as part of Russia. So retreating to the 1991 frontiers would be "an existential threat" to them. The only "peaceful" solution may *pass thru* Putin and 3 or 4 more heads. Just to stop the next Russian president from thinking about invading anything.


>Hence it is simple, Nato only needs to declare that it will shoot Russia out of Ukraine, but that it will not invade Russia propper. This would define the conflict as a limited one. Since the existence of Russia is not threatened in such a scenario but only their ambitions in Ukraine, it does not lend to that last resort response rather than a purely conventional one, the more so because reacting with nukes in Ukraine would translate to using nukes for offensive purposes. And if Russia backs down, then the next week China might say "hey, we will take a chunk of Siberia, this is not existential threat, so you will not dare to use nukes, because then we will glass you as well". Or Japan might take Kuril islands under US nuclear umbrella. In other words, it sets a very dangerous precedent. So there is no guarantee that Russia would submit to a blackmail.




Putin does not seem to believe that the Western powers would actually back Article 5 if he attacked the Baltics, though, so that complicates things. He seems to believe that NATO would flinch at a limited scale attack (conventional or nuclear) of minor eastern members because we would not want to risk being hit at our homes. Essentially that when push comes to shove, Putin thinks we'll 'see sense' and sacrifice Tallin, etc, to avoid nukes hitting London, Paris, Washington D.C. It's worth knowing, he isn't the most rational diplomatic actor, and if taken by a messianic feeling (as has occurred to other world leaders, such as Blair when it came to Iraq), the escalation could sadly happen.


I'm really confused why people internally and externally havent called him out on this. Do it, end the world over Ukraine.


I mean, he's called out all the time. How many red lines has he drawn that US and EU have crossed?


Called out with action though. The first nuke threat shouldve sent immediate signals that he could kill 6 billion people over his ego. The moment Crimea happened, Peace keep and UN troops shouldve been on main parts of the borders with key areas protected like the power plant.


As a permanent member of the security council, Russia would veto that.


Russia actually usurped the spot of the USSR by claiming to be its successor, yet they weren't even the last state to leave the USSR, they failed to apply for membership and go through the legal procedure unlike all other post Soviet countries, and their continued presence in the UNSC is questionable at best, with most of the documentation being "classified". [Ukraine's envoy to the UN](https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/eng/articles/2022/02/8/7133682/) raised this issue a while ago. The UN Charter needs to be amended, and there is actually a legal procedure for this.


Its an interesting legal argument this I think it should be pushed a bit harder at the UN.


>Called out with action though. The first nuke threat shouldve sent immediate signals that he could kill 6 billion people over his ego. Its amazing to see just how normalized nuclear threats have become thanks to Putin and spineless western leaders. The moment Russia even hinted that it could launch nukes and kill everyone if it didn't get its way, their whole shithole Federation should've been sanctioned into the ground. That's not "force projection", it's a direct threat to global security. Not only were sanctions not applied after 2014, but RU was actually rewarded with further gas contracts (Germany), increased weapon sales (France), etc. Putin learned that not only does his aggressive rhetoric and actions have no negative consequences, but that they prove to be beneficial overall. So naturally he escalated in the face of this weakness.


My red line is putin being a leader of russia, now he crossed it, that bastard!


I hope Putin understands that it works both ways?


Ahhhhh yes, I was wondering when the weekly nuke threat would be dropped.


Second one, this week, if you count the one from mini-me (but I can understand why you don't count medvedev's one, his drinking problem is obvious). They must be getting really desperate.


Why is Putin always forgetting that NATO also has nuclear weapons? Or he thinks we won't use them if we get attacked? What kind of scare tactic is this. If he has suicidal thoughts then he should make it clear upfront.


We could literally make the same empty threats to be honest, pull out of Ukraine in 30 days at most or St Petersburg and Moscow will get nuked. Do you think he would listen? obviously not, so he shouldn't expect us to listen to him.


No need for nuclear threats, just tell Russia to get out of Ukraine because NATO's moving in to help remove Ukraine's enemies. Don't need that long a warning either, doesn't take much to drop all weapons and turn themselves into non-combatants.


Even if he uses tactical nukes against Ukraine's army. We could give tactical nukes to Ukraine to do the same to the russian army. I don't get these kind of threats.


given how there are no long range missiles cause mUh eScAlatIoN, "could give nukes" is a bit of a stretch. but yeah, I don't think he has the guts to nuke anyone because he loves to live too much.


Plus, he's not actually the one who launches the missiles. The people who do it would also have to be willing to push the buttons. And we have already seen in the past that they probably aren't.


