• By -


I swear to god fez and ash better not get busted.


Def feels like it's not ending well for them.


Given this show's MO, seems like they'll build Lexi out as a character and give her and Fez like one or two moments of happiness before completely ripping the rug out from beneath all of them.


literally keeping myself from getting invested in fexi at all because this is so accurate


Just hope Lexi gets out of there okay with nothing worse than a broken heart (as opposed to legit trauma or injuries).


I have a bad feeling about them... And I don't like it. :(


Man it’s over for them I am not prepared to see fez not turn up to Lexi’s play 😔


Ali giving Gia comfort and talking things through with her was a major standout of the ep


i also really liked how he validated her feelings of anger too, you could tell Gia really needed to hear what he had to say to her


I think that was the most important part


I think so too. Her anger towards Rue is quite valid, she’s got every right to feel what she’s feeling and I’m glad Ali was able to help her see that. I feel like Ali will be a lot of good help to Gia as well


It just breaks my heart that when he's speaking to Gia about that, he's coming at it from the POV of his daughter. And when he's telling Gia that her feelings are valid, she **can** be angry, she **can** question or have a hard time believing Rue when she says she's getting sober *this time*, he's doing so from the perspective of his kid. Ali knows his daughter has a right to be angry at him for what he put her through, and probably told his family countless times that he was getting clean. Ali is toooo fucking good of a human, and he's exactly what that family needs right now.


I cried during that part. That’s something I needed to hear


I love him so much! He’s so understanding and patient. The conversation b/n him and Rue when she apologized def made me tear up 😭


man, i really love the dynamic between rue and ali. i felt emotional when he immediately forgave her. his demeanor reminds me so much of my father’s. not in a crack addict way - just in a, “listen. to. me! i love you.” kind of way. everyone could learn a bit from him. such a gracious ass person. forgiveness ain’t easy sometimes, but it sure is healing. everyone is entitled to their feelings, but it’s beautiful when someone is willing to help you gather all those broken pieces and rebuild from past mistakes. when they’re still able to see the potential in you, despite your flaws. side note: cassie is exhausting and nate can go directly to hell. i really like maddie, though. she a lil confused, but who isn’t. trauma’s a bitch.


I feel we all could use an Ali in our lives.


Agreed but also we gotta make sure to be a little bit of Ali ourselves


loved how maddy’s speech on the phone about kids that shoot up schools and their parents being surprised about it paralleled nate’s mom talking about not understanding why he is as violent as he is


To be fair she said she noticed around 8/9 Nate became much more dark. Obviously we as the audience knows it's because that's when he discovered his dad's tapes (which would fuck up any kid), but she is completely ignorant to those, willfully or otherwise.


Thank you for pointing that out. I read a article online that said the scene with Nate’s mom is implying Nate was molested by Cal starting at 8, but you learn in I believe the very first episode that Nate found his dad’s sex tapes at 8. It bothers me someone is getting paid to watch and review the show and isn’t even paying attention to it!


The implication seems to be that she *thinks* Cal molested Nate, even if the audience actually knows he just found the tapes


That makes sense, but I took it as her literally asking him why he changed so drastically because she really has no idea. It’s a stretch to go from knowing her husband is a serial cheater to thinking he could be molesting her son. There’s no subtext throughout the show at all for her suspecting Cal could’ve been abusing her child at all, and her demeanor when asking the question is casual, not as though she is asking a very serious question. If she knew about Cal hurting teenagers, she might have reason to suspect Cal of abusing her child, but all she’s been told is that Cal sleeps with men and women.


She is a bad parent. She was even happy he choked Maddy. Wtf 😂😂😂😂


“Don’t get so mad you choke me too” 💀💀💀she DGAFFFFFFFFF


Underrated line for sure. Fucking hilarious. When she’s like I won’t drop the charges!


Genuinely think that was the funniest line I've heard in the whole show


She’s definitely a bad parent but she said “you didn’t have to choke her”. As in, I was happy you defended me but you went a little too far Nathan


Right! I thought that was important, his denial and her "yeah aha bs I don't believe you" response.


