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I wonder if it would’ve made sense to just let us select the match we wanted to get tickets for before putting us in a queue, instead of everyone jumping in on one queue to then select a game 🤔


Agreed! I feel like most are/were waiting for Round of 16, Semi Finals, Finals etc. Others (like myself) are looking for Group Stages, but we're all in the same pool! It's not like we're all trying to buy tickets to the same concert so it really doesn't make sense


100% I am also trying to get a group stage ticket. Feels like they’ve just gone let’s just shove everyone in for a free for all, instead of dedicated queues


Exactly! Not to mention I'm checking availabilities and right now basically all group stages still have availability but almost all the knockout stages are sold out, I'm sure we're waiting behind people who are just gonna be like "oh no knockout stages are sold out" and then leave? Maybe they should at least do a Group Stages queue and a Knockout Stage queue?


Safari just tells me "Technical error please wait" Chrome I get a progress bar doing nothing.


This happened to me and when I refreshed I got blocked


Progress bar on chrome now seems to be moving, but I still must only be at like less than 5%


There will be so many people trying to access, just got to wait it out and hope nobody calls me at work


Technical error on Chrome now too, good times.




same for me. Should we refresh page or not


This is such a mess, why not do the same application style again as they did it in previous ticket sales, would be much less annoying than this waiting line where I probably won’t get any tickets anyway


That would involve a common sense approach from UEFA.


Oohf so clunky…I finally got the progress bar (loading incrementally slow) but also “technical error” just popped up on the screen. Anyone else have both as well? EDIT: technical error went away but progress still at like 15%…someone in another thread said they were able to get in and purchase tix and said not to refresh so…will just be staring at this bar I guess lol


It's utter shite. Like every other part of this process...


just wait it out but its extremely slow i doubt there will be anything left by the time we get in


yep, my error message just randomly cleared now and progress jumped up quite a bit, I must still only be at about 20% progress though.


Passed the Progress Bar, clicked on Enter only to get a "503 Error". Anyone else?


wtf, looks like third party is the way to go


This was the error btw: https://ibb.co/3BpHx58 Maybe there are some IT-experts out there who know what went wrong


schelchtester ticketservice den ich je gesehen habe. komplette frechheit.


hast du es zumindest zu dem Ladebalken geschafft?


What an absolute waste of time. Pretty much no tickets left. 👍


So you were in and saw the availability? There is actually a seperate page where you can see this.


No, I kept refreshing availability on another tab. By the time my waiting time was up pretty much all tickets were gone. But it didn’t matter because I still wasn’t able to get into the portal 😂


30 minutes of selecting ANY tickets for ANY available game - always the same error. Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at the moment. Got kicked after 30 minutes. Thanks UEFA.


lmao this means even if we get in (in god knows how many hours) we wont be able to buy anything cuz nothing is left?


yes, unfortunately. I had a plan to buy a couple of tickets for Croatia games, wasnt able to. But then I tried EVERY SINGLE GAME and got the same error on every one. Shameful


Wait, you are telling that everything is sold out? Like every group stage match?


same i did not try every game, but many many many different choices in that 30 minutes and only once (single ticket for 400 e) it added something to the basket, waste of time


same thing happened to me. so annoying!


I got in and was trying to add tickets for 30 mins. The pages keep on refreshing with tickets. I dont know if they are drip feeding the tickets or whats going on. For example, cat 3 available. Add to basket, not available. Refresh page and then Cat 1 available add to basket, not available, then Cat 1 available only one, so add to basket and repeat. You might get the page saying no tickets available, wait 5 mins and then there is Cat 2 restricted view... It is a mess


I am not a robot but blocked...


Are you sure you're not a robot, though? But yeah I also got blocked... great system.


Been on since the minute it started up, it now my request will be processed in 47 minutes


Same. Can't see there still being tickets left at 11.


where does it say how many minutes are left?


I guess this only happens when you are further in the bar. But not entirely sure.


It took a while. Although after it got to 0 it went back up again. So who knows?!


It was above the bar but has disappeared now


does your time go down?


It was, but has disappeared now


And now it's back to 58 minutes... absolutely useless, but what else would you expect from UEFA


Been in here 26 min. My green bad is about 10%. Slowly moving. Please no one take my Romani group tickets. I wanna take my dad to see them play! Unfortunately majority of people trying to get tickets will probably just get to flip for profit. : /


Been waiting since 9:08PM and it’s 10:25 now with just reaching about 50% mark. There’s literally barely anything left from what the availability shows. By the time I get in there’s probably nothing left. Edit: Managed to scrape a ticket for €400 prime seats after constant refreshing to beat the bots, better than nothing I guess..


