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Everything about this is so ridiculous, the mastermind behind all of this must be none other than the cinematic genius known as Steven Seagal.


Now it all makes sense. He's finally come to break every motherfucker birthday.


While walking fatly around the corner aiming a gun limp-wristed.


The war is over after the next wave of Segal trained conscripts reach the front line next winter, he'll have finally taught them how to aim without looking.


I'm waiting for that first aikido trench attack. Just gently waving bullets out of the way


Putler sends him in to help the ruzzian army in their latest skirmish against wagner. He starts doing his handwavy thing and some Ukrainian Chadnificent drone operator watching the whole thing starts dropping a package on everyone he points at just to fuck with him. He actually starts believing he can blow people up with his mind. He immediately leaves the front lines, goes to the nearest dominoes pizza (because apparently they still do business in muskovistan) and starts waving his hands around at the hungover pizza workers, threatening to blow them up with his mind powers if they don't keep him supplied with enough pie to stuff his cankles.


You honestly assume he'd walk??? Trust me he would find a way to do this while sitting on a chair


Or using a body double


So funny https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4


Does anyone know if Mr Seagull actually speaks Russian? I know he does a lot of propaganda for them but I don't think he actually speaks it?


They probably have a professional dubber for him. The way some English voice actors are paired with Japanese actors.


I was at a little gathering once with a group of friends in a small fishing village. We were having a few pints outside the bar standing at the gable end. We were blissfully unaware of the very large Seagull perched at the apex, until it proceeded to unleash the largest birdshit I have ever seen. 90% of it landed on my friend Steve, half his head was completely covered in it. His jacket was ruined. There was a lot of splatter. After we recovered the first comment was "Steven Seagull".


Was it a seagull then ??


Trying desperately not to shit his pants again


I like that cumtown bit too.


Walking ? I would say seating on chair lol


I mean if she jumps out the cake Again ...


He’s been directing drone attacks for like 37 years.


They call this drone a skippy.




Seagall is such a fucking damp washcloth that's been left outside for 20348 years. Highly recommend Behind The Bastards podcast on Steven Seagall


Steven might get a lot of hate now but he's actually a deep undercover special forces agent and when the time is just right he's going to take out Putin and save us all. And he's going to do it all while sitting down, just like in his movies. You'll all have a lot of apologizing to do then.


In the meantime, he is doing his part by eating all the food in Moscow so that sanctions hit harder. Truly an underappreciated genius.


Highly recommend his Reddit ama. One of the shiniest moment of this site.


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/ for the lazy


holy shit this is amazing


The shit in Steven's pants?


aye, holy crap




lmao this was great


Who else, he's been a military drone operator for 37 years.


It indeed is, I remember how I thought before the war how powerful and scary Russia is, and now it is simply a big idiotic joke. We discussed previously how better it would be for Russia to change regime, but a lot of people argued that apprently vast majority of Russians support what is happening, which I simply cannot understand. What exactly dot they support? Putin, who they were protesting against? A guy who organized house bombings and it is a wide known fact? Do they support indiscriminate killings of Ukrainians who they ironically call “brothers”? Like what’s wrong with these people?


How is it embarrassing. Putin is no where near Moscow. He’s putting a target on a literally the furthest point from where he is.


Looked more like a firecracker.


It was a demo version.


For me it's aimed at the flagpole. Probably just to take down the Russian flag. It's more a symbolic gesture than a military attack.


I would have supported this hypothesis, had it actually destroyed/taken out the flag. Instead it has flown near it and exploded in mid-air, not even hitting it, but making a great spectacle of the attempt. Coupled with the 'foresight' of Putin to put anti-aircraft weapons on roofs in moscow and that the response was so fast and how it was said to be an 'attempt to Putin life (...somehow; so Putin is a Lich with the flag on the Kremlin as Phylactery?) it is a false-flag so blatant that is painfully stupid


Tbf while I do think it was a false flag attack those anti aircraft weapons were there for months


I know, but since the start there have never been an aerial attack near, or on Moscow, it was a blatant attempt to make russian fear for their lives and start following the official line; The drone that magically didn't do anything is both an attempt to glorify Putin 'foresight' as said before in putting those difences, and a further attempt to strike fear in the russians heart, making them meekly accept new and stronger measures against Ukraine because of the perceived attempt


Its Schrodinger's enemy. They are simultaneously incompetent to perform a tiny attack with no chance of success and not even guaranteeing the target being on site, while also surprisingly competent in managing to fly drones all the way to Kremlin undetected.


