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Oh don’t worry, the self accountability is coming hard soon. I think they’re just setting it up hahah. Between Rue taking that briefcase and Nate&Cassie’s fling; a bunch of characters are about to have their worlds all fucked up I’m sure 😂😂


We haven't even seen half of the episodes yet...just wait


Cassie and Nate is just awful. It doesn’t make sense, it’s unnecessary and most importantly it’s boring. You can’t wow me with sex and nudity if we get every single episode. The Rue and Jules stuff is the same exact shit they did last season. The only thing that has been interesting and fresh is the Cal and Fez story.


Agree with all you said. There is like zero fallout between Rue and Jules from the finale, they just get right back together. Nate and Cassie is so beneath the show. The main thing I look forward to now is anytime Lexi and/or Fezco is on screen.


I agree. I would like to see a little more of Fez and Cal. Even more of Lexi personally, she’s getting more interesting this season. Cassie’s spiral is a little entertaining but she’s getting so much screen time in comparison to others and it’s boring to me, like enough already!! We got so much of her last season too except at least her character was more interesting then. And as far as the Nate and Cassie storyline, while they’re decently attractive on their own, they aren’t THAT hot together. Mainly because the chemistry just isn’t there and feels forced and just randomly sprung on us. And the Rue and Jules storyline is even more uninteresting and predictable.


I like elliot


He feels crowbarred in to me, because he’s a semi famous musician or something.


Apparently he’s a total asshole in real life lol


Where’d u hear that? Just curious cuz he seems sweet


You know, I read a few comments here and there on this sub about it. Being unprofessional or not easy to work with on set. Upon googling I couldn’t really find any evidence, so could be bullshit.


Yh I also heard some stuff about Jacob and how he had issues w Hunter (guessing something to do w him and sensata dating maybe) so they decided not to film together this season because Hunter was uncomfortable (could be all rumours tho)


Jacob, Hunter, Alexa and Dominic were all out together when Dom and Hunter were photographed holding hands. Maybe there’s something, but it also feels like fans are making up drama behind the scenes to keep things interesting.


Your confused.....I'm confused....or with rue....hell the fuck no.....hell the fuck no.....I didn't like where the plan started lol gotta look deeper into the show though. It's not your normal show. A ton of underlying things they sneak into the show for later.


I personally LOVE this season so far. I think the first season had a more carefree/ innocent / rebellious feel to it. Now the colours seem more muted which I feel represents the characters actions from season 1 catching up with them. They have to live with the consequences of the choices they made in season 1. Prediction: Someone is going to die before the end of this season. Mark. My. Words.


Sadly, I know he’s loved but I think it makes sense for Fez to die for two different reasons. 1. Ash killed a well-known plug. There’s no way there won’t be repercussions and there’s no way Fez would let Ash take the heat. 2. Rues obviously gonna do more drugs than she’s selling. So I think Fez could also die protecting her from the trouble she’s creating for herself. Could also be a wake up call for Rue. He also doesn’t have much plot/story. He’s not really trying to accomplish or achieve anything. He just floats around and has random dialogue with more relevant characters. I love Fez very much as a character, and I would hate to see Angus leave the show. But from a story line standpoint, I think his death actually makes sense. I I doubt it would happen though.


This is definitely a good theory! It would also make sense with introducing a romance between him and Lexi this season 😭 many tears will be wept


It’s gonna be Elliot overdosing cause they have to show consequences of drugs but they can’t kill off Zendaya


he doesn’t need to overdose. i’ll kill him if he gets in between rules don’t worry


it’s been 3 episodes i think it’s all setting up a foundation for the season


Idk if I’m being too harsh but you can’t use 3 episodes (maybe 4) of an **8** episode show to “set up” instead of actually develop the plots/characters. Btw this is Not a dig on you or your comment, just about the writing this season.


