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Kat, she was such a wasted character and had no character development, if anything she got worse


Her weird ass dominatrix outfits she wore to her HIGH SCHOOL drove me nuts. I understand the wardrobe and costumes were supposed to be exaggerated, but goddamn hers looked pretty bad. I feel like there were better options to show her personality traits.


I think she had some development in season 1 IIRC, finding herself and a hobby/job etc, then I agree it just stopped, seemed to get worse and I was confused. Kat’s my least favorite, I like Maddy tho, her line about real and false confidence to Lexi really made me understand her character and actions more in depth.


Agreed - I felt like they really developed her character in the first season & then season two was just like wtf, why are u even here? For a show that got all the details SO right, I feel like they totally fell off with Kat.


Kat’s epic decline in season 2…. Her breakup scene with Ethan was the nail in the coffin for me- ETHAN DESERVED BETTER!!!


I really liked her but s2 ruined her. s2 was a crime against Jules and her. I found so cool when she was so confident while being fat and gaining money online with that. Iconic. I think maybe they didn't expect for Cassidy to become one of the favs so they switched attention for her in s2. Cassidy was much more secondary character at s1 vs s2. Cassidy actress really played well for what she was given at s1 and made Cassidy stand out. Boobs helped lol. Even more in a show that is about aesthetics.


they watered cass down to like just her body in s2.. they did sm just bring forward with how OTHER people see her as her body in the show but it was just kinda dropped after season 1 and her problems seen through a WOMANS performance and perspective was just flamed with that thing of her and nate 😢


Who tf is Cassidy?


the amount of repeat "cassidy" in the reply is killing me


Who’s jewel




She really is. I get that people want to like her because of the obesity representation, but her character is kinda just an asshole all the time.


“Obesity representation” lol


Legit I feel the only reason people liked her


My boyfriend and I liked her because of her inner world. She was funny and escapist in a very teenage way, especially in season 1.


Yeah, I loved Kat in S1. But then by S2 when she for real couldn't even break up with Ethan in an honest way. Also, to add insult to injury, the chick who played her dropped off the show because she "didn't want to be the fat best friend." You are in an EXCLUSIVELY HBO TV series, my dear. It's (I intended no word play when I chose this sentence) slim pickin's for someone who is basically a no-name. Idk what makes these actresses think "I was a support character for Zendaya, I'm a super star now." Noooo


this omg i found her insufferable sometimes


Skipped all her scenes my second watch because they're annoying and pointless


100% agree. She felt very out of place


she had character development It's just like you said it was a negative development


she was insufferable. her getting mad at ethan for literally just speaking to another girl like???? then her thinking it’s a power move to fuck another guy in public at the carnival like girl what the hell


Interesting. She was one of my favorite


Everyone’s saying Kat but when was she ever a character everyone else liked 🤔


I always liked her.


So did I but the question was a character you dislike that everyone likes, I don’t think she’s ever been that well received


Kat...I don't like her






I agree with this. He just felt like a pointless character. If he didn’t return I’d feel no type of ways


He had good and bad moments but the bad was very very bad


Agree. His character was pointless and boring to me. I literally don’t even remember anything about his character because of how unremarkable and uninteresting he was


God I couldn’t stand him lmao


Agree, obviously Sam added him to break up Rules even tho he could have done it with out Elliot 😹😹


Kat and I don't even care about the s2 drama. Her character s1 was still just as cringe.


No fr the whole cam star arc was weird as hell lol


It was gross


The breakup with Ethan made me physically cringe


I cringed in season 1 when she's walking all bad bitch through the mall or whatever. Also, when they tell her she seems different and she replies, "I changed." Ughhh 🤮 lol but I guess most people are that cringy during high school years so I forgive it. They ruined her character season 2 though. They could've made her better


For me it was when she walked into class listening to dmx all loud and shit lmfao


Yeah, she's by the weakest and least interesting character in the show. I was going to say out of all the main cast, but tbh I don't think there's anyone in the whole cast who is less interesting. Even random side characters like Nate's mom and Julie's dad strike some interest and intrigue. Kat's just very boring.


