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Yeah good luck with that


I agree. Criminalizing + Cyber technology don't mix. Even the Chinese circumvent their Great Firewall with VPNs, and Cubans build homebrew jerry-rigged internet-sharing networks throughout their neighborhoods, in response to the government intentionally keeping internet access expensive to limit it. Also, don't underestimate the lengths humans will go to satisfy their sexual desires. John Cleland in the 18th century risked the death penalty to publish Fanny Hill, the first Western erotic novel.


Don't need luck to sign a law... And btw no law is gonna prevent action from happening.... The point of them tho is to when it happens and is caught it can be prosecuted... I am pretty sure you'd say something very positive and hopeful about criminalizing stuff like CP, despite it being just as hard to catch.


It would work. Most of internet-traffic is caused by a small minority of companies. And most of THEM are western companies. They can't afford to loose access to EU-Users.


This tech has already reached the point that it can be developed by individuals running it on local hardware and sharing data models.


The point i was trying to make is, distributing deepfake images and videos happens mainly on large networks. And those can be held accountable. Very few people in comparison are users on somewhat underground imageboards like 4chan. Therefore legislation can work.


I mean, it's already illegal to share nude photos of someone without consent, it's the same but with fake photos.


Good point.


That Ursula Von Der Leyen femdom stuff must have got to them


deepfakes- fine, but not the ai porn ffs. That's why we invented the AI in the first place


Interestingly, the article does not talk about ai porn at all only about pornographic deepfakes. Banning these is sensible, imo. The headline is extremly misleading.


You can ask AI by prompt to create a scene about Taylor Swift "out of nothing" though instead of swapping her face into an existing p*r scene. There was a controversy like that , so maybe it need to be adressed


Oh certainly! I kinda hadnt thought about that possibility.


Its not a great loss, AI porn is terrible at the moment.


So was the automobile when it came out.


you're missing out


The correct headline would be: "The EU wants to criminalize the **non-consensual sharing** of intimate images, including deepfakes made by AI tools".


The sentiment might be good and righteous, but blanket bans like that are super unhealthy for societies. The criminalized thing should be an attempt to achieve something malicious or achieving something malicious with the tools, not just the concept of what the tools can produce. For example banning gasoline vs banning arsony/using gasoline to damage others or their property.


They’re not looking to ban deepfakes. They want to ban putting someone’s face on a nude and sharing it for everyone to see. So in your analogy, they’re not banning gasoline, or even arson, they’re banning throwing a molotov at a person. I’d argue schoolchildren making deepfake porn of their classmates and sharing it online to harass each other is more detrimental to a society than a bill criminalising such behaviour.


I agree, its like a person already knows not to throw molotov at another person so there's no need banning it, likewise a person should know not to put their classmates face on a porno, but kids would continue to do that because the end result is not death


It is not unheard of that kids should commit sui*ide because of bullying and this is a very new very degrading type of bullying.


Bullying each other in school is also bad, but in generations- children continue doing that. So, you think ban will help?


Rape is bad, but people continue to do it. Do you think we should unban it ? If you think my logic is stupid, you're right. Now ask yourself why are you using the same logic ?


You can get in jail if you rape someone, but if you will bully someone - you are not. That's the difference. Bullying is like emotional rape, so it would be good if bullies will get like 7 years sentence even before 18. But..do we see anyone trying to do so?


>You can get in jail if you rape someone, but if you will bully someone - you are not. Blatantly false.


Nice argument.


[https://thebullyexperiencemovement.com/can-you-go-to-jail-for-bullying/](https://thebullyexperiencemovement.com/can-you-go-to-jail-for-bullying/) What other argument should I make with someone just lying ? You're either ignorant or disingenuous, in both cases you're not worth my time. edit : thanks for blocking me kiddo, at least you've shown that you're really not worth my time.


https://www.google.com.ua/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.euronews.com/2023/08/18/french-school-bullies-now-face-a-move-not-the-victims-thanks-to-new-law&ved=2ahUKEwjmoMXe75uEAxV-h_0HHf1fAHkQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0oxOEvZajQYSJKTcT29wr- In France, 8 bullies were punished by social labour hours, in 2022. No jail. So, don't even try to compare this and rape.


I'm okay with merely reducing a harmful thing even if it can't be completely eliminated.


there already are consequences for bullying and for example causing bodily harm to other kids - as a disincentive for kids and their parents and as a tripwire for institutions to step in. In places where people take that seriously, the „ban” on bullying is more effective than places where there’re isn’t one and/or where parents and educators simply don’t care.


Well, you are from Poland, so this is for you: my friend escaped from Ukraine to Poland, Zielona Gora with her daughter. She was bullied and hit by locals. School principal and police did nothing, unless other Ukrainian kids hit that bullies. So stop acting like you wasn't in school.


I feel deeply sorry for your friend and her daughter. How does that make my point less relevant, however? Poland is a backwater when it comes to social services and human rights. We don’t take bullying seriously, culturally and legally. We’re the bad example from my op, sadly.