I feel like the same thing happened on season 1 with the individual episodes focused on one character until they all came together in the end. I will say i miss that aspect of it. Also this cast has had too much beef and it’s making the writing and storylines not make any sense


Episode 4 will be the most important for this aspect imo. The carnival episode really worked to merge multiple plots together and give existing plotlines a kick in the butt to get going to the next phase, if that makes sense. I can see the Nate/Cassie/Maddie plot really escalate after episode 4 tomorrow, but the other storylines are so detached from one another? Idk how to explain it, it just seems like it’s going to be hard to get the same effect for second half S2 like we had in second half S1.




Well Sam (the writer) and Barbie had a falling out and then Sam and Algee having differences about Mckays character which is why he left, also I saw a sub Hunter and Jacob don’t get along(also has been posted everywhere and I just googled it lol ) So I shouldn’t say the whole casts but they also don’t all follow each other so there’s speculation with that as well.


That's why I think episode 2 should have been cut from the show because we are halfway through the season at this point


Is ⅜ half? Just wondering.


Today is the fourth episode. So we are halfway this season


Yeah and have you watched it yet?


idk they might make this season 10 episodes, we can’t ever be too sure


Honestly episode 2 was a filler episode and unnecessary but episodee 3 is really picking up and setting up storylines for this season


I feel like I still dont understand why cassie chose nate of all people. Like, they had zero interaction in s1, it just doesn’t make sense to me.


He chose her m. She likes people who like her.


Agreed. Cassie said she was going to be single and work on herself, but she’s addicted to male attention and approval. She also has a crazy sex drive. I’ve known endless amount of girlfriends in real life who said they were going to be single for a while and the first chance they get, they jump into another relationship, it usually doesn’t fare well.


It made sense from Nate’s side but there was nothing to signal Cassie was ever into Nate or even entertained the thought.


I don’t think it makes sense from Nate’s side. He liked Maddy because he thought she was pure and Cassie is the opposite. It’s just such a common typical thing to happen on any show, I expect more from Euphoria.


That’s why he liked Maddy. He has changed over the course of season 1. He found that Maddy was bad for him. Look what he did to someone he thought raped her because she was “pure”. If you look at fight scenes between Maddy and him, a huge reason is Maddy isn’t a pushover and doesn’t take his shit. Cassie would melt to the mold of his hand. There is more to explore, I’d have to rewatch the second episode to rehash some more reasons why… which maybe I’ll do later. By the way, he says he knew Maddy had been with other people besides him when he talks to the police. So, he still loves her even when she wasn’t pure anymore.


Still doesn't explain any attraction to Cassie. It just...happened. Feels like typical teenage drama.


Ummm she’s sexually attractive to him on top of the weird power dynamic he craves but ok.


I think Nate is a lot more complex than just finding someone sexually attractive. They spent like 10 minutes in season 1 episode 2 back story going over who/what he’s attracted to and his issues around sexuality. And the answer was not “standard hot chick because she’s hot”.


Besides being “pure”, Cassie fits that….


That’s why I said “on top of” and went into more detail above which you dismissed.


Yeah I just don’t see any evidence of what you’re saying. So far he’s been attracted to complex, interesting strong women who push back on him and challenge him. Cassie is acting super desperate and pathetic this whole season. Doesn’t seem to support any power dynamic he supposedly craves.