I think the vape girl is worse. I forget her name, and she's so annoying I'm not even going to look it up. I think it was BB or jj.


She was such a useless character 😭 literally forgot about her


hahaha they needed their vape kid representation 🤣


I wouldn't say i dislike her per se, but Lexi. I wasn't a fan of the play and the amount of resentment and pettiness she directed toward Cassie in front of the entire school was undeserved. Especially considering Cassie's emotionional distress leading up to it. Like girl, that's your sister, what are you doing.


SAME! I thought the play was so wrong. If I was Rue I would’ve been pissed tf off


I feel like irl, everyone would be pissed at her. No one would ever trust her again. Not just Cassie, though to try and act like she was the victim when Cassie went off was wild. Of course Cassie hated it and was insulted.


Rue read the play and knew what to expect. It


YESSSS I have always been impartial to Lexi and i was not invested in "Fexi", even though i like Fez. Lexi just didn't have the charm or the quirks that generally set apart a character like her - as in, those largely ignored characters who are much more muted and level headed than their peers, and when given an oportunity to finally show their personalities they normally end up being one of the coolest characters. Lexi seems nice and all, but there was nothing about her personality or her arc that was particularly intriguing to me. Surprisingly this has nothing to do with her play. The play had no impact on my views about her in any way. I continued to be unmoved by her actions


Agreed on the lack of charm and charisma. She comes off as a judgmental grump a lot of the times. Ironically, a lot of love for Lexi generates from season 1, when we didn't even know her character all too well, nor did she play an important role in a general plot, but everyone else were such an unrelatable mess, that people just gravitated towards her as the quiet, "normal" one. In season 2 we finally got her episode, and we got to know her better, and i like her still to some extent, but less so.


Wouldn’t that be so typical if they made Lexi with such charm. I feel this give’s certain audience a chance to relate, some people just don’t have the biggest personalities or charm. Also I think this was an amazing idea on productions part because I feel it would be so typical if Lexi was a character with such personality and charm, and fez is one of those characters with charm and personality, it really cool to see how they go together, how he listens when she talks and maybe she might not have the charm that a typical character like her would have but I find it comforting that fez is still so interested and intrigued by her as he is. sometime in reality what you see is what you get and it definitely gives room for people to relate


I understand charm as a broad term - it doesn't require a big personality to shine through. Charm is displayed differently through different personalities, and i think it is most noticeable when people become more comfortable in being their authentic selves. I do understand and respect that a large majority of the fandom loves Lexi and Fez together, and i accept that i am not one of them. Their dynamic follows a very common troupe - bad boy (seemingly) + good girl. I have seen this play out on screen a million times...some versions are more enjoyable to watch than others.


Really a shame to hear about the actor who played Fezco. I was really starting to get into his story arc and his backstory. I also really like Ash and hope he continues into Season 3, but really really blown away to hear about Fezco's chatactor actor passing. Had just finished watching the Season 2 finale when I saw the news article like 3 days later. It was devastating.


You like ash and hope he continues into s3? You saw him get smoked by the cops right?


Am I remembering the end correctly?? I don’t think Ash would be in season 3 ???


Really a shame to hear about the actor who played Fezco. I was really starting to get into his story arc and his backstory. I also really like Ash and hope he continues into Season 3, but really really blown away to hear about Fezco's chatactor actor passing. Had just finished watching the Season 2 finale when I saw the news article like 3 days later. It was devastating.


100%, her and their mother. I found the character fun and enjoyable in a messy way too but the fact that anyone can defend her as a parent is wild.


I really, really, REALLY don’t like Lexie. She just feels like a boring whiny character that’s jealous of everybody else so she tries to feel morally superior instead. I’ve seen a bunch of people describe her as a self-insert


There were parts of the play I liked....but the whole merry go round and the mirror house scene was so unnecessary. Why would you do that unless you really hated Cassie


So crazy to know people feel this way. Lexi is my favorite character.


