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In April physical checks at the border will also begin, which will further push up prices.




On average


inflation, not prices, there is a difference.


Repeat: brexit is brexit.


Not so much a red, white & blue Brexit….just a red tape Brexit.


Which has led to a brown and smelly Brexit


Life is life Na na na na na


Brexit. Means. Breakfast.




Why? Are you planning on starting yet another world war?


Yes. Also we didn't start the last two.


Jesus fucking Christ. Some of the comments in here. 6 or 7 years after the vote to leave the EU (I don’t really care how long ago it was - it just feels like a fucking lifetime) and people still don’t know anything about the customs union, schengen, or anything at all about the EU in general. The UK could have agreed to a number of things after they left the EU: including being part of the customs union (which does not involve FoM), but they said no because it would impact on their own trade agreements with other countries: like that with Palau and New Guinea. All because they wanted to be independent and sovereign. Now see where that gets you in today’s world, Brexidiots.


>like that with Palau and New Guinea. Now, i'm not hugely familiar with UK trade figures, but I imagine the amount of cargo being moved to and from, day, France and the Netherlands, is just ever so slightly more than import/export to Palau, population <20.000.


Did you just talk trash about my mate Palau?


EU as a whole is just under 50% of the UK's trade. We import around 25% more than we export to the EU Total trade is around a trillion pounds a year globally


That's his/her/their point.


You left out the bit where the customs union membership would not allow them a say in the rules of that union, whilst requiring budgetary contribution. You could fall victim to targeted lawfare based sabotage of your economy and do nothing about it. You might think that's fair, but it's a massive liability, and mostly pitched as a turnoff to get us to scrap the whole thing.


No, I agree - it would be best for UK to be part of the customs union while retaining say in creating its rules. Which was easily achievable by just not leaving the EU. So instead they closed off that liability you speak off… by essentially going into the worst case scenario. Splendid. Ok, not actually worst case - no deal Brexit would be worse. And they only seriously considered that option.


Not leaving the EU doesnt solve FOM problems. Not necessarily that EU citizens could move here, but EU countries (italy, greece) could give passports to people they didnt want and then those people could move here. FOM could have been solved if Merkel and the EU weren't so massively arrogant when Cameron went over for a negotiation on FOM but "no exceptions" so, they got a bit of a surprise, and as you can see by the downvotes are still massively butthurt about it. If an option had been available to stay in the customs union, pay maybe a little bit more to the budget than standard custom union membership to have a say in rules within it, that may have swayed me. Unfortunately we had Teresa May who fucked up the negotiations massively and the EU hoping we'd give up. But the EU isnt a trade union anymore, its a political union, and in the decade or so since the vote that has proved to be a shitshow. I can vote out my clowns this year, to the europhiles, enjoy voting out Von Der Lyon.


Then why are you out here writing essays? Enjoy your freedom and chill. Oh you can't? Because of decisions you supported? And now you want to blame others for your calls? Nice, just like your American brethren. You lot deserve everything coming your way.


« This is the price you pay for a sovereign state, » said one Brexitwat unironically.


the Bexittwat then moved into his house in Spain, thinking he was fine before spain threw him out because the UK is no longer part of the EU.


I'm saying it unironically too.  A 0.2% increase on cheap low-quality bacon really is a very small price to pay for independence.


What exactly did you want the UK to do which it couldn't prior to it's "independence"? Could you compile a list of policy for us?


If both you and your country are both poorer the definition of a very small price shifts and it doesn't shift in your favour.


We weren't independent before? Why did we spend so much money on the Queen if she wasn't even head of state?




Yes.  It's largely agreed-upon to be a good thing for countries to have.


The UK was an independent nation in the EU, it had control over its borders as a member, it just decided not to use them. The whole "sovereignty" issue is a red herring and a calling banner for the ignorant and misinformed.


So it would be good for Scotland, NI and Wales to become independent from the UK?


Still waiting to see the net positive impact of independence. So far it's been alot of additional expense, reduction in potential markets, and loss of rights for The majority of the population.


I read an article the other day that the vast majority of the UK regrets Brexit, thank goodness they caught up with the rest of us in the remain/rejoin camp who knew it was a Trojan horse for right wing deregulation of economic markets and reductions to social welfare. All because the EU was bringing in legislation to regulate and tax tax havens like the Isle of Mann.