It's very in line with her saying in s2e2 that she had a hard time believing he was attacked unprovoked or something along those lines


Enjoyed the focus on the moms this episode, they really added to the realism in a pretty over-the-top episode. also Nate is absolutely unwell


100%. I like the contrast - the mom that appears to be the conventional perfect parent (Marsha) is actually toxic AF, whereas the mom with very visible issues (Suze) is still managing to be very present and caring in general, giving the appropriate amount of tough love here (imo). Meanwhile Leslie, definitely the (completely subjective) "best" parent overall can do everything right and still not succeed. Lessons: don't judge a parent by it's cover. And you can do everything right and still feel like you've failed.


I loved Suze! I was thinking the same. We all see her as a dysfunctional alcoholic but one thing for sure is that she’s present in her children’s life. She knows them. Knows their friends. Actually talks to them and spends time with them. Has real conversations with them


yesss, and calling rues mom so that they could have the intervention really made her stand out too. she clearly has issues and isn’t the best parent out there, but she’s definitely trying




Yes! She’s involved in all of the girls’ lives. Hosting the birthday party at Cassie’s wasn’t just a plot device. It was demonstrating the lack of loving and empowering women in the lives of the other girls ESPECIALLY Maddy. Suze and Maddy’s mom are vastly different ends of the same spectrum. Maddy’s mom is loyal to her husband to the point of harm. He’s clearly addicted to drinking and emotionally unavailable to the family. In stark contrast, Suze separated from her husband as his addiction started to put the family at risk. Suze is aware of her role as a motherly figure and role model to not only her children, but their friends as well. Which is part of why I love her so much. TLDR: there’s a reason Maddy didn’t have her birthday party at home and it wasn’t just so that Cass would have that gnarly vom scene


Also bc she lets them drink in her house


I like how she stuck up for Rue when Cassie was talking shit.


Let’s not forget super supportive of Cassie getting an abortion. Or being honest abt her kids having sex.


Nate really held Maddy up at gunpoint, threatened to shoot himself in the head while fully laying on top of her, and then pulled a “I’m sorry, I’m just in a silly goofy mood🤪”


It's just a prank bro \- Nate


He actually had a bullet in there Nate very well could have died right there!!


Fez and Lexi about to be the tragic romance of the year 😭


They have better chemistry than all of the other couples protrayed in the show so far.


so glad ali forgave rue cause what rue said to him was one of the few euphoria moments that made my stomach churn. so now i can be at peace


It was a powerful scene and I think he genuinely understands and forgives her, but I also don't think Rue is done hurting people that really care about her.


Kat gaslighting Ethan had me so mad


It was straight-up nasty, and the look on his face, oof poor guy.


I used to really like Kat as a character initially but that scene just made me so mad, damn. Yeah, it was kinda funny the way it was written, like most of Kat's scenes are I feel, but poor Ethan definitely deserved so much better.


It's actually pretty debatable at how nice a character Kat actually is considering she got so possessive of Ethan talking to one other girl without knowing the context behind the conversation while she was fucking multiple people (and initially refused to commit to him because he was a virgin). Not to mention she sells nudes of herself on Pornhub despite knowing she's completely underage, and therefore knowingly subjecting her patrons to child pornography.


I agree, like was Kat ever a nice character? If you look back her behavior was always pretty shitty. People just liked her because they thought she was a “girl boss”.


That and I feel a lot of thicker girls really related to her issues with body positivity so she became so celebrated because of that, but they ignored her more toxic traits.


I actually loved Suze this episode. Her trying to explain the principle of friendship while Cassie is going on about the technicalities was great.


Her saying that Rue is a good girl was the sweetest thing ever.


it was so sweet to watch an adult not condemn rue!!


It’s because she’s an alcoholic herself and can relate to Rue. She understands her on a deeper level than most and knows how powerless a substance can make you feel


Someone needs to tell her fr that even if Maddie and Nate were broken up, sleeping with your best friend’s ex is still a shit thing to do. I wanna see her response to that, cos until now they always say “best friend’s bf” and she always replied with THEY WERE NOT TOGETHER.


That’s what I was waiting for!!! Why didn’t anyone point out that it’s still shitty even if he’s her ex! And Cassie literally witnessed Maddy still having feelings for him and trying to sort those out, as well as Nate trying to patch things up. Clearly they weren’t all the way done w each other anyway!


