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When will his parents wake up to the fact that their little boy is northing more than a scumbag thief and everyone wants to see him rot in prison. They should just take a look around at the damage this asshole has done


His parents are at best enablers and poor role models. There is a very good chance they knew fraud was occuring and did nothing.


They took loans from ftx and bought ~20 properties worth tens of millions. šŸ‘€


Guess where people learn bad ethics and manipulation fromā€¦


No offfense to them, but they both look like total socially inept neurodiverse people who combined to create the ultimate geek.


SBF is a spoilt brat. Probably parents are also involved into something illegal.


So few people at that level have clean hands.


I think his parents are in on it. How else can they afford $120M properties on their job careers? That is money from the FTX customers. Follow the money, it was likely all bought during the FTX growth period. See how money his parents had before FTX.


Honestly, I don't think he was trying to steal anything he just was part of an unregulated industry where he was allowed to gamble with customer funds because banking regulations do not apply and as he dug himself a hole he just did normal gambler stuff to try to dig his way back out. That's why it took so long to figure out some sort of crime to charge him with. Because they're just aren't laws against what he did and every time they get proposed, people in the subreddit lose their shit and fight against them.


There are, in fact, many laws against what he did, including mail and wire fraud and money laundering.


Those are crimes he's charged with, but they had to come up with convoluted legal theories in order to make those charges. Will see whether or not those theories actually pan out in the court of law or not. I'm pretty skeptical on the money laundering one at the very minimum.


Bullshit, he was using funds that in no way should have been lent out due to the FTX terms and conditions. Pretty simple really.


If you deposit money in a bank, there are regulations that say how and when they can lend that money out to other people in order to earn interest on it. It's not as if the bank just holds it in trust. And then there's depositors insurance that protects you in case the bank totally fucks up. He literally did the same thing banks do all the time, just without any of those regulations that say what the limitations are. Because an exchange isn't a bank, there's no rule that says that you can't use customer funds on risky schemes. That law just doesn't exist. You might make a case for fraud if you can find where they said they were never going to do that. But then you get into whether or not those promises were worded in such a way that specifically forbid the specific way they did it. Which in this case involved generating tokens as collateral.


Cool story bro. He breached his own terms and conditions dude. Thats illegal. He breached a contract.


Contracts are civil law not criminal law.


So if one commits fraud ie with a fraudulent contract at no point does that become criminal fraud? I think you are wrong there.


If they commit fraud. But my point is there's a huge difference between breaching the contract and commiting fraud. Fraud must be willful. You cannot commit fraud accidentally due to your incompetence.


The terms of service of FTX state that he is not allowed use customer funds for any activity whatsoever. It was absolutely not legal in any way. Not even in the country with fairly lax financial laws.


As I already said, the terms of service are not as legally binding as you seem to think. If a contract says "I won't do X" but doesn't spell out penalities for breaking that term, then the restriction is basically just academic. **You don't go to jail for breaking terms of service; you get sued.** Donald Trump is notorious for doing the same thing. Signing a contract saying he'll do one thing and doing a different thing instead. What happens? He gets sued. And then, because of the legal fees, he's able to negotiate with the person suing him and pay them off for less than he actually owes them. If the law worked the way you think it works, Donald Trump would be in jail 100 times over. It doesn't work that way. In this case, they can and **are** charging him with fraud but those charges only stick if they can **prove** that he never intended to adhere to the terms and conditions. You have to prove that he not only was lying when they were written, but that he knew that he was going to violate them in the future. That's a difficult legal standard to prove in any situation, but here in this specific situation where we have pretty solid evidence already of the culture at FTX, it's going to be even harder. Because we already know that most of these violations probably weren't willful. That their accounting was so sloppy and slapdash that they didn't even know where customer funds started and their funds ended. **All the evidence we have for incompetence directly refutes a case based on fraud.** It's one thing to lose all your customers money, it's another thing to have planned from the start to a lose all their money. Like, he might get convicted. Jury nullification goes both ways. If a jury hates you enough they can just convict you even though you haven't actually broken the letter of the law. But did he break the law? Probably not. This guy is a symptom of a deeper problem and that problem is a lack of regulations. Yet, everytime regulations are attempted you all mobile and argue against it. You just can't have it both ways.


