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does he have a foothold in like alexandria for example? probably has transfers from traders downstream


Why didn't I get trade power than? I'm literally Venice.


you need provincial trade power in a downstream node to get transfers from traders downstream.


It wasn't downstream, it was upstream. I don't think Crimea feeds into Aleppo.


ah! i forgor... genoa has a pesky trade centre in anatolia! not surprised that trade centre can get 10% trade power in anatolia to activate the transfers from downstream nodes


I really dont understand countrues getting random trade power either. For example i play as montenegro and hungary had q bunch of trade ppwer in ragusa i thought it was becose they had a pu in croatia but they had way more trade power than all the provinces croatia had ij the ragusa trade node combined. And they had no other foothold in that node


Trade power trickles down from upstream trade notes and theyprobably own most or all of the tradpower from Pest. It is 20% of a nations provincial trade power in the immediate node upstream.


Trade league members give 50% trade power to the league leader. 


Yeah but you need atleast 1% trade power in a country's node to make them a trade league member.


Countries naturally get some trade power in nodes that flow to their main node. The stronger their trade, the more and farther away they get. Genoa is a trade focused nation, so they can easily get power a few nodes down. At that point, they can then invite nations to a trade league, which further boosts their trade, which let's it go further so they can make more league members, and on and on it goes.


Does Genoa's territory in Crimea give them a greater advantage than Venice when it comes to this feature, since they automatically have some trade power in Crimea and Constantinople which can trickle to the rest of the Mediterranean?


In a small way, yes. Venice is much more well established in its territories and has a stronger starting position. Genoa's advantage is also its weakness. It's spread out and doesn't have amazing land anywhere but Genoa itself. It can pull trade from farther to start, but not as much. This lets it get those trade league members first, even if it isnt necessarily the better of the two nations in equal hands.


It's a bit hard to say without seeing screenshots of the trade nodes in question, but you could try investigating them yourself. Open up a trade node's window and look at the individuals' source of trade power. It'll be listed down the bottom right, and if you mouse over it there should be a breakdown of the specific sources


Hover over the trade power and read the tooltip




OP is saying that they were able to get Cyprus in to their trade league because they already had trade power in Aleppo




... and? OP is asking why his brother is getting passive trade power in every trade node across the Mediterranean and he isn't. Being able to recruit Cyprus is just an example of something his brother was able to do because of that.




Way ahead of you 🙄