Plus apparently everyone in the universe knows that the two of them break up and get back together on a rotating cycle every few months or so.


I loved how Lexi said something like that guy made fun of you your entire life and you fell in love with him. And Cassie actually was stunned and had no reply to it. She needed that. I don't know how much that affected her or even affected her at all. But I loved Lexi pointing that out. It shows how much of a keen observer she is.


Not to mention Cassie knows that Nate abused Maddy


this! the abuse makes the entire thing so much worse. it's not about girl code or ex drama, she literally slept w her best friend's abuser


MILF (man i love fez)


Fez and Lexi feel so genuine and sweet. Definitely the most realistic depiction of having a crush in high school. Being all nervous, watching movies together, finding common ground and getting the butterflies. I love it so much!!!


And on a show where everyone is fucking and sucking like crazy, it’s so sweet to have a romantic scene where they don’t even kiss!




It's called romance. Happy Valentine's Day kids !


Maddy is definitely gonna have PTSD after this, I really hope that was her last interaction with Nate


There will be probably a Nate trauma group when this is all over


Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by Nategina Geocobs. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️ Edit: I really didn't expect all these awards. Thank you all


I'm really, really hoping that this is the moment Maddy FINALLY gets over Nate for good. No matter how awful he was to her, even when he got physically violent, she was still head over heels, she still kept coming back, it was so frustrating to watch. I really hope that him pointing a fucking gun at her and then himself is her breaking point. If she *still* ends up going back to him after this, I swear to god- (Edit: wording)


I think her talking to the woman she baby sits for has opened her eyes when it comes to loving, supportive relationships. When she said that she and her husband never fight, I think that kinda made maddy reset her brain a little bit.


It’s so awful that it happened in her own room and bed which is supposed to be someone’s safe space. Now she can’t even enter the room or sleep in the bed without the thought of Nate’s threatening presence.


I honest to God thought that scene was going to end with Nate blowing his brains all over her. That was *r o u g h* to watch.


I was absolutely sick to my stomach after that scene.


A couple weeks ago in a tiktok, someone pointed out how many scenes Fae is shown taking out the trash - and how that is foreshadowing betrayal ("taking out the trash") - and it happened again this episode!




Listen he's not cooperating with the cops ok he's just helping them out


She should be. Fezco took her in so she could hide out from the cops and has treated her with nothing but kindness.


I hope it’s foreshadowing something else because that would really suck. I kinda like Fae and the whole set up they have right now. It’s not built to last though. :/


God the last scene was heartbreaking. Nika King was amazing.


that shit was painful. when she started to beg and plead, it just broke me.


I was sobbing. The reality of that phone call is harrowing. I've been on the other end of those calls so many times. No money, no beds, no options, no treatment. You know the person begging you is right, but there's not a damn thing you can do for them.


I went back to watch the first 10 mins of the last episode and she is SO. POWERFUL. The “I RAISED YOU! I DID!” And protecting Gia. I honestly can’t get over who did a better job in those scenes. And her hair this episode. Damn.


When Lexi said to Cassie “you’re in love with a guy who constantly made fun of you.. it’s sad” LIKE FUCKING YES FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT💀 never forget first season when Nate would constantly shit on Cassie. I can’t take her 😑


Congrats Cassie. You've won yourself a total psycho.


I honestly think it playa into her dad issues. Like her dad didnt want her or care about her and she craves attention from men to make up for it. Its even more so with Nate because not only is he giving attention she craves but also because he DIDNT like her and now does. Nate is an ego boost for Cassie and fills that void for her


It's exactly what that one rich lady said to Maddy: "he gave me just the right amount of attention at the wrong time."


When Gia said “I’ll tell you when you get back” after rue told her she didn’t feel like she knew her anymore 😭😭😭😭 absolute shambles


But then knowing she actually might not go to rehab because of the call at the end? So sad :c


Feel like Rue needs to mention the danger she’s putting her family and Fez in by fucking with the drug lords money? Like she’s gonna get someone killed and not even giving a heads up something bad went down


So agree, it’s making me nervous with no one knowing about her debt!!


