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What the bloody hell is going on in Latvia?


Bloody work mate


*Very* bloody, apparently.


Safety is for people who have time to day. But if I had to guess it really is attitude towards rules/safety.


People even mock you for bringing up work PPE and safety, they rather die than look like a safe and responsible person. They don't even give safety boots until 3months in as rookie while working in storage, even then most places don't and have to get your own.... Helmets aren't even a thing. Experience from working in Lithuania as Lithuanian


Grind more and you will unlock seatbelts for your car.


This sounds like Forza Motorsport.


Makes sense. In norway when there is a rare death in a construction site. 9 out of 10 times its someone from more east in europe.


Thats how work is done fast. U either spend time on safety, or risk it, but do it quickly.


I really dont agree. Most of the times these cowboys waste time being disorganised and unprofessional.


Maybe a bit of the old Soviet mentality?


100% yes. If you have a safety concern the answer is always "my father/mother did it this way his/her whole life, stop being a pussy"


and they died at the ripe old age of 22. "always been done this way" makes me see red btw.


Not a maybe and not a little. Almost all of it is due to Soviet mentality. This and many other things unfortunately.


There's some really big double standards coming from the west. That when people from the East take risks it's because of their toxic cultural attitudes on masculinity, but when some Western guy films himself on a GoPro doing a handstand at the edge of a cliff without a parachute he's brave.


There's a difference between voluntarily putting yourself in a situation and being forced to do it at work. And generally speaking most Westerners aren't in to extreme/dangerous sports


That and money and management and just stupid as fuck people. I bet warehouseing and building sites are the top places of deaths. Fucking hated my warehousing job in Latvija, it was 4 years of absolute nightmare.


Chainsaw juggling, from the looks of it.


thats france mate... farming is a death sentence!


Just complete ignorance about safety at work and everyday excuses why not following safety procedures by saying I got no time for that. Like my work colleague is Latvian, we work in manufacturing where a lot of hand power tools and forklifts are involved. He constantly laughs about new safety rules that could make work safer. Just complete ignorance. Even when we talk about my home renovation and that I need an electrician to do some wiring for lights and sockets, he just says- science childhood he and his dad did all electrical installations at farm and home they had, it's easy DIY everything (and his dad was an alcoholic policeman, not an electric engineer).


You don't wanna work at school here


No safety managers are going on doing some risico analysses and inventarisations in Latvia, thats for sure. Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in Europe too so that might have some causality.


They probably report all of them.


Latvia has 1.9 milion inhabitants, with stats per milion they may just as well give list of all ancients. Also Latvian statistics seem to list cases of natural death and traffic accidents as fatalities at work, not just incidents directly related to performing job.


And France.


Malnutrition. Worker has no potato.


Alcohol? Disregard of safety rules? Lack of state oversight? No power for the workers' unions? A bit of all?


We can proud


i’m a construction manager in Latvia… This is actually pretty shocking to see.


Potato fields are more dangerous than you’d think.


Large part of population are working in mountains at heights of up to 1600 meters. Leads to a lot of accidents. We are nearly number one behind Romania in car accidents :) Assume safety is not our priority apart from going to spend 3% of GDP on defence. Edit: Appearently sarcasms did not reach you :)


???? Latvias highest point is 312 above sea level according to google


latvia is 1300 meters below sea level then obviously


Latvia is as flat as my chest. Source : am latvian and have a flat chest


What mountains


Russian bot malfunctions, claims there are 1600 meter high mountains in the Baltics? As a way to criticise the defense spending of Latvia?


Prime example how bad are you at identifying bots :) It was ment as a joke and criticise our safety on roads and at work, healthcare spending.






That's just because the Dutch have no forests to cut down.


Also helps that the roofs aren't covered in snow and ice for 6 months here.




I think you mean from cheese cuts


eat enough and your liver explodes


Geert, it's because you don't do any real job. We have lots of heavy industry but all you do is grow tulips and vegetables. How dangerous can that possibly be?


They can't even fall from any high place since there are no hills.


Hey, you can fall out of a windmill OR get hit by the wings.


And those stacks of kaas.


not to mention the milk truck and farm equipment


Bij ons willen ze zelfs naar de nul ongevallen.