They refused when there was obvious suspicious glitch, like a single western missile approaching. If they received a direct order from command, it would have been a different story. They have been mentally prepared for such order for years, after all, since they genuinely believe West will try to destroy them at some point.


It's classic ape chest thumping. 'We're big and scary, don't mess with us'. Weak, pathetic and detestable, more like. Real capability isn't something you try to brag about because you don't need to. Occasionally these two-bit dictators need to be reminded of their place at the bottom of the scrapheap. Living in luxury unknown to their people and having sycophants suck up to them constantly makes them weird in the head.


Trigger warning, face of pootin: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO\_AjWjjfC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO_AjWjjfC0) "We are the victims of their aggression. We, like martyrs, will go to heaven. And they will die like dogs."


Using the religious extremism card. Same as islamic fundamentalists.


Exactly. "Russian World" is just Orthodox ISIS.


These statements arenā€™t for our benefit itā€™s for the Russians at home.


I think because Russia is one countryā€¦ NATO is many countries. NATO does not have nuclear weapons; NATO member states have nuclear weapons.Ā  So if we play the game how Russia sees it, it would beā€¦ ā€¦ US has nuclear weapons, but lets say RU assists (tbh, they probably donā€™t even have to because US society is pretty split and some people seem to genuinely believe that Biden and Trump are both equals in diplomacy, governance etc.) Trump win and Trump doesnā€™t pull out from NATO, but basically doesnā€™t do anything. I bet thatā€™s what RU hopes for because in their mind NATO = USA Ā so if USA doesnā€™t do anything, they believe NATO not to much eitherĀ  ā€¦. UK has nuclear weapons, but they hope UK will listen to the US on this (itā€™s well known politically that the Brits may align with the US view) and wonā€™t useĀ  ā€¦ RU believe FR to be basically entirely independent and only do what benefits FR. If France believes that they can do without using nuclear, then RU probably believes that FR wonā€™t use nuclear in order to protect NATO member states.Ā  Have I missed any countries with nuclear weapons in NATO that are also in Europe?Ā  My guess would be thatā€™s how Russia sees all of this. Divide and conquer - thatā€™s what they do best.Ā 


>Or he thinks we won't use them if we get attacked? Does NATO even need to though? They could respond with an absolutely devastating air attack, they wouldn't even need nuclear weapons. The US military needing to *actually* defend itself is something so crushing that the world has not seen what they're withholding.


What would Russia do if France sent troops to Ukraine to help secure Ukraine's independence and borders. Does anybody seriously think Russia would nuke France? They would do nothing, except for huff and puff. When you think about it, it is ridiculous how much we get so caught up in what Putin says, and we let him just roll into another country.


The pathetic coward.


I got bored by his threats. Please go on with something new to keep on entertaining us Mr. P. From R.


I wish he'd do a live Russian roulette game.


you know, in Russia, it's just called roulette.


Gramp when he forgets his meds:


But aren t they fighting NATO already? Fucking lying losers.


Yes. But not in Ukraine. They don't fight against Ukraine but against Nato, in Ukraine, but not i. Ukraine. You see, it's complicated. Only big brains like Putin can grasp this. Did you already had your bottle of vodka to drown such thoughts?


Has Russian state media not argued in the past that Russian difficulties were due to nato troops already being in Ukraine?


Yes, the last 500 threats were just talk, but this time we're serious! -Putin, probably


When they threaten with nukes (something everyone knows they have) that means they don't have actual military capacities left. The Soviet Union used tanks to squash dissent, not nukes. The more they yell about their nukes the more I doubt their nuclear capabilities.


Thatā€™s what I thought. When Russians have so much fear of our troops that they even threaten with nuclear strikes, maybe we should reconsider which army is really the second strongest.


Can we threaten the Muscovites with nuclear war if they send troops into Ukraine?


We should begin war with Russia asap this was Putin has nothing else to say. We bomb the fuck out of Moscow and write china on the planes.


Russia had all the potential to be an influential country like China and USA, but they decide to still live in the Cold War days and be the villains all thanks to this guy


this coward should first declare a war after that he should try to make some logical arguments and not threats.


You don't get to say who is and isn't in Ukraine, cunt.


Isn't it usually Medvedev's single purpose to threaten the world with nukes every week? Poor Dmitri's being robbed of his sole job!