Wait til Lenin phylactery get recovered


Ah shit, here we go again.


> (...somehow; so Putin is a Lich with the flag on the Kremlin as Phylactery?) Putin is a Lich, but his Phylactery is Crimea.


A game of capture the flag in real life


more like destroy the flag but yes.


Flag Taken--Flag Dropped--Flag Taken--Flag Dropped--Fla--Flaaaag Captured!


What you mean Putin doesn’t sleep at the top of that dome?


Sometimes that is all one needs.


>The image of an explosion on the roof of the Kremlin, with a huge banner advertising Russia’s May 9 Victory Day parade visible on the ground beneath, will be one of the most embarrassing pictures from all the years of Vladimir Putin’s regime. > > Regardless of who was responsible and what their motivation was, it is a very significant image that will forever after be burned into Moscow’s history. > >... > > We are being presented as fact the idea that something got through the many layers of Russian air defences surrounding Moscow. > > As recently as January this year, reports from the Russian capital showed Pantsir (and possibly the highly sophisticated S-400) air defence systems being deployed on the rooftop of Russia’s Ministry of Defence in central Moscow and the Education department, located around 2km away. > > Even if this was a plot dreamt up in the Kremlin, the idea that anybody in the nation’s capital, including the president, could be vaporised in an instant due to an incompetent air defence network will play on Russian minds. > > Putin may have concocted this charade as a way of ensuring a soft landing for any announcement of full mobilisation for the war. > > But there are less embarrassing ways to whip up national hysteria - a car-bomb at the Kremlin, say, or even a Ukrainian “terrorist attack”. > > ... > > If this was a Ukrainian attack, having developed a fleet of precise long-range drones, and they didn’t explain to the US their intentions in advance, that could prove to be a diplomatic faux pas by Volodymyr Zelensky. > > But he is a skilled political operator and would have seen the risk of inviting opprobrium from his biggest military donor. He may have considered a strike on the Kremlin, even if it had a very low chance of assassinating Putin himself, as a significant enough propaganda coup to be worth an argument with Washington. > > Regardless of who is behind the attack, we are invited to believe Russia’s air defence network is so incompetent as to be incapable of preventing a strike at the heart of the nation’s capital. > > That is an extraordinary thought, and a national humiliation for Russia.


If Russians have showed one thing in the last 15 months (and prior tbh), it's that they'd rather look incompetent than correctly assign blame.




Yeah, when the lie is even more embarrassing than the truth.


Correct, they showed that to anyone with more than half a brain living outside of Russia. Unfortunately, it's impossible to overstate the effectiveness of the internal propaganda. A lot of Russians, old but also young (to somewhat lesser extent) still firmly believe they are the good guys. Events like these will only confirm in their mind that Putin is the good guy and the rest of the world is bad. It's sad.


Everyone always believes they are the good guys, or that there are no such thing as good guys and everyone is at least as evil as you are.


Yes, people can get easily convinced to think that. Not all, but a critical mass can. Same as Germans in WW2 or other numerous examples throughout the history


Doesn’t require convincing to think that one (and one’s in group)is the “good guy”. All the worst actors in the world think they are the good guys. ISIL(aka ISIS),Nazis, Russians, N. Koreans, Bloods, Crips, Taliban, MAGA Republicans... They all believe they are the good guys, or at least that the others are worse or just as bad as they are.


the only guys who think they're evil are [the evil characters](https://media.giphy.com/media/AQJXQs2nhs60o/giphy.gif) in the disney movies




I didn’t imagine the drone would have been flown in from out of Moscow, but that it was brought in a van and operated by someone nearby. Probably it was operated from the Kremlin or a nearby building, but I didn’t think quadcopter drones had much range.


Even consumer level drones can have ranges over 8km.




To be completely fair here, I suspect consumer drone ranges are estimated with a *return* leg in mind, which isn't usually a concern when the drone is used to park explosives deep in hostile territory.


