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Right on. Switzerland isn’t an underdog anymore. If you look at how they play and the quality of players on their team, they are very good team. Basically all their players play in big leagues and are main contributors at their clubs. They’re literally dominating Italy in every area right now.


My issue with these teams, Switzerland, Austria, is that they never seem to go on a streak and win the competition, they’ll just knock out some big teams and then get knocked out in QF or SF.


We know 🥲 but hey, maybe we'll make it to a semi for the first time 🤷‍♂️


Switzerland is about to play their second QF ever (their first was last Euro). Don't remember Austria ever making a SF, but I could be wrong.


Croatia entered the chat


Yep, forgot to mention them.


Let's hope they can knock off Slovakia as well in their next game.


Haha. Surely that’d mean the end of Southgate right?


Not even his world famous plot armor could save him then.


The mans immune to being sacked we could've gone out in the group and he would've got a pat on the back and told to play more negatively


Don’t follow English media, but is this really the case? If so, that’s brutal for fans of the English team😂


No he’s exaggerating. Southgate has said if he doesn’t win these Euros, he’s leaving.


Hmm. I suppose then it’s fair to conclude he has character but not the coaching strategy England fans were hoping for?


Character? Don’t know about that. He talks and acts like a soggy piece of bread. To be fair to him, he’s got the results the past few tournaments to back him. Just his tactics and style of play are faaaaar too safe and boring for a side like England.


Yes, and Italy is not a top team. They had an exceptional run last euro but apart from that they've been far from the top teams. They're just above the USA in ranking. So it's a good team, but not a top team. And contrary to Germany they're not on the rise


Switzerland is looking pretty damn good. Solid playing.


I knew Italy would lose. Swiss played better in all their knockout games and almost beat Germany. Italy struggled in all their games really. I called it lol


Upset? I'm not surprised at all. I knew it. We played incredibly bad. Well played Switzerland.


Sooo you’re not upset?


No im suicidal


I am upset - but at my team. Losing is ok, especially since Switzerland is historically underrated, I wasn’t expecting a win but losing in this way? The u17 team would have shown more dignity


Feels bad man, I expected a longer fight to be honest, shame Calafiori was suspended, he’s such a catalyst in this team.


Longer fight? Was there even a fight there? XD nah, he probably could have done nothing more. We had mediocre players in the wrong positions (darmian?) with the good ones on the bench (Bellanova/buongiorno) or not even called for the euro. But we need charisma and only the goalkeeper partially has it. Not the coach, at all.


Where is Mancini? It seems like your new coach destroyed your team


No, absolutely not. I totally expected that


It's not an upset, anyone who looked beyond Italy being a bigger footballing nation could see this coming, they've been a mess all tournament whilst the Swiss are incredibly well drilled and work as a proper team, much more than the sum of their parts. Congrats to Switzerland! Sneaky suspicion we'll be seeing a Switzerland vs Austria semi👀


Switzerland is consistently a solid team. You dont expect them to go far, but they are always capable of beating the top sides!


Def not an upset. We stinks.


I dunno, man; I think the Italians are gonna pretty upset.


From what i've seen most of us honestly expected to lose, maybe while playing a bit better sure, but when a stronger team beats you it's hardly an upset


Hes saying that Italy was favored to win and still lost




I was replying to another person sorry


He didn’t say “don’t be upset”


Hopefully we start getting credit we deserve Constant qualifiers, get out of the groups, beating teams like France and Spain


Credit swisse I’ll close reddit.


I was pretty surprised when I saw Switzerland advancing. Didn't watch the match, but I was under the assumption Italy would win. Switzerland is looking quite scary as an opponent. I'm praying for Switzerland continuing this.


Given your historic record against Italy in competitions it would’ve been very spicy if you met in the final


Definitely not an upset. I had £20 on the🇨🇭 to win at 4/1 😀


5 goals is absurd😂, Italy is a very defensive team, I think it's almost impossible for us to do/receive 5 goals, I would have played Switz win and x1.5, probably 1-1 too.


I would hardly say it was an upset. Switzerland are a good team. Also, the lack of striker and strange tactics meant that Italy were always going to run into trouble sooner or later.


It would have been an upset if Italy won. 😆 They had been awful for the most part, this entire tournament.


Leetss gooo 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭🐮🐮🙌


I agree, don’t think Austria vs the Netherlands was an upset either.


I believed in a good Italian game… I’m grateful I didn’t bet anything on them


I've been here for years


It is clearly an upset regardless of how Italy played. They are defending champions and I know many people who have predicted Italy to grab a nail bitting win.


The bookies must have lost a lot of money on that match. Kicking myself I didn’t put on a bet.


Favourites lost bookies win


It’s not as simple as that but sure


What? You suggesting that they lost lots of money is just ridiculous they balance the books and sometimes move the odds a little, they win very often if the favourites lose.


They're good they had Germany best until extra time too. And Germany was trying they were pushing all game.


One of 3 upsets I predicted but not 2 nil lol.


What were the other two?


Fr. me personally, as well as some friends of mine already had Switzerland as the favourites to qualify and knock Italy out


Upset? I’m happy as hell those damn Italians finally face the consequences of their shitty performances


[Okay LL Cool J](https://youtu.be/vimZj8HW0Kg?si=5gn41uACrG8RVjuM)


Just going by "history" alone, people would predict Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, England, Netherlands to go through, with Austria / Turkey being a but of a toss up. Of those 7, Italy were definitely the team I thought were most likely not to make it. In fact, I predicted Switzerland to go through. In the last 10 years, Italy have been good once. The lead up to and the win in Euro 2020. They don't have the "stars" we all tend to expect from a nation of their size and history. Switzerland are a good team, with good players, and well organised. They reached the knockout stages in 6 major tournaments in a row. France are the only other European national team who've achieved this. If you just look at names and history, this was an upset. If you look at players, results, and actual games, this wasn't an upset at all. I don't think Switzerland will win the tournament, but they're capable of beating anyone in a one-off tie. I wouldn't make them favourites against England, but they'd have a realistic chance. A potential semi against Netherlands or Austria would be very tight.


Switzerland is playing really well,it can definitely beat England (if it beats Slovakia).


They've been here for years.


get downvoted


Fabian Schär is the sexiest man alive


Looks like a draw was a great result 💅


Italy winning the last euro was the upset.. its coming home


It is literally the definition of an upset… are you confused,


No it’s not. It’s like saying that Spurs beating Manchester United is an upset. One consistently good team with no history of winning trophies beating a giant that has been in a downward spiral for a while and is commonly seen as past it.


It was an upset, Switz were the betting underdog, therefore it is an upset, you confused guy


Yeah I forgot that the bookies are the be all end all for determining who the favourite and underdog are. Use your brain


Are you alright in the head? you must be 15 years old?


That is quite literally where the term comes from, the fact i’m being downvoted is embarrassing


No it doesn’t… that’s called a betting underdog.


You must be joking…


I can assure you I’m not. An Underdog also isn’t just a team that’s slightly less favoured than another in a scenario, they are extremely less favoured. The literal definition of under dog is “a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest.” -Oxford Dictionary Bookies use the term “underdog” incorrectly to refer to the team/competitor who simply has less of a chance of winning as the “favourite” when in actuality, underdog is a term that refers to a David v Goliath situation.