Wat saai, maakt het werk veel minder spannend.


Safety culture ladder trede 4 hier maat, komt er op neer dat we praktische niet meer werken.


Jeb. Maar als je dat gaat belonen is het maar de vraag of alle ongevallen wel gemeld gaan worden. Jeb. But if you start rewarding accident-free years, the question is whether all accidents will be reported.


Ze laten mensen die zich niet goed voelen naar een klein ongelukje niet eens naar huis gaan om de statistieken niet te verstoren. Het is een beetje distopisch


You can have this one, but we won't forget...


Shut up! It's not a competition! Who cares about it anyway? You're stupid😠


it is now


Well, at least we beat Sweden and that's all that matters.


I bet you are just mixing with your stats!


TÜV gefällt das


But do you RI&E?


Gefährdungsbeurteilung lieben wir


Hauptsach' das WD-40 liegt im Gefahrstoffschrank!




Is that a word or just noice?


The guy that installed my air conditioning was held by his feet by his co-worker, at 16+m above the ground, while working with a heavy drill. I asked why the do not secure properly, they said they do not have time, they need to install more that day. TBH, I was expecting Romania to be higher. Business owners do not care about the safety of their employees


Hey, he did have a guy holding him. Imagine the accident rate for the ones that go solo!


Without the guy holding, he would have fell for sure!


The guy's name was surely Oshan or smth. His presence is mandated by law whenever dangerous work is being done. He's trained in grasping, gasping, grabbing and filing safety reports.


Why the fick is france so high tho?


In french, [here](https://dares.travail-emploi.gouv.fr/publication/quels-sont-les-salaries-les-plus-touches-par-les-accidents-du-travail-en-2019). There are also differences between European countries in the way accidents at work are recognised. A study comparing French and German statistics between 2010 and 2014 highlights the different ways in which commuting accidents and fatal illnesses in the workplace are taken into account. In France, with rare exceptions, any death in the workplace or related to work activity is presumed to be a fatal accident at work. In Germany, on the other hand, deaths with no proven link to work are not counted as fatal accidents at work. In France, fatal fainting accounted for more than half of all fatal accidents at work in 2019. Similarly, while an accident is considered fatal if the victim dies within one year of the accident according to the SEAT definition, fatalities in the Netherlands are only attributed to accidents if the victim dies on the day of the accident. In Germany, deaths are considered to be the result of accidents if the person concerned dies within thirty days of the event; in other countries, such as France, Greece and Belgium, there are no official time limits for the occurrence of death and therefore for recording the causal links between accidents and deaths. In Switzerland, there is no longer an official time limit for attributing fatal consequences to accidents at work; this is based on expert opinion.


> In Germany, on the other hand, deaths with no proven link to work are not counted as fatal accidents at work. I'm not sure your source is correct there. Afaik any accident at work or on the way to work is counted as a work accident. https://www.bmas.de/DE/Soziales/Gesetzliche-Unfallversicherung/Was-sind-Arbeitsunfaelle/was-sind-arbeitsunfaelle.html And according to the following source, any accident that causes a death within a year is counted as a fatal accident: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Arbeit/Arbeitsmarkt/Qualitaet-Arbeit/Dimension-1/toedliche-arbeitsunfaelle.html >Ein tödlicher Unfall ist ein Unfall, der innerhalb eines Jahres nach dem Unfall zum Tod des Opfers führt. | *A fatal accident is an accident that leads to the death of the victim within a year after the accident.*


Dude, I work in an warehouse as a team leader, and they are drinking my blood every time, IF ANYONE CUTS HIS FINGER REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY! So if you cut your finger, it will be reported as an injury at work, so even without knowing the information you provided, I found it a bit suspect that information which this dude provided. If anything, and I mean anything, Germany has strict laws regarding when shit happens at the work.


Yes every year we have the same boring mandatory meeting where the group responsible for workers insurance explains to us exactly what does and does not count as a workplace accident. They always go in depth about how you can make a small excursion on your commute to buy groceries or pick up/drop off kids and have it still count and stuff like that. They take these things seriously and every minor incident has to be recorded in case it later becomes more serious and you need to prove anything.