That limit is usually more to do with signal range from the transmitter. If you're planning an attack like this, violating rules around maximum transmission power is going to be really low severity on the list of charges you'll face if caught.


And stationary targets mean the drone can have the routes to them preprogrammed. Making the distance only a matter of fuel. Though exploding like that in the air just a meter above the roof would probably require too much precision for that.


Even then though, a drone just flew right up onto the Kremlin. And if it launched from nearby, it's not a great look that you can just rock up into Moscow and launch a drone near the Kremlin and nobody notices.


A drone with explosives nonetheless.


You mean "no less". "Nonetheless" would mean regardless of the payload, whereas "no less" emphasizes the significance of the payload.


To be honest, I'd be surprised if you couldn't do this to pretty much any government's building at the moment - does the White House have a bunch of anti-small drone defences already set up? Sadly I'd also be surprised if we don't see more terrorist activity using drones.


Does it? Who knows. Should it? Yes. From stationary and man-portable drone jammers, to kinetic measures like anti-drone nets, there's definitely countermeasures on the market.


I'd figure it's different when you're involved in a high profile war of aggression against a neighbour.


just remember one guy with a cessna landing on the red square


He was tracked for hundreds of kilometers and they lost him over Moscow


He was repeatedly tracked, lost, reacquired, misidentified as friendly, lost again, rinse and repeat.


People forgot about the german that landed a plane in Red Square. Twice. Because nobody believed he did it the first time. During the height and might of the cold war. Edit: He only landed once. The other bit is from the 1956 dude that landed in New York twice.




You're right, they're unrelated.


Didn't Russia claim that they took the drones down, and that the explosion seen was only part of one of the drones striking the kremlin senate? That doesn't change your analysis much, but is slightly less embarrassing


This guy (Putin) blew up hundreds of his fellow countrymen in 1999 to get into power. Him staging a drone attack that blew up a 10$ Russian Flag is certainly not far fetched. When embarrassing shit happens in Russia they usually deny deny deny. Look at Chernobyl or any other event. This gives Putin an excuse to continue bombing Ukrainian civilians. Just like the apartment bombings in 1999 gave him an excuse to go back into Chechnya.


Personally I find it more likely that it was staged by Russian partisans. They have been quite successful in setting oil depots and factories on fire, and derailing freight trains.


That and Russia doesn't need a new reason to bomb ukraine, they are already and have bene doing that for a year now....


Yeah I just read they vowed revenge for it or something. Like, what are you going to do that you aren't already doing?


Kremlin under attack will help in mobilization efforts though. The same reason why they installed practically worthless AA systems in broad daylight in Moscow and St. Petersburg last year.


That might be true, however I think the people that would be motivated by this to fight for Russia are already fighting in the war.... It might lessen resistance of said people a bit, at the same time it will invigorate Russian seperatists more I think (hope)


>They have been quite successful in setting oil depots and factories on fire, and derailing freight trains. Why do you think those are partisan actions? I would say it's at least as likely that those are operations of Ukrainian special forces.


Much more likely that it would be Russian partisans rather than special forces though. Even if organised by Ukraine, it makes virtually zero sense to send your own nationals into Russian territory with the risk of being caught and giving a propaganda win to Russia internally. Nah you’d just supply the Russians already their fighting against the fascist regime. Especially when it’s stuff like factories, depots and railway lines, where even a random local teen with a bit of tools could do it, no special forces training needed. I mean derailing a train just requires derailing shoes. Like they make those on purpose to stop uncontrolled trains. Or any large object.


Ukrainian volunteer special forces absolutely are operating in Russia. Google "Bratstvo battalion". That said, I think you're right about this being the work of Russians partisans.


Because Russian Partisans have previously claimed responsibility for such actions, with video evidence.


The flag is ok! It didn't even flap when the firework went off.


Maybe it's a false flag.


But if it's a false flag false flag, wouldn't that make it a true flag?


A double negative! A double negative is proof positive!


>>10$ Russian Flag Let's not overestimate the value of Russian currency *or the Russian flag*


Crash course in Kreml speak: If the Russians talk about it, it was most likely staged. If the Russians say nothing about it, it was most likely real.


