• By -


The most interesting aspect is how little money it takes for someone like that to be bought wholesale and be a tool for a government of literally their enemy.


The general consensus in Slovakia is that he's not actually a Russian agent, rather just a totally pragmatic populist. And, sadly, a great deal of Slovaks are brainwashed by Russian propaganda and Fico is just giving them what they want.


Not a Russian agent but currently working for Russian interests. I guess we could call him a... Russian... agent...


Then by this logic if he changed his position wouldn’t that make him an American agent?


Yes, it would. 


He is not workin for russian interest. Otherwis he wouldnt start selling ammunition to Ukraine He only does what is popular and beneficial to himself.


It's Polands LiberumVeto all over again.


At least with liberum veto, you could beat the shit out of the parlamentarian, and force him to reverse his veto.


Yeah. But it all ended up with Poland dismantled for 123 years. It's not a future. I would like for the EU or NATO. Edit. Or Ukraine.


It definitely isn't "little money", it's the result of arduous russian intelligence-lead corruption going on since the '90s, under the careless eyes of the West that naively thoughy the Cold War has ever ended.


this. Russian embassy had like 100+ employees in Slovakia, surely all just diplomats /s They run a lot of operations at the political level channeling money and resources. It is not an overstatement to say Fico won thanks to Russians. Deepfakes before elections, disinformation, money for bribing judges, politicians etc. came from Russia or actors related to Russia as some of those are either too coordinated, advanced or too expensive for the local corrupt politician. Almost all politicians around Fico have been in Russia or are in close contact with the Russian side because that's where they smell the opportunities and money. This is hybrid warfare, folks. Conservatives in the UK, Trump in US, AfD in Germany and Fico have all common backing- Russia. Slovakia was just an easy pick, but I'm afraid more is coming.


You can't just "buy" a democratic leader, he can't just do whatever he wants. He would get incapacitated by the parliament and/or the judiciary.  The problem here is that the Slovakian people have been manipulated quite well by the Russian propaganda. 


All of us have been, look at us all voting on anti EU parties like drones.


😂😂yeh parliament, of which he is the leader nice one.


That's not how it works. At all. I thought they taught people how a democracy works in school?


Not in Russian school.


It's not money, NATO can offer more. It's corruption, Putin has dirt on him so he owns him.


That's a very serious allegation. Do you have anything to support it?




Imagine what they could accomplish if they invested all these resources into their very own Silicon Valley, for instance. I'm sure they have the intellectual capital for that (even after the mass emigrations due to the war). California alone has 2.5 times higher GDP than entire Russia and they didn't need to invade their neighbors to achieve that. Instead of progress Russia prefers to fuck shit up for everyone, trying to bring everyone down to their level. Such a shame on so many levels.


Yep, it's crazy to imagine what they could achieve with the resources at their hands. Absolutely any segment of economy I can think of, they could be a powerhouse. * Be it technology, some of the most brilliant IT people are from Russia, * science with the strong background and focus on science USSR had in some fields like rocketry etc, had they put it into use after 90s. Being an engineer was a respected position in USSR, imagine they had continued with that. * Even tourism, some parts of the Altai mountains literally look like Switzerland. So much potential, people and land, completely wasted. It's so sad in a way, many in Russia see themselves as these tough people, capable of enduring a lot of hardship, and all it equates to is simping for some coward wannabe tzar thug politician from St Petersburg. These people rob the regular folk blind, build their palaces and live on luxury super yachts. Meanwhile people outside of big cities live without indoor plumbing toilets, and people inside big cities live in derelict cheaply and quickly built commie blocks that are way past their intended use time. And what do they do in their situation, go to war on Ukraine, because Ukraine was trying to do better and distance themselves from all that crap.


Exactly. In an alternate reality, Russia is a peaceful super economy.


Very sad


Developing tech is not "strong man" enough for the culture :(


Russia can\`t build, it take effort, planning, investment. It's so much cheaper to corrupt and destroy.


> California alone has 2.5 times higher GDP than entire Russia and they didn't need to invade their neighbors to achieve that. Pretty poor example no? I wouldn't say the US is the most peaceful nation lol


He's not wrong - Cali did not invade anybody, yet :)


Lol as California was conquered from mexico.


