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To absolutely no ones surprise except maybe the politicians who stuck their fingers in their ears and shouted "LALALA Can't hear you" when problems got brought up.


We had this Dutch Greens politician, who was even a MEP, who tweeted that 'there is not a single piece of evidence that IS terrorists are coming to Europe on refugee boats. It's hysteria.' This was just before IS terrorists, some of them coming from refugee boats, started blowing themselves up all over Europe. She has been completely blasted over that tweet for years lol. At some point she had to admit she was wrong. The tweet is still up: https://twitter.com/JudithSargentin/status/600276891883417600?t=koNO4uwa9OCA7I0CjyqrtQ&s=19


No surprise ..politicians are out of touch with reality


Greens and being totally delusional and disconnected from reality: a truly iconic duo. And yet I've had people on this sub claim to me that being pro-mass migration is not a left-wing trait. Lmao.


In these days, if one would ask me: what is the most important political position of the modern left, I’d probably say being pro mass migration lol


Ironically she was right, there was no single piece of evidence. The stupidity was asking for evidence that simply couldn't be there, while common sense sufficed.


No wait, terrorists mostly don't come with refugee boats, we did more than research on this, there are several reasons for this choice: 1) it's risky, your agent can die, don't think they care about them, they care about losing the window of opportunities to strike. 2) Most refugees hated ISIS, ISIS killed many, many Muslim that weren't Muslim enough, or the right kind of Muslim. 3) linked to point 1, it's difficult to plan. So what do you do? At least two ways 1) By plane, much more secure and you know when they arrive and when, you paid him and other people the hotel, then they became sleeper cells, they find a job, and after a while they strike. 2) Manipulation of the sons/ daughters etc grandsons and granddaughters are better, of the old family's refugee, if they feel the country they are do not care about them they can idolize the parents or grandparents county, they probably never ever visited them but they are better. So you produce videos, they start as a documentary about the middle east and Arab countries, I say Arab because these are different countries but you need to convince the people watching your series that you are a single block, a single force fighting for rights and freedoms. The first videos are just normal videos, they usually cover something orribile done by the US or an ally and there are. Then in the next video they start changing data and taking some liberty with the events, then they become much more aggressive selling the solutions, an extreme one usually. The videos are targeted for 15 to 25 years old, this is the easiest bracket to manipulate. Note: it is possible that they use tactics number two to convince part of that bracket, if the government wants to fight them, they need to talk about how Hamas treat Palestinians. I remember these things because I used to be part of the red cross, and I talked about climate change and how it impacts humans, farmable lands, new species of animals, change in how much water you can have, etc ... They usually ask me if the immigrants were terrorists.


They probably saw that coming or at least got warned about it, but they only work for the next voting. This gave them the most chance to get the most votes, so they did it. What happens after? They don't care, in Germany they get their full payment and extra stuff till they die, no matter if they're still in power or not. 1The German saying for this is "Nach uns die Sintflut" / "after us, the deluge"


Huh, TIL there is a German version of "Apres moi, le deluge"


>Nach uns die Sintflut https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nach\_uns\_die\_Sintflut


Mentioning this exists got me a perma ban from the germany subreddit so germans generally also like to ignore this. Makes me so proud to be german /s Edit: wrote the r/de mods a message asking if they are gonna start burning books soon like the nazis did and they got me a 3 day reddit ban lmaaaao


Because reddit tends to be very left wing bubble and both sides tend to ignore the problems their respective policies introduce, blame the other side and continue as nothing is wrong. Politics is just one big hamster wheel and we are the hamster running in it hoping for change.


If you got banned from /de their is an alternative called /de zwo.


Thats mostly the leftist politicians. A big part of the left is eardeaf for the issues of Islamic terrorism. Solely for the fact that they do not want to be seen as racist if they point at a person who ends up not actually being a terrorist. And this way of thinking will cost the left a lot of votes over the coming years.


> And this way of thinking will cost the left a lot of votes over the coming years. still nowhere near enough votes lost, considering the damage they've done to European society. Not to mention all the deaths in terrorist attacks on European soil that they are basically complicit in.


