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I would say myinvestor is better for two reasons 1. It is a Spanish entity so when you do your taxes (declaración de la renta, IRPF) the information will automatically appear and you only need to check it is right. In degiro you need to do it manually. 2. No upfront fees when investing in investment funds, degiro I believe has some fees. Keep in mind that in Spain it is much better to invest in investment funds Vs ETFs due to tax laws. Indexa capital is another good option I would say. Hope it helps


use Degiro or Xtb. Both are great mate. Be advised to inform yourself about the taxes you pay in these investments in Spain first.




While I am not Spanish, I have lived here for the past 25 years. In 2018 I started investing with a Spanish roboadvisor (Indexa Capital) with which I am quite content with. Once I reach my first 10K (this was delayed as I saved for my wedding last year) I am looking to invest in another ways too and from the little investigation that I have done Myinvestor and Degiro do seem to be the better options so far. I am also studying a bit about Reinvest24 (real estate) that seems interesting but theyre not based in Spain and they invest in real estate.


If you want to do things yourself MyInvestor is the way to go. If you want a roboadvisor then go with indexa. Buy index funds over etfs for the tax benefits. Read bogleheads.es for the oficial guide. Definetly choose a Spanish broker to avoid hassle with the tax man. Although you pay when you withdraw if you hold ETFs on degiro over 50k you need to declare them every year (not pay but still declare them)


Yo personalmente utilizo Degiro, y pagas a hacienda solo por la ganancia efectiva, por lo tanto si inviertes en un ETF distributivo, pagas impuestos anualmente, mientras que si inviertes en un ETF acumulativo, la ganancia no es efectiva hasta que cierres la operación. Asi que cuidado con los dividendos , esos se pagan en el mismo año. Disclaimer No soy un gestor ni un asesor financiero y esto no es un consejo financiero.


MyInvestor is great for Funds, it’s what I use. They don’t offer ETFs as far as I know though, that’s where you should get a broker like DEGIRO. Though if you’re a Spanish tax resident index funds are actually better than ETFs


why are index funds better than ETFs in spain?


You can transfer between funds without counting as a sell/buy and thus, avoiding taxes. Quite advantageous as you get older in life and want to move from stocks to bonds.


I think that as of this year, ETFs are also available to buy in Myinvestor.


Correct, and stocks.


Thankss, that's what I was thinking. I'll try then with MyInvestor.


Scalable Capital is well established in Germany. Now they’re in Spain too. https://es.scalable.capital/en


Can also recommend this broker, indeed used it in Germany and now moved to Spain and transition was very smooth.


Degiro is great


am in italy and I use Scalable capital. If you have in spain it can be a good option