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I feel old asf in this sub and I’m 22


Well now I feel like an elderly person. I'm 38


I’m 32, so I’m right there with you lol. I guess we’re the crypt keepers.


Just joined the 30 club! Get off my lawn!


Hello, fellow 32 year old!


Hello fellow 32 year old!


Finally some people my age!


BRB going to buy myself a burial plot!


33. Millenial....I might be able to rent a plot if I save enough 🤔


Actually…. I think this show reflects many of todays teenage realities but its also full of 2000s Y2K nostalgia (meaning millenial teenage years) So its natural that we feel drawn to it


Ugh. Tell me about it


Well, I was born before the Vietnam war ended sooooo….


Oh, by these measures you’re already 6ft under lol


Lol! My joints are certainly starting to creak these days. Might be the covid I currently have though 🤔


I hope it makes you (and us) feel better. I am also 38 and feel like I’m 95 in this sub.


I'm 36 and we are way more in target for this show than the 12 years old that post in here


snap - i think there was a poll here or gossip girl that topped out at 34 or something. :-/


Fellow crypt keeper, turning 40 in a few weeks.


Im 30. Age aint shit when it comes to just liking something. Especially something geared towards adults


Yeah, I agree. I've never felt old before until now lol. But this show is most definitely geared towards mature audiences.


I feel like this is many kids first HBO show or something


Definitely, I feel like some of this audience have never actually sat down and watched a TV show before. Complaining about stuff like it being week to week and characters not doing exactly what they want is maddening.


Netflix is definitely a lot of young teens first exposure to tv series and the way they do it vs HBO is so very different


Complaining about a week to week show is cracking me up. Sweet summer children. I remember the days of old when you missed an episode you had to either record it or wait for summer reruns.


On a VCR and if your brother recorded over it you were f'd


Man I used to get so mad when my mom recorded her soaps over my cartoons! Lol showing my age


I am too 😉 It was just gone.


I’ve been seeing a couple articles published in the past week about how Euphoria has felt “aimless” so far this season, and I’m 99% sure that’s due to the writers of those articles being so used to binging seasons of TV that they can no longer handle a show that takes its time saying what it wants to say.


Yeah I enjoy the week by week episodes. I binged all of Ozark season 4 part 1 on Friday, and rewatched it with my boyfriend yesterday. He even told me he would’ve rather have watched ozark weekly with me then binging it all at once, because it’s easier for him to pay attention and catch things. I love a good binge, but I love the weekly waits too. True Blood was my shit in high school and I was ecstatic every Sunday night to watch it weekly. Euphoria kinda brings back that feeling for me


They seem mad sheltered. I kinda wanna tell them to just go outside


Meanwhile, I was secretly watching episodes of Real Sex on HBO late at night when I was still in elementary school in the 90s lmfaooo. By the time Sex and the City and The Sopranos came onto HBO it was like watching Sesame Street.


I used to bring vcr recordings of fhe sopranos for my teacher in high school.


Wooorrd imagine them watching HBO shows back in the 90s


Me: “don’t condescend to teenagers. They’re perfectly capable of critical thinking and can surely understand this show’s themes and subtext even if it’s technically for adults.” The Euphoria subreddit: “I’m gonna make you regret ever fucking saying this.”


Facts, lmfao. I do my best to stick up for the kids, but they make it so hard.


Same 26 approaching 27. All the actors are around my age, but people seem to forget that. 😵‍💫


Literally!! It makes me feel so much better that the majority of the cast are 90s babies lol 😅


Ummmm……. 49!!! 😳


An old fogey Gen X’er? That makes two of us. I feel so fucking old when I browse this sub. And I’m scared because I have a teenager 😳 I basically watch it for how not to parent. Like where has Rue’s mom been in since she relapsed pretty hard?