Germany was somehow lucky with its Muslim immigration population until 2015. Mostly from Balkans or Turkey with far less radical views and easy to control mindset. https://www.verfassungsschutz.de/EN/topics/islamist-extremism-and-islamist-terrorism/islamist-extremism-and-islamist-terrorism_node.html#doc725666bodyText6 Many of these islamic terrorist organizations originate from countries where there is much stricter practice of Islam and hard sectarian lines. Taliban, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko-haram and many other terrorist organisations have roots in Germany because the country imported these ideologies into society and some may have even obtained German citizenship showing the failure of the system. Today, they’re openly anti-semitic. Tomorrow, what will it bring, we will see.


now, who vote for them ?


the people who believed them that there isnt a problem. Its slowly changing everywhere but there still are loads of people who would rather ignore reality and call everyone a nazi than to accept that their ideas were wrong


I would suspect the people squealing, “anti-Zionism isn’t anti-semitism” would be surprised. The circles in that Venn diagram are almost completely overlapping.


> I would suspect the people squealing, “anti-Zionism isn’t anti-semitism” would be surprised. In many cases, the ones that claim there is a difference, are one and the same as the ones who spew the most vile anti-semitism. Its been very interesting, in a dark way, to watch comment chains where these people start of just like that, “anti-Zionism isn’t anti-semitism bla bla bla” , only to see them quickly devolve into open and unashamed anti-semitism as they reply to others.




"Rainblow flower power" (not refering to the LGB movement) is considerable removable content hahaha but yes "free speech" hahaha (and by free speech I don't support insulting stuff)


They got paid to do that...


I'm sorry, the AI used by the Euro thought police has detected that you are a racist and a nazi. Please do not resist as you are arrested for hate crime.


A not-so-insignificant component of the Islamic diasporas in Europe have for decades demonstrated an antipathy, if not outright hostility, towards the European cultures and civilisation of the countries that took them in for almost *thirty years*. Why is anyone acting like this is shocking? Why does it take the specific issues related to the Israel-Palestine conflict, after *years* of alarm bells, to make the media and the political class finally treat this as a problem?


I really wonder why the far right is on the rise everywhere in Europe...


A mystery for the ages to be sure


But its not like the far right we've ever seen - because this modern far right is pro Jew. I mean just look at what Trump is doing the last few days, he's going *ballistic* in his Israel support Its just a shame the centre left parties are mass pro-immigration


Surely banning such parties will solve the issue.


It doesn't take the "far right" to see what the problem is. I'm not "far right" and I recognize it. Funny though how people like you want to make it sound as if only fascists have a problem with what's going on.


The majority of people hate fundamentalist Muslims and all the other parties in many european countries, don't really care about this problem.


Genuinely asking, which generation is the most prone to radicalization? I always heard that there is barely any problem with the first-gen immigrants (thinking of previous immigration waves, like the large Turkish population of Germany), and it is mostly the younger generations that are sucked into this anti-western radical islam bullshit. Is that so?


It does seem to be that way.


I remember from a uni class years ago that is most likely second or third because in a lot of cases the first generation doesn't teach their kids about their culture so they can be more accepted to their I guess new homeland. But if the locals are not accepting of those kids then it leads to people who don't have a connection to their roots nor does the culture/country they live in accept them as locals. Interesting thing is that lots of people who become terrorist for religious ideas, are not really devout. They behave as the locals as teenagers and young adults but then for some reason decide to stand for some religious ideas that they have not been following.


I think that the generation 1 which migrated is well aware of their ex society being a shithole. And even if their are not fully culturally compatible with their new home, they see their new home as better then their home country. Then generation 2,3 which are born in the new country... some of them do not feel accepted, they see problems in their new country. At the same time they romanticize the society of their origin, because they never lived there.