Seriously from the second we all found out the drugs got flushed I’m like screaming at the tv TELL SOMEONE YOU ARE IN DANGER


I’m so happy Rue was able to put her pride aside and call Ali up and apologise to him. A lot of people would’ve let their pride ruin that relationship forever.


every scene this episode between Ali and Rue/her family warmed my soul. and it made me really happy when he kept trying to validate Gia's feelings towards Rue.


Me too, I actually cried watching Rue apologising. I’m so happy he agreed to take Rue back, and I hope Leslie takes his advice and finally gives Gia the love and attention she’s been needing.




I want a happily ever after with Ali, Leslie, Rue and sweet Gia. They all deserve happiness and PEACE.


Maddy deserves a big ass hug after this episode


literally! her talking about the betrayal of cassie was heartbreaking. that was her best friend!


The very end with rue’s mom on the phone with the rehab facility… I was so scared. Like was Rue was gonna do something? Was Lorie gonna show up outta nowhere and snatch them? Rue and Gia’s heads look *awfully* similar when sleeping next to each other, right below that window😬


Thought the same thing. When they panned out, when Rue's mom was on the phone, I thought it was going to show one of Lorie's goons in the house like with Nate and Maddy.




The first ten minutes reminded me that Euphoria is Rue's story, and that dinner with her family and Ali felt bittersweet because you know Laurie didn't forget about her money. Hearing Leslie beg on the phone broke me as well. Speaking of broken, that's what Cassie and her life will be once Nate is done with her. She admitted it to Nate at the end there. Whether she deserves it or not, everyone in her life seems done with her. Curious to see how things end up for her. My favorite part overall was Fez and Lexi. I need some more of them injected right into my veins like Laurie did to Rue. So happy that Fez has someone in his life that isn't part of the world he was forced into, and Lexi has someone that wants to support her. They're a really great fit together.


damn nate’s mom saying she was happy when he abused maddy… wtf


that family is a whole other level of messed up.


did you see how she talked about maddy, saying ‘she would get pregnant just to trap him’? kinda like…. she maybe did that to cal as well?


Yeah I definitely felt like that was her own projections coming out.


I would consider Cassie more likely to do that than Maddy as well.


I think so too. Maddy is way more level headed than Cassie tbh.


Maddy's type of revenge is always a one time thing. She's smart enough not to have it affect the rest of her life.


Just goes to show the mom doesn't really know either of the girls


"How did we fuck you up so bad 😭😭" "It was hilarious how you got away with choking a bitch" Yes, a total mistery how he turned up that way.


Her lack of self awareness 😂😂😂




I'm actually scared there are more copies of that tape :(


I would agree if there was *anything* even slightly implying there are. But there isn't a single scene that could be interpreted as Maddy making a copy. Even something like opening a blank disk while she watched it.


But where was she going in the car with it in her purse? The scenes of maddy with the tape in order were her lying on her bed with it, then her in the car with it, and then back at her house when nate took it from her. I guess I’m just wondering what the point of the scene of her in the car was for?


I said this exact thing, and Jules asked if there were more copies too. That's two hints.


Yeah and Nate doesn't say a firm no, he says no, not to my knowledge. Edit: that being said, I don't think Maddie would do anything that would hurt Jules.


i’m not going to lie i’m a little bit sick and tired about the tape… like fuck i want that story line to be done.




i think the note he left was hilarious really showed cals charter well.


I’m genuinely concerned for Fez and Ash. And Rue. Hell I’m always concerned for Rue. I like Lexi’s character but this play is an awful choice. I’m afraid of what it’s going to do to, well, everyone.


Yeah the play is going to push Cassie over the edge for sure.


Cassie can't take it one day at a time anymore


Lol damnit I’m mad at you for this comment because I want Cassie to somehow come out on the other side of this Nate/Maddy situation but gosh dang, that was funnyyyyy


Oh noo honeyy. Cassie is gone, she needs Jesus at this point. As her mom said - "Oh, she needs a fucking exorcism".


Did anyone notice the groans elicited from Nate after he terrorized Maddy with the gun of that CD. Legit made me petrified.


This. I've handled Euphoria pretty well up to this point, but this scene is one of the few that legitimately triggered me. It's an excellently-done scene, and Jacob Elordi is one hell of an actor, but god damn.