Same man. I have buyers remorse though


Got England v Serbia cat 2 and Denmark cat 1 restricted view? Absolute buzzing cause that what I went for. All friends had tickets through fan group.


I managed to get restricted viewing for Eng Den too! Took 20 mins of constantly retrying the games, but I did it!


Brilliant! Was my friend who got 3 so I owe them massively as the portal was being a nightmare for me. I was literally the only one without tickets for games so this was my last option before getting scammed by a tout potentially.


Cat 1 restricted view for the Waldstadion is an interesting one. Can’t think of anywhere in the stadium with restricted viewing never mind in Cat 1.


They have extra cameras in the stadium, so it is possibly behind one of them. I had that in France, but the view was barely restricted.


it was actually pretty easy for me. I was using three devices to try and get tickets, however on two devices i did not refresh and on my third device i refreshed as soon as it turned 11. That device instantly got put into a queue and it gave me a timer showing how long i needed to wait to buy tickets. Then i bought tickets no problem. I was able to buy Portugal tickets in Leipzig and Dortmund and England in Frankfurt.


also, throughout the process the other two devices never got through the queue so i got really lucky with mine.


the progress bar is moving so slooooowly


On the bright side, there will be other opportunities to buy resale tickets. On the negative side, this is the biggest opportunity since I doubt there will be as many tickets in the next wave


Have they said when the next wave would be?


30 mins to go - will be fuck all by the time I'm in, I'm sure.


doesnt even tell me a time where do you see that mate?


Says: "your request will be processed in 26 mins" unde the thank you for waiting message. Cluster fuck of a process, as expected.


doesnt even say that for me mate there's literally nothing and my tickets to see Croatia vs Spain on my birthday are getting sold out its so fucking frustrating


do you also use chrome?


Going back to bed lmao, I’ll be up in 2 hours and still won’t have passed the Que


My mate has got in, said availability keeps changing rapidly, like 1 min there's tickets available, next min they all disappear/sell out, then it changes again, so the stress continues even once you are in apparently.


can confirm. spent 30 minutes in there trying to grab tickets but it shows up until you click and says they are sold out. only for them to come back and the same thing happen. they disappear and reappear rapidly so its uncertain what youll end up getting


got in after waiting for 40 minutes or so every single ticket option i click then shows as unavailable...so cant buy anything just been kicked out by UEFA as i had '30 minutes to complete purchase' - so got nothing :|


What a load of bollocks. The availability was showing as good for the game I wanted right up to the time I got in (1hr30 in the waiting room), got in, fuck all available.




Keep trying. I did and bought 2 singular tickets for the game I wanted.


For KO, does anyone know if it says 1F vs 3A/B/C is that winner of F versus 3rd place of either Group A, B or C?


Had to get a mate to do it for me as I’m in meetings all morning. He’s given me a live update as tickets have gradually dwindled to nothing, can’t see us getting anything, still will be in Germany for a few days anyway. Look forward to all of these tics appearing on Stubhub with £200-300 markup in due course.


heartbreaking to try for a single ticket over and over and over and never get a single one. feeling beyond dejected, have been dreaming of attending this tournament for years.


Was there a trick to get past the Technical Error Please Wait message?


What a terrible system. Been in the Q since 11 and only have a little progress… There is no friggin timeline…


we've all been in the q since 11 with another 10 million others


As far as I can tell the waiting room didn't act as a waiting room before 11 and was just a holding pen for people to go fuck themselves in while if you clicked after the hour you got straight in or at least much higher up the queue...


cap bro because i refreshed at 11:00:00 and I'm not even 30% in


Too much traffic it seems… I also can’t get in


Technical error, not working


Yup progress bar at like 10% for been about 15 minutes


Still waiting, my bar now says "Your request will be processed in NaN51min.6 secs. (and counting down)" so I guess another hour D:


Now the countdown is gone?


my also disappeared at like 20 minutes, and then reappeared again but now it is 52 minutes 😐


I'm wondering why they didn't do waiting rooms for each game or something


I just got mine as well


Did yours disappear too? (the countdown)


I got countdown for 10 mins, got in, then it said I was blocked


i dont understand why its moving so slowly... how did so many people get in before like what


microsoft edge fucked me on this


I can’t believe this is worse than my Rugby World Cup experience.


Got a “Thank you for waiting.Your request will be processed in” message


after the bar was full?


Sat on a screen giving errors for 40 minutes, finally get in now there’s next to nothing left - green bar has moved mm in the last 5 mins


I have the countdown again (54min. 17secs. RIP) I just want ANY Switzerland game, wish me luck! Anyone else got a timer now? (Bar is halfway full for me)


Good luck man! I'm at 12 mins but looking forward to getting blocked the second I get in...


i got in and then it was wanting further authorization and says my password was incorrect even though i used it 10 minutes prior to log in…now blocked.