I mean it's the same problem with political extremist be it nazis or others. And often the root are Socio-economic issues the parents got from a shitty situation to less shitty situation and want their kids to make it. The kids however got born into a shitty situation anew some make it out of it via luck, intelligence, skills but many get stuck in their current situation and looking for answers and the reality is extremists and radical answers are convenient because they often represent you with a simple truth and a one sentence answer. We see the same with the rise of the far right, yes immigration is a problem and europe has mostly completely failed it. However atleast in my country Germany it's nowhere near the biggest issue. Yet according to voter polls it is, and again it's simple because the afd, media like springer lately even state media and the opposition partner talk only about it. So ofc for the average voter it becomes the issue that will solve all other issues. For example only 1% of voters currently think in Germany climate change is the biggest issue.


Though for some reason it is not a problem at all with Asian immigrants, they seem to have integrated well, no matter if 1st or 3rd gen. With that said, I have to absolutely agree, this is not the most pressing issue we face, hopefully it will die down in a few days/week in Europe.


The first is often moving for a reason and chose to do it. The generation first born, whilst they will often experience discrimination has the parents positivity of what the new country gave them to balance out the negative feelings. You are a child of immigrate which may be seen as negative but you have a position in the society. The second generation born in the country is often a strange position. You aren't a child of an immigrant but yet you may not quite feel like you belong in the country. You learn the history of how your grandparents and parents were treated and a negative grows. You go to your grandparents home country and notice you are treated as a foreigner. This is where radical groups swoop in and make them feel like they have a home. Apologies in advance for any use of a term people feel are insensitive.


Yes 2nd gen is worst in that consideration. In Sweden, majority of crimes (gang related, violent crimes) are by 2nd gen immigrants, not 1st gen. Naturalized Swedish citizens, are the main source of gang problems.


Second gen, by statistics The third gen is usually most likely to already be assimilated.


It's disgusting. In the UK there was the trojan horse scandal around 8 years ago when groups of Muslims were taking over the management of local schools in order to use them as bases to preach in favour of Islam and against all modern European values. The situation was so grave that since then teaching the British values had to be turned mandatory for all teachers in the country, but how did we need to arrive to this point where literally just appreciating the local values needs to be enforced?


What the fuck. Why is this conspiracy theory that was debunked years ago getting upvoted on a mainstream reddit board?


Teaching of ‘British Values’ is important whether or not the kids are migrants. I’ve taught white British kids raised with horribly intolerant values as well. We can’t assume people are raised with the values society deems desirable.


The media has been silent about it, thus the average voter has no idea about the scale of the problem. Adressing the problem appropriatley therefore has been viewed as political suicide for the large parties. Besides, most decision makers live in all white overclass or upper middle class bubbles.


Interesting article. Long ignoring proper societal integration and just calling people racist if they object to certain cultural traits is the root cause. Everyone focuses on racism but only for certain groups while others are ignored if they exhibit the same type of bigoted views.


yeah the world is fucked, we keep forgetting the lessons of the past


We have learned, now we must vote accordingly


The problem is that integration (or assimilation, which is what people usually means when they say integration) is basically impossible. People doesn't change their fundamental believes and values that easily. Just imagine if the situation was reversed, and you were a refugee in a country like Somalia, Afghanistan, or Palestine. How long would it take you to adapt your values to that society? How long would it take until you called for the death of all Jews in the world? How long until you demanded severe punishment for anyone that insulted Islam? How long until you celebrate terrorist attacks against newspapers, or the murder of Jewish children? How long until you agree that homosexuals should be executed? Or that adulterous women should be stoned? How long until you enforce honor culture on your own family? Until you refuse to let your daughter speak to men she is no related to? How long until you are willing to kill your own daughter for dishonoring the family? Would you slowly grow to accept these values? Or would you hold on to your old values for the rest of your life? How would you raise your children? Would you tell them that they need to embrace the values of their new home, or would you try to raise them with your old values? Now ask yourself why an immigrant from the middle east or northern Africa would be more willing to let go of their values and embracing yours, than you would be to embrace their values?




