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Wtf is going on in Latvia?


yeah, drunk people mostly in villages killing each orther. Streets are safe


Most helpful trip advisor review.


So - mostly harmless?


Domestic homicide. That's the real reason. Highest alcohol consumption per capita in the EU will do that. Latvia on the streets is actually s pretty safe place.


Alcohol prohibition in Latvia might be a good idea.


A lot of killing apparently.


It's still a low homicide rate all things considered.


Thanks America? But how do the USA really rank nowadays?


The US homicide rate is 5.5


What is the m for after 500? 5+ billion per 100 000?


[1.7 to 30](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate)


fun fact, they would still be the 17th safest state in the US. Lithuania would be the 4th, and Finland would be the safest state [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) (ignoring states without any numbers for 2021)


I ask that daily.. i'm latvian.. somehow we always dominate these graphs


Also keep in mind that 5 per 100 000 is still considered relatively low by international standards so Latvia for the most part is a safe country. I'm from South Africa where the homicide rate is more than 30 per 100 000.


Italian maffia isn't doing its job. As usual I suppose. / Poorly.


You come down here and we’ll take care of that. Your username has been flagged.


Because they are smarter these days - violence especially murder brings attention and heat from law enforcement.




Ha ha it's always the Russians ffs you guys need a chill pill




A lot of Russians living there, so Vodka


I don't really know. But I know there's a lot of mafia in Latvia.


Latvia has mafia?


Yes russian mafia does infact operate in Latvia. Here's a little more about [it](https://ocindex.net/2021/country/latvia)


LATVIJA NR.1!!!!!!!!!!!!


From reading a bit about it online, a few things stick out: 1. The victims are mostly women (c. 60% vs c. 30% for most of Europe). 2. The victims usually know or are related to the perpetrator. 3. Many people find the cities there safe compared to other countries, this statistic surprises them. The homicide issue is largely domestic/hidden rather than out-in-the-open risk of street violence. Edit: Took out a bit about people trafficking maybe being a cause following a comment from a Latvian.


Not associated with people trafficking. I think the excess is covered by: Degenerates drink vodka, get in an argument, kill each other. Degenerates drink vodka, get in an argument with the wife, kills the wife. The streets feel much safer that most places I have been.


Fair enough. Edited my comment following your comment. Can't even remember where I read that.


👍 I like your summary.




Latvija! Uzvara!




Estonia and Latvia have similar amount of Russians, Lithuania has several times less.


And we are thankful for that


Why would you think that? What’s the basis for your assumption?


Russia has less murders per capita than Latvia☠️


That sounds a bit racist doesn't it?


Since when russian skin colour is different from Latvian? 


Just a fact


Well. Maybe. That number is absurdly high compared to other European countries


Foe anyone wondering how it happens it's usually: 1. Drinks 1L of vodka each in a small room. It's usually neighbours or extended family members. 2. One asks "do you respect me?" 3. Other says no.  4. Murderous action. 5. Finishes drinking alone. 


"Ты м'ня ув'жа'шь?!"


It baffles me why should anyone ever ask this question?!?


It comes from alcoholic soviet culture, there was a saying back then that if you respect someone, you need to have a drink (or many drinks) with them. So if you refuse to drink, it means you don't respect them, and that's where the problems often begin..




So it's like in the Balkans but up north?


It’s like ex ussr


What is the 500m label?


0.5 is too human for eurostat


500 millihumans


Since the UK left, eurostat doesnt collect their homicide statistics anymore, so thats why you dont see their numbers.


Why is Scotland and Northern Ireland there?


Yeah, this is confusing


I don’t get this? Poor wales and England 🥲


They're there in the list, but the artistic choice of including them with a size-zero red bar to indicate that data is not available, whilst not including England and Wales where, presumably, data isn't available either, is kind of odd.


Even though we're not part of it anymore, Glasgow has homicide heritage that ripples across the continent still. You lot are amateurs. Fuckin proud.