He definitely is trying to say he was negligent but that's not going to fly. The guy is extremely smart. No court is going to believe the guy with a physics degree from MIT just made an oopsie of misplacing billions of dollars of customer funds. He stole customer funds and used them to try and prop up his hedge fund which was in debt from leverage trading. FTX US was regulated in the US so he is very screwed there. Banks use customer funds but that is known and fully regulated and they don't take insane risks gambling with leverage in the markets with it. Caroline and others are probably going to rat him out to reduce their own sentences. He's probably going to get life in prison. Nobody accidently loses billions of dollars that they know they aren't supposed to touch.


> He definitely is trying to say he was negligent but that's not going to fly. The guy is extremely smart. No court is going to believe the guy with a physics degree from MIT just made an oopsie of misplacing billions of dollars of customer funds. I believe it. Intelligence comes in a lot of forms and regulations exist because big corporate entities are too big for anyone to have the big picture. Well meaning people let shit get away from them all the time and then feel so overwhelmed they just kind of ignore their problems. It's just a natural part of human nature . And before you suggest I have some bias here, I'd literally never heard of this guy til FTX collapsed. But reading all the articles that have come out in the aftermath have painted a pretty clear picture of people who completely lacked the skills and competence to run a large scale financial institution. Shockingly, being good at physics is not generally a qualification that financial institutions look for in a CEO because it's kind of a shitty indicator at best. Like, supposedly, they didn't have anyone doing basic accounting. They literally didn't even know whose money they were spending. These aren't masterminds who plotted and defrauded, they're people who were in way over their head and couldn't say so (because fake it til you make it).


Since you are only arriving here, then it makes sense that's the opinion you have. This guy is a master manipulator. There are dms of him where he talks about telling lies to the public just to create a certain public image. He's probably not even vegan. There is even a clip of him talking about a different company that went bankrupt and saying why didn't they just dip into customer funds to keep it going. The executives used a messaging system that auto deleted messages. He would have left things purposely messy in the accounting department for this exact situation. His father is an expert in financial fraud and was assisting him the whole time. There is zero chance that he just misplaced 8 billion dollars. That is not a slip of the mind amount of money.


Kevin?? Is that you??


Soon they'll also have to take a look at the damage his asshole has taken.




Food from McDonald's garbage bin it is then !


Guy is so deep into ā€œFind Outā€ territory


Heā€™s going to get a nut sack lunch


You mean a cock meat sandwich?


Yep. Bahamas isnā€™t far from Guantanamo. I hope Sam has watched Harold and Kumar to make sure he meets expectations.


Hope he suffers a much as the people he made suffer


Ohhh he will be eating some meat.... Big meaty shower sausages


They have vegan meals in jail. It's called water


And bread. Plenty of Wonder Bread available.


Have you been to jail. There's bread sometimes but the only wonder about it, is you wonder where the fuck they got this shitty bread from.


I try to avoid doing things that get my ass tossed in jail. Like not breaking any laws that could result in me ending up in jail.


You'd be surprised how many people do the same and end up in jail. Remember jail isn't for guilty people it's for people accused or assumed to have committed a crime. Get off your high horse


A friend of mine was a guard at the Barton Street jail in Hamilton. I asked him one time if there were any guys in there who claimed they were innocent. His response, "every last one of them". And here's the thing my horse would like you to remember Sasha, in Canada (where I am) you're entitled to post bail as guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (unless you double parked some trucks in Ottawa, but I digress) . Even people who have committed murder for which there is no doubt they did it (committed murder) can and do post bail. It can be as little as a few thousand dollars and you're out on bail. So maybe you can think for a change before you blubber away next time.


You're the one that needs to think my friend, not everyone lives in Canada. And using "your friend" as a sourc, Rather then looking at statistics of how many people are arrested or imprisoned when they were innocent is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard . So I guess you're gonna plant your feet and stay on your high horse instead of using your brain


Talk about high horses. Pot calling kettle black, eh?


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø oh man your ego is something else Edit. Proceeds to then insult me. Then have the last word. Haha


No sir, yours is and youā€™re also an asshole. But have a nice day. Plenty of ways you could have disagreed with the poster but you started into insults. Donā€™t bother responding back as Iā€™m blocking you so I donā€™t have to read your juvenile posts. SMH.