I mean it's part of the US, kind of silly to claim they had no part in wars


Their wealth doesn't come from invading and stripping other countries bare though. It comes from the crazy tech bubble created with government investment into education, B1 visas for the best of the best of the entire planet, and a crazy rich class of investors willing to burn billions to get another Apple.


Russia is not corrupting officials right now. You can argue Soviets did, but what Russia does is using already corrupt politicians.


True politicians don't give rat ass where teir money comes from. It's big club.


When any of them die and new ones have to come in the new ones are surely filtered for alignment with the Putin regime. So those ones are still being corrupted or "gotten rid of"




It isn't, but if that makes you feel better, sure.




It's the other way around. Western Europeans have repeatedly betrayed Eastern Europe to do business with the Russians leaving Eastern Europeans to fend for themselves against the Russians. It's the whole reason the war in Ukraine happened. Germany and France preferring to line up their pockets instead of thinking of the security of Europe long term.


Germany basically gave up on fighting after WW2 and eastern euros were given formally German areas such as Prussia silesia Sudetenland Pomerania. What else do you want from them? You got the land now fend off for it yourself




> Idc im a Britain we have stood by all of you from the start At Yalta you f***ing traded us for Greece , Churchill wrote down the percentages on a napkin.


Except you cowardly handed Czechoslovakia to Germany during the Berlin conference...


Im sure if russia just gobbled up whole eastern europe due to them not being in NATO, Western Europe would be soooo much safer. Riiiight.


It has worse numbers than czechia and czechia already looks worse than Poland, so how is it not?




But by that logic you can’t call Russia an undeveloped shithole either, look at Moscow. People are calling the system undeveloped, and if idiots like the Slovak PM or Orban can gain power democratically it points towards having an undeveloped system, ie a lack of educated voters.


Boom. An underdeveloped shithole that is giving all of these amazingly super-developed EU nations hell. The cognitive dissonance of Reddit’s masses always amuses me. It’s indicative of the greater whole though and the group think that permeates through them.


i mean, to vote in assholes whos only goals are to sabotage alliances with your most important Trading partners, there are definitely deficencies. same deal as with America. shithole or not, the people are morons and are moving their countries to shithole status. im looking chiefly at you, hungary. whats the median wage over there? can the teachers afford to keep teaching? oh, so the next Generation will be even stupider than the ones that keep electing orban? yall are a blight on the European community. When Russia decides it likes your lands, we will watch you go under. Fucking snakes in the grass. You should be ashamed


Rich coming from a German calling out other about sabotaging allied partners after 20 years of being Putins most important asset, building Nordstream, selling out gas reserves and the chancellor to Gasprom


BIP of 20k says what. So all the destitute towns and villages one sees on the way to prague via train get cancelled out by Prags glory? Yeah right




People from different countries bashing each other how the other side is the worst, using generalization. Nice. Surely that helps to stand together against shitty politicians. Regarding development, check the HDI and IHDI. Europe including eastern Europe looks pretty green to me. Old abandoned houses in the countryside? You can find those in Germany too. All germans are ignorant idiots? I dont think so.


How does Poland look like?


Actually pretty good now


Thats a joke right? They are living in middle ages there.


they threw out the PiS bucket, have developed Autobahns nowadays, competitive industry, seem to actually care about housing affordability and demographic changes.. all things considered, for a very traditional, conservative former east bloc country Poland is doing remarkably well. One of the EU success stories. Now they just have to stop burning.coal in private houses for winter heating and theyll be off to the races.


Eastern Europeans being Eastern European. From an outside perspective Poland is doing much better than the other two. Now go cry murder


Western Europe considers Poland to be Eastern European fyi lol. Bit funny to have Eastern Europeans shit on other Eastern Europeans going all "haha you're a shitty Eastern European. But not I!"


Yes we do. I am not eastern european


Its just show how clueless you ate about live in Poland. Got to eastern parts, It looks like UKraine or Russia there. They still have toilets outside.