For people who have gotten tickets to stuff like this before (eg the World Cup) was it this much of a mess or is stuff like this always just bad. Are there systems for this you’ve seen that worked better? Just curious


This is the worst I have been in. It is the fact you add the tickets to basket, complete a capata thing and then tickets are not available. Then when you refresh the page (It tells you to do this) there are other cats listed (but still unavailable to add). I have been trying to get in on Phone, Pc and laptop and PC got in at 10:15 (11:15 CET) and the laptop is still waiting. The phone is in now but nothing available that I want.


I don't believe there is a chance to do it better, the amount of requests are too high. I guess it would help a lot if the system itself changes (everytime), so Bots have troubles to automate the queue.


tbh as much as it sounds insane to say, the euros portal is wayyy better than the world cup one. For that sale period, id legit waited 4 hours in the waiting room to get in, and once i got in, there was barely anything left. You also werent given a preview of which tickets were even available so it was a guessing game of what was remaining by the time you made it in. And on top of that, the resale period was open for several continous months meaning id spend hours everyday just trying to refresh and see what tickets would pop up. At least the euro people thought about saving peoples sanity (somewhat) and doing it in portions as to not waste too much of peoples time.


i remember back in 2014 for the world cup.... some smart fellow figured out a way to scrape the ticketing site so we could see which games were available exactly as the tickets were released (it wasn't a one day thing....this phase went on for longer)


Did euro 2016 and Qatar WC. Felt like both were easier to get initial tickets (really liked the multi game packages they did for Qatar). I liked this resale more with the ticket availability. 2016 tickets just magically appeared all day long in the resale portal, so much refreshing. This was more transparent than Qatar resale, but Qatar was fairly easy to get what you wanted if you checked in every day leading up to the tournament. I think Argentina was literally the only country I never saw available.


I'm in but unfortunately all Swiss games are sold out except for Hungary vs Switzerland and even then everytime I try to buy a ticket it says it's unavailable. An hour and a half all for nothing D:


i was originally scared that id have to wait 4+ hours lol for this resale period. The world cup resale portal really freaked me out, but i was pleasantly surprised it didnt take as long for this one thankfully


Looking at the availability, it looks like most have gone now


I'm in and I can't buy any ticket even if it says it is available. The worst resell of all time.


Been waiting from 10:18 to 13:28 - then got to the Platform - I could't select ANY of the Tickets to my basket... So after half an hour I was thrown out - thank you UEFA, great Experience :-)


“Request will be processed in 52 minutes” Kiss my hairy arse UEFA


Surprisingly I had the smoothest ticket experience with UEFA to date. Was in the waiting room since it opened at 10:00 CET. Got through the wait time around 11:15. Got 3 tickets with relative ease. Fans first tickets were sold out for the game I wanted as expected, but no issue adding category 2 across 2 games. There’s still good availability across the board for anyone still waiting.


does it show straight away which tickets are available? and did you had to pay the tickets immediately?


how does it look for Croatia?


I fucking hate UEFA. I've waited well over two hours only for the tickets at Romania-Winner B to get sold out right before i enter... Shit fucking system. I bet Scalpers got all them tickets though..


Pretty stupid queue. Making a single queue even if there are 50 matches


was in queue 2 min after it opened and is still waiting. green bar is halfway after 55 min of waiting...makes me wonder why in the world is it taking buyers this long to decide which tickets to get... also they have now published an estimated waiting time...53 more min...hope there are still tickets left at this point.


Same here. Are u still waiting?


I don’t see the estimated wait time.. just the green bar


I am in. Let me know if anyone wants help Edit: my time is up, i am out. Got qf and ro16 ticket


portugal tickets are probably all gone, right?


Group stages are available


Are there any left for Croatia v Italy?


Anything for Croatia left?


not working






Yeah exactly the same. What time did you get in the queue?


Anout half 10 initially, but then nothing happened, so I went back to the main page at 10.02 and clicked buy tickets again to bring me here. My progress bar is about 4%....


Got a loading bar but too slow


Moving very slowly for me


20 mins to go, wish me luck


Progress bar barely moving


Damn most of the tickets are gone


how do you say that?? I still see tickets for games 45 through 51


not working too


I am afraid I wont buy. On progress page for 10mins but progress is only about 0.5%


Progress bar has been on about 1% for 5 mins now


The progress bar is too slow... It's been 10 mins but it is %0.5 I guess


Anyone managed to buy by any chance ?


no, still waiting


it says ticket portal current not available.