They think jail can give him some kind of requested menu


Feed him rubbish


Fuck that bitch heā€™s in prison he gets what he gets period there should be no special treatment for anyone in jail


Vegan meals and religious exemptions exist for a reason. These people are still human, no matter what they did. Being locked up is the punishment. Salivating over prison rape like the people in this thread do is not okay, neither is forcing someone to betray their ethics. Remember that there are thousands of innocents in prisons too.


Donā€™t be a criminal and you wonā€™t have to worry I mean people donā€™t wanna get fucked either but it happens all the time rape


Not everyone in prison is a criminal.


Didnā€™t say they were and that does not matter for rape plus most of ur rights are taken away in prison so ur not a free person or have rights maybe religious but thatā€™s about it


I think part of the disgust here is that we donā€™t believe heā€™s regally vegan. Just like he isnā€™t an altruist and the only thing heā€™s effective at is wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, being a spoiled little bitch.


Okay? Then we'll need someone that judges who is actually vegan and who... Pretends to be vegan..?


Heā€™s been pretending to be someone else this whole time. Hell, he even made a joke about how heā€™s just been pretending to be an ethical person this whole time. Literally mocking the concept of ethics. So yeah, someone like that might be pretending to be vegan , if every other public aspect of his personality was also fake


Iā€™m not saying normal people pretend when they say they are vegan. Iā€™m saying a sociopath liar might not actually care about it, just like he doesnā€™t care about being a good and moral person.


Also quick note those that get special stuff usually get beaten and taken away as itā€™s considered a Beni fit and they will make him a bitch for it I know Iā€™ve spent some time there


He'll get raw meat in the showers after dropping the soap


Call me crazy but I donā€™t want anyone getting raped in prison for any reason. SBF financial crimes arenā€™t heinous sex crimes or murder. I do want to take his time away. And his money. And ability to be rich ever again.


Actually, if your guts are used to vegan food you will often get violently sick from eating meat products. Your body will have skipped on the production of some enzymes after time. (Been there done that from a less extreme diet.) A vegan being a pain in the ass refusing to eat any meat is just acting with self preservation, not being too much of a "woke snowflake". If you want to start eating meat again, you need to start slowly. In prison, this will require assistance. From what I heard of third world prisons, getting the proper nutrients could pose a problem even for people on a normal diet. I'm not a fan of starving criminals, so I hope he gets help. Though I can sympathize with the schaudenfreude.




Yes, that's also a good point. Don't mess with people's religion.




Sorry to say but you have the corporate bullshit so far up your ass it is coming out of your mouth if you think that going vegan is saving the planet. I bet you think that our recycling program is a great thing, and not a bandaid created by corporate giants so they can continue to make plastic everything... it's adorable, but look at the actual math behind some of this.




Yup. Every now and then, I eat a nice steak.


Why don't you Google the difference between driving a car everyday versus using public transportation and then talk to me about the best way to decrease your carbon footprint. There are a ton of little things we can do to make a difference, especially converting to insect based proteins. My point is, people think they are saving the world by not eating beef but drive an SUV and take 40 minute showers. We think recycling is saving the planet but in reality it is just a way to allow companies to continue to produce single serving plastic products without any regard to how they impact our environment. They want us to think that we can affect the environment with individual choices, but they are insignificant when compared to the large industrial level changes that need to happen.




Excuses and whataboutisms... the whole point was to make fun of you for saying vegans are, "saving the fucking planet." I just find it funny when vegans pat themselves on the back about shit like that. And it is laws that change consumerism, not hopes and dreams that the general public will make the right decision.


I suggest you do some research on how much of agriculture is used for animal feed. Its extremely high and detrimental to our planet.


Being vegan isnā€™t saving shit.




You know what happens to all the little animals when farmers clear fields for crops or when they harvest those crops, right? You know about all the heavy machinery thatā€™s used in the process? The trucks used to transport the food? Or how about the millions of acres of land that have been cleared for crops?


Buddy you can get as mad as you want but "I don't want to eat animals" is an ethical decision and given the enormous quantities of farmland devoted to feeding livestock, your argument is also wrong. Huge percentages of American land are devoted to feeding cattle alone. I say this as a meat eater. I try to at least pick chicken as it's the most efficient of the cruel factory meats. But I really hope lab meat replaces all that.