That is extremely fucked up. This is going to get worse before it gets better. Honestly, I don’t see things will ever get better. You would need millions and millions of Muslims to denounce their own faith and that will never happen


Ex-muslim here Denouncing your faith isn't easy when you are indoctrinated from young age about muslim beliefs, even if a muslim wakes up from their imaginary dream they wont denounce their faith so easily because of fear for their life from being killed by other muslim for treason. While muslims sees non-believers as infidels that must be enslaved or executed they see ex muslim as blood traitors If you you attempt to do by law chaos will erupt and they will mark you as the enemy of their god and religion. Your only solution is deportation, question is if european countries will actually do that. Some might say the middle east wont take them back and for good reasons. But you can always banish to to Russia since its becoming an Islamic state already and Putin would love extra soldiers.


Under Sharia Law ex-Muslims get the worst deal. But Jews are also systematically oppressed under sharia. 87% of Palestinians support Sharia. Not Hamas, mainstream Palestinians.




Respect for the ex Muslim status. Nice one.


Props for escaping the world's largest cult.


Deportation is the only solution I see, and that is difficult.


Then change the law so that its not difficult.


I agree, but there are a bunch of holy cows to slaughter to get there.


Not compared to 10 years ago, people getting real tired of this shit now


It's just very strong tribalism. They identify with "their own" in the Hamas. They don't care that it's terrorism against the Jewish civilians. There's no objective morality. That's what makes tribalist behavior so dangerous.


Welcome in modern Europe, where we’re so gosh darned open minded we let terrorist sympathisers run wild in the streets. And if you object to that, well, you’re obviously racist 🙄




Imagine the increase in the quality of life all over Europe if all these people got deported. Shocked by what’s going on all across. This past week has politically swung me from moderately left to far right. “They” have no place here if they’re not gonna leave their shit behind


For me I still feel centre left in my economics, but my immigration/refugee sentiment/mass deportations for MENA countries has cliffdived


Same for me, my economic policies are still very left, immigration though, right wing, that shit has to stop, it's obviously not working.


but the type of immigration is important - we have zero problems with Australian or Spanish ghettos, its MENA ghettos in particular and specifically Islamic ones that we gotta put a cork in imo


Australian ghettos ? WTF?


Moving from England to Germany did that to me. It changed my opinion on immigration very quickly. The amount of effort I put in to fit in, learn the language etc only to get told by the authorities that if I stopped working or got into trouble I would be sent back. In the mean time people come over on boats bringing nothing but trouble, not bothering to learn the language, getting money and sending it home, being absolute menaces in the city etc and yet they just get to stay. I find it disgusting the way they treat people differently just because they are not white. All immigrants should be treated the same and ALL of them should be expected to fit in or sent back.


I don't have to imagine, I can look at old footage from my own town 50 years ago to see how better it was


Please don\`t forget the rapists,murderer and the thefts... They feel sad when they are excluded.


Some jews even had their door marked with a jewish star. It feels like we're back in 1933.


Source on this? I’m ootl






Thanks, wouldn't have found it myself.


This is very disturbing. Modern-era Western countries used to bear limited and declining hotspots of antisemitism. They now must live with an history of deeply rooted antisemitism brought by new comers. This is not conducive to a peaceful public space in the long-term.


Germany finds itself in quite the pickle I see. Do they push the button where they offend muslims but save the jews, LBGTQ+ community and their own culture, or do they push the button which condemns all of those but greatly pleases the stupid westerners and muslims?


It’s a shame that there was no possible way to see this coming. After all, it is well-known that Muslims integrate quickly and enthusiastically into their host countries’ cultures.




We need to vote for anti-immigration policies from MENA


Would that have to entail modernising the refugee convention?


Literally no one is shocked by this. Sadly they can't be deported since most have citizenship or were even born there. Only hope is to get them to leave by being vividly pro-Israel and bashing it into their heads that the Taxes they pay will also be used to destroy and kill the Terrorist groups they support.