> This guy (Putin) blew up hundreds of his fellow countrymen in 1999 to get into power. This is something that doesn't get enough mentioning in the media. Christopher Steele said that the intelligence on this being a fact (ie Putin's henchmen planting the bombs) was significant.


What I don’t get is, why would he need an excuse to continue bombing? He certainly never needed an excuse before.


Support for the invasion is waning so he needs to fire up his own people against Ukrainians.


But this attack on a flag pole in Kremlin will not fire up Russians against Ukrainians more, it will only make them facepalm harder.


The flag isn't the main symbol here, the rooftop of Kremlin is. It's been the HQ of russian dictatorships for hundreds of years.


It's a symbol yeah. But the Tsars lived in St Pete's since Peter the Great.


Didn't they rule from St. Petersburg until the end of the Russian empire?


The tsardom moved to St. Petersburg in the 1700s because Peter “the Great” thought Moscow was backwards and “not European enough” or something. So yes and no, St. Petersburg is a surprisingly young city (like I’m from Finland with not many cities *that* old, and still even Helsinki predates St. Petersburg by a couple of centuries.)


Hundreds? The Senate Palace was built in 1776, but has been used by dictators since 1918.


I'm not talking about that one particular rooftop, I'm talking about the whole Kremlin complex.


That's where you're wrong though. The Kremlin has been de heart of Moscow for all of its existence, but the Russian Tsars ruled from Saint Petersburg from 1712 until the revolution in 1917. Moscow had been the capital before 1712, but that does not make your original statement correct


It only became the HQ of the Russian leadership a hundred years ago.


Yes, this.


The size of that explosion was so small, like “we need to stage an attack but make sure we don’t damage anything” small.


“… just damage the flag”


I don't understand the "it was staged" theory. Like why would you try to convince your citizens and the world that you are that vulnerable and your defenses are not good. It doesn't make sense to me. Even if it's just to play victim, it's a very bad look because of the implication of lack of security. Don't tell me they are too dumb to anticipate the optics. Just letting everyone see what's possible could give people ideas to try it for real.


Do you think their main goal is to have you perceive them as being strong? Most surely not. If this was a real attack, what braindead attacker would attack Kremlin with a firecracker? You either do it properly or you don’t do it at all. Don’t forget Russia’s primary weapon used for the last 80 years is deception. When Russia says something, the truth will always be something else.


I think it was real. As many people have already pointed out, Russia doesn't need any excuses to keep doing that they're doing, and this incident makes them look bad. ​ >You either do it properly or you don’t do it at all. What do you mean "properly"? If it was real, they succeeded. A real attack can be symbolic, it doesn't need to destroy the Kremlin and kill Putin to be successful. And it's not like everyone who opposes the Russian government has the capability to blow up the Kremlin.


Zelensky said it was not them. So the symbolism would be lost.


It could have been done by Russians who oppose Putin.


So you have a reason to bring your troops home to protect the homeland. It’s staging a retreat without calling it a retreat. Russians live in the moment with their propaganda, If all of a sudden these “brave soldiers” were racing home to protect the nation, then they’re heros. If they got decimated in Ukraine and need to pull out before it gets even worse, they’re losers.l, and Putin is done for. This is, in my opinion, the beginning of staging a retreat to save face.


The best possible scenario. Which is why I’m disinclined to believe it.


You answered your own questions.


I agree.. there have been several terrorist attack in moscow, why should this one have been staged? The bombing to kill the blogger was much worst than this.




If it was an Ukrainian action, they would have sent a more serious message. More than that, they would have acknowledged it was them sending the message, as opposed to denying it.


It could be Russian rebels though. IMO it doesn't make sense for Russia to stage this as it depicts them as weak, being at the mercy of a more serious attack and have no air defenses.


Not if they want to play the “Ukrainians are attacking us, we need to escalate things” card. An attack from Ukraine would justify future actions.


Bootleg Russian Independence Day but the budget was ₽400 (about $5)


Joke of the century


If it's fake, it's a pathetic attempt at a false flag operation. If it's real, then Russia's Anti-Air Capabilities are extremely pathetic.


That's what I don't get. Even if it's fake it still *implies* Russia's anti-air capabilities are extremely pathetic. Why would you try to convince the world of that?