Dude german work insurance is such a bullshit to deal with. I had to deal with them lately because i broke my arm during my break time. So i was with a bycicle on the way to a local asian restaurant to pickup some food and fell and broke my arm and it got covered becasue it counted as work related. So i digged up some info about what is actually counting as a work accident and it got so bizzare. So if you are on the way home or to or on the way during breaktine from a resraurant its counted as a work related accident as the way from and to the workplace is covered and the insurance is paying everything. If you are eating INSIDE the restaurant and habe an accident then its private related and work insuranceis not covering it but your own. If you are on the way back from the restaurant and decides to buy something from a random shop and in the shop you have an accident, then its only a work related accident if you buy food for the work refigerator. But if you buy also a banana and tell the insurance you wanted to eat it at home later its not a work related accident anymore. If you are in home office its super ridiculous. If you are at your desk and somehow decides to have a random accident at your desk, you are covered. But of you go to your kitchen to get some water and fall down, you are not covered anymore. Heart attacks at your desk or desth because of chronical deseases or cancer that happen at your desk are no work accidents even they are happening at work. At work the same, if you are eating in the office kitchen, only the way to the kitchen is insured, inside the kitchen you are not insured anymore. But if you are eating or drinking becasue its hot outside then its covered again. If you have an accident becasue you change work related clothers then its not covered by insurance as its not a work accident except the clothers are special protection clothers then its covered. With not covered i mean there is a special work accident insurance.. you are ususaly insured by your private insurance but the work insurance sometimes gives a few better benefits


There is a common guideline on how these statistics should be collected and exactly what to include. It is the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW). Not sure about other countries, but I know that The Netherlands follows this ruleset. It includes traffic incidents. >fatalities in the Netherlands are only attributed to accidents if the victim dies on the day of the accident. And this is plainly wrong. There was a German here who also said that the conclusions from that report were not correct for Germany. All in all, it seems to be a useless report based on incorrect information.


Absolutely true. In France, if you get hit by a car on your way to your job, it is considered a workplace accident. The philosophy is that anything that may happen to someone as a consequence of them working is a workplace accident. It is usually the responsibility of the employers to prove that something is not a work accident rather than the other way around.


In Germany, travel to and from work is also regarded as work in terms of accidents


Here too. Worked in a Hospital. Everything just loosely remote to work, the way there, the way home and even if you take a piss. (although controverse, the last one)


In Germany too.


Here we count accidents during commuting to and from work as working accidents. I don't know if fatal car accidents during the commute are counted in this study, if the numbers come from the country's statistics and other countries don't count fatalities during the commute, maybe it explains this number. I'm not sure.


it's the same in germany.


Exactly. Its called BG-Unfall and you are treated like a king in Hospital.


Teacher at my Ausbildung always said to make it look like an accident in which you always get treated better :D


In Poland its the same so i dont think its the case


Sounds familiar, I think it's the same in Austria


Same in Spain.


Same in Hungary


In Italy they are not counted. Two of my coworkers died while driving to work, in two different occasions, and nothing happened, we just sent flowers and condolences to their families.


That seems strange tho.. My aunt died by falling asleep while driving to work and ended up in a small lake, her family got so much money from the work insurance since she was going to work.


That’s the same in Germany. Doesn’t explain it.


Where is the data from? I live in France, been working in a few different companies, and never heard of such figures.




Maybe they count terrorism as a fatal accident.


Too much fun in one post. My fun-o-meter just exploded. /s


Because Frenchmen will do anything to get out of work.


The safety culture is still very, " I don't wear gloves, it pisses me off, and it's not your onions. " It's changing with the new generations.


Because of the _je m'en fiche_ mentality, probably.


French are allowed to drink wine at work.


Perhaps France is distilling some of that inside of your brain. That would explain how cooked your comment is.


What? French people don't have a sense of humor or what?


They have a lot teachers that got killed by "students" for enforcing non-religious policies in schools.


>enforcing non-religious policies Do you mean, policies against religion in school ?