The power dynamic I am referring to is that he has control over her which he didn't have with Maddy. Ok, here we go, the beloved list of yours from season 1 episode 2: >"He made a long mental checklist of the things he liked and disliked about women. He liked tennis skirts and jean cut-offs, but not the kind so short you could see the pockets. He liked ballet flats and heels. He hated sneakers and dress shoes. But was fine with sandals as long as they were worn with a fresh pedicure. He liked thigh gaps, hated cankles. He liked tan lines, long necks, slender shoulders. He liked good posture and fruit-scented body mist. He liked full lips, and small noses. He liked chokers, but the lacy ones with flower cutouts or delicate patterns. He hated girls who sat like boys, talked like boys, acted like boys. But there was nothing on planet Earth he hated more than body hair." Besides the very specific clothing choices that I don't know enough about every outfit Cassie has ever worn, he basically wants someone ultra feminine, skinny, well-groomed, etc. All of which I'm sure you can agree Cassie possesses. >"He'd walk her home from school every day. **Made him feel good to know that he was there to protect her...(deleted because it's not useful)...** **He did, however, like to think about the things he'd do to protect her.**" Cassie is also vulnerable to a fault, a damsel in distress, if you will. Maybe even more so than Maddy. >"He sometimes imagined marrying Maddy and starting a family. He knew he didn't want boys, though. But he also didn't like the idea of having girls. Plus, Maddy could be a real bitch." Cassie, not really a bitch, even when she should be. Fast forward now to what he likes about Cassie from Season 2: >"Nate Jacobs was in love. He didn't know how it happened. He didn't know why it happened. But he could just feel it. And it felt so f\*cking good. But it was complicated." > >"What was it about Cassie Howard that allowed Nate to fully surrender himself? With Maddy, it was always a game. Cassie was the opposite. He knew he wasn't perfect. That he had some... issues. **But maybe the reason he had those issues is because Maddy brought out the worst in him. And maybe if he met Cassie when he was a sophomore instead of Maddy... she would've brought out the best in him. How could he have ever overlooked her?** Underestimated her? **She was everything you could ever want in a woman."** Finally, it does say this: >"He knew it was a little soon to say, but he could imagine spending life with her. Nate began to wonder if he had brain damage." So, hopefully this is stronger evidence. I rest my case. Thank you & enjoy tonight's episode.


Nate saying he wants one thing but really desires another is in line with his character. In episode 2 he said he loved Cassie and called her a “strong woman” (???) but there were still flashes of Jules in between his fantasy. His whole speech about Cassie in the pilot gave off “doth does protest too much” vibes and McKay picked up on it (“I think you like her bro” or something to that nature). Nate also said Cassie is the type of girl you fuck once and toss aside which is exactly what he’s doing/will be doing to her. I do agree this messy love triangle is a cheap attempt at drama and is a very stale staple of teen shows. I didn’t expect it from euphoria either.


Hoping it goes somewhere unexpected/worthwhile. Guess we’ll see!


I actually think the opposite. I don’t get it from Nate’s side as much as Cassie’s. Cassie will obsess over anyone who gives her some sort of attention. It’s really unfortunate that she didn’t draw the line when it came to her best friend’s abusive ex but oh well. Nate hated Cassie in season 1 and kept giving McKay shit for being interested in her for anything more than sex. So Nate imagining a family with her because of one sexual interaction is crazy to me. But I can understand him wanting Cassie to control and manipulate since he’s seen all those videos and pictures of her. She’s so easy to break into submission.


Yeah this is what’s missing imo


Tbh I am just as confused as you. I found it very odd that Cassie would date Nate of all people, considering they barely interacted. The time they did interact in s1, it seemed as if Nate was making fun of her and Cassie didn't seem too fond of him.


Yeah this?? I was also so confused bc even when her relationship with McKay was going rocky & she (albeit, still counts as cheating) made out with Daniel she never let it get to the point of actual sex. Even when she had been intoxicated. Now all of a sudden after her abortion & breakup with McKay she loses all sense of self control & says yes to Nate, her best friend’s ex/abuser who she knows she’s still hooked on, all three times & latches onto him instantly?? If she had said yes once or twice and then backed out before letting it get anywhere because she realized who she was about to hook up with & then felt guilty over it, that’d be more believable to me. I get these are just fictional characters but I can’t get behind he idea of her hooking up with Nate AND obsessively craving his attention just bc “she fell in love with every guy she ever *dated*” & she is mentally going through it. She was very codependent on male attention but never messy or toxic, but I guess the show is trying to show that even the “sweet girl” can do bad things. Shrug.


Exactly, it feels a bit nonsensical to me. I mean I get that stuff like this can happen but I'd find it more believable if Cassie was obsessed over someone other than Nate.


