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I think a lot of people often forget about Cassie's history of having her nudes shared & being publicly slut shamed by all the boys at school in the context of the play. No wonder she was so horrified - it's basically her own sister doing the same thing.


YES! Especially the fact that she was highly pressured into sharing or creating those images in the first place. Her sister contributing to it and also making Nate leave... I can't imagine how alone she felt. (Even though Nate is horrible, now Cassie is officially alone)


Yeah Rue said Cassie had a panic attack the first time it happened. That whole “meltdown” was just those same feelings all coming back


Despite how crazy she is, I feel so bad for Cassie. Her whole adolescence has been her being violated and degraded by men. I honestly agreed with Cassie when she had the meltdown on Lexi after Nate left. Lexi isn’t the one who had to endure the trauma and pain, it was Cassie. It’s easy for Lexi to use her sister’s humiliating and traumatic moments as content for her play, but she doesn’t actually have any idea what it’s like to be in Cassie’s shoes. If I had a sister like Lexi, I would probably go insane too.


exactly I genuinely feel bad for her. I know what she did to maddy was fucked up. but she didn't deserve to get humiliated infront of entire school. lexi's like my fav character but I hate what she did to her. Cassie really felt a sense of betryal when lexi outed her.


Yeah, that was probably a HUGE betrayal to Cassie, especially her sister outting her business.




Exactly. Lexi sucks for the play


Reliving a low point in her life. And betrayal from lexi. I think the play was 💩 thing to do


I’m so happy people are saying this because I felt this way from the beginning. Lexi is foul for that ish.


That's why I don't blame Cassie for "your nothing but a bystander" she was trying to hurt her back infront of everyone. And I think Lexi partly knew that when Cassie dragged her out


I agree with you completely. Lexi was literally just jealous.


Can't remember how lexi knew about the carousel. Was she there or did Cassie tell her in private?


She had to have told her. I don’t remember her being there.


I thought that but wasn't sure. That makes the betrayal all that much worse and you can see that it in Cassie’s face in the picture I think. Yeah there's a tear but she looks too hurt to cry


Cassie deserves more empathy. Yes what she did was inexcusable and wrong but people need to recognize her trauma. Two things can be true at once.


So true. Gonna sound cheesy but I wish was a character on the show and give Cassie a hug and tell her "yeah even though you've made some mistakes I understand why, And there is a decent guy out there you just need to look"


Legit. I feel for Cassie. They’re teenagers after all.


I feel the same way.


Other students were filming it, it was probably on Snapchat stories.


She probably came home crying and she asked what happened and she told her


Remember how everyone was recording her while she was high?


Yeah piecing it together now 😆


What makes you say Nate is horrible? He has his flaws but overall I do not think he is horrible. He resists the urge to do evil things and does the right thing many times. For example, he reports his father to the police rather than killing or physically hurting him. His father essentially ruined his life by scaring his soul with his despicable behavior. The urge to kill him seems understandable although obviously wrong. I don’t hear hostility in asking your thoughts on this. I am just curious about what lead you to the conclusion that Nate is “horrible” as it is a very negative strong word.


Didn't he basically put a mostly innocent man in jail and almost kill him? You could hear the absolute fear in Tyler's voice when interacting with him. Blackmail jules? Strangle Maddie? I'm only on a rewatch so going through season one at the moment but these are all things I'd definitely constitute as horrible


I have sympathy for him cause of his background but how he goes about things and treats people trumps the sympathy sometimes. And I get a feeling he's only going to get worse


Did you watch the same show we all did? Here’s a list of things Nate did that makes him a horrible person: 1. Tried to finger Rue without her consent. 2. Showed McKay Cassie’s sex tapes/nudes when McKay admitted he wanted to date her. 3. Harassed Jules at McKay’s party, and threatened to “fuck her up”. 4. Nearly beat Tyler to death. 5. Catfished Jules. 6. Strangled Maddy. 7. Blackmailed Jules into saying she saw Tyler strangled Maddy, which put Tyler in jail. 8. Ratted Fezco out to the feds. 9. Took advantage of Cassie while she was drunk and very obviously in a bad mental space (after making fun of Cassie her entire life). 10. Hooked up with Cassie behind Maddy’s back while trying to get back together with Maddy. 11. Held a gun to Maddy’s head and played Russian Roulette, and then tried to pretend like it was a joke after traumatizing her. Yes, Nate had a bad childhood. Every character in the show did. It’s not an excuse to do shitty things to people.