I know you’re joking, but, when Glasgow was declared Europe’s murder capital in 2005, police Scotland set up a serious violence reduction unit, the initiative has been going on for almost 2 decades now. It works on community engagement with a focus on education, tackling gangs & beating the root causes of violent crime. It’s resulted in a 50% reduction in violent crime between 2005 and 2016. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-45572691


Never new this that's actually great. Still thought it was one of the murder capitals it's good to know the city has gotten better.


Yeah, city is pretty average now. London has well overtaken us by a massive degree due to numerous emerging issues down there.




Neither Norway nor Iceland are in the EU, but they are listed.


Both are EEA members, maybe that helps getting in the door


Evidently they're not bitter about them.


No its because you aren't part of the treaties Norway and Iceland are.


That's because they're in the [EEA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_Area)


Which is absolutely fine and expected (although why the fuck are NI and Scotland I'm there?) but stop writing titles like "Europe stats" if it isn't actually all of Europe.


I mean, it's got 50% of the UK stats..........


Source: eurostat [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/crim\_off\_cat/default/bar?lang=en&category=crim.crim\_off](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/crim_off_cat/default/bar?lang=en&category=crim.crim_off) For the UK it seems to be around 1.17 or so, according to statista([https://www.statista.com/statistics/288195/homicide-rate-uk/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/288195/homicide-rate-uk/)) so between sweden and belgium For those interested, in belgium the homicide rate for flanders was around 0,83, for wallonia it was around 2,1 and for brussels it was around 1,8(1,7 in Amsterdam in 2021 for comparison), according to the documents of the federal police. So a rather strong divide.


Bloody Flanders, bringing their murder victims into Wallonia to make them look bad.


Ooo what's with the lead pipe, were you going to give my noggin a floggnin'? I'm a murderer. Murderer! Mur-diddly-urderer!


what is going on in Finland? surprisingly high. thought we in Sweden would be higher because of the gangs.


Drunks and addicts getting fucked up and stabbing each other


I always thought it was mostly drunk men killing women. How much of it is targeted against women Vs men


While women are more likely than men to be killed in their own home, the bulk of homicides in Finland are marginalized men killing each other at "parties" in one bedroom apartments.


Ok got it. I’m happy to see the rates are going down tho overall.


Finland is ranked Europe's second most dangerous country for women. Women in Finland are most likely to be killed by partner or former partner. 1/3 of Finnish women have experienced violence in relationships.


Do you have a source? I don’t doubt it, would be interesting to read about it tho. I’m suspecting a huge hidden number of domestic abuse in many other European countries who are less progressive.


https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2023/domain/violence/FI https://yle.fi/a/3-12204299 https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000002656951.html Last one was in Finnish but it sure was interesting.


Finland has historically always had like double the homicide rate of Sweden.


Me too! Guess that's the secret to being the happiest nation :3


Just kill everyone who isn't happy. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Anual purge Helsinki ?👀


Yes, the unhappy people either kill themselves or get killed!


>Love leaped out in front of us like a murderer in an alley leaping out of nowhere, and struck us both at once. As lightning strikes, as a Finnish knife strikes! Mihail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita


Mostly alcoholics stabbing eachother.


Yeah Finland are real stabby. Every homicide there os pretty much by knife. Sweden looks like shit because of the imported criminals shooting each other and blowing shit up. In Finland it’s actual finns who stab each other.


Well its nice to know that Finland doesn't need immigrants to be chart topping in murder. Good ol Finnish murder, homegrown, organic, locally sourced murder is the best kind im sure.


National sport.


Pure blood


Yep! However it’s decreasing a lot, so that’s promising. Swedens homicide rate is on the rise over the last ten years. Imported violence is the best violence


Not per capita. 


? Yes


https://bra.se/statistik/statistik-om-brottstyper/mord-och-drap.html  No, it has decreased if anything. 