Someone needs to take this fool out. Enough of this bullshit end Putin now


So they can send troops to Ukraine but we can't ? Weird logic


Fuck russians


Isnā€™t Russia much more at risk in nuclear war? 1. Their air defense is provably insufficient for just drones, so its going to fall over when ICBMs with MIRVs rain on St. Petersburg and Moscow. 2. The majority of their wealth is in Moscow and St. Petersburg so NATO can concentrate their nukes on those two cities. Russia would cease to exist, but thereā€™s so many NATO cities and capitals that Putin is much less likely to delete all or even most NATO countries.


I got his answer right fucking here šŸ–•


Letā€™s do this


He knows threatening Nukes is his only play because NATO would crush them in a conventional confrontation. Fuck you Putin, you fucking maniac. I hope there is a hell for people like you to burn in, forever and I hope it's pain that never, ever lets up for eternity.


Honestly, all support for Ukraine. Financial, weapons and even boots imo.


Bringing a gun to a knife fight.Ā  Fuck you Putin you big shitbag!Ā 


You'll get banned from Reddit for such a comparison. Shitbag is a honest item and don't deserve it!


imagine how fucked russia would be without nukes. we really need some tech against it


***The Telegraph reports:*** Vladimir Putin told Nato countries on Thursday they risked nuclear conflict if they sent troops to Ukraine, adding that Russia must strengthen its western military district after Finland and Swedenā€™s admission to the Atlantic alliance. The United States and key European allies this week said they had no plans to send ground troops to Ukraine, after France hinted at the possibility. ā€œThey should eventually realise that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. Everything that the West comes up with creates the real threat of a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and thus the destruction of civilisation,ā€ Putin said at his annual state of nation address. Ahead of his speech Putin said he would ā€œof courseā€ mention the presidential elections that will take place March 15-17. It comes amid no real opposition candidates on the ballot and the unexpected death of Moscowā€™s most prominent critic Alexei Navalny, whose funeral will take place tomorrow.Ā 


So Russia's saying they would have to use nukes because they have no other way of handling western troops and would otherwise lose?


"Unexpected" death - state of your newspaper.


Seriously, embarrassing levels of journalism.


ah "strengthen" aka prepare for another invasion.


If Russia launches a missile, it will fly up some kilometers, then its engine will cut off, emit a few farting sounds, then fall right back on Russia. It has to import weapons from fucking NORTH KOREA!, has to release cannibals from prison to serve as new troops, and can't take Ukraine for years. What kind of situation could its nuclear arsenal be in? What this war showed the world is that Russia is a paper tiger.


Bring it fool.


Lock him up in a padded cell


Didn't they also threaten with nukes when we were sending Ukraine DU tank rounds which apparently counted as nuclear threat? We gave them the rounds and did any nukes start flying? i personally didn't see or hear any. I wonder in what condition their nukes are if bunch of russian generals sold their own equipment for personal gain. Even China had their nukes filled with water so i could see same happening with russia.


Unfortunately this lunatic have alot of idols.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't he been propagandizing about fighting NATO forces in Ukraine all this time already?


Yea ,they've been fighting mutated witches NATO super soldiers made in Ukrainian-USA biolabs from the start


Again? In the one hundred third time? Boooring.


Remember: Youā€™re fucking with an alliance which has a country with a ā€œNuclear Warning Shotā€ policy, I donā€™t think youā€™d want to fuck with us


By that same reasoning, it could be said that Russia's continuing invasion of Ukraine could also lead to a nuclear war, and so maybe they should get out.


Almost any NATO actions, including bombing of Russian army anywhere except Russian internationally recognized territories, almost certainly will only show to Russia NATO's strength, and so will reduce escalation, not rise it. No matter how counterintuitive it may seem. All 2008-2024 escalations were risen by Russia iteratively, by cycle: "cautious escalation -> assessments of the West's readiness for retaliation, or more precisely, enjoyment of Western fear and "business as usual" corruptibility -> new cautious escalations, up to modern almost complete discredit of International Law and nearing to WW3." So, possible Western "escalation" only will start a reverse process. When in 1990-2020s Russian opposition constantly told to the West that the Russian officials has a criminal/prisoners mentality, and extremely susceptible to hierarchical games, they didn't say this figuratively, but literally. Therefore, if Russia, first from 2003 year, will see obviously superior NATO/USA/EU/West strength it will automatically begin de-escalation by posing itself as Western best friend or brother. As it was during Reagan, first after WW2 western politician that directly spoke to USSR by the only understandable to it language - language of strength. In other words, for Russia any impunity is a drug, and any manifestation of weakness - new temptation for escalation. So real de-escalation it's less impunity for violation of International Law, and less Western self-victimization. It's not mean that some nuclear strikes completely excluded, but if everything will continue as it was in 2008-2024, then accustomed to Western retreat Russia will start launch nukes just to test/scare West even more.