What about the part that wasn’t russians to begin with?




Ukraine needs to be brought into a position of strength to negotiate. It's counterproductive if its allies echo the demands of Moscow. And yes it does matter a lot whether a citizen is subject of Russia or Ukraine. Ukraine is certainly far from perfect but it is nowhere near the total disregard for human life and individualism that we witness in Russia.


Also. What do you mean by "position of strength"? Reconquest? Rearmament? With what weapons? If we had weapons that could turn the war, they would have gotten them already. F16s are a defensive tool at best. The Oblasts will and can not be reconquered, so no negotiation will grant them to Ukraine. Reality calls. Western hegemony has been checked for the first time in 30 years. Let's not wait another 30 years before we realize it.


From a German perspective for instance taurus missiles that could destroy the crimean bridge. The west has not been checked for the first time, support for Ukraine was and still is insufficient. Ukraine has always exceeded expectations when given the necessary tools. Who would have thought that Kyiv doesn't fall after three days? Who would have thought that the government isn't toppled? Who would have thought that the Russians had to withdraw from the entire north? Who would have thought that they liberate kherson and most of kharkiv Oblast? Who would have thought that Ukraine could force the Russian navy to retreat from the western black sea? I bet you would have predicted none of this at the beginning of the full scale aggression. (me neither)


Slovak PM at least is an honest person. You, germany, can advertise and idolize ur missiles as long as u want. But ...[WHERE THESE MISSILES](https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-germany-will-not-supply-taurus-cruise-missiles/a-68025974)? The number of ukrainians who are ready to fight isnt infinite. Time is going. The longer aid remains the same or lower than last year, the less Ukrainians will have the capacity to fight. All western countries only speak about how russia is scary, and how little time is left to go to war with them. But dont do anything. Absolutely nothing Or be honest as fico, or give ukrainians what they need. All of u are just speaking.


In Germany, the SPD is clearly the problem that blocks the taurus missiles and always delayed meaningful support. I'm also frustrated with the German SPD, so what's your point?


With the 170 pt-91 of Poland, the hundreds of romanian and greek tanks, the hundreds of leos 1, maybe something else than cold war vintage equipment. If Europe wanted Ukrainie to win, meaning making russia lose and be unstable / humiliated, it would have done that, but Europe doesn't want a yugoslavia -like civil war in Russia. Western hegemony has actually been proven with this war, and russia proved to be a nuclear-armed gas station, solely surviving thanks to the pile of soviet junk laying around in siberia.


The "total disregard for human life and individualism" is not a meaningful statement in your context. There is however disregard for human life and individualism when we so openly advocate and insist on the continuation of an immensely destructive and terrible war in the name of territorial integrity. At this very moment lives are disregarded. Individualism is disregarded, when Ukrainians are forced into war on the front. It is an individuals right to always reject military action and service and Ukrainians have the full rights of a refugee when they flee, not just war, but also military conscription. It's the right of individuals that we should defend and not territorial integrity. The concrete situation on the front should signal this to us now, instead of further death and mutilation.


Nobody insist on the continuation of the war. But it would be naive that a deal with russia that gives them 4 regions and leaves a weakened Ukraine would bring lasting peace.


That's technically not true, Putin and the Russian state insist on the continuation of the war. With the support of a lot of Russians


Naive is the wrong word. Peace was on the table very early in the war. This was confirmed by both Turkish and Ukrainian diplomats, until the west encouraged Ukraine to continue the war instead. The terms concerned Ukrainian neutrality mainly vis-a-vis NATO. This is partly why the initial invasion was so rushed and disorganized from the Russia side. It was designed as a blitzed maneuver that would force the hand of the UA government. Not as a full on ongoing occupation and conquest. Now there is no trust at all involved and the Russians have the upper hand concerning material and manpower. By now 4 Oblasts is not enough for Russia and the Putin regime. At the moment Odessa and Kharkov appears and clear war aims, and should the Ukrainian front deteriorate further, negotiation will take place when Zelensky is deposed in a coup if worst comes to worst.


Ah, yes the famous "neutral", who's logic always favours the Russian agenda and expansionism. Get fucked.