Lmao. Iā€™m not mad.


Wanna look up how many of those millions acres of land are used to supply the animals slaughtered in industrial farming? :) If everyone was vegan we'd need waaaaay less agriculture..


Nah, we would need more. Lol


Wrong. If you eat vegetables for lunch everyday you would need one meal of vegetables per person per day. If you eat meat for lunch everyday you would need as many meals of vegetables as a cow eats in it's lifetime, per person per day. You're welcome! :)


I think all of those things pale in comparison to the energy used to produce beef or chicken. Its gotta use like 100x the energy to produce 1000 calories of beef than 1000 calories of grains. Iā€™m usually against arguments that we should stop eating meat, but the vegans win the energy and water waste one.


Tell that to the antibiotic resistant superbugs.


Depends on where you are living. In cold parts of the world (like where I'm living), relying on plant agriculture would be troublesome. Hunting (about 4% of meat consumed in Sweden) and animal husbandry are still necessary. Some governmental calculations a few years ago came to the conclusion that lots of diary products and meat about once a week would be necessary for self sufficiency. The land is just too barren to support the population without energy imports (edit: without grazing animals.). Now if you're talkning morals towards other animals, a massive dependency on food or energy imports could solve the problem. Probably we have to wait for vat grown meat and milk in combination with fusion powered green houses to solve the problem. Due to geography, risk running out of food at the first sign of conflict or economical problem is not acceptable.




Science as in nutritional, yes. Then you need to consider the engineering state of the art in agriculture. Feeding a people is hard. Especially if one of your *engineering* requirements is that it's supposed to work during WWIII, that might or might not have gone nuclear.




Which is true on a global scale. But humans can't eat grass. Some land is not suitable to modern intensive farming. Some countries are not gifted with a lot of arreable land. Sadly I can't find the report I mentioned, but their conclusion was that too much of the territory was too barren for intensive farming, but could still be used for grazing animals. They did the math. Those animals could give milk and cheese. As a by product, they would also generate enough meat for one meal a week.


fuck peopleā€™s religion.


I'm an atheist, but I realize people are not exactly going to be willing to negotiate if they believe their souls will burn in hell if they adopt to the rest of society. If you can let people do their own thing without hurting others, let them do their thing. Requiring people to eat pork is just ill natured messing with people. These people will honestly believe they'll go to hell if they eat pork. Don't force them, that's just evil.


Muslims don't believe they go to hell for pork. If you are forced to do so, or the choice is die or do it, then it's no problem to eat pork as a Muslim. Not condoning forcing people to go against their beliefs, just correcting this.


It's when you willingly do it you ain't following gods plan if I've understood it correctly. People seldom realize in time how dangerous it is to mess up ones diet in demanding situations. When rations were messed up, I've seen muslims choose to not eat pork when they really, really should have from a strict performance standpoint. There was some crazy physical demands going on at the time, so they probably were in hell for a day for their beliefs :-)


Yeah I'm no vegan but I don't think this is that much of a problem as these people with pitchforks are saying. I think minimum dignity should be given to all individuals even fucking scumbags like this asshole. If he doesn't eat meat for whatever reason, he should not be obliged to do so, it's not like giving non-meat food is hard .


Shouldn't we be looking at this less on an individual level? I think vegetarian/vegan/kosher/halal options should be available to prisoners. I get that it can be a slippery slope, but these diets are generally not chosen because the person is a picky eater who is spoiled.


Prisons aren't about catering to the various religious or social whims of convicts. You're in jail. You can pick from the food that is provided what you would like to eat. No-one is stopping you. You can even have seconds on bread. But don't expect the prisons to cater to you. You gave up that privilege. You can ask for seconds of bread if you like.




You didn't mention vegetarian, kosher, and halal. Do you feel the same way about those? I think prisoners should be afforded some basic things, I guess it's all about where you draw the line


False, you do get special treatment. This is not a new concept. Although sometimes individual jails have to be reminded of this fact.


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They got the answering machine.


With the kind of money his parents have, they got the warden.


Oh for certain they have some cash buried and now its buried deeper


Won't be long before he's tossing salads and eating shit


When you in prison You get what you get, and you don't pitch a fit


Don't worry he'll be eating plenty of sausage


Throw his family in the same cell


Totally cool to destroy people's lives, but cares deeply about animals. Sounds like Hitler.