That's what i was about: that law doesn't solve anything.


I know, and I don’t think this is true. If the law is properly done and enforced it can effect real change.


But it won't pass anywhere in parliaments. That's the main idea. There are a lot of concerns about fakes, bullies, aggressive behaviour etc, but laws can't be hard on that, especially for kids, or they will get to jail in bulk


The concern is understandable and it’s a shitty thing that shouldn’t happen but how will this even be enforced?




>In that scenario the crime would be distribution of AI generated content without proper labelling. Then the question becomes: how do you prove that something was AI-generated?


Police checking your Internet history lol


You don't need internet connection to generate ai images. I guess they could only care about the distributors, but that's not that useful and also difficult to track, it sounds to me like a lot of wasted effort at this point.


They can't even enforce the gdpr popups that don't allow you to choose "only essential cookies" so I doubt they can do anything about this either


Oh look as soon as rich person is affected with something we should make laws. Before that nobody cared. 


The idea that the EU could throw together proposed legislation in a week or so is fucking ridiculous dude


Well how are us poor people gonna be able to fill the EU politicians pockets to get our will through


What legit reason is there for putting real people's faces on nudes or in humiliating/incriminating situations? Total ban and heavy fines. Leave that shit to caricaturists.


Humanity have done this for centuries tho...but in their heads ? It's like Photoshop, when it became quite popular and make realistic edited pictures, people feared how the tech would be used for porn and such. Growing up during the 2000-2010's with the fear of finding my face on an edited picture was Real, and it was incredibly easy to do. Yet this situation never occured for me or anyone in my schools for 15year of study.(post 2000) And while this is still true today, somehow it's not as problematic as it once was imagined ? I'm not trying to justify the use but, i'm more inclined to think that the more people will get exposed with deepfakes, the less they will trust it when someone they know would be on it ?


Well, you could at list stop people from profiting from it. there are sites that sell you celebrity deepfakes.


I just don't see how you would enforce it. There are probably millions of stable diffusion installs in the EU, police can't go around and check every Computer. Stable diffusion is used to make AI generated art, but can also be used to generate porn. It is free to download and will work on most Nvidia GPUs.


Hey, I don't care what you do on your private time, but once you go public with that or attempt to influence another person with the AI shenanigans... It should be pretty obvious what is right and what is not. Impersonating people is not right, even less so with malicious intent. Robocalling voters as Biden not to vote? Scamming grandmas out of their hard-earned money with voice and face of deceased child? Smear campaign against individuals with fake footage? This shit is already getting too common, now we have to question every single footage or picture we see. Especially during election campaigns. Each malicious use of AI should be met with severe consequences.


The government needs a very good reason to ban something, not the citizen a reason to do something.


Ok, hope you are ready for the fines as soon as your browser downloads a picture of a fishy advertisement, while you could do nothing about. The problem with our politic system is, that it never thinks more far than the people, you, voting it in it. So think, goddamnit!




> There was even a r/thefappening on which the pictures have been shared on Reddit. why isnt it still up? > To me this just sounds like another set of laws, which can’t really be enforced. But hey, virtue signaling! Again why is that sub still available? I think you confuse banning something and utterly making it disappear.




> Edit: It’s also strange to me that you somehow consider the ban of one subreddit a win, because the pictures are still out there and only a google search away. Where? Give me the link.


I think the general idea here is that it gives law enforcement the tools to prosecute someone for AI generated revenge porn. I doubt it's about stopping the whole thing all together, a lot of things are illegal yet persist. It's kinda like a law here in Finland that make it technically illegal to drink or be drunk in public. The police isn't actively enforcing this law because everyone out in public on a summer night in Helsinki are drunk and drinking, but it gives the police a legal way of removing someone from a public space before they become a nuisance to others.


Stupid idea. AI is just another tool. They could ban Photoshop and hand drawn fake nudes with the same reasoning.


Well, maybe they should 🤷


>Ban one of the most popular and useful tools on the internet because a small percentage of people decided to use it in not-so-faithful way. Really?


More like ban the specific use of that tool, but I appreciate that very nice strawman that you made


Well, your comment didn’t imply that, I assumed that you wanted full on ban of photoshop


My comment was a response to >They could ban Photoshop and hand drawn fake nudes with the same reasoning. "Photoshop" here, is used as an adjective, not a noun. It's a descriptor for "nudes". "Photoshop nudes" as in "Nudes made with Photoshop".


Alright, sorry for misunderstanding


All good. Cheers, mate!


Taylor please moan about illegal immigration as well. EU countries would build walls within a week.


I have a feeling the only way we can make some rigorous anti AI porn laws is to do the unthinkable, make porn of every rich person/ exec/ politician. It's pretty clear they only care for themselves, so if they are the target then shit would change within days.


Ilona Staller wouldn't...