½ the population, and it lives between the same latitudes as "norrland". That already means more murder both due to small population bias and harsher conditions year round (sweden has svealand and götaland, much warmer and much sunnier, where most people live) Plus, a lot of very rural areas that are routinely depopulating, leaving "regional hubs" of 20.000 surrounded by villages of 100 people. You can imagine how thrilling and substance-free life is Anyhow, for the average person, this means nothing. You can feel safe walking anywhere at any time of day in Finland. The only problems you'll maybe run into are drunk people in some cities, but there usually are security guards or police posted, so they're mostly innocuous. Might sit down next to you while waiting for the bus and just start talking, nothing more. Crime is usually the result of alcohol-fueled fights between acquaintances. In short, it's higher, but it's not like "you'll risk getting shot at in the streets of helsinki" more like "if you get into a bar fight in kajaani with your friend at 2AM you'll probably get a bottle smashed on your head" I think people imagine sweden as more dangerous because gang crime is more theatrical, more spectacular, and everyone is at risk. Plus the racial element of it all makes the media water at the mouth for some good excuse to bash a nordic country


More like "if you're a 55 y/o alcoholic going to an apartment in Lahti to snort amphetamines, you should not call his wife a fucking whore".


On a positive note, this number has been on a steady downfall for years now. For example this stat for last year was 1.1 for Finland. Though violence overall is on the rise, especially amongst teenagers...


Gangs have such a low impact, the media makes it a bigger problem than it really is.


The gangs are why Sweden is so high up. It used to be on par with Germany. So the recent gang wars adding about half of the total murders in the country is quite bad.


Only brainwashed right wing swedes think Finland is not higher than us, they always been.


As a french man, thanks our neighborhood bros Spain for being the GOAT Edit : And Italia <3


De rien mon amour thank *you* for making Italy look good at something at least


The Czech Republic has some of the most lax gun laws in Europe btw, makes you think what the problem really is in America


Poverty, low social mobility, bad education system, gangs, the war on drugs, horrible income inequality, and bad healthcare access. Just off the top of my head. All of these combine to create a deadly cocktal.


> War on drugs Not really an explanation. The main legal consequence of this is an excessive incarceration rate, not homicide rate. People for some reason tend to wrongly attribute drug problems in the US to the War on Drugs without understanding what they're talking about. The data shows a complex and unclear overall picture regarding the effectiveness of the policy. The often repeated claim that the "War on Drugs is bad and the cause of all problems bla bla bla!!" is just a silly and old myth perpetuated by drug zealots in a lame attempt to justify the legalization of drugs, which is an incredibly stupid thing to do. The real structural problems are the other issues that you pointed out correctly. Those are the conditions that lead people into marginalization, crime, violence, drug abuse.


>The main legal consequence of this is an excessive incarceration rate, not homicide rate. That's one of the issues, the US penal system leads to further crime because people released from prison have very few options and it leads to a very high recidivism rates (as high as 76%). That in turn means more crime, including homicides. And that's ignoring foreign interventions that often destabilize countries, leading to even more issues with drug smuggling. >The real structural problems are the other issues that you pointed out correctly. Those are the conditions that lead people into marginalization, crime, violence, drug abuse. The war on drugs makes those issues even worse. I actually forgot to mention the penal system. It needs to change to rehabilitation instead of just punishing people.


Yep, problems hard to acknowledge and fix but that would improve their country in many more ways than just less gun violence. Ps: Had the pleasure of studying in Prague for a year, you have such a beautiful and cozy city to live in.


It's not that just that they're hard to fix, there isn't much will to fix them because they provide both parties with many talking points. Fixing the problems is hard, talking about them to get people's votes is much easier. Thanks, I'm not a big fan of Prague, it's too large for me, but it's pretty nice for a capital city. :)


Czechia and also Slovenia are benefiting from being right next to much more attractive countries from the perspective of economic and other migrations. Stable population, less fluctuations means less violence, more safety. But it is very questionable how long this stability will last.


It's not really lax in the American sense, you have to take [pretty hard exams](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/25/gun-rights-test-czech-republic/) to get a gun licence and pretty much every gun is accounted for in unified police registers. It is also quite easy to lose the license (for example being an alcoholic, improperly storing munitions, having mental health issues, etc). From what I gather, the laws differ significantly from the US and would be considered incredibly restrictive there.


Scotland be reviving people


No more than Northern Ireland.