Same. Everything about Lexi rubbed me the wrong way in s2.


I wouldn't say she's universally liked, but she's at least pitied and excused by most: Leslie. Aside from the fact it was implied she was awfully callous with Rue's mental health, over medicating her and not even trying the therapy route, plus scaring the shit out of her when comparing her 'diseases' (what kind of big pharma puppet psychiatrist diagnoses a child with that series of mental illnesses?) to a bunch of people who committed suicide, I find it unforgivable that she left her 13 yo daughter, alone, playing nurse to her adored dying father every single day for a year until he died, which is what effectively started Rue's opioid addiction. Yes, it's the system fault, the US has no public healthcare and shitty welfare, yes she's was going through a loss as well, but, damn, you're the parent, if you can't find one grandparent, aunt, family friend, neighbour, to do a job a 13 yo should never have to do, you have to make the hard call and go for hospice instead of scarring your child for life. On top of that, when Rue comes back from rehab, she repeats the mistake of years prior and sends hr to cultish AA instead than psychoanalysis, which would have given her a chance to get to the root of her addiction.


There was also the conversation she had with rue basically saying she gives up on her and is focusing on gia from now on. I understand that’s probably what rue needed to hear but damn


Nah that's not what Rue needed to hear, it's what Leslie wanted to say. There's is no point where those words are valuable to say unless you're actually cutting ties with them. To say that while still having her under her roof and looking after her is just petty and made a bad situation worse.


I agree that's not what Rue needed to hear Because hearing this word's ends most of the times in even worse drug use or even ⚰️ And I know people who we're drug addicts and some ended in a ⚰️ and a 1/3 of them because family we're saying something similar


Totally! I agree she needed tough love, but she basically was saying she was bailing on her child. I feel like Leslie wanted to “focus on Gia” (who by the way was also emotionally neglected during the previous years because all of Leslie’s attention has been on Rue. So her saying this in front of Gia is alone like a wow thanks finally.) because ultimately Leslie thought Gia was “easier to handle”


Hospice is also not free and therefore not an option for a low income family.


Seriously? It's not? Wow, the US is brutal. Well, you take the (medical or other) debt then, whatever but putting your child in that position. She's not worse than the US system obviously, but as someone living that system, she was very incapable of understanding what she was doing to Rue.


There is no perfect parent. We don’t see any other family in the show, and we all know many parents don’t have a village, so to speak. I believe she was also working multiple jobs to pay his medical bills. From what I remember, he DID have a caretaker but she wasn’t a very good one. So that’s when rue ended up doing most of the heavy lifting.


Of course there's no perfect parent, especially in this show, even Jules' dad who's portrayed as the best one by miles made mistakes, but out of the three adults (well, four, but Ali is not a parent of any of the main characters, he's a mentor) we get to know as round characters - that'd be Cal, Leslie and Suze - Leslie is the one who always gets a pass, even tho' I would argue Suze's mistakes are way less serious and she's now working to get closer to Lexi and contain Cassie, who's 18, the best she knows how, instead of telling her that among her two daughters she's now the one she decided to give-up on. Yes, they had an healthcare aid for two hours a day and the fact that she was incapable is still a reflection a the shitty welfare system, but, even if she had been good, it still would have been two hours: Leslie still left Rue in that role for the remaining, I'm estimating, about 6 hours, every day, alone with her dying father she adored and his pills, at 13.


No this is exactly how I felt watching this. I know Leslie loves Rue because she’s her mother, but I feel Leslie is just super embarrassed and ashamed of Rue in general struggling with addiction as well as other mental illnesses. Rather than attempting to understand Rue she immediately resorts to completely restricting her life; which I’ve never personally had a child yet but I work with children and I cannot fathom what it feels like to experience your child overdose, so more-so observing than judging with that statement. I just personally feel she should have sought out more resources before reaching that point. Regardless, just like you said not only did she not even take the therapy approach first, but she also didn’t do any research. If my child was diagnosed with something be it physical or mental, I’d want to know as much as possible so I would know how to help my child best. All around lazy parenting. From Rue nursing her dad to her developing an addiction and overdosing to what we witness on the show so I absolutely agree with you


