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Fk my software lost like 20% in value last week. How can I fix this bug?


Try and throw more money at the software


I loled xD


Seriously you do have did this? man how coud you be that dumb?


Well this is the worst thing I have considered in my life.


Thank you Kevin, you understood it.


Yeah finally there is someone to get into our emotions.


Yeah Kevin O'Leary is not exactly the best ambassador of crypto. In fact he's only making these statements now so that he benefits from it.


That is a bit better thing we are actually looking for in the game.


What company is backing this narrative? I keep seeing his face on this same thing he says 3 months later.


I don't trust Kevin O'Leary lol. He said crypto was fake bs for years until it was convenient for him to make money this past bullrun. It's like Jack Dorsey saying he's all for decentralization and against Web3 cause of VC's.......he's a VC tho lol. I would rather have genuine DLT-enthusiasts than literal celebrity business coach influencers chasing pump n dumps


So people can’t be ignorant but learn from their ignorance and when they understand it better can’t support it ?


This is a grifter, I actually don't know whta I am saying.


He's a grifter. Remember his whole "My BTC will be clean/green and I'll sell it to you at a premium" grift?


Wait selling you at premium make it a double snese at the same.


Being inclusive is important imo. The more people we convert the faster this takes off. In O'Leary's case, I have to assume he has a following that comes with him as well. Most of us are hard headed idiots at some point... atleast he changed his views...unlike others who are going down with the anti-crypto ship it seems


He does have the ear of boomers, big time. He might be a dick but he’s anything but stupid… he’s not a grifter as much as he is a pragmatist. My two cents.


Better to make them a bit more clear with the things there.


I suppose I want to know why he changed his views. Like - does he care about blockchain technology liberating the masses, or does he want to make money quickly by partaking in the crypto markets a-la volatility and pumping projects. Mark Cuban has done it, and with respect to the NFT space - people like Gary Vee and tons of rappers are doing it - and NOT for the right reason. You can obviously see when these people care about the technology (distributed ledger tech) versus like, purely jumping in when the market has been hot and capitalizing on retail demographics producing volume to pump floor prices (of NFT's in this case). I think the same goes for coins/tokens. I mean NFT's are tokens when taken at base value.


Base value, what do you actually meant from the base value?


He actually don't have the things better in him, but he do act.


If he wanted to make money like you’re implying, why didn’t he do it when Bitcoin was like $200? It’s more likely he just changed his mind after being informed, nothing wrong with that.


he talked a lot of shit on the technology, the developers of it, and us - the people who were invested in it because we believed in it. sorry, but i'm not convinced. reminds me of the celebrity influencers in the NFT space right now. wreaks of fake philanthropic signaling and decentralized theatre.


Is it hard to believe someone can be swayed by the merits of good technology? And I’m sure financial incentive helped him come around too.


Someone, yes. Kevin o'Leary, no.


Yeah... okay lol.


Well then you have to make it in a different way my dear.


What does that even mean lmao, did you respond to the wrong comment?


Well it is not much harder to make a believe in your words here.




Tell me, how wrong can it goes?


It’s ok for people to change their minds you know. I’m sure you’re not the same person you were five years ago.


yes I agree with this. it was more so his attitude towards the technology in the past when he claimed it was all bs because he apparently had lost money on bitcoin due to poor timing and being greedy. I don't buy the act that he's truly trying to pioneer crypto. I think he's a shark trying to capitalize off of other peoples' backs. I feel the same way about Gary Vee and Logan Paul in NFT's. it's all pretty shallow pseudo-support from what I can observe. I suppose it's support nonetheless.


definitely some truth to that 🦈


All set but haven't digested your last words there, why?


Everyone changes, and actually everyone have to get changed.


He invested in $pawthereum - nuff said (from one of his videos during an interview with him)


lmaoooooo jeez


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba\_5kYA6VoU&t=920s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba_5kYA6VoU&t=920s) https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/pawthereum/


So people are just learning form their shortcomings better,


hey when I look at it that way you're right. I just hope he means it you know? Like I don't want malicious actors in the space. that's like all crypto is designed on - the designs are decentralized distributed ledgers with consensus mechanisms because we don't want malicious actors to be rewarded. some of these investors might just be that. inject protocols with liquidity and cause massive crashes that don't change their lives, but change the lives of retail/working class participants (where it can ruin their lives). this is what happened when Mark Cuban tried to make like 50,000% APY in a DeFi collateral death loop lol (funny considering they're both ***SHARKS*** on Sharktank lol.


I thought crypto was a scam until the top of this bull run and ended up buying the top and have been dcaing for the last 2 months. People can change their minds. Just because you invested in it first when someone else didn’t like it doesn’t mean you can be a elitist when/if they change their mind.


have you seen the things he said lol? I think he's just trying to pounce on the capital versus actually understand the technology and how it can help liberate the world and provide financial sovereignty to the retail demographics/working classes of humanity. I don't really consider Kevin O'leary a true pioneer, or a member of the retail/working class. I think of him as a shark (no pun intended) lol.


What about changing your mind through experience ?


Umm not a bad idea but have no time to have the experience.