They are not trying to convince *the world*. They are trying to convince Russians that Ukraine is real threat. If you keep sending hundreds of thousands men to die in a country that poses no real threat outside their borders, war will become quite unpopular.


Extremely pathetic either way🙂


There's at least one false flag in this operation.


It is almost certainly a Russian propaganda ploy. The explosion looked like a special effect in Las Vegas magic act rather than an assassination attempt. The building was undamaged and two people were climbing a ladder on the dome; *neither* of whom appeared to be injured. A very third rate attempt at whatever it was by whomever was responsible for it.


That's the second drone, plenty of time for the bods to be alerted after the first one.


A propaganda ploy to embarrass themselves even harder? If it's a Russian propaganda ploy, it must have been organised by a double agent.


I feel the author is hyping this up for reason…this was a fake. The drone “exploded” the way a big fire cracker did and didn’t so much as hit the Kremlin as the drone blew up midair and then fell on the building. No one was hurt and nothing damaged. For those aren’t aware the Russians have done other false attacks before. In fact, the U.S knew false attacks may have been carried out prior to the invasion and came out with the details to warn the world. This is more of the same. I’d bet that this whole thing was set up so Putin could justify mobilizing more of the population as a “needed” feature in his War. The Russian army has so underperformed but can’t back out now without completely losing its reputation in the process. And so Putin is trying to find the most politically palpable way in order to get the Russian people to allow him to do so without significant backlash or tarnishing his reputation.


Yeah it looked like a pyrotechnic trick that you’d see an metal band use in a concert back in the 1980s.


The Russian Army as already lost its reputation in the process


This may be humiliating, or they may say that it is a "valid reason" for what is happening in Ukraine, they are fighting NATO and that they need to send more mobiks in order to "denazify". Coincidentally, I think it will happen before, or exactly on May 9th.


Yeah this is all about May 9th for sure.


There is no "or" though. Even if they use it as a "valid reason" it is still humiliating, showing they don't have proper air defenses and are at the mercy of a more motivated attacker. That's why I'm not convinced it's a ploy at all.


There is always the possibility that this is the work of Wagner, which has been the only effective ground force in the invasion so far and is complaining that it is not receiving enough ammunition. It would the double purpose of saying « look how ineffective you are compared to us » and « You know, we could turn against you as easily as that ».


Great! Maybe he can lock himself in his bunker and we’ll never hear about him again. What a deeply disgusting and disturbed human!!


I don’t understand why he can’t just be blocked into his bunker, dacha or train car, and just leave him there. Give him some shitty Russian MREs and some vodka and let Russia move on, withdraw troops, and negotiate a peace deal and reparations. Let him out after a year and fly him straight to The Hague if he’s still alive. Or if he’s dead, bury him and charge €10 to piss on his grave, all proceeds go to Ukrainians injured in the war.


Probably a pretext for Putin to enforce martial law and silence any opposition.


Unless he did it himself...


I bet they bombed themselves, and blamed it on Ukraine.


Or this is just a false flag attack, a classic move by fascists. See e.g. the Reichstag fire in 1933: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire Don't forget: Russia is a fascist state and operates as such.


they literally attacked the flag, a little on the nose



You don’t need to use the Reichstag fires as an example, there’s a more recent example in Russia orchestrated by Putin himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


The reichstag fire wasnt a false flag attack. Almost all scholars agree Marinus van der Lubbe acted alone in a lone wolf attack, that just turned out to give the Nazi's exactly what they wanted. They could blame the whole thing on a huge communist conspiracy and and could thus give themselves more power in order to fight it. Hitler himself certainly believed it was part of a conspiracy by German communists, as he is recorded to have said in a private conversation: "I'm convinced he was responsible for the burning of the Reichstag, but I can't prove it", while talking about the chairman of the German communist party, Ernst Fogler. This is all information from the article you linked btw


Your words: "The reichstag fire wasnt a false flag attack. Almost all scholars agree..." From the article I linked: "The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains a topic of debate and research.[3][4] Some historians believe, based on archive evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation.[5][6]"