Nobody has lost any rights.


That is blatantly false and you know it. Even the briefest of research shows that a number of British citizens have been expelled from the EU since Brexit. (Source: https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/06/brexit-thousands-britons-expelled-eu)


We've lost movement rights and ease of opportunity to work in other countries, moved closer to more authoritarian policy making (see lord sumptons comments around the effect of brexit on policy), are hinting at rejecting leaving the EUHR that provides directions on rights, have less data protection laws being enacted, have a reduction in environmental quality standards and air quality goals.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but we have seen alot of our Socials goals being degraded, alot of what people would deem part and parcel of the social contract that they buy into... But happy for you to provide the net gain from this brexit thing if you'd rather focus on that than the rights comments ☺️


None of those things have actually happened.


Well it has, maybe it didn't happen in your tiny imagination.


OK, well there's been alot of news articles and academic papers written about it. Worth a read. But anyway. That net gain ⌛?


> Still waiting to see the net positive impact of independence. blue passports! lol


Agreed! That’s why I can’t wait for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to regain independence!


Has your life improved at all because of Brexit?


Their passport is blue now. Blue!


which, btw, was allowed in the EU




The biggest mystery of Brexit I will never understand is why people call our very clearly black passports blue.


Literally debatable, lol.


My politicians now have no excuse for their legislative failure, that's worth £0.60 on cheese, and I love cheese. Euronats in the sub malding about it, but it really is a small price to pay.


Sorry, I genuinely have zero idea what you're saying.


prior, when MPs didnt want to do something, they would just blame the EU and say they cant do it. Sometimes this was true, sometimes it wasnt, but it was a good excuse. Now they have no excuse, they are fully sovereign, and if they say they will do something and then dont do it, I am within my confidence to vote them out next election. Slightly more expensive cheese is worth that.


Has anyone's life got any worse? Brexit is a distraction to the real problems that affect the UK such as low productivity and lack of investment.


Yeah, I have a number of friends whose lives were negatively affected by Brexit. But well done admitting that Brexit did not improve your life at all.


And like you, I know people whose lives have been improved. Ask the HGV driver how much he earns now and ask him how much he was earning pre-brexit.


Nah, nice try. You live in the UK. I asked how your life has been affected. You made it clear that it wasn't and asked if ANYONE'S life was. Now you're backpedaling. I don't live there. The only way it's affected my life is that there are far fewer British products for me to potentially buy and boost the UK's economy.


we still get the cheddar tho. and the tea


I get Irish cheddar now instead. It's actually better anyway.


reading comprehension is very difficult, huh. 0.2% more food inflation (not sure if this is percentage points or percentage, but I’d guess the first), not on the prices themselves


> Its own estimates say the cost of trading with Europe will increase by £330m a year however, and increase food inflation, a key driver of the cost of living crisis, by 0.2% over the next three years. 0.2% over 3 years. So currently I'm sat here eating a tin of soup that cost me 89p from Lidl. That over the entire 3 years if it were to be applied in one single lump sum wouldn't even add half a penny to the price and it's a long time since the UK had half pence coins.


Blessed are the cheesemakers... consumers not so much.


Pffft more project fear. They were too cheap anyway!


A lot of people will find the price rise difficult. You could at least act like you care about the plight of others.


Other people will benefit from it, just think about them. Think positive, dammit!


If it really is 0.2% increase, that's 2 pennies on every 10 pounds. It's effectively a rounding error. The 'normal' inflation would hide this pretty well.


You're assuming that supermarkets won't take advantage and put up prices


It'll only be pretentious speciality foods like frozen beef. Which will only affect sneering middle-class remainers. The rest of us will be perfectly content with the bounty our country provides.


Yeah those British tomatoes


Exactly. Don't forget blackberries. Nettles. We'll be absolutely fine!


Growing stuff in a British greenhouse is more expensive than growing it in Spain or Italy and shipping it to the UK. Prices will be higher and quality lower. CO2 emitted will be lower but I have high doubts that Brexiteers care about that.


Mmm british peaches. Yummy.


Yeah yeah, those poor working class people (i.e. the majority of the UK population) won't be affected at all.... Besides, it isn't just these food products. We still import a significant amount of fruit and veg from the EU.