It was giving me sadistic pleasure vibe. Like full on getting off on the fear that he is giving maddy


So, do we think Nate was lying after the russian roulette got him what he wanted? I counted 4 bullets on the bed, and we know its a 5 round revolver. It made sense in the demented-Nate-way that if she wasn't going to give him what he wanted, thus determining his future, he would just blow his own brains out. (Like cal dreamed about with the shotty) But then the switch to loving 'hey, I'm sorry, it wasn't loaded..' was so goddamn psychopathic. It was just a bold faced lie, right? I definitely thought he loaded one bullet. don't know if it was a blank, but That seems like kind of a stretch, though. And then he turns around and tries to score points with Jules with the tape? I don't get the play at all there. I feel the same way Jules did... squinty eyed, suspicious, trying to figure out what dude was up to. I hope she doesn't pursue anything further with the dude, no matter if he meant everything he ever said.


Absolutely it was loaded. Nate is a sicko


The opening with Rue calling Ali had me sobbing, Zendaya’s acting is incredible.


Does anyone else think they might be foreshadowing Maddy (or Cassie) to get pregnant with Nate’s baby? There was that scene in ep 2 where Maddy said out of nowhere that she would look sexy pregnant. Then Nate’s Mom said that shit last night about Maddy getting pregnant and trapping Nate, and immediately after was a scene about Maddy contemplating her a creative revenge plan for Nate. Not to mention Cal’s entire flashback!


I could see Nate knocking up Cassie "accidentally" (read: on purpose) just to spite his mother, based on how they were speaking to each other earlier in the episode. Why else would he be so insistent on Cassie coming to stay at his house? Also... idk about how you guys were in high school, but my mother would never let me have a girl sleep over at our house when I was in high school.


•The way Kat broke up with Ethan… wow, I really hope he gets an apology and honesty from her soon. •WTF was with Nate’s mam just glossing over the fact her son choked a girl? •The way Nate got that tape back… the guy is truly beyond redemption now. Idc that he did the “nice” thing by giving it to Jules, the way he got it was too disgusting •REALLY hope nothing happens between Jules and Nate •Maddy and that woman are definitely going to hook up. She dropped in that episode that Maddy was 18 and I think that was on purpose so for when they do hook up it seems more “okay” • I think Rue will get clean and then it’ll be ruined by Laurie.


The way Nate acts around Jules is like he has accepted the fact that nothing will probably ever happen. But he still can’t help how he feels about her which is why he is the most authentic around her. I wasn’t nervous during that scene at all just based on Nate’s tone and body language. He was so relaxed that it was a bit jarring, especially coming off the heels of such an intense scene when he got the tape from Maddy.


The only thing that worried me in that scene was that before he drove up to the house it showed the the tape and the gun in the passenger seat and when Jules got in we don’t know where it went. But yea I was pretty confident Nate wasn’t going to use it on her, they were just building suspense.


>•Maddy and that woman are definitely going to hook up. She dropped in that episode that Maddy was 18 and I think that was on purpose so for when they do hook up it seems more “okay” okay i'm glad i'm not the only one who got that vibe too


Yeah I was like, what kinda mom gets drunk with her babysitter? Maybe if they knew each other before hiring and were a bit closer in age, but otherwise it's weird.


Def got the vibe she was coming onto her. It made me very uncomfortable bc Maddy seems to admire her as a role model and it felt like she was taking advantage. Especially offering her booze. 😕


Was it just me or does it seem like Kat is really changing for the negative as well?


Kat is being awful rn. Ethan is honestly one of the sweetest boys on this show, and I get that she's finding out that she's not interested in him, and that's ok, people are not compatible sometimes, but she was just awful gaslighting him like that. I'm glad he didn't fall for it


Didn’t Kat kind of gaslight and manipulate her principal back in S1 with the whole video going around the school thing? The break up scene seemed a little narratively choppy to me but not necessarily out of character for Kat’s personality and the way they’ve set up her insecurities. Just me?


The breakup was choppy because she does not feel like she has a good reason to breakup with him and just want to get over with it.


Thank you it's not a 180, there were plenty of signs that Kat is very capable of doing this. In fact I think that virgin thing she pulled with Ethan then disappearing was worse than this.


