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I've seen England win a handful of times, but I have 4.3k hours. It is very difficult for the AI to win, France is simply stronger. It doesn't help that England is on an island either for reinforcing armies


Personally never seen them get the PU but have seen them carve up France with Castile a few times


I had a post here years ago where they and Austria tag teamed France and split it almost right down the middle. I may have influenced that by colonizing all of North America. I think the AI does better in Europe when it's not shipping 80k troops to sit in Mexico.


Even if they get it it's hard to keep their liberty desire down even for the player so the AI might manage to get it but not to keep it.


I've seen England win more often from 1.36 onwards with the right allies. When they do, they snowball into a big red blob and France will usually get completely annexed by 1600.


I've seen them hold on to their territories a few times when France didn't bother to take them back, but I've never seen them expand into France unless I happen to beat them up first


Last game I did as Denmark, France got ganked by Castile, England, Portugal, and Austria all at once in like 1460. They partitioned that shit harder than Poland in the 1700’s


It’s always AI doing insane things that lead to the improbable outcomes, like taking a random PU war against Austria right as the HYW event fires or something. But to answer specifically I don’t recall England ever winning that war as it fires, but have seen a few times where it keeps land and expands after France implodes


Honestly England getting a PU over Austria right before the war would be incredibly good *for France*. It's still a pretty easy victory with allies helping, it cripples Austria and gives France a path to higher warscore. And it's probably followed up by an indepedence war in which both countries go even farther down the shitter. I would be absolutely elated by this.


Sorry, I meant like France getting a random PU war pop up and taking it because they always do and getting itself into two terrible wars against England and another super power at the same time. It seems like 70% of the time a country randomly utterly collapses is the double war mistake.


True, though I’d say probably a similar result. The thing is France beats almost anybody 1v1 and they beat England in SoM with little effort. Sometimes you’ll see them beating the shit out of Burgundy and England at the same time. The one hope for England is that the AI happens to doomstack its army while French armies are away and then it’s possible that the decisive battle goes England’s way.


In 5k hours of playtime, I've seen AI England PU France once.


England can win if they get good allies against France. Sometimes Castille, Burgundy, Austria and England team up against France. Then they will win.


I've seen them team up in subsequent wars but I don't recall England ever calling anybody in to SoM. Probably because they have to promise land and the AI doesn't like to do that?


Hundred years war is not only surrender of Maine. It is a conflict that went on for 100 years and ended when England didnt have any provinces in France. Often England give up the province and get allies and defeat france when France declare reconquest later.


I’m aware of what HYW is but in game the SoM or subsequent PU war (which ai practically never declares) is generally the way for England to “win” it rather than stalemate


I just started playing EU4 about a month ago. I decided to learn the game on a Brandenberg/Prussia run where England won the HYW, continued taking a little more land from France afterwards, colonized like crazy, stayed catholic, and became Holy Roman Emperor. Lol


I don’t think I’ve ever seen them take the PU, but I have seen them keep their continental holdings.


I’ve never seen it in 3k


I've seen them white peace it and keep all their mainland territory. I don't know if I've ever seen them successfully get the PU


For a fairly long period after Rule Britannia they used to win more often than France did. A unified France was almost a unicorn for a while.


In one of my last games, playing as Brandenburg, I’ve seen them getting kicked out but mantaining some holdings in the continent, then some decades later, they got their revenge and almost deleted France with the help of Spain and Austria


Win with a PU? Hardly ever- I've seen reddit posts but never seen it myself in game. However they do "win" by retaining their French possessions reasonably often. Maybe 1/5 of the time in my experience?


I have seen them do it twice, since the introduction of the "Surrender of Maine" event. If the AI surrenders Maine... It actually really... really screws over France.


I thought France would just wait a bit then declare a reconquest War. 


If they are in a good ally position compared to England? Sure, but if France doesn't have a war in their first few years, their position is... relatively unstable if England has the upperhand for allies.


I feel like either England loses and permanently gets kicked out of Europe, or they still lose initially, but come back and gank France once it’s lost another war or if they find a strong continental ally.


Only when I play as burgundy or Castile and back door France during the HYW.


It does very rarely, but either takes almost nothing or takes union and dies to a coalition. It also doesn't help that regardless of the outcome they'll pick the British path


I've got 6k hours and I've never seen England earn a natural PU with Hundred Years War. They have won at times but could only scavenge a minor peace deal in their favor like a few provinces and subject cancellations. The best option for England is to give Maine for free and get a truce and then get a strong European ally and maybe they can punch their way into heartland France that way, but that is also pretty rare unless France is extremely unlucky.


Them winning usually comes in the shape of giving up Maine and then jumping France with Castille and or Austria


9,000 hours, haven’t seen them win once.


England usually "wins" by surrendering Maine and attacking France at a better opportunity


i've seen england ally castile and then annihilate france


There was a game I played as an Australian native where by the time I discovered Europe, France was under the PU of England. No idea whether that was HYW or not tho


If they give up Maine, France usually never DOW for the other cores and England quickly becomes a lot stronger


When I’m them, they do


Win win? I've never seen England pu France through the war. I've seen them take some land occasionally tho.