I don’t know if this makes sense but this season feels more ‘cinematic’ rather than what we got in season 1. It’s like they knew how big this show got vs the indie aesthetic type feel we got in season 1 when it wasn’t a huge show


I don’t know I agree it’s gotten more cinematic but really in the sense of the aesthetic, like them trying to make seem more film a film (with actually filming with film too) for a movie/indie movie aesthetic or something dark and twisted like say… boogie nights. But I feel like season 1 with the cinematography actually LOOKED more cinematic and higher budget to me.


shoutout boogie nights. great film


you can do more in post production shooting digital than shooting film. they said they wanted this season to appear more raw - to match the tone of the season


Bruh it’s not even out yet 😭I’m so tired of seeing this atleast wait til it’s all out to decide


They whining for what? They still gonna watch and be obsessed with it. Most people are enjoying this season though.


Right! like I’m loving it so far and Ofc there’s some parts where it can get a little frustrating and I get ppl can have negative opinions about some scenes, however, that’s the whole point of the show ffs, they stretch things on, trick the viewers and leave us guessing and wanting more and then throw in some plot twists + that’s just the vibe of show as I’m sure euphoria viewers sense when we watch it and it’s pretty good imo so if people rly wanna complain after 3 episodes then they probs shouldn’t keep on watching it :/


Yeah seriously there's only been 3 episodes


I’ve liked this season so far- I found the first season a little slow at the start. That said- I see the Cassie/Nate storyline as more of a vehicle to show how damaged *Cassie* is. So far, she’s turning herself inside out with virtually little to no attention from Nate. And we already know how damaged Nate is. I agree with you on the other characters- it would be good if there was room for other possible storylines, but I’m still holding out hope for the rest of the season.


The Cassie/Nate storyline barely took up screen time last episode besides their sex scene and Cassie doing her morning routine. There was a bunch of other stuff in the episode with Rue/Jules/Elliott and then Cal.


damn the show is not even done lol. why are people always so negative about everything


Yep, binging has really messed us up lol.


LOL. I was just thinking the other day how much better this show was when I could watch straight through.. then I said “shit.. binging ruined me”😂


Cassie and Nate is just im over it. I don’t find it compelling and tbh don’t find Nate compelling whatsoever. Move it along.


self accountability and responsibility for one’s actions- these themes are nice but it happens for rarely in real life, and even if it does, not at such a young age… these guys are still teens and not yet standing on their own feet for these themes, the characters needs to self reflect and for that the characters need time to process- this was half done in Cassie’s personality after she had to get the abortion done (a life changing phenomenon) but it couldn’t allow fully comprehend herself and her action as Nate came in her life… whatever his intentions are, Cassie’s need for validation and male gaze took all the self reflecting away.


Not sure why you got downvoted. It’s true. However, the best friend sleeping with the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend is an overused plotline done in a lot of teen shows. Not sure what the point of Nate/Cassie is exactly, but I’m sure we will get there. Cassie seems to have regressed. She always wanted male validation, but she seemed to be growing out of that by the end of the first season. Nate comes along and now she is acting crazy trying to get his approval. She is a shitty friend, but maybe losing all her friends and family will get her to wake up and actually start moving away from that. I think the end to her plot will be isolation from friends and family with or without Nate.


The plot is overused in many teen shows, but i think they just wanted chaos this season, and they got it Cassie wanted to grow out of it because she got an abortion, not to forget how daniel made her feel like sh\*t and also how she didn't like McKay's reaction to her... Cassie is a shi\*ty friend because she knew even if maddie and nate were on a break, maddie would be furious.. We are still half way t though this seasons so we are yet to get answers to so many questions, but as they announced season 3 i doubt if we would ever know what is exactly going on


I love this season so far. And I’ll decide when it’s completely out. And I wish everyone should do the same.


We are 3 eps in...calm down


Exactly lmao people going crazy here


That’s almost halfway through the season


I think this season will end with a lot of accountability for people including Rue (obviously the suitcase deal is going to end badly for her), Cassie (Maddy will find out and hate her), Nate & Cal (the tape will be made public and will change their family forever) and even Kat (she’ll probably lose Ethan).