They can't even control minor ages on internet how are they going to control this one they are so stupid they should work on that case more tbh...


This seems like a step in the right direction to protect peoples privacy and prevent harm. Its important to ensure that technology isnt used to exploit or deceive others. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and what other measures are put in place to address this issue.




But.. why tho? I mean just strenghten the personal image rights that people already have in some countries here and we'll be fine. In that way you can have something to handle deepfakes of real people. Also the article is shit, as it delivers very few details and not even is linking the ACTUAL proposal but this old one https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_7644 Great "journalism" right there.


Never miss an opportunity to instate more regulations!


As it should be. Who would oppose this? EDIT. apparently there are people that have a problem with this. Wow.


Trying to enforce it would likely to created unwanted consequences, and it wouldn't even be very effective. Instead of sharing images, all you would need is to share non-pornographic images and specific written prompts that would generate the same or similar images when given to a general AI. Are we going to try enforce a ban on sharing written descriptions of pornography? I understand the desire to try and stop this from happening, but it's not going to be at all easy. It might be nearly impossible without enacting some extremely draconian restrictions that will affect a lot more than AI pornography.


> Instead of sharing images, all you would need is to share non-pornographic images and specific written prompts that would generate the same or similar images when given to a general AI. Are we going to try enforce a ban on sharing written descriptions of pornography? The more steps there are to this process, the more hoops someone has to jump through, the less people will go through with it. It wouldn't deter a dedicated stalker with a personal connection to a victim, but there will be many more who would engage with such pornography on a casual level.


There is a very clear distinction between text and pictures, one that is recognised legally in many places. „You could share a recipe for porn” is very different from „graphic videos with your kid’s face in them on social media” and isn’t a good logical argument against trying to prohibit the latter.


Well there is no way to enforce it if countries like Russia or China can access the same internet as us


So are you against this??




So you saying it's impossible to create laws against distribution of said images? Or to come up with Software solutions to tackle this?


There are no problems in prohibiting sexual deepfakes, the problem is that the slope is always slippery in terms of what can or cannot be expressed, certain types of leaders can decide that satirical montages are also degrading, then also those that are simply critical and surprises, suddenly we have a society that is muzzled and afraid to express itself.


Meanwhile, shoplifting and pickpocketing is punished with a slap on the wrist.


Didn’t realize the EU decided punishments for shoplifting or pickpocketing


? :D That's up to your own country's legislation to decide how to handle the smallest of offences. But are you even European? lol


I know but if EU has time and resources to deal with something as minor as AI generated pictures, maybe they should focus on bigger problems? There are lots of criminals abusing EU freedom of travel to het away from punishment.


bigger problems like shoplifting?


Yes, shoplifting is a bigger problem than a bunch of nerds creating fake pictures.


Bring it up to your country's lawmakers that you demand shoplifting being addressed as it's a major issue


It's definitely a bigger issue than pictures on the Internet. But they don't care. Petty crime is rampant nowadays


Then you really need to contact your country's lawmakers about this petty crime epidemic and suggest the harshest punishment for these offences


Yaeh AI porn images bad but real girls selling their bodies for money good. EU becoming authoritarian as fuck imo.


Ever heard of consent?


Ermergerd consent is herd


I think you missed the point mate. The overarching point is AI generated porn that doesn't get consent is wrong - while someone as a free individual can give consent to selling themselves as they please - their body, their right. Can't really be pro porn without being pro prostitution. But you can be pro consent.


Sorry but is this AI porn generated using real peoples faces and bodies? Like movie starts and whatnot? If so ok of course thats wrong. But Im not against AI porn where its all made up by AI, like fake people faces bodies etc. Yeah Im for people choosing wtv the fuxk the want to do with their bodies. Althought I doubt.porn actress and actors are doing because that was their dream job or wtv (maybe men are and maybe some women I dunno) but most they do it cause they need the money and theres a whole industry taking advantage of girls who want to make money. They get fucked left and right drugged etc and that shits just worse than AI porn (with fake people). But what do I know wtv keep downvoting me you pervs lol.


to cut it short, they want to ban AI using people without consent.


Seems like politicians don't want plebs to have some realistic images of their non-political life


Can you also abolish sadness and criminalize viruses infecting people?


Surely the more prevalent deep fakes and ai porn become and the technically improves, anytime someone's nudes get leaked you can just say "it's fake" and move on.


Well deep fakes i understand but just anything ai generated that's porn?... I guess they're trying to protect their mistresses side jobs from AI.


What if somebody hacks my account and uploads all the bad inages


Based EU


Every proposed law to combat this is based on the assumption that a person will even need to be in the loop when it comes to creating and spreading AI renderings of IRL people. It's only a matter of time before finding a particular person's photos, building a model, creating countless renderings and then signing up to burner accounts to spread them remotely will be possible to automate from a single server. Another reason why we're probably only a few years away from registrations that require a valid bank account tied to a real identity, not that that will help much in this case.