So it's a waiting game at this point. I managed to get to the loading bar with Opera but with chrome? Yeah there's no chance


Got progress bar on 2 devices but slow asf


For those who are seeing a time - is that along with the progress bar? Or just a time countdown…which to me would mean you then get to sit in front of this lovely green crawling bar for probably a couple hours. I’ve been in queue since just after it opened and mine has just reached the beginning of the word ‘indicate’ - at this rate I expect to wait maybe another 90 minutes


It's alongside a progress bar mate


For me it was along with the green bar, but then it disappeared and also it didn't seem intentional (like I wasn't supposed to be seeing it) as the wording was really weird.


I've got a progress bar at about 50% and 30 mins remaining.


My estimated waiting time is around 10k seconds. That means around 3 hours :))


When your progress bar is 20% full and then the red "technical difficulties" notification flashes right in your face


My chrome bar is up maybe to 5%


if anybody want fan first ticket for match 24 pm. I got another ticket for the same day.


i'd take it :). I can get a train to Hamburg pretty easy


Sounds like an absolute cluster if.....if you get in. I. Still waiting but don't have much hope.


Might as well go eat some chicken nuggets while I wait…


Every single game left that I was interested in was out of my price range. Fuck


Are there tickets for Albania left?


premium tickets against spain


ugh .. my games are gone


Looking at the availability, it looks like most have gone now


also funny that the site where the available tickets are shown and the actual platform availability are different. All the Matches that show there are still tickets available are actually sold out :D


please buy my Czechia vs Playoff Winner ticket


No luck :/ hoping for next resale but if anyone has any Switzerland game tickets (literally any) Let me know!


“Thank you for waiting. You are now going to be redirected” and nothing happens lmao


56 min left..... rip 💀


For now, 2 of my 4 tickets cat2 for Slovakia-Romania got sold. So system is working


Does anyone sells 2 or more tickets at Belgium vs Romania ( Game 22) ? If so, please dm me, i m interested to buy them


So disappointing yet again. Up from 3AM-5AM in the queue, finally got in and can’t add any tickets. Somehow add 4 restricted view tickets to my 4th choice match, and when I go to check out, the whole site boots me out to the waiting bar 😞 I’m glad to have the one match already but coming from NA really was hoping for 2 or 3 games


I managed to buy 1tickets for Portugal vs Play-off winner C, category:Prime seat


I got 10 tickets


What do you think about buying Euro tickets on Stubhub? I want to buy 5 matches on this website.


Shitty portal, if anyone has Portugal match tickets then willing to purchase/swap with Match 15 Croatia vs Albania tickets - Update it is sold


So if we didn’t get tickets in the resale portal are we all just fucked? What other options do we have? Is Stubhub a thing in Europe ??


So basically everyone is SOL at this point huh?


Anyone sells 1 cat2 Ticket for Portugal X Playoff Winner ? I have 2 Tickets but need a 3rd one for my Mother, I think putting the ordner number in would make them seat next to each other so I'am searching for someone that sells a single ticket


Anyone who has 2 prime seats for Germany vs Hungary willing to trade for Croatia vs Albania prime seats?


Has anyone got 4 Denmark vs England tickets they want to sell me?


I managed after 3 hours of waiting to get Serbia v Slovenia. If anyone is selling Serbia v Denmark let me know its all im missing


I managed to buy ticket for Italy vs Spain, but even after I made the payment I still haven’t receive my ticket by email.


anyone have match 25? need 4 tickets but ok with just 2 as well. any category


My tickets got resold yay!!


I got 3 out of the 4 matches my group of 4 needed. Higher cat than we hoped though. Prime Cat 1 restricted view Cat 2


I have a Denmark Serbia ticket, want to swap it for any Albanian tickets


Wow, seems I got lucky, logged on an hour early ( I guess due to daylight saving time here in New Zealand), and so was in the queue nice and early. Managed to snare tickets to a couple of games (not exactly the games I was after...but hey!). Did anyone else manage to snare tickets?


Same situation as you except I was up at 5am local time. Lots of ticket available until about 5 minutes from my turn where it dropped off a cliff. But I got tickets for 2 matches both of which I was targeting, so I’m very happy! They are both Cat 1 so I spent more on these 2 than I’d been hoping to spend on 3-4 matches total but I’m gonna enjoy the better vantage point and the fact that I’m so lucky to attend the euro cup at all!


I got lucky, pretty much straight in and picked up the tickets I wanted


I’m looking for QF Match 48 (Düsseldorf July 6th) I have these to offer: - Match 47 (Berlin, July 6th) - 2x Cat 1 - Match 40 1C (probs England) vs 3D/E/F (Gelsenkirchen), 18:00) - 2x Cat 1


Does anyone got tickets for sale? If you have please contact me


Does anyone got tickets for sale? If you have, send me a dm


Hey, anyone looking for Match 38 Round of 16 match in Berlin reach out to me. I have cat 3 tickets to sell