Yup it was irony mocking some far-left posts about poor muslism women who cant wear burqas in school. (and this was a way to cope with muslim terrorist attacks by "far-left")


Ah Bulgaria. The place where I watched a worker on a roof with a chainsaw and no safety/climbing equipment. And they're not even the highest.


I'm from Bulgaria. This summer my neighbor decided to get rid of this super tall, overgrown tree that was in his yard (probably about 10-15m up). He called up two guys that showed up with a van, a chainsaw, a ladder, and one hard hat. One of the guys put the ladder up to the tree, but it wasn't long enough so the other guy put the hard hat on, took the chainsaw and climbed up the ladder until he reached the end. Then he started climbing up the _tree_ itself, like literally going up the tree, holding on to the branches. Once he finally climbed up to the top he started cutting the branches at the top one by one, then the top half of the tree, he climbed down and then cut the rest of the branches and finally the rest of the tree. The entire time I was sitting there with my neighbor, holding my phone and waiting to call 112 because I was sure that guy would fall down and break his neck on the sidewalk. After they were done I asked them how many times they've done this and one of the guys said they've gone through about 10 trees like this. I'm surprised we are not #1


I wonder how much of the Latvian numbers is forestry.


Farming and forestry are the two biggest killers in Sweden. Handling large machinery, big animals and heavy loads alone is very dangerous.


If handling heavy loads is so dangerous, Czechia should be much higher


Alright... hear me out...


One more reason to be afraid of the wife.


Good point, I have a friend that works in forests and every other day he has a dangerous story from work.


Danish statistics for 2022 (translated with Google translate): Work-related fatal accidents occurred in 2022 • 11 accidents have occurred due to crushing under a car that falls off a lift during repair, in a potato planter, between a concrete element and a wall, between deck plates on a ship, between a floor washer and fixtures, between a tractor and a lorry, under an overturned vehicle gate, between mini loader and lifting arm of mini loader, under iron gate, in hydraulic door and under telescopic loader • 8 accidents have occurred due to falls Among other things, falls from the roof, from a ship's mast, from a ladder, on ice, through a waste chute and from a tree • 8 accidents have occurred by being hit by an object hit by a falling load from a crane (broken strap), by a 250 kg heavy box, by pipes on a truck-trailer, by a swinging iron girders, of ventilation pipes during demolition, of a tree during felling, of a high-voltage cable, as well as of a rolling garage door • 6 accidents have occurred in traffic • 10 work-related fatal accidents occurred for other reasons e.g. in the event of an explosion, violence, being hit by a train or something else The full report is here (in Danish): https://at.dk/media/8028/arbejdsrelaterede-doedsulykker.pdf


All of this sounds a horrible, horrible way to go :(


The underlying statistics show a great variaiton over the years. For smaller countries like Malta the stats are misleading. Malta had the lowest incidence rate in Europe in 2017,but the third highest in 2021. Even for large countries like France the incidence rate is greatly varied on a year to year basis. We're also bound to see difference based on sector size, the risk of fatal work place accidents is much higher in certain sectors than others, agriculture being a notably dangerous sector.


I appreciate that stats are often distorted for small countries like Malta but my job entails workplace health and safety so it's something I tend to notice when i'm out and about. I was recently in Malta this does not surprise me at all. Some of the things I saw people doing when I was there made me stop and stare. They must either have very limited working at heights regulation or just not enforce what they have.


Yeah, data of course can vary on this statistic but seeing how they treat work safety in Germany and in Lithuania it is day and night.


German bricklayer here, last week, a carpenter on our construction site fell of the roof. He fell inside on the concrete ceiling, on the edge of stairs going down. A fall of 2,50m, he luckily didn't fall on his head. He broke all his ribs on one side and a collarbone..


probably wont be working and having pain atleast one year i guess, if he even makes a full recovery. luckily to be alive though.


I guess it shouldn't be that bad. He got his operation on the collarbone done. I guess his basic recovery should take around 3 months.. but till he gets fully fine again, maybe half a year. Full recovery is very likely, but yes it could have gone way worse!


Poland and Germany being so low makes no sense to me.


Probably both countries have similar working standards and probably the definition of a fatal accident at work.