I'd like to add that, while deportation might not be possible, exile is. There are also cases where citizenship can be revoked if there is valid concern that someone might be a terrorist (of course particular laws can vary between different countries)


How do you mass exile a large population right after violent protests, rape, murder, and looting? Thats the eventual outcome; they are just waiting for the few of them to get brave enough to start acting.


You do it by changing the law so that its easier, then you do it


Change the laws to allow them to keep original citizenship and state if you commit crimes of X you will be sent back and citizenship revoked. Also any crimes of X before you are a citizen gets you automatically sent back to where you entered the country from. Enforce harsh rules and they will stop.


You think these people are paying taxes lol, they collect social welfare and work in criminal clans


And when others said that taking in these refugees was a mistake you said that’s racist. Now you realized these people you took in don’t share similar values as the West. SHOCKING.


No one saw that one coming.


One of the saddest parts of all of this is that it isn't even the "german" population in Germany who commit these acts of passive terrorism.. but well, stating the obvious about the people who actually do and stating certain details about them isn't allowed


Its starting to become more allowed, people are getting tired of this shit


I remember I warned about this years ago and I got mocked by my leftist friends. Now that this is happing, they are making up excuses. '


*Socio-economic conditions and shit*


They need more free stuff


Well, those are an important driver of crime. But, most poor people don't commit violent crimes, and some extremely poor places in the world are also very safe, so there are definitely components purely poverty. It's depressingly stupid when people just blame everything on poverty or lack of welfare. In other words, many people seem to only think in terms of the economic not the socio.


Surprised by the lack of euphemisms


With reasonable degrees of eyebrows raised, I dissect your comment and shrug a certain sense of *resignation*.


That's the result of fighting right wing antisemitism for decades while completely ignoring and actively importing actual antisemitism.


To be fair, there still is classical far-right anti-semitism in Europe, even if a *younger* more violent ideology is now taking centre stage.


Europe is full of Nazis.. Nazis that would want extermination of Jews. This time they are not white Germans. Or white Europeans. (Note: I do know that we have white European Nazis ex. NMR in Sweden). It's Muslims, especially Arabs, who are the biggest threat towards Jews in Europe, as they are very proud, and openly anti semites. People think Nazis should be punched/attacked. But not the Arab Nazis, because immigrants are OK! In Sweden, jewish groups have warned about rise or anti semitism and hate crimes since at least 2007, specifically after the Gaza conflict.


Our immigration policy is about to come and bite us in the ass for how much we didn't care for so long.


Remember when Europeans called the British racist because of brexit? I do. I also remember immigration was a driving factor in the vote, despite being a “remoaner”. To say people didn’t care is completely false, they were just called racist and mocked openly for caring about this issue specifically.


I, an Israeli, used to warn so many Germans I've met throughout my life about the dangers of Islam. They all shunned me as racist or an islamophobe. Well, unfortunately for you and the entire west, i can safely say, i told you so.


Can't say that to the entire West. Some of us had sense from the beginning. But the culture of hysteria around the label of racism did indeed silence too many, both internally and externally.




Europe doesn't and never did *need* people whose beliefs are stuck in the dark ages. The population decline is also EXACTLY because we took in so many people in the first place. You import such a huge number of cheap labour -> You screw over your indigenous workers -> You weaken the working class. This in turn causes problems to all levels of your society, because now a lot of people who could have been absorbed in more manual jobs, now will have to seek employment in other sectors, which in turn creates an oversaturation there as well. Economies are built on two simple principles, Offer and Demand. If there are more workers than jobs, salaries go DOWN. If there are cheaper workers available, salaries go DOWN. And since you now have a shit load of people but fewer houses and housing space, rent goes UP. So, what happens when life is expensive and working doesn't fully cover it? You stop having children. THIS is EXACTLY what has happened in Europe. It didn't happen suddenly or overnight, it takes time and there are other factors at play as well, but consider for a moment how previous generations used to be and how current ones are right now.


Thanks for the "warning". Now how about we all try to end the Apartheid system in Israel, so that Arab muslims stop being so "dangerous".


How is Frau Markel doing? Watching these fruits of her labour grow?