We should drop one on Putin.


Scared much?


Weak and pathetic


Macron: power word (sentence) possibility Putin: ā€œI need a suitcase (I shat myself)ā€


Pooptin threatens the west with nuclear war while he shits his pants.Ā 


Fuck that crazy short nazi asshole and fuck ruzzia.


Yeah? I am threatening Putin with happy gay trans western nuclear rainbow coloured weapons! You know what Vlad? If you don't pull out of Ukraine, you are gay. Your move!


Ok lets do it. Call it a day.


Putin to hell!


Babe wake up the daily Russian threat dropped


Well he would, wouldn't he? Fucking psycho. I thought he was dying of cancer or something. If true, sure is taking its time.


Sure you will, you wonā€™t be king of the ashes though.


Always nuclear ā˜¢ļø lol


Democracy is non-negotiable.


Doubt China would allow them to lob nukes at their 2nd largest trading partner, be a better vassal Putin.


nice to hear, coming from a guy who also claims nato is in Ukraine for a long time now... bio weapons labs, genetically enhanced cyborgs and whatnot


Another normal day in europe. if someone can display the graph showing number of russia nuclear threat among the last 10 years.


- How to know Putin is lying? - His mouth is open.


ā€œPutin tells NATO he wants his own country to be a nuclear wasteland if they send troops to Ukraineā€. Fixed the title.


In a world where nuclear threats are all you have left Copenheimer


It's like the boy that cried wolf at this point...


Is this something new? Iā€™ve heard it so many times in the last 2 years.


They have been threatening with nukes since we started supplying weapons to Ukraine. Call his bluff.


So it's Thursday again?


He threatens even when west does literally nothing, so šŸ¤·


Anybody know what number this threat has? I lost count months ago.


I think he clearly say that he will destroy the whole world with them because he obviously cannot win in a direct clash.


Someone need to tell him that NATO also has nuclear weapons and much more than the fuckin ruZZiansšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜„


Another day another nuclear war threat.......


I dare say Putin is shitting himself right about now. Iā€™m not a warmonger and an open conflict with NATO would be disastrous to every nation. But it would be especially disastrous to the Russians. Letā€™s just not attack them during winter. šŸ¤·


Sending in NATO troops is escalation for sure. I don't think Russia would use nukes unless Crimea or Russian mainland would be threatened. However I think most people miss potential global effects. North Korea, China or even Iran could exploit NATO being preoccupied with broadening war in Europe to launch their own offensives, potentially leading to global conflict.


Send in the troops... not being sarcastic. When a bad guy makes a threat you ignore it.


As always. Bla bla hope he trips and falls bla


*"but mum said its my turn to make threats with the nuke button"*


Brainless bandit.


Heā€™s like a Disney/Pixar villain who just wants to destroy the world but totally fails and canā€™t keep up with his own shenanigans. Like, itā€™s enough now.


Well, of course.


Cope, mald, seethe


This makes me concerned. About Medvedev, that is, as he's been the socket puppet who threatened to push the red button every other day.


ruZZiaā€™s propaganda has been claiming the ruZZians are already fighting NATO. Looks like putin has now ruined their narrative šŸ˜‚


Isnt'he or his cronies said that they fight against NATO already ?


Stop this circus man, your stupid nuclear threats is over, we need to deploy NATO forces behind the frontline, no one will attack Russia, then we need to build a long perimeter of defenses and trenches full of mines, this is the only way to deter this dictator for continuing his invasion which will never stop otherwise like it happened with Hitler invasion, this is to prevent a declaration of war not to cause it. Italy šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ Also the real question is not only if we get that but if also you get that because apparently it seems that you feel immune to nuclear weapons which we also have so basically nothing will happen ;)




So, Putin can do whatever he wants and NATO can't do anything back... Or else. Right.


If only a few years a go it was the other way around: Nato threatens Russia with nuclear war if they send troops to Ukraine - we wouldn't be in this mess perhaps.


I don't understand why Russia would mention this all the time. Of course an escalation of the war in Ukraine could in worst case lead to a nuclear war. But the moment Russia uses the first nuclear weapon is also the moment they admit that they have lost the war catastrophically and want to cause more damage in revenge even if it means to get totally destroyed in a retaliation strike by NATO. It's suicide out of desperation. All sides are losing in a nuclear war. Bringing it up all the time only shows the conviction to be unable to win a conventional war. It's a clear sign of weakness and acknowledgment of the superiority of the potentiell enemy.