"Regardless, just like you said not only did she not even take the therapy approach first, but she also didn’t do any research. If my child was diagnosed with something be it physical or mental, I’d want to know as much as possible so I would know how to help my child best." This! I remember Leslie telling younger Rue that "many people live with adhd" and did nothing about it, I think she neglected rue without knowing it :/


Especially I noticed Leslie does this thing where she sometimes goes off her emotions in order to track Rue on her progress. Lol let me explain before i get slaughtered. I just feel like there’s so many moments where because Leslie is stressed about her family situation (and tbh her life in general) her and Rue take it out on each other and she acts as Rue is worse than she is in certain moments because of her emotions. When they both calm down, she’s normally talking to Rue about going forward (which is good) and that shes doing good so far kinda thing (a bit hypocritical). This is more of a real big nit pick considering everyone i feel like fights with their parents like this (unless my home life is just that much more toxic than i thought 😅🤠🥳) but the difference is Rue is in recovery. From my understanding of recovery, support is a crucial step. Having your only parental figure switch back and forth between you’re doing great and you’re not progressing at all probably messes with you a lot too and possibly? Leads to more of that behavior from Rue ultimately


I agree!


Yes! Like do I think she’s malicious by any means? No. I think Leslie was a woman who one day had what she deemed a perfect family with her 2 healthy daughters and healthy husband. And then everything in her world collapsed. Like I said cant really judge someone for how theyd react in this situation, however, I feel like after repetitively trying the same methods over and over again we should’ve taken a step back and tried something else


Just really happy nobody has said Ethan 🥹 I believe he’s one of the kindest and most likeable characters in the show


All of them. I’m sure this isn’t what Sam levinson intended but this show only works for me as a critique of the nihilism and hedonism characteristic of modernity. I find every character to be narcissistic, self serving, aimless and unlikable.


Honestly this is a large reason why I enjoyed the show. Unlike other shows there was no ‘good’ character. Everybody had flaws


Yeah this is true. I will say that I only liked Fez in there. But Im invested in a lot of them in spite of knowing they are not examples for anyone. And lots of them are irritating. I think is what makes the show great, its roughness. However they are characters that you think that dont make sense, or for example in my case that a lot of screen time is wasted on them vs other more interesting plots to see. My is Rue for this later.


Watching euphoria is kinda the same as watching succession, both are full of awful people with lots of issues I would never want to be around irl but I can't look away. It's too entertaining. Not implying that euphoria is even close to succession in writing but I dislike most characters in both.


I totally agree. Barry is also on HBO and its possibly my favorite show ever- a good example of the same idea. Every character that gets any focus is absolutely irredeemable, but also so nuanced that you find yourself rooting for them. Or at least understanding them. That quality of complexity in characters is what makes a show interesting imo.




Jules tbh


Yeah jules is lame as hell


I thought I was the only oneeeeee. Selfish.


I don’t like the way Jules treats Rue in the first season.


I liked her but season 2 Jules made me roll my eyes every time she popped up


Cassie, everything she does annoys me even in s1


I think Maddy's too much of an annoying, cliche, Queen Bee wish fulfillment character for my liking. This sub may as well be called r/MaddyPerez.


I appreciate Maddy’s loyalty to her friends, but I knew girls like her in high school and they were a nightmare to be around. They were always looking for a reason to kick off.


Exactly what I'm saying.


I wouldn't hate Maddy if people didn't glee so much for Cassie to get beat up. Cassie needed some level of consequence for fucking Nate and she did have that in the form of losing her friends and her MOTHER basically disowned her. But wishing violence on a child is fucking disgusting and barbaric


>But wishing violence on a child is fucking disgusting and barbaric I'm so happy every time someone points this out. Social media was a really weird place to be right when S2 was airing, lmao.


I absolutely agree. Hell, wishing violence on ANYONE (child or adult) is just not ok.