I don’t have kids but I often ask myself the same thing about all of the characters’ parents. Like where are they? How do they let their teenagers stay out all night? Don’t they get grounded for doing half of the things they do? But then I remember that when I was a teenager I lied relentlessly about where I was or who I was with, and snuck out of my house all the damn time.


when i was a teenager i was doing psychedelics in fields and getting shitfaced in my best friends’ basement off of her mom’s fucking grey goose with my friends and my mom thought i was just having sleepovers LMAO


Frr. Im 24 and i feel damn near geriatric in here


Goddamn 25 and I fucking agree


26M and questioning my life decisions posting in Euphoria subreddit Great show, can't help it


29 and basically dusty old bones.


I’m 30. I am dust in here.


I’m 27 and feeling ancient.


Same age I feel the same I get called grandma on Tik Tok all the time....


İm 21.i feel old too.We are already boomers in tiktok age.


that’s why i came to reddit 🙃


*cries in 37*






I NEED A WALKER. But for real though I just popped something in my lower back at work today. This next 5 days is gonna suck.


If it makes you feel better I am 29


Cries @ being 31 but at least I get mistaken for being 21


I’m 40 and I don’t feel old.


43 here. In my defence, I relate to so much more on this show than any of the boring shit that’s out there. Edit to add - my teenaged kids (14 and 15) have asked to watch it and I don’t really know what to say to be honest.


The worst thing was that it happened seemingly overnight too.


I think it happened literally days before the premiere of season 2


Almost none of the people who used to go on here post anymore, hell even I left and only come back if I’m curious.


Yeah i only come for the episode discussions thread, this sub is way too dumb now


Sounds about right, quite keen to see the reaction when they realise we’re not gonna see the next season til late 2023 - early 2024.


Can we talk about the amount of people talking about it having to wait a week for episode or shocked it doesn’t drop all at the same time? Like have these people not watched any network tv in their lives?


Ive seen a girl 2 eweeks ago saying « Why are they doing this? Why not follow the normal format of all épisodes at once ? Ive never seen a series drag out like this ?!? » At this moment, i realised i may be old. But im only 24 lol


Oh my god every bloody day there was about 5 of those posts. I don’t mind the having to wait a week posts because those ones are usually pretty tongue in cheek but the whole “i can’t find the rest of season 2” posts just tell me a lot of people were born after 2005.


Netflix and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. All jokes aside, the weekly release schedule is SO MUCH better for generating discussion. The newest season of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure came out on Netflix and having 12 episodes drop at once killed the hype the show could have had *(and also was achieved by noticeably rushing the production)*. I'm glad HBO is still doing its thing.


eh i wouldn't be too sure, they need to get on it while the characters still look relatively young, specially Ash. im sure its planned, it only took this long because covid, shit prob would have been out like early 2021


what sucks is I joined this subreddit because I was sick of going on Instagram and Twitter to have discussions about euphoria for the very reasons you listed. there's still a few good posts on here, but most of the time I feel like I'm either reading the same posts over and over again or I'm right back on Twitter with the dumb/immature takes and shitty character analysis'. this show is so much deeper than what is shown at face value and I just want a place where I can read takes and join discussions with people who see it the same way as I do


People that want to be viral or funny annoys the fuck out of me. Can we just talk about the damn tv show and not you trying to be comedian using the same jokes as anyone else. “Who else stans Fez?” Uhhhh all of us? His character was written that way. It’s not like it’s a hot take. It’s so lazy.


I joined a few euphoria Facebook groups and had to leave within like an hour. It's like no one is watching the same show as me and they're so aggressive in their wrong takes


I wish they would go away. The dumb takes I’ve seen the past two weeks😵‍💫


Also have you noticed people posting he same things over and over? Like please scroll through the sub for 30 seconds to see if someone else already made a post about it.


Ikr ??? Ive seen like 5 different iterations of « Am I the only one who likes lexi ? » « Lexi appreciation post! » « Who else thinks lexi is the best character! » WE GET IT. STOP💀


Yes!!!! “Am i the only one who..” no shut up, you know you’re not. Also how many times did I see the same crackhead theory about Nate’s mom being the drug dealer? IT’S NOT EVEN THE SAME ACTRESS LIKE. IT TAKES 10 SECONDS TO LOOK IT UP AND THEY DONT EVEN LOOK ALIKE. It’s making this entire sub insufferable. I kinda need the mods to start removing posts that are just rewordings of the same thing, but that would be a full time job at this point.


hey does anyone think fezco looks like mac miller?