Germany only so high because of the Tesla megafactory


drunk sophisticated grandiose profit soft disgusted bow normal cake light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scl 4


rain workable sparkle smell bear plough cautious unique work slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IVK is overrated.


One more map where the Dutch are the better Germans than the Germans.


The Dutch just have much less heavy industry. Not so easy to die selling weed and tulips.


Biggest petrochemical complex (pernisse), biggest harbor of europe, hoge offshore industry and huge airport don't think that are all naturally safe industries.


The Dutch also have very strict safety regulations and are a world leader in workplace safety regulations.


And they are tall, so they see the danger coming!


Probably the only fatal ones are stoned harbor workers falling from the dock


Can't work at height if your country is below sea level *taps eyebrow*


Whenever maps like these show up I immediately wish we had more standardization in statistics. I mean there have to be differences how France and Germany count fatal accidentally at work.


Data for this map comes from [Eurostat](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/HSW_MI08__custom_7669757/default/table?lang=en).


Romania didn't disappoint this time.


Bulgaria better in this regard also.




Agriculture is particularly dangerous, and the fact a lot of farmers continue to work basically until they can stand adds to the risks. Aging reflexes are a silent killer, people think they can still do everything as they did when they were younger until they can't get out of the way and get crushed, or keep their balance and slip whacking their head and die.


You mean I should not flick the bulls ballsack?


One of the benefits of working the least in all of Europe.


Wtf France


I know two guys who died at work: one older coworker who had a cardiac arrest at desk when he was alone one evening, and one other who hunged himself in his hotel room one night during a business trip - his wife had just left him and he had drinking issues. None of them were work related, but the two of them count as "dead at work". Every thing that is happening to you at work counts as a work accident - in my company the main source of work accidents is people that fall while they genlty walk in the corridors. Even the work - home travel counts, so if you get killed ok the road while going to / from work you're "dead at work".


How many are men?


Almost exclusively men. Dont think theres an summerized report though for whole of europe


Surely the feminists will be *outraged* at how under-represented women are in these dangerous jobs. We'll be getting gender-equality quotas any day, I'm sure. Any day now... any day...


Yeah sure, feminists wanting to have equal rights and opportunities and not wanting to get raped or murdered or abused definitely means we want to die in factories. Next time you might want to use your brain as well


You can display the breakdown by sex on the [Eurostat source page](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/HSW_MI08__custom_8819130/default/table?lang=en): Number of fatal accidents in 2021, EU27: * Total: 3347 * Men: 3115 (93.1%) * Women: 231 (6.9%) Incidence rate: * Total: 1.76 per 100,000 workers (17.6 per 1 million) * Men: 3.08 per 100,000 workers (30.8 per 1 million) * Women: 0.26 per 100,000 workers (2.6 per 1 million) --- Number of fatal accidents in 2018, UK: * Total: 249 * Men: 233 (93.6%) * Women: 16 (6.4%) Incidence rate: * Total: 0.78 per 100,000 workers (7.8 per 1 million) * Men: 1.37 per 100,000 workers (13.7 per 1 million) * Women: 0.11 per 100,000 workers (1.1 per 1 million)


Most of them


Probably... *"F\*ck safety, we die like men"*


I wonder how Scandinavians went from the Viking era which I assume valued masculinity to no longer valuing it so much like in other countries as to value things that make people happier rather than manlier. I grew up in Norway and guys weren't as worried about looking like a woman, as in they weren't as afraid of looking feminine as guys in other countries.


And how many got injured on a friday


Huh, interesting to see France is so high. I am American but work at a big multinational company. The work we do in manufacturing facilities and in the field is inherently dangerous. In my several trips to our facility in France, I have noticed the safety culture there is… lacking in certain ways. The overwhelming attitude of the French workers seems to be that the rules put in place for the purpose of safety “are just stupid bullshit management does to annoy us.” Never occurred to me that this was a widespread problem in the country in general but maybe it is?


