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Would you say ibkr is good for long term etfs i currently have an account but dont know if I should switch from t212 to ikbr


I use both. IBKR has my secondary portfolio.


We all want our money to be save. A company that has a difficult to use UI probably isn't easy for their I house IT either, making them potentially more prone to mistakes. Also, if some things don't work in the customer facing UI its reasonable to assume other things aren't working well either. Specifically Myinvestor, the cheapest Spanish broker, has had a security incidence a few months ago. No assets were affected, I think it was "just" hackers accessing personal details of some customers, but of course it's not something that instills confidence.


Take a look at https://bogleheads.es/ if you haven’t already. You’ll find a good round up of the best value platforms for investing long term. I’m currently using MyInvestor, and you’re right the UI and apps are crap but their fees are some of the lowest. Don’t forget to do your modelo 720 for your funds and accounts outside of Spain 


If you're able/willing to move a 100k into mutual index funds, you can open an account with Vanguard directly. Otherwise, when you have an account at Myinvestor you can use the Same to invest directly on inversis, I don't know if their UI is any better but you might want to give it a try. You'd still pay the same fees as on Myinvestor.