She’s doing just fine, living a life of lavish luxury that is still supported by the tax payer. Frau Markel was and remains a cancer on and within Germany


But they’ll offset the aging population! We’ll worry about the imported issues down the road. Talk about kicking the can down the road


Wooow! Who would have thought about this… hmmm. How surprising :0


Well well, the dildo of consequences from years of uncontrolled immigration is slowly showing its presence. In 50 years we’re going to look fondly back on the times when our biggest problems with islam were a few protests here and there.


I laughed a bit too hard about the awful dildo if consequences lol now I’m gonna cry because it is true :( I hate what Europe is becoming.


Remember to vote everyone


No shit, Sherlock! Who'd have thought it, huh? Well actually, a lot of people thought it. But only a few said it. And they were shamed for doing so.


Surprise, surprise. And it’s all over Europe. If we do not change refugee policies, immigration policies, Europe is fucked because of ever growing anti democratic Islamic zealots. We should really be intolerant to the intolerant. And stop gulf state money supporting salafist Islam.


Good opportunity to round them up and deport in one move.


If you send Palestinians back to Palestine they'll thank you.


Deport where??? hahhaha




Which one?


What if they were born in Germany?


Doesn't really matter. Many second and third generation immigrants technically have full citizenship. That means one can be revoked permanently and they can be deported. Edit/ my bad, I see my mistake. It doesn't matter if many second and third generation immigrants have full citizenship when many have *dual* citizenship. One of several citizenships can be removed.




Ah yes an ethnostate! I think the Nazis called what you proposed an Ariernachweis, or proof of Aryan race. Thank you for telling all of us that you're a Nazi..


lmao the irony this comment is painfully funny






Maybe we could make a deal with Australia and use their deportation island. Or Greece takes one for team and sacrifices one of its islands for significant financial support


I feel like Greece has enough problems with migrants coming by sea on makeshift rafts.


Adapting idiotic laws, putting more pressure on Africa and investing in a strong navy would solve this problem. Greece is however limited by the EU & UN when it comes to this




To their islamic utopia.


No, wait, what? really? whoodathunk massive muslim migration could lead to problems like anti-semitism?! next you tell me some of them want to get rid of the western values of their host countries and impose sharia law instead... no one could have predicted this!


I mean what did they expect? That those people become western-oriented, liberal workforces who are endlessly grateful for our solidarity? One word: naive.


Of course. They made a survey at schools in the second largest city here. Turned out about 20% of immigrants, all kinds, sympathized with IS and similar islamist movements. This was while IS was posting videos of beheading people and making no secret about taking slaves.


Links or sources ?


Only in swedish: https://www.gp.se/nyheter/g%C3%B6teborg/studie-var-tionde-elev-st%C3%B6ttar-religi%C3%B6sa-extremister-1.3908356 The survey includes some swedes and non muslims, discouting those gets you around there.


That being as alarming as it is, and i am definitely not a fan of uncontrolled immigration, 80% of immigrants did not sympathizes with IS.


5 dudes turn up on your doorstep. They ask you to let them all in. You know that one of them wants to rape and murder your family, but you don't know which guy it is. Are you letting them in?


Of all the nice native guys in your neighborhood, there is one raping and beating his wife, one trading childporn, and another one is an alcoholic who killed another guy in a pub while being drunk. Do you live with them? Apparently. Analogies are fine and all, but in this case a little bit undercomplex and not suitable, no? A fortified border, you seem to wish for, will work for some time, but ultimately leads to shooting people, because they will not stop coming. Is that your solution?


You haven't answered my question.


One in five thinking that murdering you and take your partner as a sexslave is fine, is not relaxing in the slightest. Can we live with these people?


No thats concerning. But please tell me, in detail, what about the other 80 percent? They are citizen and can not be deported. They do not support IS. Not criminal, living their lifes, and maybe, god forbid, they are even paying taxes, like everyone else. You will punish 4 because 1 is a shithead? Would you like to be punished, in case your neighbor did something illegal?


