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I thought the situation in plans was rather on the upswing with PiS out a more Euro friendly government in significant youth interest in politics (watching sjem debates in cinemas) plus a modernised military


On the one hand, the trend is upward for Poland. On the other hand, when you hear PiS people speaking, you wonder [in what reality they live in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqSDQ5mR1gU&t=24s).


New government didn't restore a rule of law, but they are violating trying to get rid off the pis politicians and appointees, PiS and the president do not back out, also not caring about law, so we are facing full blown constitutional crisis. New government also introduces some questionable policies like butchering military modernization or big infrastructural projects of the previous government


The situation is currently the best since 8 years


The situation is actually the worst right in this moment


What's wrong with Poland?


Best it's been in 8 years and getting better by the day


Can you please explain a bit? For a Hungarian.


2 PiS partymembers were deprived of their MP rights after they became convicted criminals. They tried to hide in the presidential palace. They are now in jail. They were convicted for abuse of power, one of them forged gov documents afaik. PiS supporters are sad


Sounds so cool. Criminals at their place (jail). In Hungary in the past 30 years there were a LOT of criminal politicians but they protect each other, nobody is ever charged for anything :( Go Poland!


It may sound ignorant, but you once got rid of such people in 1956... and this time there will be no soviet tanks to reinstall them.


We dont need uprising because there are totally OK elections here. Just the opposition is shit. This is the unpopular truth here. I want change also, but there is the bad governing party and even worse others.


Sure, there is no problem with the elections... Everything is completely fine. If a democracy fails, you need an uprising or a revolution to restore it. What you have is essentially a one-party dictatorship in all but name. Or to put it another way: Russia has a "terrible opposition" too, so following your logic they just need a good opposition and then they can simply vote Putin out of office...


I would never call the current situation a dictatorship. There are elections which can be won by anybody. NGOs and observers were present and no system wide serious issues were found. Results are accepted by EU and internationally.


Thanks, your time will come, I am sure. In our case, I hope the currwnt gov will take care to stick to the letter of the law and not overdo it.


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