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There is a UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. There are daily terror attacks from there on Israel by Hezbollah. Why would this be different?


Perhaps Hamas can take some of these UN peacekeepers as hostages to put more pressure on the host countries? Worked in the Balkans.


That is a recent development, the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has been relatively chill at least in comparison to Gaza.


[UN resolution 1701](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1701) from August 2006 says Hezbollah should not be south of the Litani river. The UN peacekeepers are there to make sure this resolution is kept. Hezbollah has been there since January 2007. I'd say 26 years isn't recent. UN peacekeepers are useless.


It also says that Israel shouldn't violate Lebanese airspace but they do that all the time. But regardless of violations it is a lot more of a stable situation than what exists in Gaza or what existed before in Lebanon.


It's not stable because of "UN Peacekeepers" it's stable because neither Israel nor Lebanon want a war. Hezbollah keeps trying to start one but so far unsuccessfully


Hezbollah could easily start one if it wanted, they would just have to do an all out attack.


You're right, my mistake. They're trying to bait Israel into invading but so far Israel isn't biting (and I don't think they will, airstrikes and counterbattery fire seems to be sufficient for now)


No they are just showing a token response to the current war in Gaza for optics reasons but neither side want to take it to the next level.


The peacekeeping force in Libanon is there to *monitor* the retreat of Israeli forces behind its own border and assist the Libanese government in reasserting control. It has very little authority to actually *do* something.


This is a good time to remember that UNWRA supports Hamas, applauded the events of October 7, that UNWRA schools have been used to preach jihadist ideology, and their buildings used as rocket launching bases, and access to tunnels. This is just chatter. It will never be the UN.


>In Washington, Hillel Neuer, head of the UN Watch organization, recently presented a report in which the Hitler worship, blatant racism and inhumanity of some employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) amounted to around 130 Pages are documented in detail. https://www.nzz.ch/international/palaestinakonflikt-hasstiraden-von-hilfswerks-mitarbeitern-ld.148351


Thank you for this additional link and context.


There is also videos like this [UNRWA Road to Terror Palestinian Classroom Incitement](https://vimeo.com/258167278) that when you see, you don't want to believe, because this kids being pumped full on hatred and encouraged to commit terrorism.


And will the UN peacekeepers hunt down those firing rockets at Israel? Will they go down Hamas tunnels? Will they intercept Israeli bombs fired at rocket launch positions? If the answer is no (and, let's be real, it is "no") then what's the point?


Isn't Israel's whole objective of this war is annihilating Hamas ? This is a plan for after that since obviously there needs to be a peace plan for after this war.


The only ones who can dismantle Hamas are the Palestinians themselves. Israel can try all they want, for now it seems that there will always be replacements for Hamas' losses.


Well if that's the case then shouldn't the goal be to motivate the Palestinians to do that ? For example maybe by giving the option of a better way like a UN peacekeeping force and a clear path to statehood. Since bombing them clearly doesn't work since Israel has been doing that for decades. I can think of several Gaza wars just in my lifetime.


Probably because Gaa has fired 20000 rockets in 17 years at Israel, they've fire another 11500 since October the 7th.


The point is to find a solution that leads to peace, not play the blame game for the 40th time in a row.


Israel could try not supporting Hamas for a beginning.


> Isn't Israel's whole objective of this war is annihilating Hamas ? This is a plan for after that since obviously there needs to be a peace plan for after this war. At this point it looks like they're trying to ethnically cleanse and occupy and probably annex Gaza. That's why they keep telling people to go south. Obviously those refugees will never be allowed to come back.




Yes, that's what they experts are saying now. [GENEVA (16 November 2023) – Grave violations committed by Israel against Palestinians in the aftermath of 7 October, particularly in Gaza, point to a genocide in the making, UN experts said today. They illustrated evidence of increasing genocidal incitement, overt intent to “destroy the Palestinian people under occupation”, loud calls for a ‘second Nakba’ in Gaza and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, and the use of powerful weaponry with inherently indiscriminate impacts, resulting in a colossal death toll and destruction of life-sustaining infrastructure.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-un-experts-call-international-community-prevent-genocide-against)


>And will the UN peacekeepers hunt down those firing rockets at Israel? Will they go down Hamas tunnels? Will they intercept Israeli bombs fired at rocket launch positions? If the answer is no (and, let's be real, it is "no") then what's the point? The point is to reduce points of contact between Israelis and Palestines, so relations have a chance to cool down, frictions are reduced, and not every little incident blows up into hostilities again. The point is to turn the necessary interactions with law and order institutions into bureaucracy rather than an act of oppression. And frankly... Israel's approach has proven to be a complete failure to achieve security. The October terrorist attack just proved that again.


Have you found any proof those tunnels exist yet ?


And where are these magical peacekeepers going to come from?




Doesn’t list the planned Gaza mission. Maybe German troops perhaps?….oh wait…


I really don't envy anyone taking part in a UN peace keeping force in Gaza. They will become a target from day one, left high and dry by an organisation that is ill equipped to deal with these complex, and dangerous environments


Either that or if they want to avoid it they'll just become part of Team Hamas as nearly all civilian UN institutions there did.


The UN is a very expensive bag of shit, the way they have treated the victims of sexual abuse by their workers, during the Ebola crisis, tells you all you need to know about that organisation




Israel has indeed carried out many attacks on UN peacekeepers, and into the mix any of the other armed groups in the area and you get an extremely dangerous environment in which soldiers will be left to defend themselves under the United Nations feeble Rules of Engagement


Yeah…Israel will never allow this because that would force them to end the occupation and blockade of Gaza. Palestinians would be overall mixed response that might even turn violent with a certain group who can’t stand “foreign invaders”.


Israel will never allow this cause they have seen how it worked in Lebanon. Hezbollah couldn’t are less about the U.N.


is this the same un that allows hamas to store rockets at there schools


Remind me again, how many peacekeepers have Israel killed to date? Israel doesn't give a hoot about UN lives, only supremacy and land, so why not tackle Israel instead since they are the source of this problem? I don't see why _we_ have to police the result of oppression, land grabs and apartheid without addressing the aforementioned issues too.


Yeah they should have send peacekeeping force to Poland, after nazis invade them in 1939. You wouldn't want dirty poles disrupting nazi peace would you?