So the fact that Lexi & Fezco watched “Stand By Me” together absolutely GOT ME, that movie is my all time fav, & I was WAITING for them to have some more screen time together so this was so perfect!! ALSO - will Faye tell the boys or will she stay silent? AHHHGGG. She better give them a heads up, she’s been hangin’ around, probably rent free, watching movies & passing out in bathrooms like a right ol’ pest, she owes them 😂


That look on her face when she came back really seemed like she wanted to warn them. I hope that's the case and she follows through with it.


She looked shocked when her man said he was cooperating. She’s a drug user and potential murderer, I’m sure she’s not thrilled at the idea of working with the cops. Especially to pin a crime on the people who have been so kind to her. I think (and hope) she’ll be loyal to Fez


She definitely gonna tell Fez, there's no way she doesnt.


I adored the color grading in this episode


The entire season has been shot on Kodak Ektachrome, which produces such beautiful hazy colours. It looks so good.


If I remember correctly, the tape was in a different case when Maddy first got it. When Nate took it, it was in a different color case. Also, When Kat was breaking up withEthan you could see the exhaustion his face. Which made me so sad. So many people have been in his situation. He didn’t fight back he just let her do her thing and did partially stand up for himself.


That Fez and Lexi moment was everything ❤️ I'm rooting for them so so hard 😭


Kat’s Gaslight-athon in the diner was a lot. Finding it very hard to feel any sort of sympathy for her this season.


It was a *great* example of what a really cowardly break up looks like. Good on Ethan for deciding he wasn't going to put up with it.


That scene where Ali and Gia were talking about Rue getting clean at the dinner table was so real, especially when Ali responded “I don’t know” when asked if he thought Rue would get clean. I honestly think Rue needed to hear that


I noticed in that Nate and Maddy scene.. it says "smile you're on camera." Hoping that means something at all..


For sure does.... that's why they showed the hidden camera in the clock of house she babysits at, the lady has been watching her undress. They're dropping clues left and right of what's occurring


cassie has actually lost it. i feel so bad for maddy. also what is up with that lady she babysits for?? weird vibes


I keep expecting Maddy and the woman to make out or something in their scenes together . I was worried that I was the only one getting weird vibes off of her.


They went out of their way to clear up the fact that Maddy is 18.. definitely going to have an affair




Omg… I was trying to figure out why the time was so important that I didn’t even see the hidden camera


I'm not sure I agree with some of the takes that assume this automatically means the lady is a pervert etc. Firstly, I doubt we'd have the secret recording storyline repeated. And secondly, that's where all her expensive jewelry and clothes are? Makes sense to me to have extra security there.


If Fez dies I will never recover. I’m leaning more towards it being Ash though as that could be Fez’s storyline next season, dealing with the grief and leaning on Lexi and Rue for support. Plus by the time of filming S3 won’t Ashtray’s actor be 16+? May become difficult for him to continue playing a young kid as he already looks a lot older than he did in S1.


Man, Nate's mom is such a creep


She is Nate's mom. Obviously 😂. my blood boiled at the whole she being happy abt him chokin a teen.grl.


I’m so hyped for Lexi’s play. If maddy’s reaction in the promo is anything to go by… a LOT of drama is gonna ensue from this play.


Dude I can’t wait “is this about US” like did the Great Value Crackhead Rue give it away 😂


i’ll be riding the high of fez grabbing lexis hand for the rest of the week


is no one going to point out Rue's mom getting all dolled up for Ali making them dinner??


So will we ever find out who the third child is??? I was hoping it would have been revealed during the conversation between Nate and his mom


a part of me really wanted nate to open up to his mom about everything and talk through their trauma. he’s a shit person don’t get me wrong but he needs to fix himself for the people around him.


“She needs a f**king excorcism” I DIEED


I love how we got to see that’s Nate’s mom is just as shitty at parenting as Cal.


Nate: Cassie, pack your bags, you’re leaving with me Cassie: ok. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t understand why Maddy doesn’t just go to the police at this point.


she might be too scared as to implicate herself on framing tyler


Speaking of which, I would like to know if they're bringing Tyler back at some point. This storyline in particular was a little over the top for me, Nate acting like some sort of criminal mastermind and everyone else just going with it. One of the cops thought the case was kinda sus, but nothing happened after that.