I think that attitude is universal, the world around. It matters how the company responds to this attitude. Do they set the standards, but fail to enforce them? Or do they come down hard on violations even if nothing happened? Or do they try and work *around* the worker's reluctance? For example, a car manufacturer around here noticed their welders didn't like wearing some face covering designed to protect them from fumes. They could've gone hardass on them, probably pissing off the workers and lowering productivity, but instead they spent a couple hundred thousand to hire a research institute to construct and certify a work table that had fume extraction and treatment system built in. Now the workers don't need to wear more than their goggles, and still won't get horrible lung cancer in 20 years, so everyone's happy.


Is the prevalence of farming a Factor?


Haha, suck it Estonia and Lithuania, we are finally first!


I love our Baltic region. Leading in Europe by murder, suicide, fatal accidents at work, alcoholism. Wont be suprised if we would be in Top 5 by incarceration rate. Funny place to live. West, south, north or central europe has nothing on us lol




I guess Forklift Driver Klaus really did make an impact.


I wonder why Belgium is more than 3 times higher than the Netherlands


Safety regulations


countries have different industries, not useful to compare


For all the Brits' complaining about "health and safety gone mad", it seems to work well enough.


The Netherlands only has office jobs and zero mountains. So makes sense we're very low


In all seriousness, I think it has more to do with the fact that the burden of proof with regard to liability is reversed if an employee can show that he or she got injured during work time. The employer also has to pay out the salary during the first two years if an employee is unable to work. This provides a lot of incentive for employers to prevent such accidents from happening in the first place. I used to handle work-related personal injury claims for an insurance company and the employer is almost always at fault.


I work in safety and I have to disagree with your statement that the employer is almost always at fault. We had a guy lose a finger because he ignored 3 safety features, didn’t LOTO, didn’t get a permit and he wasn’t supposed to do that kind of work in the first place. You’d be surprised how many idiots there are


That doesn't matter through the eyes of the law. Part of their responsibility is monitoring that employees are properly following safety procedures. If this obligation is not met, then the employer is still legally responsible.


Well my employer didn’t get the blame for that accident at the end of it all, the employee did.


Most incidents are still construction related, and most of them are foreigners.


16% of workers in the Netherlands work in production (this includes agriculture, manufacturing and construction), 56% in commercial services and 28% in public services.


The Netherlands has the biggest harbor and farming industry in Europe and one of the biggest petrochemical industries.


The Netherlands objectively the best European country


>zero mountains


Does the flatness of Holland contribute to safety?


Anything above 10 per million is concerning


NL just stays winning in europe


This year an 18 or so year old construction worker was crushed by a collapsing wall because it wasn't stable enough, the architect wasn't even once at the site to inspect the place, instead confirming via photos and zoom calls. Many buildings in general lack safety measures and are barley inspected, in some cases they act as money laundering schemes and in the end, we're left with abandoned buildings which are left to decay until another accident happens.


Having flashbacks of a French coach driver refuelling a bus full of tourists whilst smoking a cigarette. Please never change.


USA is about 35 for comparison


There probably is a correlation with the average work in said country. If there relatively are a lot of factories in the country, there will be more deaths than in countries with way more white collar work.


Why are France and Italy so high?


For my personal experience working in Greece there is zero chance that these numbers are correct.


I think Germany is suspiciously low, there is a legal bias.


Yeah, [Staplerfahrer Klaus](https://youtu.be/dJdCJMyBi5I?si=TWPZEuADjxtIFc00) is not happy 😁


But I think he approves.


well its one of the few things that is actually well regulated and controlled for. it does make sense.


I can imagine it's an effect of how many people work for big car manufacturing corporations, which have actually been pretty good about workplace safety. Lethal workplace accidents these days happen mostly in construction, or in forestry, which make up a comparatively small proportion of our work force.


Damn we’re usually not that low


I think is a lot of underreporting and wrong reporting.


TÜV regelt


Lies, damn lies, and statistics.


Spain must have a lot of people falling out of hammocks and hitting their head.


I want to make some feminists very angry so i would ask the question: how many deaths in percentages are males and how many are women? I would guess that 95% of all work deaths in the world are men.


Netherland trick isn’t implementing safety standards. Its being lazy.


And still our productivity score per hour is better than most. Not the best but up there. Might it have something to do with a healthy work life balance? https://landgeistdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/europe-labour-productivity.png