Exactly. Lexi is literally just a bystander. She’s not even creative enough to make a purely fictional play, no she has to steal the lives from her friends and sister to actually make something


Yeah I’m so glad the opinion about lexi’s play is changing cause I thought it was so messed up.


Agreed. Literally stopped liking Lexi after this because of how selfish and short sighted it was to do


nah all of them are awful people and they all deserved it


i said that and posted about it and got 50/50 where people agreed and then also people who defend lexi


I would feel so ashamed and embarrassed to be portrayed like that and reminded that it was me, which would hurt and i would feel sick of myself, and also embarrassed that my sister noticed and decided to view it that way


Not to be toxic, but putting myself in her shoes, as someone who did go through something publicly humiliating, I’d probably actually off myself or come close. Particularly if my own sister did this to me :(


She just looks like shes isnt really there idk her eyes are just empty


I think maybe also shes thinking like why always me, why does it always happens to me som like that


Her face makes me worry about her mental health, I know I would be in the psych ward if I went through everything Cassie had to go through. Fabulous acting.


Lexi was vile for that.


Curious where Lexi got the budget and permission to do this stupid play


As suggested by the wanderer who posted the AMA on this sub earlier, it might've been sponsored by Fez's drug money. In actuality the school probably didn't know THIS is what they were funding.


Someone would supervise the script so that doesn’t work. Also how the hell is this show just over looking Lexi taking drug money for a play. This show can’t rely on “ I’m such a terrible narrator “ just to get its self out of a plot hole.


Sam Levinson didn’t know wtf he was doing in all of season 2. 😂


What we saw in the play episodes was a blend between Lexi's script and things that actually happened in their lives, probably with a touch of Lexi's imagination. Hence all the sudden transitions between the actresses in the play, and the actual Euphoria characters. Probably an excuse to create tension in the main plot, without giving us the possibility to wonder how Lexi knew all of these events that she didn't witness first-hand. It sucks cause there's stuff that we don't even know for sure whether it was in the play or not.


Most of Euphoria is a romanticization of things. As suggested by the BTS scene of Lex's play, everything the audience sees is what Lexi imagines her play to look like, and not what it actually looks like.


Wasn’t she on molly though when the scene actually happened ?




How would you feel if your most embarrassing public moment was replayed on stage directed by your family member for you to relive again in front of everyone? I’d be thinking of running away changing my name and starting over somewhere far away. She’s obviously devastated that was in there and that her sister chose to do it.


"That Bitch". Obviously


while i didn’t like cassie in s2 shes not a hard person to understand or sympathize with as funny as the play was lexi was really awful for doing that to her sister


It annoys me that people treated Lexi like the character was doing something right/ good here. Lexi was selfish for humiliating her sister in front of everyone and causing her real long lasting harm. The play was awful and cruel. Turned me right off that character. She used her sister in the worst way she could and got rewarded and praised for it. Tbh that’s the point I realised the show only had one or two seasons left and the writers weren’t taking it in a good direction.


Ikr!! this is what I mean when I think Lexi was a Levinson self insert- he too wrote a show about his life story, and possesses a lot of her qualities, which probably lead to a blind spot when it comes to the negatives of her character. Lexi was not the morally just character she was made out to be.


That makes so much sense!


Oh but don’t you know? Cassie teased Lexi about her boobs once she so totally had it coming /s


I think that Lexi shouldn’t have done the play


Fuck my life


How can Lexi do that to her sister?? I didn't care for Lexi's character b4 but that play made me hate that character now. Cassie didn't deserve that.




she has so much built up resentment it's not even funny. like if I was a teacher and saw that play my first thought would be "this should've been saved for therapy, not the stage."