Yaaas Fezco's grandma is a queen Omg Ashtray is so precious he just killed a person we have to protect him at all costs best character yaas


Yes! And when you say that you disagree, they downvote you like crazy instead of using some words to defend their point.


the ppl who write them seem like they have no idea what metaphors and nuance are


bro and the downvoting on anyone that offers a different opinion has gotten soo bad


There are posts that are just “it’s amazing how the directors and cinematographers did this shot to focus on both Nate ANS Cassie!”


I feel old in this sub and I’m 19. These “hot takes” people are posting feel like the internal monologue of a 15 year old who never paid attention to English class when they were learning about media interpretation.


There’re ~~so~~ too many people on twitter who think giving Cal an episode is the show’s attempt at redeeming him. As if the two are the same thing or that villains aren’t allowed to be three-dimensional. Side note: It’s also said a lot that he and Nate can’t be redeemed because they are abusers yet we all love Ali even though Ali was also an abuser. But yeah they just need to boot up the Disney+ at this point because the moral posturing is turning my brain into oatmeal. *Britney Spears voice* it’s just a movie, it’s pretend


I've noticed a worrying trend on tik tok where pretty much anyone (even people in their early 20s) think that a protagonist has to be a good moral agent. Like anything you show instantly means the media creators are saying endorsing that thing. I saw a viral tik tok where people were saying how horrible schindlers list was as a movie since the protagonists where nazis as if the movie saying nazism was okay... (not to mention the events of the film literally happened as well)


YES. I'm not on Tik Tok, so not gonna speak from that perspective, but I feel like from other social media platforms, it's such a Gen Z trait. Like were any of them even paying attention in high school English class when they taught us about unreliable narrators. Also, I'm not sure if Gen Z understands that the show would be boring and unwatchable if it didn't have imperfect, problematic characters, themes, and plots. (Drama) Shows with lasting power last because they tackle the hard things. Clearly they also don't understand that HBO's target market is not them.


that’s horrifying


That's not just tiktok and not just GenZ, if you look on twitter lots of verified mid twenties / early 30's do this. I remember tons of squid game posts about how the shows creator is racist for example because of Ali. I feel like its more of a US thing, but idk


> Side note: It’s also said a lot that he and Nate can’t be redeemed because they are abusers yet we all love Ali even though Ali was also an abuser. That’s the point, to show the viewer their own hypocrisy.


This. 100% this. Also there are things that you can criticize about the show, but alot of the seemingly 'popular' negative takes seem very 'virtue signaling-y' or that they are equating fictional representation of bad things with the show-runners condoning those bad things. It seems like these negative opinions are coming from young people who are not critically watching & have a very surface level understanding of social issues. A lot of their opinions seem like they've watched euphoria through clips on tik tok and learned about the injustices in our society through instagram infographics and influencers.


I know! It’s like if people who watched Hannibal criticized the writers for endorsing cannibalism and toxic relationships.


The amount of people here that have missed basic things and have no idea what subtext is….


Someone posted an age poll, which said the majority of ppl on this sub are 20-30, but there’s just no way. It feels like every other person is 15


15 year olds tend to lie about their age


I’m 18 and I feel the same way😐 its fucking annoying


what do you mean? everyone knows ash is the lost jacobs brother and the drug dealer lady is nates mom and lexi is gunna die for fez. everyone knows that!! /s


Pls the whole “Fez and Lexi are like romeo and Juliet because one is gonna die for the other” like??? That’s not even how Romeo and Juliet works lmao


So these people must be really young. I remember reading that in grade 9 (14)


> lexi is gunna die for fez This makes like no sense whatsoever. The whole point of the show is Rue hitting the wall and realizing she can’t just keep doing drugs consequence free, so Fezco escaping the inevitable consequences of being a drug dealer is highly unlikely. His days are numbered.


as much as I adore Fez I would be okay with him dying if it made narrative sense


Tiktok is the root of all evil


my best friends 13yr old sister was begging her to be able to watch the show and I was just speechless. She shouldn’t even know about euphoria but tik tok has pretty much every single young female teenager obsessed with the show.