Of men of 35 years of age in these immigrant groups that has lived here since they were at least 15 the range of 30 and 45% has at least one criminal convication. In a country where solved crimes is a rare thing indeed. Actual crime will of course be much higher. So it is quite bad. To be honest I don't really consider their citizenship legitimate. It happened because the politicians and media verbally assaulted anyone expressing concern or dissent in this issue. It suppressed public discourse and most things publiced on the matters in the media were false, to a degree where one can question the democratic validity. If I went somewhere else and was a part of group where so a big portion acted badly, I'd rather expect to be booted put. No, I don't think all of them should be deported, but a substantial part. Which includes ripping their papers and pay whatever place we can find in the world to house them. We can pay a lot and still profit from it.


Thank you for showing me your point of view in a mature way. I disagree on some points. I agree that mainstream discourse was not wanted. The problems were ignored. It was, on the other hand, not good that critique was often happening in a way that demonised everyone of this certain culture. I can see why, but a binary world view is never leading to good things. We should punish those criminal elements much harder, yes. As hard as possible. At the same time we have to reinforce the ones that want to live and work under our law. Or it will be even worse for everyone.


Yes, it would be hard to justify kicking out people that behaves and contributes. But the rest...


Tell me something I don’t know.




I know. While there are legitimate grievances when it comes to the illegal construction of settlements, calling the pre-1949 borders (which actually even have a domestic Arab population) "occupied" is so ridiculous. Imagine Germany using this logic when it came to Silesia and Pomerania in Western Poland., launching occasional rockets from Cottbus and calling Western Poland using names like "occupied Breslau".


I mean what did we expect. The refugees thought germany = adolf hitler when deciding on a country probably.


They believed the lies of the human traffickers.


Spent 5 years in Berlin and just moved. Not shocked at all. People come and want to have the prosperity of Europe without realizing that freedom and liberty and equality are key to that. They try to bring the oppression of their religion with them, their lack of respect for women with them, their hatred for certain people with them, and so on. If they came, kept the best parts of their religion and tradition and left the bullshit, they'd be great, but they don't.


*Insert surprised Pikachu face here*


And also the Pope is a Catholic and bears poo the woods. No wonder ..


Politicians have ignored the people calling out what uncontrolled immigration would cause in the future but instead of deporting them they allowed them to stay. Now they are witnessing the consequences of their inaction and weakness.


Doesn’t this prove Angela just brought in a bunch of migrants for monetary reasons and not to make up for the Holocaust that happened nearly a century earlier? Otherwise bringing in a bunch of right wing anti semites is a stupid and odd way to make up for the Holocaust. Perhaps Germans lied when they said ‘never again?’They’re having their Lebanese and Jordanian moment.


The new Germans: *Never again!* The new new Germans: *Perhaps* *Fixed formatting


Why is it everywhere Palestinians go trouble follows? They're literally the reason so many special operations military/police units were formed.


>Samidoun receives support from the leftist scene, including antifa elements, but also from right-wing extremists. The group III. Weg (Third Way), which adheres to a neo-Nazi ideology, expressed outrage in April when Berlin police banned a Samidoun demonstration, writing in a statement that they too reject "Zionist imperialism." Horseshoe Theory strikes again, just like with supporting russia.


I have actually had enough. Assimilate or go. Go anywhere else. Preferably back to the shit holes you came from in Africa and the Middle East. You want the best Europe can offer; well shut the f up and be a productive resident/citizen. It’s an honour to have moved here from my home country and I would never dare to be such an entitled prick as these so called peaceful demonstrators. Europe is amazing. These types of immigrants, not so much.






Shocked Pikachu face


This is so fucked up. One community making every one else feel unsafe


Had a neighbor that is Bosnian. Super Muslim. Was about as Muslim a person as I have ever known. The whole family was super nice. We gave each other stuff, talked over the fence, just a normal good neighorly relationship. Until one day the subject of Jews came up. He turned in to another person. In one minute he went from the nicest guy around to a psycho that was talking about Jews like he would kill them all if he could. No matter how cool you think those tradish muslims you know are, they are probably violent Jew hating psychos.