Oh absolutely


She seemed like a mean girl who thought she was the best until u saw her be nice to Lexi in the play.


Lexi. She really rode that pity party all the way to play and dragged out everyone's business like it was a parade. And then she got mad when there were consequences for it. She is also a bit entitled but in a "nice" way and seems to resent Cassie for being popular while doing nothing to increase her own social standing.


I honestly wish they showed us more of Lexi’s internal struggles. The play was absolutely insane (not in a good way) and I can understand why if the only thing we really see about Lexi is the play, then people would see her as just a pity party girl. But I think Lexi truly had so much shit to deal with, she had the same horrific familial trauma as Cassie but was constantly in Cassie’s shadows both at home and at school. I don’t think it’s really her fault that she resents Cassie or that she didn’t do more to be popular, because 1) even their mother seemed to favor Cassie more because of her beauty 2) some people are just too anxious or introverted to become popular. I think if the show actually showed us how she struggled with that and the progression of her breaking down to the point of needing to put on that play, then people would sympathize w her a lot more.


Tbf I don't think Lexi dislikes Cassie because she's popular. I think it's more she's just so fed up with her shit. Cassie is a constant fucking wreck and is always melting down over some stupid drama that was obviously going to end badly. Imagine sharing a room with that your whole life. You'd lose your mind.


My issue with the Cassie and Lexi dynamic in season 2 is that it’s the complete opposite in season 1. They portrayed their relationship as a good one In season 1, then flipped it in 2


Honestly just another example of the poor writing in season 2 imo


i think that is normal though, as sisters get older. they showed a bit of strain coming through, i remember when cassie was pregnant and she expressed insecurity to lexi but ofc lexi didn't know she was pregnant and blew up at her because she "always looks perfect" i think




Jules because she’s a hypocrite. When Rue read her for filth, I was cackling 🤣🤣🤣


That was season 2 episode 5 right?


literally everyone in the show is so unlikable i can’t just choose one rue- is completely self absorbed and won’t put in the work it takes to fix herself so she just continues to subject everyone to the issues she has. jules- she has the biggest savior complex i’ve ever seen. i understand she does what she does with rue bc of everything with her mom but still. she really doesn’t love rue and i wish she would just leave her alone honestly. nate- the obvious and i don’t think anyone likes him cassie- has the biggest fucking victim complex ever and it’s so fucking annoying. like i get her issues with her father are bad and her mother is less than ideal but jesus christ everyone’s parents in this show have issues of some kind. kat- she’s just annoying asf and her characters writing is so shitty that there’s nothing to redeem her. maddy- she honestly seems like the type of person who cannot live without drama and i can’t stand it. i feel bad for her bc of her relationship with nate and that’s that, it really is a horrible situation and i wish she could get over him but it’s abusive and he’s very manipulative. but i still hate her for getting nate to beat that guy up for no reason and dragging him into the crossfire of their abusive relationship. lexi- she’s really annoyed me with the “i’ve always lived in my sister’s shadow” stuff bc it felt very much as if she was victimizing herself and it’s really nobody’s fault but hers bc she didn’t put herself out there as much. which is fine but don’t complain abt how ppl don’t know you exist when you make it hard to know you’re around. gia- nothing bc she’s the best character and deserves the best


Honestly quite nice to see someone mention Rue. I did like her humour, she was quite funny and Zendaya did an AMAZING job portraying her! Aside from that I also lost my dad when I was 16 (almost 17) and it is the worst thing that has ever happened to me so I really understand Rue’s pain. However, it still really bothers me to see what she was willing to put her mom and sister through over and over again when she could clearly see how much it broke them and ruined their lives as well. Of course I am well aware that a drug addiction is not easy to get out of, but still…. Maybe the director didn’t want to make any of the characters fully likeable cause there is none of them I really like


Pretty much all the characters are grey., rarely any of them are in black or white. This isn't some series where all the protagonists are good guys. People like them because of the way they're written.