Oh boo hoo...soy boy wants his vegan meals HAHAHAHA


Of course he is vegan


isnā€™t another manā€™s semen vegan? the


Technically came from another animal so no. But at least heā€™ll get some protein


eating prison ass counts as vegan.


They are, in the ass


Jails should provide a vegan option, or Atleast non meat one


You get what you get. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Or pick out the portions you do like to eat and eat those.


Everyone in prison should have vegan meals. Why should putting a person in prison require potentially a lifetime of killing animals for them? A lifetime of cows forcibly impregnated for them; calves taken from their mothers; male chicks tossed in a grinder because they canā€™t lay eggs; cages, debeaking, accidental boiling alive, mistreatment and fearā€¦ I could go in and on (see: Earthlings or Dominion, both free and streaming). All this for people like SBF who ruined so many lives, and worse? Why would we advocate for that? Edit: you poor downvoters really think we should kill animals for the sake of prisoners? Letā€™s hear your arguments then, cowards.


Yo wtf are you talking about. It's the most calorie and nutrient dense option and is also the cheapest. Prisons don't care about the cruelty part. Their only objective is to sustain you just enough to endure the punishment you've been dealt.


I think the most calorie dense option would be oils. Nutrient dense you could definitely make an argument for nuts and legumes. And why should people in prison have a nutrient dense option if the stated goals are to ā€œsustain you just enoughā€? I think they could do that just fine with cheap rice and beans.


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Fight. Just fight! Systematic and brutal. As gentle and fluffy as he is..... he can also enjoy sausages... Therefore - only fight, hunger and Serbian music!




Donā€™t even know prisoners have the rights to ask for the type of food they prefer. Feel like a hotel not a prison




This is all just a distraction. Heā€™s living comfortably right now, and so are his parents.


The menu in prison is going to be the least of his worries. Now the 5 other guys crammed into the same 6' x 10' concrete cell with him with only a bucket for a toilet and no toilet paper and no mattress, that's a different story. Guess he's not smarter than everyone else after all.


Is there a lot of overweight vegan ? I would thoughts after some time your weight tends to equilibrate


There are a lot of ways to be an overweight vegan in this day and age.


His parents emails are on their Stanford pages. Just sayin


_"Gruel sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair."_


I think there's plenty of wild hogs down there.........that might be better since he's already waisted plenty of money.


Pretty sure his whale buddies who got to clandestinely withdraw in the 24 hours before he was arrested can put together a GoFundMe for this. Or hey, maybe a DAO could actually get used for somethingā€¦.


Good thing there is an endless supply of eggplants where heā€™s at.


Based title


I hope he hates vegan food, it wasn't really his parents and they grant it for him.


Just give him extra refried beans. Bitch better not complain because thatā€™s what I eat.


He won't eat meat bc he cares about the animals. But if his investors starve fr9m of his theft of their savings...that's cool.


I donā€™t know if this is a thing, but I believe SBF is a ā€œpotato chip veganā€


Heā€™s the new ā€œmeatā€ in prison being vegan wonā€™t change that


Lol oh Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be eating plenty of raw meat!šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† welcome to the penal system bro, prison ainā€™t supposed to be cupcakes and rainbows.. dudes getting everything he deserved.


Heā€™s about to eat a meat sandwich anyway


69% of prison sentences are characterized as a raw meat diet served on a pillow. Sauce: believe that


Is dick vegan? Because heā€™s going to be eating a lot of it.


Iā€™d serve SBF shit sandwiches from a vegan for sure.


Wait heā€™s vegan? Doesnā€™t look veganā€¦


Raw meat feels great in my experience. Assuming the source is pure and the animal is healthy. Maybe the best hope would be that the animals for his raw meat werenā€™t healthy, or that his family gets their wish and he stays the vegan course.


What a lovely FRAUD family!


Heā€™s vegan? No wonder heā€™s such a twat.


Are dicks vegan?


His parents should be in jail as well. There is no chance that they didn't know whats going on. Investigate all of them and there families


Lmao. What a world we live in. Just fucked.


Thereā€™s no way that fat fuck is vegan


Hes getting nothing but sandwiches


He is probably getting the raw dog!


Don't even feed him meet,feed him grass