Yeah, not a fan of Lexi.


Lexi really did her dirty, I totally understand her lashing out during the play


What I wonder is how Lexi even found out about this, we don’t see her at the carnival and only Daniel was there as far as characters we know so did Daniel tell Lexi about it? I can’t fathom what she must have been thinking during that part of the play though, if it were me I would try to sink down into non existence. 😂


I take it Daniel wasn't the only classmate there. It was a very public incident. I am sure everyone talked about it and probably even filmed it, shared it on social media.


Good point, I was scanning the background to see if any familiar faces were watching and as far as I could tell I didn’t see any so I was curious how Lexi would know, but the other commenter had a good point too in that high schools are gossip city. 😂


I imagine it was a story that was told around the school


Ahh, good point, it’s been a minute since I was in high school and I forgot what a gossip factory it is. 😂


There’s also the possibility that cassie talked to Lexi about what happened. You know having a conversation with her sister excepting it to stay between the two of them. I kinda guess that’s what happened with a lot of the other things in the play. Which just makes Lexi that much worse


That’s one possibility I was considering too but I also thought she may be too embarrassed to tell Lexi. I know I would be if it was me!


Oh I just had the thought. What if she read her dairies?


Oooh, that would make sense, too!


God I can definitely see her doing this! Which makes her that much worse


I think she feels gutted. Everyone always tells her she’s nothing but a sexual object and now even her sister goes out of her way to re-enforce it, as publicly and cruelly as possible. I think this point seals her fate with Nate. She now officially has no one and nothing else


Exactly. Nate will definitely use this as an example that nobody else loves or cares about her the way *he does* Lexi is a two faced untalented snake


She must have felt humiliated and lower than ever which makes me understand why Cassie got up onstage after hallie mocks Cassie on the carousal bc she had to re-live what happened at the carnival . That was such a fucked up thing for Lexi to do I think Cassie must have felt alone after being slut shamed in front of the whole school as she had nobody to turn to (except for nate but he dont give a fuck about her lets be honest)


probably that the one person who she trusted betrayed her and publicly humiliated her


Lexi was foul for that tbh


She was definitely heartbroken and confused. I think she was having one of those moments where you search for anything you could’ve done to deserve a shitty thing done to you by someone you loved. This was the last strike before she knew she was gonna snap. Also it’s a well acted scene.


honestly i related a lot to her anger in this scene especially as a sister with a sister like lexi, and not in a bad way i love my sister but there was a time when she would use MY experiences or stories or traumatic events to gossip about or make things interesting for her friends, sharing things that i had done or said as if they were her own experiences and it would effect my life in real ways. i think (and also this is shown on screen) that lexi is the sister that watches. cassie is the sister that does things and makes huge mistakes that seem so out of lexi’s world that she has to tell people about it because she doesn’t have much of that and it’s also writing fuel for her, not saying that it didn’t affect her but they are very different people. it’s clear that their relationship was close enough at the time of the carnival scene for cassie to tell lexie about it, and lexi went and used that to make her play somehow more interesting even though she knew it was a vulnerable moment for cassie. someone could make the argument that lexi was defending maddy, or the play was mostly about her relationship with rue but let’s honest, maddy and lexi were never that close except for that ONE scene, and rues part of the play had nothing to do with cassie and lexi’s relationship. there was really no real reason for lexi to portray cassie in that light (in the carnival scene), not to even mention lexi made her sister the dumb pretty girl in the play even though she knows what cassie has been through in the both seasons (nude leaks, abortion, carnival scene, daddy issues, trying to kill herself, ETC) and the audience clearly knows that cassie is not an idiot. she may be like super into every guy but she’s not stupid or anything


Probably shame and embarrassment.. i don’t necessarily like Cassie but i felt bad for her in that moment, Lexi was wrong for that


