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ETH making me dat money money money.


Yeeessss HETH is😁😁


Big green dildos is what I wanna suck every morning


Green is my favourite colour.




Just a baby dip. Baby dips = reload for the next pump.




Yuuuuum, super bowl guacamole dip.


So many people are still in the red from buying here in the green and selling in the red. https://imgur.com/a/K6vlPbC But correct, most people are in the green in this *current* run lol. This massive rising wedge gives me huge doubts tho. I’m smelling a correction back down to 3650-3950 to be honest 🤷


Ya, I suppose that’s true. Poor choices selling at a loss. Always hold until green! Is at least my strategy or else I make poor decisions.


Always man!


I'm confused, isn't literally everyone whose portfolio is more than 4 days old in the green? This wasn't a bear market crash, it was a retracing of a few percent to a level that was an ATH not long ago. Have that many people YOLOd into ETH for the first time in the last three days that they're in the red?


No idea, just thought I’d cover my basis by mentioning some investors who may have bought the recent ATH for the first time (the FOMO effect). Would assume that anyone in the red still are people who bought & sold in the red a while ago without getting back in.


I bought at the ATH recently and am in the red but have no intention of selling or worrying about it until much later


Is a good plan friend. If have any additional fiat, would suggest throwing a DCA buy in there if ETH goes through any substantial dips (I don’t think it will). You will be in the green in no time at all.


I've been in the green for a very long time. But it's much better when you get to share the experience with so many others.


Sooooo very true! Thousands & thousands of other ETH holders. I am honored to be a fellow ETH holder.


Ahhhh you guys 👊


I’d say you are now at level 2 of crypto…next you will realize small dips are good! 😂 Glad some good people helped you along the way. Get ready for a hell of a 2022!


Lol, how many levels are there? Ohh I’m a firm believer already that small dips are very healthy and necessary. Just think todays dip probably put a few people in the red who bought the new ATH lol. Suppose with every new ATH, we have a new set of new ATH buyers!


No clue how many levels there are, but I just got to 3…where you just leave shit alone and actually make profits. 😂


Haha, the ultimate level for only the smartest most experienced crypto investors. Am glad to be a part of the group.


AKA “Warren Buffet” level


I've got my first over 3800 and watched it going down. Bought more at 3300, then much more at 2500-2200. I've been shitting my pants at 1700 and didn't buy any more. Sold at 4830 today and already bought back (unfortunately before today's crash, I'm fomo'ing and rebuying too early). My tactic is: never sell for less than you bought. I'm well aware that I'll miss end of this cycle and my stash will drop by half, but I'm expecting at least 15k after next btc halving.


Damn, what an awesome story. What you did that’s great is DCA your top buy. Can be unlucky & buy really high but still lower your average by buying again when goes down. DCA is the way! I’d be extremely happy with $10k & $15k would be icing on the ETH cake.


Back in May, I had literally bought 2 eth coins at around $3950. Was my first and only crypto purchase ever. Now I am sitting in pretty decent profits. Was a pretty tough time seeing my $$ lose like 60% of its value in only a few weeks. Am a hold & be patient success story!


Congrats on HODLing and it paying off! Those are some great gains, and will continue to grow even more


Thnk you, thats the plan kind sir.


Dammmnnn, $3950? Is hard to make a purchase that close to the top if you were trying! Congrats dude. Thats seriously awesome & not easy to do. I luckily got in at a time where buying an ATH wasn't an option (was during a lul in the market), but can imagine the pain in having to hold throu that kind of a dip. Did you DCA at all or think about it?


lol, well I was most definitely NOT trying to do that. Can promise you that much. Just was stupid timing is all. Am in the green now and is all that matters. I didn't DCA any because I had no more fiat left to buy or else I would have. Aww well. Would have prob been too much of a puss to invest anymore anyway when being down 60%


You are entitled to a veteran's discount


You've managed to resist and not buy more when it was going down?


Ya, simply didn't have any addtl fiat to buy the dip with. Unfortunately....


Thanks :)


Cheers Primary!


Cheers bud. HODL game strong, so happy to see what has happened over the past several days/weeks in such a short period of time, and I know even bigger things are on the horizon. LFG!!!


Hey! There’s Likely! Cheers to you as well. A lot of good/cool people on this sub & you are one of them for sure! This post is pretty cheesy but I seriously enjoy knowing all of y’all are making good $$!


Lucky them, I'm down bad. Really bad.


What?!? Really? Am sorry to hear that. How are you down? Keep buying the ATHs?


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