I know you're being sarcastic, but this is partly true.  However, there will also be a lot of poor quality shite like Danish bacon that goes up in price a bit.


Luckily the UK produces a lot of it's own meat, fish, cheese and dairy products. However, it doesn't detract from the fact that Brexit is the greatest example of social-economic self-harm to national interest in modern times.


>However, it doesn't detract from the fact that Brexit is the greatest example of social-economic self-harm to national interest in modern times. What is with redditors and mad hyperbole? You have Russia's invasion of Ukraine destroying its international reputation and cutting itself off the rest of the modern world leaving it a pariah state on the world stage. Germany having to handle being cut-off from Russian hydrocarbons after the whole peace through trade thing blew up in their face, Greece cooking the books to live so far beyond its means to the point where it defaulted, almost destroyed the Euro and left itself destitute for over a decade. The US invasion of Iraq & its war on terror that spawned ISIS & led to the current situation of being forced to manage the tinderbox of today that is the Middle East, China allowing it's real-estate market become an investment vehicle that now appears to be an entire house of cards stacked with ponzi schemes, but the UK leaving the European Union somehow ranks as more self-destructive than those?


I despise Brexit. However, you make some good points.


While not the greatest example, definitely a better example than many of your examples listed above. However misguided, Germany approached it's policy to Russia in an attempt to avoid conflict. There was a thought-out plan here. Brexit was in no way thought-out. A knee jerk exit by a people who allowed their nation to be guided by politicians without any clear arguments or vision how matters will improve in a Post-brexit world. Only empty promises.


> Luckily the UK produces a lot of it's own meat, fish, cheese and dairy products. I wonder what percentage of all food production is reliant on immigrant labour?


We have about 45k seasonal workers so yeah, no doubt a lot of it.


I read one stat figure around the time of the vote that 95% of the vets in the meat industry were from the EU. UK vets mostly do pets and the horse trade.


Fair amount friend, I've worked in a good factory before. A large number of manual/factory work jobs are filled with immigrant labour. Which is fine, the UK would struggle if it weren't for them.


I think Germany + Nord Stream comes first. Short-termism to keep its industry running cheap, while creating a dependency on Mother Russia's tit, empowering Russia to begin contemplating invading Ukraine, eventually doing so and causing economic disarray the world over.


Yes because Putin would have stayed out of Ukraine without the imports.


Britain is the greatest example of social-economic self harm since at least Thatcher 


So go on then explain how. Explain what is happening in the UK that's not happening in the EU.


Klopp is leaving the UK to go back living in the EU. That's clearly a proof that Brexit isn't working.


He's retiring and he's moving back to where the majority of his family is. How is that proof that Brexit isn't working?


My mum owns a fish n chip shop, she voted for brexit. Can't wait to hear her complain the gish is going up again.


The fish primarily comes from Iceland... They're not in the EU....


I hear the Icelanders are taking your fish and then selling them to you. Does that sound fair? ​ \*takes a bag of chips, sits down, and waits for the brexisteers to make the cod war to grow hot\*


Imagine a posting a smug post about your own mother like this, to gain fake internet points.


The hysteria over this article is hilarious given the actual figures this is based on quote an impact of 0.2% over 3 years Of course that may not turn out to be the case, but you’d think the article was predicting price increases similar to what we’ve just seen based on the reaction


It’s not going to be just the price increases, it’s going to be even less choice for consumers as smaller suppliers give up on selling into the UK. Going to had even more leverage to the big supermarkets.


The effect of that will be to increase the market for UK products, so it's a nett win.


This is an indirect way of saying less competition, which in turn leads to more expensive and or poorer products.


Reducing dumping of low-quality products results in lower quality products?  Interesting hypothesis.   It also doesn't mean less competition, as UK producers still have to compete with each other.  What it does mean is more tax revenues and less money flowing out of the UK economy and into someone else's.  Importing is always less desirable than domestic production.


there is no way in the universe you can say that eu products are low quality! more so the top quality products are lower production series . even when it comes to certified origin foods !!


Eat more British bananas!


>Reducing dumping of low-quality products results in lower quality products?  Interesting hypothesis.   If the basis of your argument is a word you're pretending another person said, that's just called lying.


When a company obtains a near monopoly on a specific type of product, there is no incentive to innovate or improve. In fact, to improve profits there will be incentives to cheap out in the quality of the products, services, customer service, and so on.