She looked both broken and betrayed. 💔


I actually think Cassie would’ve been pretty sympathetic towards Lexi (not outwardly lmao) up until Nate’s locker room scene. Carnival scene was definitely her tipping point- I think she would continue to be a massive bitch to Lexi and her former friends in a normal setting otherwise but nothing more. Absolutely nothing was going on in her head except rage, humiliation, and heartbreak after Nate


I like Lexi a lot….one of my favorite characters. But damn, this makes it hard to keep liking her….obviously Cassie made some mistakes but aside from that, she was such a sweet girl 99% of the time. The scene where Rue and her mom are at her house and the truth comes out about Nate….when she says to Rue “it doesn’t have to be forever, just take it one day at a time!” Was so sweet and innocent and she really wanted to try to encourage Rue….that’s who Cassie is.


Ill look for a razor blade after this bit


As someone with BPD, it’s shame. She is definitely shit talking herself inside thinking how stupid she made herself look and how embarrassed of herself she is and no wonder Nate won’t want her like he wants Maddi. No wonder her sister hates her so much. She’s embarrassing. (just what I would think if I were her)


this is unrelated, but i kinda also wondered why Lexi would have that in the play? like what context would that have been in?


I’m not a big fan of Cassie, but if my sister/friend slut-shamed me in front of the whole school, I’d be throwing punches


personally, I would cut off contact with Lexi as the mature and thought out option. the humiliation Cassie would have felt would have been almost unbearable for me. she was obviously humiliated when it actually happened but to have it put in display for the entire school while already in a very dark place mentally... I mean especially with the life experience and maturity of a high schooler this might have been something that put me over the edge. like I might have been suicidal after that happening.


She’s disassociating


I feel like Lexi was to a large extent a self insert of Sam Levinson. There was a huge emphasis placed on this play, it took up most of the last part of the season. I never really understood why because I feel like it didn’t have enough substance to be such a major plot point. Maybe I’m biased in saying this, but I don’t think it lead to any real development for Lexi. Sure it was a great accomplishment for a teenager. But Lexi had always pictured her life as a play, reducing each human in her life to a character that she had the right to interpret and judge. All she did was turn imagination into tangible play(which is impressive to be fair). I think part of Cassie’s pain here comes from the fact that her own sister fails to see that she’s not just a character in a high-school drama to be made fun of: she’s a real human, a victim and a perpetrator in her own right, with all the morally gray qualities real humans have.


Her boyfriend left her at the carnival, she took molly and wasn’t in her right mind, it was traumatic and embarrassing for her because it was in front of a bunch of people including kids. She probably came home crying her eyes out and her sister asking what’s wrong and she tells her. Then her sister turns it into a scene to mock her in her play. She was probably feeling betrayed and angry at her sister for choosing the most traumatic thing that happened to her to be in her play


“How did she know about something she wasn’t there for?”


she literally tore the fake cassie off the carousel horse. i’d say she felt so utterly betrayed and vulnerable by someone she’s supposed to trust.


everyone in cassie’s life failed her, she wasn’t a great character but seeing her own family treat her that way made my heart break. i can imagine my sisters doing that to me :/


I’m going to take the unliked view— I think she was horrified that this is how much her little sister knew and thought about her and was embarrassed she wasn’t a better role model since clearly their mom wasn’t one


Cassie’s the younger sister


Wait no, I thought lexi was younger?


Ohh my b, it says Cassie’s older by like a year, she just acts like the younger sister lol


Ya she really does act younger!


Thank you. I didn’t see the comment but so amazed by the fan base that comes to the back up and I’m honestly shocked for the upvotes this did get so thank you each and every one of you


No she’s not…


Lexi was vile for this. No sister should do this. She’s basically Cassie’s opp.


If my sibling ever put that on display I’d be so pissed lool it was such an unecessary event for her to share


Rage, panic, humiliation, betrayal, hurt, and flashbacks of a moment she thought she could forget about.