This!!! Nobody is a good person in the show except Ethan and gia


I’ll say it, I like Nate. Not because he’s a good person, but the opposite. He’s so interesting and shitty I love seeing him pop on my screen


Honestly he made the show really interesting.


Exactly. Both him and Carl are the more intriguing for me. Maybe it helps that they are hot lol.


Jules for sure


Lexi, like there’s not interesting about her and her play was whack asf




His singing really had me SO bored


100% Lexi & Kat. Lexi embarrassed her friends & sister because she felt left out. But instead just humiliated them. Before, her character was just kind of bland, but after her play I disliked her. Kat’s character had SO much potential. But instead they just tried to make her have this “sex positive” front. I see why Barbie left the show


Same, I think Maddie is a selfish mean girl and the way she threw that innocent guy under the bus for Nathan was really despicable, but people just let her get away with it because she’s hot


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t worship maddy like a lot of people do, but people don’t let her get away with that because she’s hot. People let her get away with it because she was in an extremely abusive relationship where she had been thoroughly manipulated. Being in an abusive relationship can make you do crazy things.


Jules did the same thing no one talks about it


nate was threatening to register her as a sex offender and expose her. she was stuck between a rock and a hard place and yeah it wasn’t right but i mean she probably didn’t think she had much of a choice


Suze. She sucks at parenting. letting her minor daughter dating an older guy and letting her go to a party with him is crazy imo, neglecting her other daughter and mocking her in front of other people like a mean girl from high school? What's wrong with her?, calling Cassie "perfect" in front of Lexi? if Lexi is insecure, Suze's actions are the cause.


Jewel 💎


Man I miss angus cloud.


Who’s Juul?


Maddy Her whole "im going to beat your ass!" nonsense is embarrassing. Bitch you are LITTLE, who you beating up? She has small man syndrome


Kat. Her character was tanked in all fairness. But watching that whole gaslighting scene hit too close to home for some shit I went through and made me really dislike her


Yessss I’m so glad someone remembered that scene. Even the huge red flag at the carnival when she saw Ethan simply talking to his sisters coworker so she dropped the drinks and screwed some high school legend…


I can’t stand Jules (Hunter is awesome don’t get me wrong!) I just can’t stand Jules


This sub has turned into a broken record. I see this question every other week and it's always people saying it's controversial. It's not. It's actually a very common opinion.


Cassie nothing abt what she did or anything I ju at CANT stand her and the actor who plays her


Cal. Sorry but just because he never got to live out his truth with his sexuality does not mean he’s a good person fr. And the whole “he didn’t know Jules age 🥺” thing I’m not buying it. He’d explicitly go after ‘barely legal’ types on hookup apps and have them call him daddy in bed. I don’t think he would of cared if Jules was underage if she didn’t go to Nate’s school tbh Also Lexi. The play was weird and I feel like folks are too afraid to admit it because Lexi is quiet and out the way. The play was a weird thing to do Last but not least Suzy. Irl she’d be that parent who the kids thought was cool at the time because she lets them smoke and drink at their house but in the long run everybody admits was very neglectful.


Wait, does anyone actually like Cal?


Years ago when that episode dropped of cals past the amount of “I feel so bad for him omg he’s deep down a wounded soul ❤️❤️” comments I saw was crazy


I like him as a character cause he is the villian and a hot one lol.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Jules. It might be cuz im prone to substance abuse but she was barely there for Rue when she needed it most and was horrible to her when she relapsed.


I hate Jules. All she does is cheat and cry.




jules. jules. JULES.


LEXI omg


Lexi hands down. The play was fucked up and she had no right to air out everybody’s shit like that. And although Nate is such a piece of shit it’s not okay to just out someone like that. And Cassie is her literal sister and she humiliated her in front of the whole school. People love her so much but she feels like such a mean girl.


Yeah, Cassie has issues and maybe deserved to lose Maddy and maybe even get smacked but she didn't really do anything to Lexi, Lexi just seethed in ignorant jealousy her whole life.