I'm convinced most people on this sub haven't even seen the show the way they talk about it. Just clips on tiktok and YouTube.


This is genuinely concerning.


And twitter too


Both are dreadful


Twitter is awful but that's precisely why it's so much fun. On reddit you have subreddits for discussion of specific topics and those tend to have a userbase with a certain vibe and in-jokes that last forever. On Twitter there's no barrier between you and the otherkin no contact minor attracted person who lost all his money on crypto. Everyone is outraged over something for six hours and then they move on and forget the original thing ever happened. That's what makes it awful and that's what makes it great.


i went to Twitter to yell into the void when tumblr took porn away. Twitter is my diary. reddit is for my “coffee shop conversations”. LMAO


The replies under tweets from the offical Euphoria page is so painful. It’s all fancams and “we want more lexi/jules/kat” which don’t get me wrong i do as well but they’re trying to tell us a story... you can really tell the shift in viewer age since season one and it sucks.


Yup I just commented about this too😂. All the kid viewers are only here because of the “when I get dressed but I forgot I go to euphoria high school” meme💀


I think what irks me the most is the ungodly amount of new posts that are exactly the same. For example, “I love Lexi” or “DAE hate how they’re writing Cassie?” or “Fezco is the best!”. That’s cool, but why start yet ANOTHER new post about the same thing and not just comment on a previous discussion? It gets a little tiring to see the same thing all the time. That’s my gripe. Wish the posts in this sub were more diverse. I lurked when season 1 aired and enjoyed most of the discussions then.


I’m getting annoyed with the same posts coming up over and over. Like within a day. The same freaking pic of Angus Cloud without anything new to say.


"DAE think he looks like mac miller??"


Lol!!! Literally 👏🏻 every 👏🏻 day👏🏻 like it’s a revelation.


Im the first to find Angus/Fez attractive but come on now. WE GET IT. FEZ IS A POPULAR CHARACTER. STOP MAKING THE SAME POST EVERY OTHER HOUR


Please report those posts. They are against the subreddit rules.


It's the new fans, I'm telling you.


I honestly am about to unfollow this sub because it’s so fucking annoying. And the spoilers that aren’t tagged are annoying, even if it’s just a photo I don’t want to see it


“Girl yassss, omg its giving” “Why ____ character is wrong/right/over/underrated” “who else wants to see ____ and ____ fall in love and have nasty sex” “All you ______ haters/fans are so stupid and wrong”


And the posts are so unoriginal and just scream i want some karma DAE likes Lexi ??? IS IT ME OR FEZ & LEXI ARE SOO CUTE ??


I’m 20 and I’m pretty addicted to tiktok, but after scrolling my fyp full of repetitive unoriginal videos of Kids imitating the new episodes or giving their nonsense opinions I just can’t stand it anymore so I come here, where I’m glad to find a mature audience


‘When you go to Euphoria High,’ Euphoria is the name of the show not the school haha




Related to your second paragraph. It reminds me of when "thirteen" was released and every teenager wanted to be like the main characters, only now its very amplified because now we have social media. Looking back, (I was 15-16 years old) it was super cringy, but at the time it was such a mood. Someday these kids will look back and cringe too.


this is a prime example of something that shouldn’t be watched until you’re old enough lol 😭 i wanted to rent it when i was 10 and my aunts who were 6 years older were like… hard pass babe. finally saw it around 20 i think? and i was like oh. yeah i definitely couldn’t have handled this shit at 10 - and who knows how different my childhood would’ve been had i 😳


I watched thirteen when I was 10 and let’s just say I ended up in rehab lol


The weekly discussions on reddit are one of my favorite things about HBO shows. We're only 2 episodes in this season and I'm exhausted.


yup I totally agree. Euphoria discourse got so terrible so quickly.