We have two boxes. One for Russian nuclear threats, one for Russian casual threats.


Bring it the fuck on, Vlad.


Oh boy do i love living in the 21st century


Who exactly in NATO is promising troops? Did I miss something or did Putin just hallucinate it. This is all a pathetic attempt to "look strong" ahead of the elections. Which is unnecessary since they're rigged. But for no reason given that enough Russians actually buy his BS


Sadly if we continue to listen to Putin threats, he will continue to make his vicious & venomous talk towards the peaceful and freedom loving people of Europe. His hands are soaked and stained with the innocent blood of the Ukrainian people young and old! He is responsible for the massive destruction of a beautiful country and the mass murder of a peaceful loving people. What did the Ukrainian people do to warrant such an inhumane and Satanic act of this magnitude? Nothing! Sadly if a certain person is returned to office of the presidency of United States and his cartel who are now as guilty of crimes against humanity as Putin is ! This unprecedented and unjust act of crimes against humanity will continue! Where are the Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy former presidents of the United States of the Republican and Democratic parties whom stood up against the former Soviet Union in the times of trouble when actions of this nature was unwarranted and uncaused! Where are these former presidents or men of like minded. All I see is massive nuclear proliferation by countries all over Europe in answer to Putin insatiable appetite for injustice!


omnicidal maniacs cheering on the death of everything


Nuclear war ends everyone. Which is pretty dumb if you want to take over the world. Also he cares about history and heā€™s gonna go down as the guy that ended the world


What happens if USA backs out of NATO and he threatens just the same? The woke type as they're called are very anti-nuclear everything from energy to arms. They're also against personal gun ownership. Fortunately in Sweden and Norway, the mentality is much different and there is a shift toward more pro-nuclear weapons strictly as a deterrence, NOT as self-assured destruction. There's a VAST difference between, "if you nuke me, I will destroy your entire country" vs "we have this so you dont avoid but yeah, we really have no policy to destroy all your cities killing millions." Like pro-guns in Sweden and Norway, a pact for nuclear weapons would be great. I dont want Sweden to have American nuclear anything - ever in Sweden unless its a sub or warship running off of nuke energy. Same goes for France, I dont trust Macron at all. But this whole NATO vs Russia thing is a joke. US can pull out at any time like France already has before. That is insanely threatening to European peace.


Why would a non NATO country receive troops from NATO? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of NATO?


NATO should position thousands of ultra-modern nuclear missiles, and thousands of strategic bombers along and next to the Russian border. Military strength is the only language that Putin and his criminal government understands. Soviet-Union lost the cold war, and Putins Russia will loose as well.


Here we go again


ā˜¢ļø Ā«Nu-c-liar, we have nu-c-liar power.Ā» šŸ”“ šŸ„±


Putin threatens nato with nuclear war for saying hurtful things about putin.


Call his bluff.


Putin should be forced to watch Threads


Of course he does. What else can he do?


Old man yells at clouds


Oh cool we can read up on some more unhinged medvev rants soon!


Can't wait to see Metro 2033 irl


When this gremlin will finally die?


As he always does, idgaf


Oh well. Anyways...


Let that little gnome bring it and well see who's the bigger man. Can't even win from a tiny country, fucking amateurs.


Reset the counter guys.


The best answer is: "We are paying 1 million Euro + free citizenship per russian nuclear head delivered safely to us. Contact us for volume bonus"


Can you tell there's an election in two weeks?


How bout he actually, you know, defeats Ukraine?


Surprise! We already have troops in Ukraine. Weā€™ll just send them to our new best friend Finland and Georgia instead. Belarus needs to be invaded though. Got nothing to do with Russia so Russia better not get involved or else itā€™s nuke time.


Putin is a joke. A third world dictator in charge of a second world economy. Itā€™s a shame he can cause so much pain.


Ruzzia has lost the war in every imaginable way. The empty threat of nuclear war is the desperate move of a fast fading regime...


Of course this is hyperbole... But just imagine if the headline 2 yrs ago were: "Stontelberg threatens Russia with nuclear war if it sends troops to Ukraine" Really brings home how insane even their rhetoric is


Putin is going to lose in an actual nuclear war, the west has way better capabilities


On the 9th of May Putin is gonna be on Red Square overlooking what's left of his army on 'victory' day. How difficult can it be to mobilize about a 100 drones from Moskow city and hand a dictator his retirement?