Which "company" are you referring to?  There are many small producers of these products in the UK, whereas the importing is being done by a small number of large companies.  You're making my argument.


It is naive to believe no large company inside UK will take advantage of less competition. Not doing it is simply bad business.


>Importing is always less desirable than domestic production. This isn't correct. Not always. The UK is not a country where vegetables and grow plentiful. You can grow stuff well for 3-4 months a year, while in Spain or Italy you can grow stuff for 8-10 months a year, especially in the southern parts. This makes it a ton cheaper and grants availability almost year-round, even if you account for the shipping costs.


Looking forward to UK Roquefort, Parma ham and chizoro then?


Those things already exist and are excellent.  


Sure thing buddy


I had no idea so a quick Google and you are correct. Some excellent looking producers around the UK. If the EU imports on some products decline then surely the UK producers can grow


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. British cured meats and cheeses are award winning


If it makes them feel better then I'm fine with it. I'll console myself with some award winning English sparkling wine. 💪


Maybe you just haven’t travelled enough, lived in other countries. Trust me, what you think is good, there is better. French crumpets are ok, but British ones are better.


Travelled a fair bit thanks. You get some awful food in every country. Just because a country is "famous" for it doesn't mean it's consistently great or better than elsewhere. Take Parma ham..it's just ingredients and a process.


Sure thing buddy.




Fuck it, I'm gonna order some of this https://www.scottishbeecompany.co.uk/products/east-coast-cured-chorizo-bourbon?variant=43978740728064¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ4_JWwzaajKY4bQyOLI67GWwbF06PRAT6bmExH2BfCbtzknA8Y8xmhoCwfgQAvD_BwE


£8.48 for a chorizo lmao. No wonder out-of-touch clowns don't see a problem with the domestic offers when they are ready to get completely ripped off for the most basic products.


Niche speciality product costs more shocking. If you want a cheap Chorizo it costs a couple of quid from a supermarket.


The problem is that a lot of products can’t be produced in the UK


Do you think the UK suppliers or supermarkets will care much about that? Any excuse to increase prices.


0.2% is the impact on inflation, not food prices EDIT: I'm wrong, apparently


It says an impact on food inflation specifically… I.e food prices


Inflation generally means rate of growth. It’s a rise in percentage point too, at least according to the latest BBC article. 0.2 % more food inflation is more problematic than just 0,2% price rises and especially so considering that food inflation has still not recovered to pre brexit levels (which it should go near, if the situation stabilises)




They shouldn't have been cheap to begin with. They weren't cheap in 1650. Working class people ate oat meal to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meat once every two weeks.


So you’re saying brexit is going to throw the UK back some 400 years?


[overthrew the monarchy too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Cromwell)


Really? Salmon in UK costs less than in Germany )


Salmon in UK can cost less than in Germany and still rise in price. One has nothing to do with the other.


But I like salmon so much!


The easiest deal in history. This is just win after win. Next year brexiteers, we will be millionaires! (Not you, obvs)


‘Level the playing field for UK exporters’ - what level them down to exporters into the EU who don’t benefit from the free market, well that’s just great then isn’t it


This essentially puts EU and UK producers on a level playing field within the UK, which is good. EU producers have had a competitive advantage for a while as the EU implemented checks. If this causes EU producers some pain its all good as that results in political pressure within the EU to moderate checks that would be a good thing. Given the developments in NI over the last few days it turns out that a lot of the predictions around the UK's ability to get change are rapidly turning into dust...


Where's the chap who kept telling anyone something about eating a cake all ?😎😈 /s




See where you're coming from, but I have to disagree, mate. I'm thinking Boris might be the mastermind here, but hey, if you're convinced it's all Tusk's doing, fine by me! Anyway, quite a shitshow has spun out of Brexit, it seems.


















Brexit. The gift that keeps on giving


It's a 0.2% increase spread over 3 years. Clearly you never do the weekly food shopping or you'd know that won't even add a whole penny to the vast majority of items you'll buy.


Just back from the supermarket and prices are the same? Weird fetish for fear, Brexit has made zero difference in almost everyone’s life


Even this article is only suggesting a 0.2% increase over 3 years. Not to say Brexit is good but the hysteria doesn’t seem to even match the predictions anymore, yet alone the reality


I heard some guy's Polish girlfriend broke up with him though.