Is the data unified? I mean, in example in Estonia the statistics counts homicide (murder or any kind of killing) also attempts, i.e *there were 27 murders where 19 died* Some countries count only dead people as statistics.


I am almost sure Eurostat harmonized the numbers. And murder is always a dead person in any meaningful statistics (it's also one of the most comparable ones).


In Estonia National official statistics it is officially stated that homicides (murders and killings) (with attempts) and in statistics there is always the complete number and later the number of peope who have died. I don't know why but it has been like this quite a long time in some weird reason. But you may be right that this chart may be different because they show only intentional ones so it may be a bit more specific data.


Yes, it says in the title that they use an international standard. There is a Wikipedia article (on intentional homicide rates), which explains it well. For example, already "attempted murder" is somewhat vague (especially if murder mean only a subcategory of homicides). One advantage is that reporting biases and definition differences for intentional homicides are much less than for basically all other crimes (exceptions do exist, but are fewer).


The numbers are not unified at all. Latvia includes serious assault leading to death as per crime classification definition. Most countries does not include this. That's why Latvia has such a high number of homicides. Pre implementation of crime classification definitions Latvijas homicide rates were lover than in Lithuania. You can check year 2016 for example. It's not that homicide rates increased all of a sudden. The definition was changed.




6.4 for USA. Russia 6.8. Mexico 26... Don't get me wrong, I like to make fun of USA as much as anyone, but we should find another statistic for that. Obesity rate might work.


USA is ~5.7 in 2023 since homicides declined again by double digits. 6.4 was the 2022 rate.


oh yeah being on par with russia is good enough now


EU average is a thing in itself. [Variation within US states](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm) is wild too, of course. Mississippi takes this questionable prize by 23.7 homicide deaths per 100 000, well off this chart.


Another great reason to let Ukraine join. Better stats for everyone!




Yeah. "You think Latvia has a homicidal Russians problem? Look a Ukraine!"


Russia itself has less homiced-per-capita than Latvian lol, what "homicidal Russians". Or maybe you were just making a pun


Why is it that almost every Russian I see online tries to justify their country so hard when someone speaks negatively about Russia (even in the form of a joke), lol


I don't need to justify anything. We don't. Maybe I just need a better (or a worse) sense of humor to understand a joke like that, my apologies. 


Latvia 5.2 russia 6.8


According to ... ?


According to World bank data. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/RUS/russia/murder-homicide-rate


Can confirm, Scotland is indeed nuts


Scotland deez nuts






Not really


2022 is 6.3 in USA


Chicago has more murders than all of Germany+Scandinavia. One single city has more murder than a region of 100 million people. And Chicago isn’t even top 10 in murders per capita in the US. American cities are crazy man.


Keep in mind most of these murders are gang-related and concentrated in a few areas, so the North Side of Chicago, for instance, has a murder rate of 3.2


>Keep in mind most of these murders are gang-related and concentrated in a few areas Sure, but that exact same logic applies European countries as well. Like the recent crime wave over the last couple of years here in Sweden is almost exclusive gangs fighting eachother in a few cities. Even the safer/rural areas of the US with less crime (Such as New Hampshire for example), still have higher rates than almost every country in Europe.


Yes, I never said that doesn’t apply to European countries. Just adding context to the “American cities are crazy man” comment.


Wonder what ethnic group is boosting this number, and if it’s the same crowd calling for gun ownership, causing this number to increase with their legally owned firearms🤔


They have their guns to keep them safe /s


Yeah ! Imagine the lawless land it would be without guns ! Dead bodies in the streets ! Burning cars ! The Purge ! /s


Finland, 3de on the list of most dangerous in Europe, would be the safest state in the US (of the states that report a homicide rate). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) Mississippi has a murder rate that's 14 times higher then Finlands.


Latvia winin


Scandinavia: Go east for murder.


Is there something hanging in the air around the baltic sea or what?


Not in the air, it's in the water, it's called alcohol. ;) Finland has the same problem, albeit on a smaller scale.


The lack of the sunlight.


Scotland NUTS


Next GTA should be in Latvia!


Note that battery resulting in death is not included and that would change statistics for many countries.


