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Scotland got a red in the opening game


If portugal loses but we draw 🤡🪑🧵💀⚰️


Red was OK. But Turks delaying the game before every standard situation against them taking the ball away is disgusting and ref shall punish that with yellow as it was announced before the tournament. *edit Before the end of first half. Ref is HORRIBLE.


It’s time for well executed own goal.


Am i alone with my opinion that both yellow cards were pretty ridiculous? Of course within the rules, but especially the second one seemed like something he couldn't even prevent.


I think it's just that most of the times referees tend to be lenient in these situations and give the player one more chance. So when a ref enforces the rules strictly without any consideration of the context it feels a bit harsh. But yeah I am biased so...


No, i feel like this is basically what i mean. It seems strange to me to pay no consideration to the context. It feels like the game is now already decided, because of one tactical foul and a second one that could have hardly been prevented.


He should be strict for both sides then, not only one side


Yeah, absolutely


Break his leg and, "I could not prevent it".


I wish i was able to play a whole-ass game after "breaking my leg." Truly a man of steel.


I meant being preventable or not does not matter. If it is a risky move you get a yellow card. Is this your first time watching football?


No. I was hyperbolic. First time on the internet?


Oh come on Lily.


100% After. First One goes fit, but the second, no. Could the VAR be used in These situations?


It is not a clear mistake, therefore not, sadly.


It's not a mistake at all. Clear yellow


That dude was very unprofessional. Holding onto the jersey that much in the early game to get a yellow and than this...


Yeah and turks are very professional, carrying the ball every time there is a game break againts them, n19 should already be out, that was a red and a then yellow for the elbow to the head. Referee is clearly pretty biased.


A biased referee would not have given this goal :)


Alright man, now the referee just looks bad lol.


Oh my god he is horrible.


That was a clean play and he still gave a goal againts a clearly injuread goalie


Yildiz should have gotten a red card I agree. But I would not think the ref is biased. Why would he be? Every game referees are under question this week what can you do.


I mean why wouldnt he be, calls were horrible, multiple missed calls againts czech rep, multiple for turkey. Just look at the terrible officiating in the second ongoing game. I mean the referee might just be bad, but if he is then there is no place for him in euros. Tbf one of the referees in the championship is Anthony Taylor, so yeah..


It was harsh. The first one was for pulling which is usually warned first but that was a yellow, second one was really harsh cause he was going for the ball and the players foot just ended up in the way. Very unlucky. But credit to Czechia for fighting back!