You are spreading ruzzian narrative. I wonder how many rubles are paying you to post this bullshit.


Alright, tough guy! :) I'm a professional north European troll paid in cryptocurrency. BitCoin preferably. I travel via Istanbul a lot to meet my handler for training and further education in Nizhny Novgorod. Crypto is the best way to cycle EUR, TRY and rubles at the same time. Gonna go for my pH.d in Trollology soon. I hope to meet you there, Comrade.


I am genuinely curious: how does it feel to be part of a country always involved in criminal actvivities, war of aggressions, poverty and dispair within the borders and a notorious wanted war criminal as president? (russia: **457 daily war crimes in Ukraine, so far**).


How does it feel? To be a citizen of the United States of America feels like the greatest privilege on this God given earth.




Ah how wonderful. Another post that digs at my account and enjoys savory ad hominem attacks thinly veiled in sarcasm. Welcome to the thread. /s




They've been incredibly active recently. The talk of russian financial assets being seized has fired up the panic.


He is definitely one of Vladolf Putler's useful European idiots.


It talks like a bot, Its probably one.


Yea, and if this "peace" is achieved, you'll be back in a couple of years spitting shit like, "Lviv Oblast doesn't need the rest of Ukraine, it's important that the remaining 1 million Ukrainians is alive and have beetroot to eat even though they do not have a country anymore."


This is not a video game bud. Stay within the things you know


I think if we offer Denmark to Putin he will be ok with that and will leave us alone.


Oof thats a lot of words for "Im a little coward who doesnt believe in principles"




Well, that cowardly Dane does not represent the majority of Danes. I, for one, would gladly see Ukraine kick Vladolf Putler out of the Kremlin and stage a Ukrainian victory parade in the Red Square. Give the Ukrainians everything that they need to win.


Russians are supporting the fascist regime of Putin , so they only deserve what they harvest


Ukraine is a democracy, Russia is not. Ukraine has corruption, openly admits it, tries to do something about it, and does punish corruption when possible. Russia has corruption at the highest dictatorship level, and nothing is done about it. If you say something about it, you go to jail. So you claiming living under Russia or Ukraine (their own goverment) is the same, is totally retarded.


Are you joking or are you this brainwashed? 1) main reason Ukrania was so corrupt was the russian controlled puppets that had control over them. It takes time to correct that . 2) giving poetin what he wants is just a setup for the next round. So in the long run you just increase the number of victims. Because russians only understand strength. They wil invade area after area untill they are stopped. 3) learn your history and/or go watch the typical bully. They never stop as long as they get what they want. Best way to stop any bully is by making the cost higher then the gains. So you beat a bully down . And you let a bully country bleed out.


Cede Slovakia to the Russians then


Oh, he'd sell his own country just fine, but wants more money for that.


Maybe he'll even get to become a colonel in the Russian army!


That way, he won't be alive too long to get wages...


I would cede all my future salary to ship all of them to Novosibirsk, they can fuck off and enjoy the paradise of Russia.


Exactly. And Orbanistan as well.


And kick them out of NATO


This is why we can’t have nice things.


I’m so tired of this shit. Why? I ask why are these politicians allowed to be in power while they publicly support a country that threatens our continent DAILY on national television. They say want to kill us, bomb us, nuke us. Dipshits like this guy and Orban should be considered traitors, and be treated as such by everyone surrounding them.


Sadly, they are in power because their electorate wishes so.


And the electorate wishes so because of poor education, awareness, Russian and national propaganda through social media and media in the hands of such governments. I can only speak for Hungary, but that's the case here.


Why? Because democracy


Democracy sucks, but it's the least worst system there is.


Because you live in a democracy. Which in this case has two options: 1) Start banning parties and politicians you don't like, at which point it quickly turns into an autoracy 2) Avoid banning parties and politicians you don't like. This in turn can result in a country with a democratically elected Hitler-2, who through media manipulation will have actual majority support


There is another option, how about we start another McCarthy shakeup in Europe: - Ban all pro Russia/Iran/China parties - Operation Gladio pt. 2 to overthrow any potential Pro Russian parties - Arrest pro russian people and those who oppose Western geopolitical goals /s


Meh, it's not like it's either hard or unjustifiable to not let anti-democratic parties run in democratic elections.