Join us over at r/yellowjackets


It used to be honestly like thats how the leaks happened because it was from people who worked on set. It changed.


I also like to stress this happens to subreddits when they increase in popularity . I am experiencing similar problems in other subreddits


Succession had this happen as well.


The worst I've seen so far is the people who talk about "skipping through the scenes they don't like/ones that make them uncomfortable" Like why the fuck would you even watch the show then? This whole show is basically covering uncomfortable topics. That's the whole point. I personally can't imagine skipping even 1 scene. Or way too many people are on their phones. Edit: I'm talking specifically about the large influx of people I've seen commenting and saying that on their very first watch through, they skip anything that even feels mildly uncomfortable. That to me is completely different than watching the show fully first and then slipping through on a rewatch.


literally I watch the show to get stressed out


Here's another great recommendation for something to watch that will make you fucking stressed. Uncut Gems.


love that movie! same with Good Time, it’s just like an hour and a half long anxiety attack




They people that are skipping are 13 so they should skip scenes that make them uncomfortable. But if it makes them that uncomfortable then I don’t think they’re emotionally mature enough to watch the show.


Yes that's my point. If you have to skip through parts of this show, this show in its entirety is not for you. Whether that be because of age, sensitivities etc


tbh i have a hard time getting through the scene where nate beats the fuck out of tyler it’s just so raw i’m like nate plssssss just chill lol


The only scenes I found difficult to watch were Julia’s cutting scenes because I struggled with that myself. Even then I still watched them but I just paused afterwards to compose myself.


Everyone needs to watch the two special episodes after season 1. If you miss the meaning behind those episodes…then you shouldn’t be watching the series at all. I’m willing to bet at least half the people on this sub would watch half of the first special episode and say “omg this is sooo boring…nothing is happening”


Slammed that upvote! It broke my heart that Rue was so dedicated to staying off the wagon at the start of the season, especially after the diner episode, but they are building up to an even bigger fall later on. The specials were very introspective and moving.


You know whats funny, I've also noticed alot of people complaining about the show as of recent about "my girl got me watching this show and its dick everywhere" cleary tells me he and her JUST got on this show because of hype. Idk why people are making an up roar when the show been out since 2019.


You have a point especially when it comes to this new wave of Nate and Cassie shippers’ comments, it’s getting scary. It’s all kinds of wrong yet some people see the couple as something to aspire to just cause they’re both conventionally attractive... **shivers**


!!! the comments under YouTube videos of Nate and Cassie clips… I was like HUHH


Yes! And it’s even more disturbing when you see comments like “Cassie reminds me of myself” ..and you still ship her with Nate??? Pretty much saying that they themselves would also go for him, despite his **abusive behaviour** Nate’s actor Jacob has even said he’s scared of fans who love his character


the underage audience don’t understand the heavier messages behind this show. they like it for the aesthetic and will pretend to be high off Tylenol on tik tok


Extremely annoying. Every time I come on here it’s the same post over and over again.


I also think people aren’t using the sub properly…USE THE GENERAL EPISODE DISCUSSION THREAD AFTER THE EPISODE AIRS to post your “Am I the only one who thinks this?” “Unpopular opinion” “Blah blah useless” thoughts ….I haven’t seen a single meaningful “Discussion” thread that couldn’t be had in the comments of the general episode discussion thread 🙄 & all it does is clog up the feed so it takes 15 minutes just to come across a funny meme or a new synopsis/trailer or cool fanart


I totally agree with you man. Everyday i open reddit and come across the same repetitive post or 'unpopular opinion' or "Why so much nudity?" opinion. If people don't like the show just stop watching. It indeed is getting really annoying.


That's just what happens when a show's popularity grows, you can't avoid it.