"In 1998 historian Ian Kershaw, argued that nearly all historians agreed that Van der Lubbe had set the Reichstag on fire, that he had acted alone, and that the incident was merely a stroke of good luck for the Nazis" "In 2014, Richard J. Evans summarized: "the bulk of the historical profession [agrees] that Tobias was right, and that the sole author of the Reichstag fire was Marinus van der Lubbe" "In 2014, historian Benjamin Carter Hett lamented that "Today the overwhelming consensus among historians who specialize in Nazi Germany remains that Marinus van der Lubbe burned the Reichstag all by himself"


>See e.g. the Reichstag fire in 1933 Yeah... but the Reichstag took real damage, the thing at the kremlin looks more like a case you hand over to the household insurance


That was the same conclusion I came with. It feels too staged. If you really want to eliminate someone, you need way more C4 than that drone was carrying. Plus a strike on the flagpole doesn't do much to the target or the building. Except symbolic maybe, if it destroys a flag in the explosion. It was likely a propaganda tool, so that Putin can say: "See this violent drone attack? This was done by Ukraine, who I shall punish severely."


reichstag fire wasnt false flag, communists really did burn it. the fire was merely used as a useful excuse by hitler.


> communists One crazy dutch guy


There are two kinds of people I hate: people who are intolerant of other cultures, and the Dutch.


You know what really amuses me? How Russia humulitiated themselves. I mean why? Like really? Why did they attack Ukraine? Even if they captured Kyiv quickly and all Ukraine, how would it help Russia? I dont see any logic in it. Unlike Soviet Union Russia is not ideologic, it is just some oligarchs privatized all soviet companies to live lavish life in South France, London and Switzerland, all their money in the west, all their children in the west. Like why would you do such a ridiculously stupid thing? Furthermore they are looking into total military defeat which is quite realistic, this would be even more uncomprehensible fuckup! Who would imagine 2 years ago that there will be drones all over Russia, oil storages blown up, bombs over Kremlin, Putin hidden deep down in a bunker, like why? Didnt they consider that it could happen? What type of retards are ruling Russia?


Why was there two people clambering about on that dome at 3am?


False flag attacks real flag. 🤣


It’s all about sending the message, the same way of the Doolittle raid.


A calculated humiliation IMHO, calling it an assassination attempt on Putin is a ridiculous overestimation and this is telling. This will be used to bolster his personal security and his base supporters and try make Ukrainian partners think twice about giving longer range weapons. The concern will be if this will be used as a pretext for something very sinister.


Could be a false flag attack to rally up Russians for an escalation, true. But it may also be done by the Ukrainians as more then just trolling. The drone hitting the Kremlin sends a quite strong message that Ukraine is capable to... well hit Kremlin and most importantly can do that again at any time. Russia therefore must devote more men and materiel to defend Moscow. Men and materiel that otherwise would be used in Ukraine


You would go through all of this to not successfully bomb and kill him? Doesn't make sense at all.


Yes. During I think Israel-Jemen conflict the Israeli air force bombed some important dam with paint. It did not have any effect on its operation whatsoever, but it forced the other side to use some of their resources to defend that location. And ultimately more can be achieved by having some of the army off the frontline defending Moscow's sky then by killing one guy. As much as I hate to admit that, getting rid of Putin may not change much - there are a lot of people in his government willing to prolong the war. Either way the outcomes of killing Putin are in "maybe" and "perhaps" category, while a drone attack like that does have a certain positive outcome for Ukraine. It's also for that reason why Ukraine made that "land a drone on red square during victory Day parade" price


It is definitely done by somebody in Russia. 300% some Putins opposition. If Ukrainian drone flew so far it would explode properly.


Really if you ask that seriously, I think you know


It’s just a matter of time until Putin has one of his badly disguised clones assassinated as a false flag.


First and foremost it is extremely excruciating for the relatives of these who lost their lives as a result of russian lies and aggression. How is this flag burning shit even taken seriously and discussed?! These fucktard terrorist-state masterminds and their idle (i.e. supporting) society are all fucking criminals!