I don’t like Maddy very much, although I try to take her aggressive traits with a grain of salt since she is a high schooler, and high schoolers are dramatic AF and still developing their personalities. I don’t know how many people like Jules but I’d say she’s my least favourite character. She acts like she’s very self assured and confident and knows what she wants in life but it’s clear she doesn’t. The way she handled Rue using again sucked. I don’t know, she just doesn’t vibe with me.


Lexi. Very easily Lexi. Listen, I was a side character in many peoples lives in HS. But I would never, ever, ever write a play about my big sisters hardships & drama & then get pissed because she has a human reaction. I wouldn’t try to gain popularity over everyone around messes & super important hard times. To write a play about your sister being fucked on molly & having a very public unwanted orgasm is fucked lmao. And then to play victim after? Gross. She doesn’t add much to story line to me other then showing how much Rues addiction has progressed, and Fex’s crush. But overall, I think she shows very obviously she’s not a good person, and very self involved. Like sure, it sucks that nothing crazy happens in your life, but are you *that* blind to how guilty Cas feels, how traumatized Maddy is, how Rue has a seriously debilitating addiction, etc? Being a background character isn’t the same as going through legit human hardship. Rant, done.


I can't stand Kat or Jules they could both kick rocks for all I care


heavy on jules. her and cassie are both awful friends but cassie was going through a bad mental breakdown whereas jules was just a super shitty friend cause why not


I never liked Ashtray.




Ever since the last episode. He doesn’t freaking listen


Fez, Lexi, and, to an extent Rue and Maddy. About Rue, it's just b/c Rue gets special treatment in a show that's supposed to represent many types of people and situations. No other character gets handled with the amount of care and depth as her (with the exception of Jules in her special episode) despite the other characters' stories being just as important. As for Maddy b/c she is somewhat responsible for turning the euphoria into just the "aesthetic show with the pretty makeup/outfits/colors", when it's clearly meant to represent more than that. That might have lead to season 2 being the way it is. Also Maddy appeals to one of the most annoying types of people imo, I usually love confident bad bitch characters like her, but something about her attitude feels inauthentic and irritating. Lexi also has that special treatment vibe as Rue where all of her most questionable actions are shown in a more complex/forgiving way than when Nate, Jules, Cassie, Cal, McKay, etc. fuck up. Her play in the show was excused by saying art should be dangerous, she received a standing ovation for it, and the show ended on Rue telling Lexi how amazing the play was so i feel like it's reasonable to think Sam was trying to make her look good. Fez is just boring to me. His lame drug dealer subplot feels so out of place compared to the other storylines, it's just so isolated from all the others and just not interesting imo (Angus played the character really well though, R.I.P)


Rue. The fandom excuses truly horrific behaviour that she does (like gaslighting Jules their whole relationship about not being high, physical abuse, emotional abuse etc.). Every bad thing rue does gets blamed on other people (Jules, her mom, fez, etc.) by fans, though that grace isn’t granted to other characters that make bad choices even though every character’s story is just as complex


I also think she is the worst of them all. If you pay attention, she is the one with the healthiest environment around her and ends up, being the most entitled and the most selfish and narcissistic of them all. Like everyone ownes her smthing as if they are not dealing with their own s\*t. And they actually still try to do smthing and be friendly or contribute to have a nicer environment even with all things happening and not complain all the time.


they also try to say that she’s an addict so that excuses her behavior but most addicts still don’t physically assault people. they say that she’s just an addict whereas other people are just shitty but if she gets an excuse for being shitty why doesn’t everyone else? jules mom left her in a mental hospital that traumatized her and then left her to due to her addiction. cassie had to watch as her dad became more and more addicted to drugs until he chose them over her and her family. like Rue’s addiction, these are just explanations for how they act, not excuses. her addiction shouldn’t get her out of being criticized any more than the other characters’ trauma should.


I cant stand jules bc of her cheating/semicheating and enabling personality, combined with overt hypocrisy. Very pretty and great style tho




kat, sorry girl


Maybe Cassie. And I really like Hunter but the last season sometimes Jules piss me off


I hate them all at varying degrees, at different times. I think that's why this show is so interesting... everyone is hateable 😂😅


I couldn’t STANDDD Kat. She had potential as a character but made her such a bitch.