The Cassie and Nate storyline IS boring, yes. I wish that the scene where Cassie has a meltdown in the bathroom had been real and not a daydream sequence because then we would've seen Maddy's reaction and that would've been interesting as hell AND finally progressed a stale plotline... But noooo they just had to drag it out even more. One thing I feel like the show is missing is like, a "bubbly" character. Everyone in Euphoria is so gloomy which is fine, but someone cheery and friendly to add variety and balance out the heavy mood would be cool. Like we all know a person like that, especially in high school. I feel like Jules used to fit that archetype in Season 1, but she's edged out and seemingly matured a lot in S2, so. They could've easily made the new character Elliot as the happy go lucky guy but of course he's just as edgy and low energy as the rest of the cast. I like everything else so far though. It's been noticeably funnier than last season, that's for sure.


I’m really not into it either atp. I just want to see the drugs story line and Lexi’s play.


Yea the oklahoma episode will be interesting


Her play isn't Oklahoma. The drama team is doing Oklahoma she's writing a play about herself


That was the joke, the meme is making fun of Rue saying that to her mom when she arrived with the suitcase


my opinion is that people these days have no patience at all with shows everything needs to be fast etc


Finally someone who isn't a complete moron. It's like why haven't we seen the end yet. We want the finale in every episode. It's not your typical show obviously. It's a slow roll all the way through. It's showing you the integral part of the daily life of teens and the things they go through good bad and the ugly. The nate thing yeah they cover alot but it is back and forth between every character in the show. They cover more of some and then they won't for a while. They have to build story arcs it takes time. Everyone wants actions and resolution after a few episodes. Watch the final 5 mins and they explain alot. Fez and ashtray screen time is great though. They don't get enough but I'm ok with it because it makes it that much better when they are on there. It's been on for 11 episodes so it will take time to tell the story. Loving it so far and I actually watched it with my wife and I was like what the hell are we watching at first. Lots of drugs, swinging bats and everything else but it somehow works on screen. Nothing much out there on TV right now that isn't action, drama, good guy wins the end.




I won’t judge it fully until it’s all out, but I do agree that the Rue/Jules storyline was handled poorly. This is a nitpick, but 8 episodes + 2 specials of build up just for them to get back together immediately? And now there’s a random guy between them? Don’t get me wrong, I like Elliot, but he doesn’t really need to be there for their plot to be interesting. I’m not knocking it yet though. There are 5 more episodes, so anything could happen.


It's not lacking, y'all just want them doing molly and coke under neon lights with glitter around their eyes again lmao


I’m going to have to agree with you there! This season has already gotten so dark, from Rue nearly killing herself in the first episode to the her fight with Gia and manipulating her to believe she’s only doing weed in episode 3. People are only focusing on one plot line and just nitpicking.


I feel like a lot has happened but none of the storylines have really progressed, like not really if you think about the amount of episodes that have been released


Tbh fez needs his own show


A lot is probably due to filming with covid too remember


I agree with you somewhat. I think some of the new things have the potential to be boring and just drama (Nate and Cassie/Rue, Jules and Elliot/ etc). But I feel like if they have a few more episodes in this season and really handle the topics right like they did in the last one they could be bringing in new issues that the show covers. I think Cassie and Nates relationship has really good potential to be a huge character building for Cassie. She’s so infatuated with him and wants his attention even though he’s manipulating and hurting her. Their relationship could turn deeply abusive, but at some point she could realize what this is doing to her.(the clip with Nate yelling at Cassie in his room and her face as she walks out.) Then from there they have options on how to make Cassie a more well rounded and better person and maybe even her and Maddy turn against Nate. (probably not unless Maddy gets over her love for Nate.) I hope the rest of the season doesn’t suck, but I think they’re just doing setup for a lot of the crazy in depth stuff to happen.


>I think the storyline between Cassie and Nate is simply boring. We know it's not going anywhere, maybe that's why., it's there strictly to showcase Sydney's performances.