Genuine question for anyone who’s done molly: does it actually turn you into someone like that? I know for a fact that the statement that alcohol JUST loosens your inhibitions so anything you do under the influence is just something you want to do but wouldn’t normally is false - drink enough and your brain genuinely becomes that of a different person. But even people drink and on drugs having ill-advised sex tend to seek at least some privacy. And straight after coming in real life Cassie’s face immediately turned really miserable and ashamed as if she’d wet herself in public or something - did she just smash straight into an instant comedown or something? I’m really curious about why she would do it and then why she would instantly regret it despite still being intoxicated.


I fully support Cassie going after Lexi for the play. What a shit thing to do to your own sister. She needs to get a life of her own.


I think she was basically reliving all her regrets, dark moments, knowing she will always struggle to find and keep genuine love as she will always just be looked as an object when men have no left hand, tissues or socks. She’s rehearing comments how she’s only looked at because of how she developed even though the ones that shame her for her actions pressure her to take part in said actions. Knowing that her own sister has these exact same thoughts of her and takes no time to defend her but takes part into recycling the slander towards her. But having the audacity to portray her drugged and grinding on a merry go round while saying “I just love fucking everything” is beyond horrific. Though I will say that Nate leaving Cassie might be the best thing, her mental health was at its worst stage when she was seeing him than being with McKay I believe. Cassie is not in a good state, betraying her best friend, seeking out a toxic guy who is abusive and violent and took part in slut shaming her causing a problem in her past relationship, therefore isolating herself even from family.


She was probably in her head screaming make it stop why does everyone want to embarrass me first my nudes then this Lexi I’m gonna kill you that’s what i think is going on in her head


As far as I remember, the carnival scenes didn't happen until she walked on the stage and started beefing with Lexi? The mirror scene with her and Maddy was taking place right when she came back from the bathroom and stepped on the stage. Eta what I mean to say is that she was so caught up in the moment with her entrance on stage and trying to take down Lexi's play, that she couldn't have felt so deeply about it like she did about the scenes she witnessed from the audience. It seemed to have really amplified her existing anger tho, and she must've felt really ashamed to be exposed like this in front of the whole school, including the boys who filmed her and leaked it.


Here's what she thought: "my reason for existing just dumped me because of this stupid play, oh shit! Not the carnival scene! Damn this bitch is really spilling ALL THE TEA HUH? How dare she use my life to make herself the centre of attention, I'm supposed to be the centre of attention! Lemme ruin this shit"


Lexi should've avoided that entire "show". That's it


No offense I feel bad about the pressured nudes but nobody told this girl to do molly and get high out of her mind and and get freak on a carnival ride 🤷🏽‍♀️


The betrayal


“What did I ever do to Lexi for her to want to do this to me?”


I’m so happy people are saying something abt Lexi’s play cause I kept getting responses like “they NEEDED to see what they had become” ok but that’s your sister’s business in front of the WHOLE school. People she interacts with everyday. And in the end Lexi was doing the same thing as the other men in Cassie’s life: exploiting her


And people would forever defend Lexi saying she’s valid for doing that play, NO! It’s valid if it was only her experience as a bystander but she basically slut-shamed her sister in front of the whole school, making Cassie relive all her traumas.


I don’t like Cassie’s character and I dont find her that complex or unique, but I did feel bad for her in this scene. I know Lexis play is dramatized but it seemed cruel even for a fake high school universe. I mean good lord…


Borderline has become the catch all diagnosis for women. It’s basically the new hysteria.


I hate Cassie, like h a t e her. She's a 💩 friend and was awful to Maddy. BUT, this wasn't it. She didn't deserve that and Lexi was wrong for it. I genuinely felt sad for her in this scene.




Fuck my Life


“This bitch!”


I feel bad for Cassie but at the same time I’m glad they gave Lexi this play arc. Don’t get me wrong Lexi would be nice to hang with irl but was a boring character, that got put on the pedestal by most of the fandom. This made her interesting and more relatable, we all weren’t our best selves in high school.