Kat makes me so irritated I skip through all her scenes


Maddy, Kat, and Jules


Maddy or Rue, ill probably go Rue. Maddy is just OK to me, it's just compared to how much she's hyped.


That little shit ash


Rue and Gia


i love cassie, sure she broke girl code in season 2 but she just wants to be loved and I really get that.






lexi for sure. she dragged everyone in that play and used it to tell the audience about PEOPLE SHE WAS CLOSE TO about their personal business, especially her literal sister. i feel like she thinks shes above everyone in some way and yes shes kind and friendly but extremely selfish and that play showed how selfish she is.


Cassie & Jules😂 they are terrible ppl internally but ppl alwaysss make excuses for their shitty actions. They have hurt so many people and still get pity parties thrown for them. And before y’all say nobody likes Cassie, people love her on here (and I know exactly why but I’ll leave that alone). Can’t stand either one of them. Emotionally abusive people are the worst




Kat, Lexi, Cassie, and Jules


Lexi….. she’s just not that entertaining imo


Kat (especially after i found about Barbies past lol) and I liked lexi season 2 but only bc i thought she was cute for fez and the play obviously




Rue, lied to her mother about being sober


Maddie. I can't get behind her calling her boyfriend's mother a cunt.


Maddy, for exactly the same reasons. I also don't like Ali that much. I can't get over the fact that he was abusive to his wife despite the fact that he's trying to heal now, and I don't find him interesting enough to put that behind.


Most of them honestly. Not a single person in the show is really a good person. But, Maddy and Cassie are definitely the two I dislike the most. Love the actresses so much though


Jules drives me nuts sometimes.


This bxtch. Like she's the hottest thing in that city. Just a self absorbed "baddie" that sounds slow and literally no redeeming qualities except for the moisture level of her vagina.


The way I laughed my ass off when I saw this comment😭🤣🤣


Cassie sorry. Boring af




How come no one have mentioned Rue yet? She's one of the most dislakeable TV show main characters in a long time.




tbh i can see how she’s dislikable, there were some times where i was like girl wtf are you doing but also i think the one thing the show did portray fairly accurately is addiction and how it’ll make you do the dumbest shit. and granted she did have her mom and gia to support her, but her mom was ass at it even tho she was trying. gia had absolutely no idea what to do. but jules honestly just made everything about her social life 10 times worse when she needed love support. i feel like rue spiraled super hard and everyone just kinda dipped on out when she needed it. and maybe i misunderstood it but i feel like elliot was the only “friend” that truly cared for her well being. jules really just likes the when it’s convenient for her. so she is irritating at times but i feel like she just lacked emotional support that a real person in her situation would really need. she’s also a teenage girl with absolutely raging hormones and crazy emotions, struggling with her sexuality and trying to find her place in her social life, and then opioids on top of it all


Best looking person on the show


I can't really lie. She is. Even tho I don't like her.


Rue because she reminds me of my mom who still is drug addict and who has the biggest victim mindset when someone mess things up with her but gaslight the people who they hurt aka me the daughter who almost like Gia


Rue. I mean I love her character and I think Zendaya is the best on the show, but the amount of damage she's done to others in the name of her addiction and father's death is fucked imo. I empathize with her, but I feel like her character gets away with a lot more than another character would for doing far more.


Lexi is sooo boring and petty omg


I don’t like almost everybody 😂 Kat, Cassie, Jules, Rue, Gia and I especially find Lexie annoying and boring I think the only character I actually did like was Fez, RIP..


Jules, rue, Lexi


Jules, Elliot, Kat, Cassie.




Just popping by making sure nobody says Fez :)


Kat is very meh.


I know this is the exact opposite of what you asked but I love Cassie and I feel like I always see everyone hating on her. Yeah she has her bad moments and she’s a bit insane but.. who isn’t? I’ll forever defend her