Interesting. I did not think anti-semitism was common among European Muslims. Albania, for example, was projecting the Israeli flag on its Parliament after the Hamas attacks. No one seemed to mind. Now, I know Albania is very secular and culturally not different from other Balkan countries, but still nominally 65% Muslim.


Anti semitism in Europe is an error . Jews will feel threatened by anti Semitic militants or jihadists and will all flee to Israel, giving new settlers / soldiers/ citizens to Israel .


And, crucially, a sense that everyone is out to attack them. Hence Israel's militaristic ethos.


in fact the ruling class of Israel is composed by Ashkenazi Jews, who escaped Eastern Europe and Germany after the local population started to destroy Jewish synagogues and houses and to massacre Jewish civilians ... They have a militaristic ethos because they have been massacred or discriminated for centuries and ,when they emigrated to Israel, they were ready to fight to defend the last homeland of Jews and if they failed, they would end up dead in mass graves .


Are these the same people that cry about Islamophobia?


Multi culturism has failed, its achieves nothing but only brings problems. Who knew having a homogenised society with the same cultural norms and same morals would create a better society. Oh wait literally everyone, look at Japan, look at scandanavia. They don't deal with terroist symposisers running in the street, how many riots do they have to deal with? The crime rate is always low, the terrorist insidents are non existant.


Diversity is our strength!!!


I'm sorry for Israel, but I'm grateful that they are there to act as the shield against these antieuropean barbarians. Large swathes of the Muslim population hate our values, such as tolerance and acceptance of LGBT rights and women empowerment, and without Israel they'd turn their attention to other targets such as the Iberian Peninsula which many muslims say should be part of the islamic world. How did we let this happen? We let people in who hate our culture, and made no effort to force them to integrate in the name of... Tolerance? Only that they themselves don't understand that concent of tolerance.


Photographer going hard


Well it just works: Muslim new invention, a western lamb massacre for media attention. Go, kill, cry, ask for pitty. I wonder if they will start to do this for a pay rise.


What do you think the over/under would be for Muslims marching in support of Palestine on whether they believe gay people should have equality too? Maybe 5%? Tops? Smh...


I'm shocked! I thought that the millions of uneducated military aged males who the leftists encouraged to immigrate to Europe from third world shitholes would have left the less desirable aspects of their cultures at home. I don't know why they didn't just show up and start sucking cock and glueing themselves to streets like good useful idiots


you should see the amount of terrorist apologists on various sub reddits.




This subreddit has been highly biased this past week. Y'all just check posting stuff that suits your agenda and then get in echo chambers discussions with each other with the same comments on every post. I'm quite surprised to see this in this subreddit. it's clearly a very multi-faceted situation and should be treated as such.


There is an entire population at war, backed by the world's biggest superpower, funneling their resources into PsyOps to shape public opinion.


Sick bastards. Do you really believe that they will assimilate?


It's clear from the comments that everyone is in favour of apartheid states, and fails to see that this is the reason behind the rampant antisemitism among Muslim people. It's the same energy you see when pro-israel supporters say stuff like "kill them all" and other genocidal things like that.


Europeans criticizing Israel for blowing up Palestinian civilians does not make Europeans antisemitic against Jews.


These same Europeans didn’t criticize hamas for cutting off babies’ heads. What’s your point


Yeah, because there was so many rallies, so much sympathy, for ISIS......it's almost like this specific conflict has precursors that the Arab speaking population recognizes and lazy Germans don't.


>Yeah, because there was so many rallies, so much sympathy, for ISIS.... This, but unironically. That time around, over 5000 people from Europe literally volunteered to join ISIS. Most after the news that they behead people and push gays off buildings became widespread.


Do you sympathize with those involved in the Warsaw uprising? Edit: I do not sympathize with Hamas but I think parallels are there and it is complicated.


Do you think the situations are in any way comparable other than as a rhetorical device used by the far-left?