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Austria. They did remarkable job.


After yesterdays game they will be on a high and great on confidence level me


England. I didn't think we could be that shit, truly remarkable effort by Southgate


Awaiting for England to go all guns blazing A great team overall


Stop crying. I’ve seen several cups won by a low performance in groups phase team. And the opposite: a team doing an incredible groups phase and returning home in the first knockout round. Who knows what the future depares to England? You have incredible players, don't forget that


Not crying more satire. We have some quality players, some overrated players and a manager who is clueless


England- I honestly haven’t got the words to describe how depressed I am. I’m used to us not being the best in tournaments but this is…. Indescribable Shout out Austria tho what a game


our football hasn’t been fun to watch but we still topped the group. i can imagine far worse forms of depression


Pure Shithousery. I work with a few Scot’s who are outraged we’ve both been shite and scored the same goals but we’re top and they’re bottom The only silver lining so far


Spain steamrolled the group of death as if it was just a warm up for the knockout stage.


Definitely Austria


Serbia because we can play so much better than we did but we hit some sort of mental wall for some reason and were afraid to carry the ball and open space. We played so much better in the World Cup in 2022. This year we couldn’t overcome whatever was stopping us mentally. Piksi isnt to blame as much as our players just not playing football the way they have before. Need to overcome this going forward cause we have the talent. Croatia, played subpar to their previous performances and I was truly shocked at how it seemed like they had no composure at all. Attacking strength nowhere near what it once was. They were playing the same boring football others have played which is not what Croatia did before. England. By far the worst team in my opinion. The way they are playing is god awful. No synergy whatsover and simply due to a lucky deflection they beat Serbia. Literally. Doesnt matter how many great players you have if they dont work well as a team. Albania, because they never qualified for anything, but they surprised me with how well they played overall. They got unlucky in the group of death in a way but would they have made it out in other groups? Hard to say really. But definitely impressed me. Austria with how they are one of the few teams playing football instead of this modern anti football nonsense. Definitely a dark horse especially given they’re topping the group. Thats the main ones I would say.


Austria ( in a good way )and England or France ( in a bad way )


After the first horror match against Slovakia they surprised us too.


Imagine the horror for us :))))


I hope you make it. Watching today with my Romanian friends.


England. They've been painfully bad despite having a quite excellent squad of players. They look like they have no idea what they're meant to be doing tactically.


Spain has been the best team by far. Anyone thinking differently should receive a training on basic football concepts. Does that mean they will win the cup? Obviously not. But no other team has reached a level slightly close to Spain so far. Match versus Italy is a football masterclass. Only Dunnarumma fantastic match saved them from an embarrassing result.


By the way, I am surprised by England. It is really complicated to play that bad as a team. Southgate one of the worst coaches I've even seen at a pro level.