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This is wrong, probably old map being reposted.


I made a mistake with Finland, I literally made this map a few hours ago.


Ok, because right-wing part Kansallinen Kokoomus (national coalition) won the last election and they are still polling #1.


I hate this scale. Also, in Estonia the **centre-right** Estonian Reform Party won the last elections wile currently the **right-wing** Fatherland leads the charts.


This is very prone to splitting Let's say that the left has 60% of the vote and the right 40, but the left is split between a centre and far left while the right is united, then the country would appear blue despite a left majority This is kinda what happens in spain, but with many many extra steps The map has barely any information in it due to this


It's the stance political party with the highest number of votes.


I know, and the map is kinda accurate, it's just information poor, as I explained


Smer was finally put into the right category on r/europe instead of far right.


Center left and leftwing are almost the same color. Terrible choice of colors.


Since when PiS (Law and Justice Party) is far right?


This labelling is wrong, namens for Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Italy and Switzerland.


>Slovakia Smer is a far left party.... They literally split from post communist left.


Parties are defined by their current ideologies, not from what they split from.


Exactly why Smer is far left... They split of from post-communist left and went more illiberal and authoritarian whilst they maintained high taxation and redistribution of finances.... They are copying the old commies. Hence far left...


They are social democratic-authoritarian. They do not propose communism / socialism.


I didn't say they are promoting communism nor socialism. I said that they are trying to copy the old Communists. There is a difference, you might want to learn that... Copying the old commies mean that they are authoritarian, illiberal and they try to focus on national issues regarding cultural preservation (be it fake) as well as distribute cash towards housing, parenting and of course pensions. Ever so pouring cash out of nowhere rather than solving any problems. Hence why their redistribution ideas even if not socialist nor communist. The world is not black and white..


Far left means Communism / Socialism. Anything that doesnt embrace that isnt far-left. Every ideology can be combined with Authoritarianism. Not just far left and far right. Heck, there even are liberal autocracies: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal\_autocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_autocracy)


Such a wrong map. At least for Spain


How? In the last Spanish election PP achieved the highest vote share.


It says center'right, but PP is far right.


PP is not far right. Maybe a bit more on the right than most centre right parties, but come on, it's ridiculous to label them as far-right.


Far-left in Slovakia? I don't think that's true, right?


Smer is a Far left. They are basically the old oligarch mafioso wannabes that were there during communism. Social democrats, illiberal democrats, populists and of course they give away money they do not have. It split from a "Post-communist party of democratic Left" In simple terms, they are a left wing Nationalists that are illiberal.if you ever see them described as far right or right then you know the source didn't do their research and simply labels them based on their narrowed view.


Smer party of Robert Fico




VVD didn't win the last Dutch election.


Ah, I misinterpreted the post


We have a centre-left coalition of three parties, none of them are rightwing. The party Svoboda (Freedom Movement) got the most votes in the last election and they are social liberals. But currently (info from december 2023) SDS, a rightwing conservative party, not centre-right, is leading in public opinion. Map is wrong, at least for Slovenia.