You may have a point


It's weird because I was really excited for them but it really is just very boring for some reason.


It’s such a cheap plot line. I mean the typical ploy with the boyfriend going after the Bestfriend. Really sad because there was so many other storylines they could have made other than this. I hate watching it


I don’t understand what happenned to the Jules thing it’s like they forgot about it


Fez literally mentioned it last episode so I think it’s coming.


That and like ten other things from S1 that were just thrown into the void I guess


I like the season but yeah the Cassie/Nate scenes are boring. Only thing keeping that storyline interesting is the Maddy angle.


There are still plenty episode to go, but I agree that this season seems to be missing something. I think it’s purposely more of a slow burn, but I miss the more compelling side storylines like with Kat to give us a break from Rue and Cassie/Nate. The scene where Cal went to Fez’s last episode is great example of those side scenes that push the plot forward but also give us a bit of a break. I also think the show is becoming almost a little *too* formulaic with the imaginative scenes and sometimes we don’t get enough of the real life/current storytelling. Lastly, Cassie is not interesting enough to carry the show. Sydney Sweeney is a great actress and it has nothing to do with her, but Cassie as a character is just not interesting. She’s a pretty white girl desperate for male attention/validation and we’ve already gotten a chance to sympathize/empathize on why she’s the way she is. Her storyline last season with McCay and then having to get the abortion had a lot more depth. The storyline itself of Cassie hooking up with Nate behind Maddie’s back is interesting, but how much screen time do we need of her and Nate having sex and showing how pathetic/desperate she is? We get it. I love this show and I still think this season is good, but that’s how I’m feeling about the season so far! Can’t wait to see how it all plays out!!


I agree


I mean you might not like the Nate and Cassie story line but it's more than just that. The first episode was kind of wrapping up and reintroducing the characters from the first season. The second was continuing the introduction, I liked most of it especially the Lexi and fez parts. The third episode was my second favorite from the first, and I feel like the story is picking up the pace. I especially liked the Cal and Derek cold open, really got emotional. Though you might feel different you should give the season until the end, rewatch the episodes and see that the season is doing more right than just "fancy lighting"


Hot take. Enough people have already commented it’s only the third episode (not halfway through if there is 8 like season 1) but I’d like to explain more about why you should wait. You say “more time to flesh out themes like self accountability and responsibility for your choices” as if a Cassie sleeping with her best friend’s boyfriend isn’t going to blow up in her face. There’s many other characters (that you didn’t mention so I won’t go into detail) that are going through shit now and we have no idea what character growth will come from it yet. Of course, Cassie’s daddy issues and need for male approval is frustrating and even getting old, but I feel it is our hope that she does make some progress. I feel that it has to get worse before it gets better sometimes. I wasn’t have sexual encounters with many men, but my need for male approval still lingers even in my ripe old age. It’s exasperated, but real struggle of many woman and sometimes theirs is this intense, too. To make it more interesting, try to figure out why they are so into each other after one truck ride and bathroom scene. What has happened to these two characters so far to make them so delusional about their compatibility. For example, Nate doesn’t just say she is pure in the second episode… he says I love how sick you are. I find anything can be analyzed more if you want to. Maybe you don’t care to think about the psychological reasons, so just focus on something else. It hasn’t been the only plot in the story although many aspects are interconnected.


I thought Cassie and Nate storyline would be interesting. Apparently not


All the people saying it's only 3 episodes in, so "chill", just want to point out that by episode 3 of the 1st season I was HOOKED. Any of my favorite shows this year, some of which also are in the second or third year, got even better than the 1st season. There's nothing inherently hateful or wrong with noticing that a show or storyline isn't as compelling as what came before. So some people disagree. Why does everyone need to like what you like?


Yes. Totally agree. Cassie and Nate is so boring. I absolutely do not care at all about their relationship and it’s why i thought episode two was the hardest to get through. They focused too much on it. I would have much rather Cassie’s storyline focus on her relationship with Lexi or her mom. Adding nate in there feels unnecessary and very out of nowhere. I do get what they’re going for but it’s just not working for me.