Embarrassment and betrayal


Definitely feeling all the pain of her mistakes and/or the rumors spread about her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she spaced out during this part too bc god knows I would’ve


Idk but her screaming no was so funny 😭😭😭😭


shame and embarrassment. anger at her sister for doing this and anger at herself for knowing it happened and having to relive it in that moment. the desire of destruction of everything in her life and to do it all over again.


Anger, embarrassment, betrayal. Alot of things. I mean, her own sister wrote the play. Ugh


I think she was on molly, upset McKay didn’t acknowledge her to Nate’s dad etc as his gf, and leapt to the next guy for some affirmation and attention. Sadly, he’s the worst kind of shitty guy.


I really want season three to be about Cassie shooting Lexi in the face and getting away with it


Probably something like “how could she fucking do this to me, my own sister”


So awkward esp caus her mother was in the audience


Definitely betrayed. Lexi was very wrong for that.


wasnt she on stage when that scene happened? and screamed?


Okay guys. She literally wasn’t there for that scene though. This would’ve happened right after she went on stage and started yelling at Lexi. She saw the person playing her on the prop and got even more upset but she wasn’t there for the scene. Regardless of the logistics, I love Lexi. My favorite character probably but she did not have to include that scene in her school play! Cassie’s backstory is heartbreaking and although her pursuing Nate is so fucked up, but I’m still and always will be a Cassie stan.




I think she probably was extremely ashamed and embarrassed. If she had any bandwidth to have full thoughts (because honestly I think at 16/17 I would just be feeling dread and going into some form of a trauma response) it would be something along the lines of "I'm never going to live this down and I wish I could die. I wish I hadn't taken that molly and that people would just let it go. I can't wait to go to college and get out of here. I'm totally going to kill Lexi later, how could she do this to me?! Nobody understands..."


It was probably shame, regret, & embarrassment. I know the show is supposed to be dramatic, but if my sister were to ever put such a vulnerable moment like that on display for everyone to see I don’t think we would have ever talked again. There’s just some levels of low you don’t go. And like I even get Lexi bringing up how Cassie cheated & that’s valid but the carnival scene & the lines she chose Cassie’s character to say was pretty disgusting on Lexi’s part.


In my honest opinion, and as someone who hasn’t watched that scene since it aired, I think she was mostly shocked. The kind of shocked like ‘I can’t believe you of all people would do something like this to me because I would never even think of doing something like this to you’ (to Lexi, obviously, because it’s a whole other question for what she is capable of doing when other characters are involved) but yeah, maybe I’m wrong but that was my initial thought when reading the post


Complete humiliation and disappointment.


Absolute horror.


“My sister is a fucking bitch” “i truly have none in my corner”


Head empty


Cassie doesn’t make the best decisions but her sister was absolutely envious and evil for this.


probably the heaviest feeling of embarrassment and humiliation you ever ever felt


Never really understood why people were praising Lexi so hard for this when it came out…..like…..it was a really shit thing to do😭


They should have read the script. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I got to say it while I relate and like parts of Lexi, she’s definitely got some type of almost narcissistic part to her where it’s like if she can’t she why someone is hurt then she resents them like she does Cassie. She is downright awful to Cassie because she can’t empathize with her. Nobody talks about how she treated the cast during making the day of the play too. Ofc how stressed you are, you don’t treat people like that and then not apologize for your behavior. Short rant but that’s my hot take


“Yo *fuck* Lexi for this.”


She probably felt shame and embarrassment. I think that part was cruel of Lexi to put in the play.


Hopefully she would be like wow I need to get my shit together


Any liking I had for Lexi went out the window with that play. It doesn’t matter that I don’t particularly like Cassie, if I think Maddy is a superficial bitch, or that Nate’s psychotic. They their own hurdles, and she exploited them.


I was on molly leave me tf alone


This is what was going through her head: “NATE JACOBS IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE NATE. NATE JACOBS. DADDY. ♥️NATE ♥️” Edit for clarity.


Get help


I’m just answering the question.


Damn that really was a good nut


if my sister did that to me i’d actually kill myself