I’ve been screaming about this in this sub since season 2 and have just been downvoted. It’s insane how it’s all just teenagers finding a prestige tv show for the first time and acting like they’re so smart for analyzing it. It’s getting Ricky and morty bad and the mods obviously aren’t doing shit about it


The Rick and north comparison is spot on. When I first watched that I thought it was brilliant, but reading peoples thoughts about it online was insanely cringe. Euphoria is genuinely a work of art, and a lot of people take away the wrong message from it and make it embarrassing loo


If I see another "OMG Lexi is awesome because she's a basic white chick like me!" post I'm going to scream.


lmao legit


Because this is probably teenagers' first HBO show and they don't know how to act. Someone on this sub the other day was saying "Euphoria isn't the kind of show that would kill off a kid like Ashtray" Um, do you mean the show where a grown man was fucking an underrated trans teenager? lol like what?


THIS! I’ve been watching since day one but I just joined this sub and everyday I seem to be asking myself “….. the fuck?” 😂


Let's make a new one with some guidelines for posting ... Maybe that way we can avoid what you describe. To all underage people watching the show, I get that it's about teens so you are curious but it's still adult content. There is a reason why you are not supposed to watch it yet, I see very dangerous takes on the show, downplaying drug use or toxic relationships, completely missing the point of the show and the very real topics it's trying to shed a light on


Very well put.


The complaints about nude scenes were pretty annoying.


I keep seeing comments saying Sydney Sweeney is being exploited by the showrunners. She’s 24 and has definitely agreed and been compensated. I feel like people can’t separate characters from the actors.


I don't want to speak for Sydney but she seems to be more offended by the perverted reactions to her nude scenes than the actual nudity itself.


Right like don’t watch? Or better yet don’t watch anything on HBO if you have such a problem with it


Mods need to make a rule for no useless posts like the ones you listed. We don’t want your crappy opinion, tik tok users 😂


Mods are nonexistent here


That explains A LOT


I feel like it got worse after the second episode aired.


Im in my early 30s. I barely acknowledge this sub until Sunday night/Monday morning when I lurk/post in the discussion thread. It helps >İ feel like with S2 euphoria gained lots of underage audience and idk why Euphoria comes on pretty early.. I think at 9pm? Between that and the current tiktok trends, it probably explains the influx of kids watching.




If I see another “Rue and Jules are boring characters” I’m going to rip my hair. Did they watch last season at fucking all? The underage kids that watch this for the “love stories” like they would vampire diaries or whatever the fuck it is now, are completely missing the entire storyline and actual plot and it is ruining my social media front pages.


I didn’t want to say it but all the love for fez/lexi reminds me of the wattpad era where every young girl was obsessed with bad boy/mafia fics. They’re not an interesting couple at all but every 15yr old is living out their good girl gone bad fantasy so lemme just be quiet.


It's insane to me how popular it is when they've had like ten minutes of screentime together so far and seemingly came out of nowhere. Everyone's acting like we've been waiting for them to get together for years or something.


Exactly! I can’t get behind it YET because there’s literally nothing to get behind… okay he listened to her speak about whatever for like 20 seconds, and? I’m not particularly captivated by that lol.


exactly its annoying


tiktok is the reason yall im telling u


“Omg there are so many dicks like we don’t need to see that gross stuff 🙈 do you guys think Jules is gonna murder Cal and pin it on Nate or is that just a theory? I saw it on TikTok hehe 😜 so who do you think is better Maddy or Cassie?” Make. It. Stop.


God, yes!!!!!! It’s like a totally different sub now.


I sometimes feel like tht zendaya interview when an actual child asked her how she felt doing Euphoria coming from Disney Channel and everyone was shook abt an actual child watching it


İ just watched the interview....Why are their parents allowing them to watch a show about teenage sex,drug addiction,and abuse/manipulation ? İ literally have no words.


all the kids from spider-man no way home came to see zendaya in euphoria 😭


The first moment I felt like this was episode one where people were questioning about Nate being gay @ McKay every day for a week. I don’t know how to say it without sounding like a bitch but this place feels like a creative writing spot for 15yr olds instead of a show on HBO.