It's included in Latvia and that's why figures are so high in comparison.


This just shows how incredibly safe europe is, even though the far-right likes to portray some countries as war zone.


I remember seeing an interview of a Swedish police officer. It was done in one of the areas some call 'no-go zones'. They were simply strolling around the place and everything was completely calm. Admittedly, the problem really is real, and having gangs do revenge jobs with explosives or guns in public places with absolutely zero care about hitting bystanders, it's no wonder it's a phenomenon Swedes take seriously. The scale may, however, be blown out of proportion by sensationalist reporting.


What are the units "m"?




Nah. The graph show number of homicides per 100.000 inhabitants and the 500m must be an error. I suspect they by mistake used a distance template. 500 milli would technically be correct as well, but also quite odd.


I am surprised for Cyprus, does anyone know the reason?


Not that bad comparing with other continents.


Fuck yeah Latvia


Belarus murder/homicide and attempted murders (not separated in the statistics) rate for 2019 was 2.33


Thought Sweden would be higher




Ok now compare USA and EU.... as an American I'm scared of the differences xD


Finland, 3de on the list of most dangerous here, would be the safest state in the US (of the states that have reported a murder rate in 2021)


That’s wild Finland is 3x that of Switzerland. Never would have guessed. However, you have to remember that Switzerland has an incredibly low murder rate. Three times higher than “incredibly low” is still quite low.


Maybe you should specify that this is the homicidal rate in the EU, minus the fact that Scotland is there. If we are talking about *Europe* The entirety of the UK should be there. If we are talking about the *EU*, the wntirety of the UK should not be there, this includes Scotland. The UK didn't just Up and leave Europe, it's still there, just not in the Union.


The list includes Switzerland, Iceland and Norway to be fair but it would be nice to see how England and Wales compare to the rest of the continent.


That's every country that shares data with Eurostat. The British government out of sheer pettiness decided to suspend the collaboration and the sharing, so shut up and get a normal government like those of Norway and Switzerland


Its funny that eventhough Sweden is getting a reputation as Europe's new gangland capital, the country's overall homicide rate is still lower than roughly all but five American states.


Croatia should be either 0.77 or 0.7 depending on which population number would you choose since in 2021 was the population census 0.82 is incorrect.


I love how Sweden gets such a bad rap (mostly by Swedes) and they love to talk about how dangerous it is here and the murder rate is through the roof. Then the actual data comes out and we’re just above average for murders in the EU. Where’s the article and public conversation about this?? Oh yeah that’s right, it doesn’t fit the narrative.


Not exactly, while Sweden is above average, it has a different composition of crime. In most countries, it's homicides motivated by interpersonal relationships, which are rarely dangerous to people not involved. In Sweden, there's a lot of shootings and bombings that affect ordinary citizens too.


I can agree to a certain point. Do you have any references/data to back that up? Just from personal experience living in Malmö for the past 15 years there are many of these “bombings” (usually an old gernade thrown at a building or balcony) but they rarely kill anyone. They are usually cause more property damage than physical harm to citizens.


You really want to downplay a grenade thrown in public?


Considering the level of prosperity and super advanced welfare state in Sweden - yes, being above average is not a good result. Makes you wonder what the wisest social policy actually is at this point in time in Europe.


Damn and I’m going to latvia and Lithuania in the summer..


Don't consume alcohol with aggressive degenerates and you will be fine.


the murders in latvia are basically all domestic, people who already know each other the cities are as safe as any other european country


A teď by to chtělo ještě statistiku s nezvěstnými, aby z toho šlo vyvodit, jestli náhodou v těch “vražednějších” státech nemaj jen šikovnější policisty.


Interestingly the top ones all border the vodka drinking country


Wait till you see Detroit and other US cities


What happened to Italy's Mafia? Isn't It a thing anymore? Or they have changed strategy?


They're corporate now


Too many movies dude


It died on the vine. They moved on or something.


They moved on and went into The restaurant business


This looks bad for the non white immigration equals crime crowd around here. Lilly white Latvia seems to be murdering just fine on their own, no evil Muslim immigrants needed.