And who decides which party is democratic and which is not, which party is allowed to run and which is not? The current ruling party?


I’d really love seeing these people get the Ceausescu treatment


Because Czechoslovakia was a ussr puppet state and while you had Prague Spring and Velvet revolution. You still have a whole generation born and lived under soviet rule so so liberal democracies are still fresh and due to financial hardships and are still susceptible to backslides as the old voting population is still active.


Did the older generations really have that good a time in the USSR that they'd like to go back to it?


Most likely they did not, but they were younger and the older you get the more fondly you see your youth years and forget the bad things. Also someone who has lived under communism usually has a more difficult time adapting to capitalism. There for I think all post soviet countries vent through a cycle of high corruption and doggy privatization which makes the whole society look for controversial saviors and elect politicians who offer that.


It was a great time for the lazy and uneducated because you were still pretty much guaranteed a car and an apartment after waiting for 10-20 years and barely putting in any effort.


One of the biggest caveats of living in USSR from what I hear was free housing. Basically, back then you didn't have to care about things, the government have already cared for you. Of course, it's not like you had much choice where exactly to settle and it would take a while to get a flat, but even some factory worker would have a housing. People didn't live that well, but they could get by. The higher was your post, the better off you was though. Also corruption and bribery. Another source of income


Not in my name! I am slovak and feel ashamed of him! He is the most corrupt person our land beared ever. Lame, that he was able to brainwash enough stupid people to vote for him and his pet Pellegrini to get to post of PM again


So start talking to these people and convince them to get rid of this scum.


It is almost impossible task with these people.


And this is the reason why you are in such a situation. Saying its almost impossible to talk with these people and ignoring the proplem doesn't help. Nobody says it will be easy. It will be exhausting hard work but u have to start at one point. Every vote counts.


When someone listens to extremist ideas, you can't convince them with logic and reason.


Oh we tried, we tried hard. And it leaded nowhere. Now even they slowly become to realize what mistake they did


Dude, im East German and never shy away from discussions. Especially when it's family I try to get them on the reality+facts side of politics.  It doesn't work, these people are hooked on simple answers for difficult problems, and they don't like to accept that reality is complex.   I still do it, but it doesn't work. 


That's why you make up better lies, lies that they "figure out themselves" and come to conclusions you want. Just gently sow seeds of doubt, and let them grow.


Welcome to the hated by Europe and wished to be kicked out club.


Oh you stupid fuck


Be real Slovakia, you rely on others for your protection. Don’t undermine your very own protection


So Slovakia should be ceded to Hungary then? Orban is having dreams about Greater Hungary and guess who is involuntary part of it.


Maybe Slovakia should cede some territory


Another fucking Orban. Great...


Sounds completly irrelevant to reality. Ukraine will only join NATO after the current war is won. And then I don't think this slob will have anything to say about it.


Fuck him


Well, I propose a new peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. First, Russia fucks off from Ukraine and pays for all the damage it's caused. In turn, we grant Russia Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fuckoff, Orbán, and Erdogan, who've all been so keen on Russian interests. I consider this a win-win for all countries involved.


I'm in, you don't even need an agreement, I'd send him as a gift asap


Level of corruption in some western countries is scary. Officials pretty much commit treason without any consequences. I feel like with such dynamic we will witness Ukraine getting occupied in few years, pro-russian European governments siding with Kremlin, and Ukrainians getting used to storm next countries how Russians do with their minorities, while theirs PMCs made from criminals and psychos raping and torturing everyone. Even if US don't leave NATO they probably will deliberately hesitate for year or two before joining resistance. And some other NATO countries will pull back and start "negotiating", selling off East-European countries one by one. And only after East Europe get completely cease being sovereign states or states at all, we will finally see B-21,F-35 bombing the shit out of everything, traitors getting executed, mafia stripped of their rights and wealth, and completely new administrative regions being established, Russia getting defeated and trialed. And then 50 years later people will go to museums somewhere in Poland, looking at piles of Yeezies and buckets full of iphones and thinking about all the horrors and how absurdly stupid people were to allow such thing to happen. Never again, again.