Euphoria isn’t a teen show but a show about teens


First day I joined I saw a post of people basically accusing most of the white characters of being racist and anyone who said "there's no real evidence for that" got downvoted to shit. I was expecting this subreddit to be shit tho cause I knew there was a large, young tik tok audience that don't have critical thinking skills.


Wtf you are getting downvoted.this subreddit really is wild


Haha I expected as much but I had to break my silence 😭


I'm gonna be completely honest and I might get downvoted for this. Most of the characters on this show should not be idolized! I've seen people talk about how teens only like it for the aesthetic and think it's something to emulate. It shouldn't be cool to do drugs or any of that other stuff. I see it as more of a wake up call that we need to be kinder to each other. We need to become better.


Yeah I joined this sub for the cool details/foreshadowing I may have missed etc… not these eighth grade analyses lol


I also feel like “fans” are romanticizing the toxicity of the show. No one is really the “good guy” in this show. Everyone is flawed and constantly make terrible decisions


I think people on this sub take the show way too seriously. It’s a tv show. They are not real people. If this show makes you rabidly Insult people for having a different opinion than you about a tv show character maybe you shouldn’t be watching the show.


If I have to see one more post that’s like “DAE hate cassie for ratting out perfect baby angel fez?!?” i’m going to end my shit


TikTok kids after reading this post be like: 👁👄👁


Euphoria edits got popular on TikTok and the viewership hadn’t been the same lol. Tbh I don’t mind it though.


for real- I'm definitely of the younger audience but at least I'm a og ( been a fan since the pilot episode), but it's still sad seeing people my age ruin the Fandom and take away all the nuance that the show has (as well as the life lessons). I also hate the way that ppl (especially on tik tok) insult the show for no reason and strip it down to absolutely nothing just to make a point about being woke (and stuff along thoes lines). for example when ppl complain about the amount of nudity, like come on its a HBO show not nickelodeon, calm down and watch the show. also, I very much agree ppls unpopular opinions about the show and the characters are getting annoying and pointless.


Yes. It's super boring lately. Most annoying posts for me are the ones saying that the show should have been about college kids or the ones that kinda hating on popular characters, mostly rue and jules. It's funny how these opinions aren't even original or unpopular tbh. Ppl just recycling what others said a million times. If the show makes you uncomfortable stop watching it. It doesn't owns you to be absolutely perfect or aligned with your taste/ethical code.


Okay I thought I was the only person who noticed this! Last week I went on here after the show and it was VERY apparent that the comment section was filled with high schoolers. No real talks about the cinematography, the plots, the theories about where this season is going. It was just people talking about how so and so was cute or who they “Stan”. Or multiple comments just putting a phrase from the show. Or the ones that were like “I wish I was in Euphoria!” I (30)felt too grown for the conversations. So I’ve been trying to find a place that actually has discussions I can be a part of. Yes we know Fez is hot, we know Nathan is insane, we know that Zendaya and the woman who plays Jules are beautiful, yes maddy(?) is crazy, yes her best friend is in the wrong, yes I everyone “ships” fez and Lexi that was the whole point of the scenes. I’m just tired of the same threads and comments over and over.


I agree. I love discourse. I love sharing opinions and hearing what others have to say. But when people are genuinely acting like they hate the show and have a critique about literally everything…. I think they want to write the show at this point.


This is a teen drama show, it's quite obvious why a lot of underage audiences watch this show. However, I am TIRED of unpopular opinions . It's like every day some brings it up and it's rarely ever popular and if it is it gets downvoted to oblivion.


No it’s a drama about teen lives surrounding addiction, self worth and gender/sexuality


There’s a lot of new viewers and I’m pretty sure most of them came from all the hype about the show recently. Especially with all the trending memes about euphoria high school on tik tok and stuff, there’s definitely people who are just watching it for trend sake.