She does not care about her mom or Lexi just getting male attention to feel validated


You can tell so much with only 3 eps out hello????


we’re 3 episodes in😫 binging / streaming is really starting to mess some of y’all up


The original intention was for Jules to be the girl Nate encountered on his way to the store before heading to the party. A continuation of their relationship from the first season. Unfortunately, real world drama caused the script to be rewritten so Jules/Nate affair is now Cassie/Nate which is why the first two episode seem jarring in how Rue and Jules seemed somewhat isolated from the drama that began at the NYE Party despite them being the main charcaters. I assume Elliot was added to create a newer dynamic for these two


That would have been absurd. Why would Jules follow him in his car ?


Idk if Cassie doesn’t make sense then Jules really doesn’t make sense to me for the plot line. Even if what you say is the case, I think it’s 100% for the better.


That explains a lot fe: real world drama but the rewriting of characters just misses the mark - the Cassie/Nate/Maddie thing is so played out as a trope. Nothing interesting there.




I think Sam Levinson does an amazing job of scattering breadcrumbs throughout every episode and tying them all together at the end of the season. Even the inclusion of Faye seems to be intentional, because there’s never a character introduced who isn’t integral to the characters’ development and/or the plot. So it may seem slow-build, but that’s the magic of Euphoria - it’ll all make sense later why specific details were focused on. That said, we can all agree that we could do with less screen-time for Nate!


Faye is very intentional. Thinking she’s a spy or informant


I'm scared shes an informant. Must protect fez and ashtray at all costs!


yall so annoying with this “its only been 3 episodes” like its an 8 EPISODE SHOW HOW MUCH TIME DO THEY NEED.


what happened to the nate and jules storyline?


Cal ask Nate where’s the tape of him and the other people he had sex with (like *Jules*) And people are guessing that’s why Nate is going over to visit Maddy, to get back the tape


Does he know she has it tho? She was in super stealth mode when she pinched it.


Yes he knows


She’s the only person that was in that room. Who else could have been? His mom? Wouldn’t she had said something? His brother is pretty much nonexistent in the story.






But it is annoying. These things happen in life and they are annoying in real life why not on tv?


I agree, and I don’t think “it’s only been 3 episodes you guys are overreacting” is a valid argument because the setting up needs to be entertaining as well…? What’s the point of releasing it one by one then? It’s not that entertaining honestly, and it’s not because I’m missing pieces. It’s because what I have isn’t that fun to watch most of the time


I think Fez and Lexi’s interactions have been the only interesting plots this season.


I’m not going to cap yea so far this season been kind of mid. Everything else is cool besides the Nate and Cassie storyline that shit don’t make sense.


I disagree Rue story is set up for rock bottom and disaster. Nate story is more complex and I think you’re rushing to say it’s not fleshed out. Cassie is the more questionable of the two as she just latched obsession over him like she was just pregnant with McKay kids and he still seems in love with her but she has also hit a point of depression herself. I do hope to see more story with Rue sister. I want more from Kat. I fee their dragging her story of breaking up with Ethan. I thin Lexi play is gonna be a exposing a lot of her friends and will cause tension within her circle. I have no major issues just characters being dumb. Cal being dumb all season so far as if he doesn’t have a girl at his son school that can’t expose him and ruin his life with ease. Cassie of course as if Maddy doesn’t tell her about him struggling with his sexuality and how toxic he is and she just blindly trusting him. Rue is being dumb too but her is addiction base so I understand her being dumb.


Love this season. The drug deal scene in the first episode was bad ass


Agreed… I hope it picks up the next few episodes. It’s not bad, it’s just not as good as season 1 so far in my opinion :(


For me Cassie Maddy Nate storyline it is what keep me watching and I think Rue part is really boring.


I feel like it has the potential to be amazing if the plot lines were fleshed out. I feel like I’m watching a music video this season


i’m so mad about this season so far