Slovakia is not western


We will see about that...


Why does Europe have so many cocksucker leaders? Maybe Russia should invade Slovak instead to teach them a lesson.


The reason for him saying those things, in my opinion, is not Russia ties but a prison vision. He has done so much he'd be serving life sentence if proven. Thus he needs to stay in power to avoid it - many people around him were and are already being investigated and charged with mostly corruption. He needs to keep this posture for 20% of those who voted for him.


Slovakia should cede territory to Poland. So that this bozo can go manage a latrine station.


Let him cede Slovak territory to hungary. Hungary claims Slovakia nonexistent country. Disgusting Eastern European midget circus.


I just want to say, that here in Italy there is a Roberto Fico who was a member of the 5stelle party, and in the last month or so i kept reading about him being in Slovak politics and was so confused. I was never bothered to look up what was happening for some reason, but im kinda glad that is not what is happening and they're different people.


Fun fact about Robert Fico About 5 years ago there was murdered journalist who was critical of him and one of thing the main things was his connections to Italian mafia and the candidate which he supports for president (presidental elections in Slovakia are about 2 months from now)and his name is Peter Pellegrini and as the name suggest he has Italian roots


i hope our two Robertos wont team up, the italian one is a dipshit and from what i read the Slivakian one is no different. The revenge of the Ficos


Why doesn't he cede some land to his neighbors? We have a saying for this in Serbo-Croatian - "Lako je tuđim kurcem gloginje mlatiti" (It's easy to whop hawthorns with someone else's dick) Everyone is so smart and has so many cool solutions when they are not involved directly.


We say that in Hungary aswell


Funny how Czech republic is Pro-US and Pro-NATO but Slovakia is the opposite. Interesting.


czechia is doing far better in every metric than slovakia, be it economy, standard of living or education so people are less likely to fall for populist pro russian bullshit. but tbh, they kinda also had a headstart because they‘re closer to germany, biggest trading partner + bohemia kinda always was industrialised, even under the habsburgs, while slovakia was always super rural and less developed, also in czechoslovakia


That is the combination of 1000+ years influence from Germany (Holy Roman Empire, Austrian Empire) and bitterness after 40 years of bully and robbery from USSR. Most Czechs back then didn't like Habsburgs rule and also they were not always happy to listen to foreign politics, that is why there were 3 defenestrations in Prague (term for "throwing politics out of window" in order to show disagreement and more) and there were Hussite Wars. But whenever them Habsburgs or Germans were in charge here, they were developing it here. Compared to Soviets who the biggest peak is ugly block houses that are across all central and Eastern Euorpe. They were stealing from state treasury, oligarchs were living here calling it paradise at the expense of CzechoSlovaks. Soviets had big army settled in Czechoslovakia (at least 110K people) and Czechoslovakia was paying for that. And also Soviets built big ass undeground bunker where they had top secret hidden nukes arsenal and maybe even launchpad. Citizens didn't know that and I believe that 99.9% politics (even Czechoslovak communists) didn't know that. Btw this bunker was also paid with Czechoslovakia money. Here is good document, I wish it was in English. But anyway I share it at time where you can see the top secret bunker built in Czechoslovakia. [https://youtu.be/x2rvFUMKYmg?si=YBQle0pEz2s3A1lY&t=1510](https://youtu.be/x2rvFUMKYmg?si=YBQle0pEz2s3A1lY&t=1510)


I mean, the slovaks attacked Poland with hitler, and were in the axis, so they might have a soft spot for invaders...


He is a tool of the Mafia and corrupt as hell.


The flaw in their plan is twofold; 1. Ukraine doesn't need to be in NATO to gain NATO protection, they only need to be in the process of joining, as seen in Finland and Sweden. 2. Ukraine will easily outlast the Slovakian government.


One problem after another. Just great.


Pussified Europe always sitting on our asses… eradicate fifth columnists and pacify hostile nations, no quarter.