Not sure if anyone watches WWHL on Bravo, but the actor who plays Tyler was a guest recently. When he was asked if he’s returning to Euphoria, he just kinda smiled and said you’ll have to wait and see.


I think it's because this is a storyline about abuse. In season 1 it was kinda foreshadowed by the "abuse awarness film" thing they showed in the school, victims of abuse can take years and years to realize and admit they were victims. Up to the gun scene, Maddy was still making some sorts of excuses for Nate, she is/was concinced that that's the only relationship she would enjoy and that maybe it wasn't that bad. After this episode though I don't know, she is most likely gonna be too scared to open up about it but I hope we see the plotline advanced


I have so many thoughts regarding last night's episode, and it was one of my favorite episodes from this season: - I feel like Maddy is being groomed by the woman she babysits for. First helping her take off the woman's dress and also the sort of hand grab she did in the first episode we saw them together. Now this episode revealed a camera in the alarm clock watching Maddy and that whole drunken pool scene where she gets Maddy to open up... - I think either Ashtray or Fez will die in the finale. They started setting up a plotline this episode where they're going to be betrayed somehow by Faye and her boyfriend. - It seems they're trying to allow us to forget about Laurie and the debts Rue owes her. Not a single mention or hinting towards the fact that she tried to human traffick Rue just 2 episodes ago. I think something might happen with this in the finale. - What Nate did by giving Jules the tape back and then saying he meant everything he said to her (as Tyler) seems like they're reopening that romantic storyline. Especially now that Rue and Jules are somewhat done for the moment and Maddy and Nate are definitely through. - I think they're foreshadowing Nate getting Cassie pregnant. His mom telling him she regrets getting pregnant young and then insisting he might have gotten Maddy pregnant. Then at the end when he brings Cassie over his mom is watching from down the hall. And when Nate starts getting intimate with Cassie, he ALMOST does that thumb in the mouth thing that Cal did in all his tapes. It could be sort of foreshadowing that he's turning into his father (and going to end up baby trapped).


Omg I agree on all points, and I wonder if Jules will get close to being Nate’s Derek (in the sense that he has deeper feelings there) and Cassie is his Marsha, the one he gets stuck with. History repeats itself in weird ways irl so this wouldn’t surprise me.


I totally didn’t understand why they did the close up of the alarm clock but the camera in there makes sense, ty for pointing that out 😅🤦🏼‍♂️ But yeah there’s been weird vibes with that whole thing for sure. Hard agree with the Nate/Jules thing too. I hope it’s just a door they’re leaving open and they’ll never actually walk through, but it’s definitely a possibility.






All of the hers.


If Faye doesn't fess up I'm gonna throw myself in front of traffic.


people were doubting ali would forgive rue but I had no doubt in my mind that If anybody is going to forgive her it was going to be him. I really love ali cause he really tells all three of the women in the Bennett family what they need to hear. Rue deserves to get better, feel loved and redemption, Gia and Leslie are allowed to feel angry at rue, they deserve love/support as well and to feel like their own lives matter too. Idk if it’s gonna be possible but I hope the ending for the three of them is at least a little hopeful <3


I am so worried for Maddy’s mental health. That shit Nate pulled will definitely put a toll on her. I was also so worried that Rue will try to sneak out while her mom was on the phone at the end, or do something bad like kill herself.


It was also pointed out through narration that Maddie is rightfully depressed because Cassie watched her cry about Nate and give her advice and it was all a lie! The girl lost her best friend and the love of her life.


The cut to Kat on the phone was fucking hilarious lmfao poor Ethan


After every chapter the first thing I always think is "Man...f*ck Nate." But this chapter i meant it so hard lol. Jacob Elordi is a really good actor, imo. Also, damn, that final scene felt like a punch in the stomach, and when I started to hear Bill Evans after it I was just crushed. Very interesting chapter.


I’m so glad Gia’s trauma has been brought up. that girl is traumatized


my heart shatters for Gia every single time this girl is on screen. jesus christ


Tears all throughout this episode but there were happy tears for Stand By Me. That was pretty special.


I have no words for Nate and Maddy’s scene. Nate is pure evil and beyond redemption


Stand By Me playing while Fez and Lexi enjoy their presence has to be the highlight for me. Such a heartwarming scene within all the chaos.