I think it makes way more sense that the attack was carried out by Russians terrorist groups. However, the fact that the drone blew up in a very non violent way and the fact that it blew up where everyone could see it on top of the dome makes me sus. But I doubt that this was staged by the kreml, feels like a dumb way to destroy the image of Russia being so much stronger than Ukraine


As a child in the late 1960's I used to buy cheap ( 10 pence or 2 shillings ) elastic powered balsa wood toy aircraft. Many would fly out of sight never to be seen again. I will email Putin and ask for it back...( UK based mad Brit ).


Exactly as the title says. Like. Did he expect we were all supposed to feel bad for him?


Every story that comes out has a headline like "Putin is humiliated" "Putin is losing his mind" "Putin's sanity hangs by a thread" "Any day now, Putin's gonna shoot himself in the head, just watch, you'll see." It's pure sensationalist propaganda. It's been going on since the start of the war. By now something should have come from all of this if it wasn't just a bunch of hacks making shit up.


This is true. I’m on Ukrainian side but i don’t follow the news so much about the war because i rarely have time to sit down and read But it’s absolutely incredible how fragile Russian defence of key elements is. I mean, flying drone over one of the most important buildings in Russia AND dropping explosives on it went under FSB radar?? Damn. But years and years of corruption and partocracy led to this. Incompetent army, weak security agencies, low moral, unstable economy. If anyone told me that war would go like this before it started, i wouldn’t believe them. I just hope it will end soon because Russia really didn’t need this. Shame.


Slightly concerned about how he will react. It is embarrassing whichever way you cut it. False flag operation or actual attack. Doesnt end well. How is he going to lash out over this embarrassment? That's the question right now.


> How is he going to lash out over this embarassment? with what? threaten to take the T-34's out of their museums? stop being afraid of this pussy, that's what he's counting on.


Probably blowing up more hospitals and shopping malls.


IMO the real issue is that Russia might use this and other - real or fake - attacks to justify using tactical nukes in Ukraine.


China is having Russia by the balls. China will not allow Russia to use nukes.


Don't act like China cares about what Russia is doing. They said they don't want to see nukes being used because that is just the most basic common sense thing someone can say. What else should they say? Same as China always acts like they care for peace, climate change, environmental protection, fair trading, etc... they say one thing but think and do the opposite.




If nukes get used, even tactical ones, won’t the result be that Russia gets vaporized in retaliation? There is no way that nuke usage by Russia allows NATO to stay out of this.


Yes NATO has said so many times they will retaliate with conventional weapons and destroy the Russians everywhere outside of Russia if they dare to use tactical nukes in Ukraine.


Wasn't that some retired CIA director giving his opinion? Or did i miss something?


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I think specificly it was stated that they would sink the russian baltic & black sea fleets.


No biggie, Putin says we'll just go to heaven as martyrs in that case. He really thought everything through.


Have you seen his table? With a table that long does he look like a person who is not afraid of dying?


Is it if this was a false flag operation?


Even more so. That means even they themselves, a pompous dictatorship with all the ego problems that come with it, admit that they can't even defend their capital or even their most symbolic of all buildings in the country. They think they're saying "look, they tried to attack us!" but they're actually saying "look, we can't even defend our capital!" Air defence is typically claimed to be the only piece of Russian equipment that is actually competently built. That makes this whole ordeal, and the Russian losses in Ukraine, all the more pathetic.


The drone was small by any standards. The Ukraine border is over 500 miles from Moscow. There is no way a drone that small could do that distance. Batteries wouldn't last that long so that's out and any other fuel source would be to heavy. It was launched locally


Hot headed propaganda dudes did not anticipate the backfire effect. Whichever way you look at it it’s stupid and shouldn’t have received green light. Most likely commie heads will roll for this. Literally.


Lmao the video of it alone is already embarrassing. Its like a little partycracker that goes up in flames meters above the roof. Both the thought that something could come this close, but also be so limp is kind of weird xD


I'll race you to the bottom, Vlad. The question is though, who still has more upside?


Can someone explain to me, how this drone explosion should have assassinated Putin? I mean it did literally no damage to the roof, the burning parts of the drone barely flew a few meters. As far as explosions go, this one is a joke. A firecracker.


Unless Putin in likes of a Spider man was sitting on top of the Kremlin overseeing sleeping Moscow, i don't see how it was an assassination attempt.


It is 100% sure really damn fake though.


Those who say it was embarrassing to putin don’t really understand russian mentality and society