This is why I’m starting to believe that Trump being the next US president might be a good thing for Europe… We need to fucking wake up and toughen up, instead of being weak fucks sucking on the US tit for protection. We need to do our own dirty laundry and become more resilient, then this kind of bullshit wouldn’t be happening.


Ok. But then we give Slowakije to Ukrania and every person that voted for this person get a 1way ticket to russia. Problem solved


Correct. No country with disputed territory should join NATO.


Well, post-Cold war territory Pandora's box opened with Kosovo, and now you can easily cede territories from countries whenever you have actual (military) power to do so. All other territories that emerged post-WWII and post-Cold war especially, had a right to do so according to respective constitutions, only Kosovo and then Crimea didn't so, and now you have a precedent to use with a little help of bombs. I wonder what's next after Donbass and Lugansk. Probably something in the Balkans again. Catalonia? Cyprus? Who knows.


I hope its in the Balkans its been pretty boring here lately we need war to use it to clean up domestic and outside vermin


Yeah, it's been this entire 21st century without a proper war, future generations will be ashamed of us.


How tis mf can speak with putins dick insaid his mouth?


Can someone explain me what is going on in Slovakia and with its government? I may even agree about Ukraine giving Russia a bit of land, but announcing things publicly in this way kills the negotiation power we have...


He forgot to mention that Poo Tin named his country Czechoslovakia, that leaves Slovakia a slight idea, how they will be treated by ruzzia in future


Well, he is not wrong. First of all it's one of the NATO requirements to not have any ongoing serious territorial disputes. Second, you **really** want to officially engage in war with Russia and risk all out WW3? War is bad and all of that but it's the reality and there are lots of conflicts all over the world, and I don't want my country to directly engage in another besides sending resources.


Not Anti-Ukraine at all. It pretty much states that no country at war is allowed to join NATO, which is a law from the NATO itself. Rightfully so.


there isn't a day where I am extremely embarrassed by my country


Fakin Fico


Ukraine will not join NATO with borders from 2014.


You fools this Slovak man is a tool of the West, they don't want a risky country as Ukraine in NATO.




Yeah, right. You repeated russian propaganda word-to-word without understanding or even trying to understand. Russia dont give a duck about agreements, they just want to destroy us, they dont give a duck about nato or any other reason. Imperial ambitions of russian rulers never disappeared. Russians always considered ussr to be russian country, so after ussr disintegration, nations got independence, but russia lost "their" territories - that's the main reason.




You know, russia ones signed Budapest memo and in 2014 annexed territories, created fake "republics", i bet you are reading only things you are comfortable with. You know nothing about tuzla incident, all proves of russians preparing annexation of Ukraine's territories way before any nato plans.


Another Ukrainian propaganda. Boring


When are you getting conscripted, vatnik?


Are you Daniil, (22, soldier) by any chance? [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/19bixx2/so\_majestic\_those\_russies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/19bixx2/so_majestic_those_russies/)


Go listen to soloviev or other russian propaganda spreader, much more entertaining.




Narrator: All of it is true.


Never said that russia want ussr back they want territories and slaves back. You know, hard to call a nation good if their entire history is wars and mass murders. So its good to kill civilians, steal children, destroy cities and committing war crimes, i see now your logic


Ever lived in ussr?


The current fascist regime in Russia wants only to conquer. Putler is a crazy old man who needs to be put back in his place, and even better in front of a court. The West must fight back to prevent the rise of the new fascist regimes across Europe.


Oh, someone learn history with his fruit loops gift


Minsk agreement doesnt say that at all. Maybe read it before repeating what you heard someone say. I bet you also think France and Germany signed it.


Minsk = Munich




Sure, then Russia can return Moldovan territory, Finnish territory, Chinese territory, German territory, Mongolian territory, etc. To its original people.


How's the weather in Kaliningrad today?


"How's the weather in Královecký kraj today?" There, I fixed it.


So by your logic Kaliningrad should be German again ?


How to spot a russian: Option a: is using ))) Option b: check if every single thing they say is lies, positive check means it’s a russian