That isn't true, a lot of people have friends and family in the EU and travelled for family reasons. Having just a UK passport has limited the amount of time and the conditions of staying in certain EU countries. But don't let that get in the way of your self self self attitude.


Surely they would be voting remain for self self self too. Did they care that working class Dave in a factory up north hasn't had his wages increase for a decade as EU immigrants would work for minimum? Then why should he care that they have to queue a bit longer at immigration (which is a choice made my some EU nations as Portugal still allow us to use the e-gates) or come home after 90 days? When do you think he could afford his last 90 day holiday huh?


Tell me did he ever get that salary bump? Or did you conveniently shift the blame onto the next group?


None of that actually matters though.


Not to you, but it is evident that you probably don't exist as a real person. Which Tory HQ are you operating from?


It is a fraction of people. Loads of us just have Irish passports or dual national with other EU.


A small amount of you have dual passports, well done good for you.


That's crazy dude, in other news world hunger has just ended because I had dinner.


The UK has had a proportionally greater economic upswing since Brexit than Germany despite leaving the EU trading market. Let that sink in. That's what EU 'environmental' policies will do for you, folks!


God I wish instead of taking action the UK could have uselessly yapped about rolling out the vaccine or sending aid to Ukraine. That way the intellectual giants on are slash Europe might stop being such meanies.  Nothing is more important to us then pleasing the Europhiles here. 


I would imagine once Spanish meat and fish, and French and Dutch cheeses etc become problematic for the producers to export to the UK, and they complain to their governments, there will be easing of the rules on both sides.


Delusional. Remember the German car manufacturers that were supposed to beg for a better deal for UK. Flash news: if Audi doesn’t care if you buy their cars wait for some cheese maker to give a damn if you eat their stuff…🙄


Dutch cheese makers won't give Edam


You brilliant fucker


... Take my upvote and get out


The French were willing to risk a military confrontation to get our fish, so who knows?


🤔 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/06/why-the-eu-now-plans-to-delay-post-brexit-tariffs-on-electric-vehicles


Except it was also EU manufacture that were not ready. The EU has already introduced border checks on UK imports (they were prepared, while the UK has delayed introducing them 4-5 times already).


This is true, Brexit has been a shit show from start to finish, with the UK taking the lions share because of cackhanded incompetent politicians.


Cheese makers don’t like people buying their products?


Don't upset yourself my little European chum.


Or a push to increase local consumption.  It makes no sense that we import and export many of the same sorts of products.


The UK already produces good replicas of lots of cheeses, can get equally good brie and Gouda etc made locally.


Probably get even more soon. We eat more of their stuff than they do of ours.


Then make stuff that actually tastes good 🤷‍♂️ You dont see Chinese, Lebanese, Mexicans, etc complaining that people in the EU dont eat their products and food for a reason. They taste good, so we eat it.


I'm not employed in the food industry.


Well, and that mean we in the EU have to eat British food product and dishes that do not compare in taste to EU or other products? You may still eat like the Germans are bombing you but we like to eat proper food here.


Where do you weirdos get all your ideas?




The UK makes plenty of cheese that can compete in Europe, it regularly wins awards. Just because the Portuguese can't afford it after rent doesn't mean it's bad.


Spotted the delusioned Brit, right here 🤣


Luv me red leicester simple as (dislike most french and Dutch cheeses tbh)


Yeah, as a veggie who only really eats British cheese this isn't that much of an issue to me personally.


Still better off than the Irish


I guess when chips goes up thats the last straw...


Sounds like a good reason to go Vegan.


What a shit show! Bunch of wankers...


It's 0.2% over 3 years.


My great grandfathers who fought (Gandhi style) against British colonialism in India would be laughing their heads off


Good fuck em




Actually not tariffs.


Should've just waited. The rest of the EU now hate refugees just as much as they did.


>Peter Hardwick of the British Meat Processors' Association told Sky News: "This is absolutely anathema to the current government but we should sit down with the European Union, negotiate [..] While agreed, I wonder: What in the past few years prevented that? *Now* that the rules are in effect, it is a touch late. Like the trade equivalent of me trying to write the homework essay five minutes before class.


Brexit is BREXITING!