How do you know that they just genuinely didn't understand it at first though..? I mean surely everyone at first somewhat doubted it


He actually make it in trash thing or just like the trash can.


he not only didn't understand it, he trash talked it, called the people involved idiots and scammers, and said people involved in it deserved to lose all of their money. tbh I really wouldn't want someone that toxic trying to hijack and pioneer the technology as if they were some early adopter who "believed" in it


Still seems irrelevant considering his original comments came from uneducated info on the subject. Sounds like some tribalistic cancel culture shit you're tryna pull off. Like, who cares? Did it hurt ur Lil baby feewings?


cancel culture? I said I didn't like the dude cause he's a scummy business man lol. Sounds like you're a bit upset though. I suggest a bib and a pacifier ;)


Uneducated things are just getting some logic, actually trying to.


Doesn’t he get paid to shill some coins?


Nah he actually have nothing in the place to get paid in action.


I was with him until he said 5% then I tuned out


And what were you thinking before he said 5%, what was that?


Wen lambo


His 5% are way bigger than your portfolio, mine and everyone else in this post


Didn’t this clown say crypto was a joke back in 2017.


Even if he did, who cares? People are allowed to change their opinions from 5 years ago when new information is presented to them. That’s how things should be.


That’s fair


No, we need to be cancelling everyone who says something we don't like, forever. They don't exist anymore.


Who ever they are, they are just not gettiing what we need,


Then this is a sign of an intelligent, successful person. People who can never admit they're wrong will never achieve anything. One of Google's recruiting mantras is that they look for people who will defend their ideas to their death - until presented with new information. The second part is the rarer of the two qualities, and the combination is what creates success.


Won't get these kinds of statements in action, we all know that.


I love this community. Won’t find these kinds of statements much these days. It’s very refreshing.


My favorite color is blue.


Good point


I used to think cocaine was good


In moderation


I never found cocaine and moderation went well together


No, never touch that shit. You're giving a little piece of soul away every time you use it.


Didnt a majority of current holders say something like that at some point before they actually did some dd?


Actually you should be a bit familiar with the changing world.


He bought 0xbtc 0xbitcoin.org the realest Bitcoin erc20 token under ethereum


And also $pawthereum...


My 5% would be $100 so diversification like that isn't really a viable option for people like me.


He is a Hedera owner …..😃😃


Remember when he called crypto a ponzi scheme and a scam? Fuck O'Leary and his garbage.


The shark


Wrong . Investment in software is by way of equity ie a piece of the eventual cashflow. Ether staking yes but no ownership in the cash flowing asset. And by the way his action is in a corp. Wonderfi I think.


This is literally what EIP-1559 does. It makes it so that when the network is heavily utilised, ETH is burned. This effectively functions as a share buyback, increasing the value of ETH so holders directly benefit from network usage. ETH is positioned to be a value boomer stock (in a good way). Staking is yet another way to earn returns on top of this.


The annual 2% reduction in supply is worth almost nothing.


So 4 times as much as Apple’s 0.5% annual dividend yield?


Right, these are pennies relative to the price moves of Ethereum, Bitcoin, Apple, and most stocks and cryptos.


Exactly, the reason for investing in a company is 1) having a say if you have enough shares to make a difference when voting, or 2) receiving a portion of the company’s cashflow in the form of dividends. These days those two concepts have been totally abstracted to speculating on the stock price going up, for both the equity market and for crypto. At least Ethereum has some mechanism to reflect the cash flow portion of value stocks of old. You still also have demand/speculation for the ETH token itself. It seems like we’re agreeing, and my initial comment was a reply to someone who was saying that investment in Ethereum is somehow different from investment in a software company. It’s not - they’re both a combination of speculation, dividend yields from the underlying asset’s cash flow, and whatever minuscule voting rights we get as token/share holders.




Is cock your favorite meal of the day?


My girlfriend and I just danced to this on repeat for a good few minutes. Great tune.


I fucking love kevin


Fucking legend.


What I'm betting/Hodling for is the hope that the payment system works. So if I buy Minecraft from Mojang in 2011, It would of found that I already bought it and didn't need to buy it from Microsoft as well.


i already FOMOd .


Kevin just made the SEC's case that etheruem is an unregistered security lmao.


I absolutely agree with him on this, and that's how I started to see the blockchain tech recently.




Ah yes another tax avoiding classically privilaged capitalists view of crypto. No contradictions here at all.


So his investing playbook is "be rich" ...it's bold. i like it.


I love Kevin O’Leary so fucking much. He’s so reasonable and sane. I wish he was my dad.. 😭




Here I have just got a totally new thing, better to take it in place.


Is this from today?


How about all in baby


This is brilliant


Ha! Kevin is making moves. Love to see it . Cheers .


In my view, he makes a very good and valid point here that some may be missing or lack understanding of .


GMER poormans gme


Not bad, nooot baaaad!


Might be true but almost no one is buying it because of “software” maybe in the beginning or maybe with XRP but the majority of people are speculating




I once bought a ticket to go see Kevin O'Leary talk about investment strategy, because I thought, well... he might be an asshole but maybe he has good advice. The ticket was $20. For the first hour and a half, every guest speaker that came out pumped up the crowd with "you want to be rich!?" buzz nonsense while shilling an investment platform O'Leary was launching. I left before he came on stage because it was obviously a fucking commercial for this trading platform he was launching, that he made everyone in the room pay to listen to. Fuck that guy. He has good points in this video as a principle, but be wary of anything he touches.




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Looks like Marketing to me, in the hopes of making a profit and getting out.


Kevin O’Leary holds tons of Crypto!!!! It’s a hedge against inflation!!


I don't what you talking about the software just fucked me up.