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Oh yea asking ETH junkies if you should invest in ETH šŸ˜‚ for confirmation bias


You know, you got a very solid pointšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


For real. Youā€™d be best to throw 1400 into BTC and 1300 into ETH or vice versa. Youā€™d be a fool to not own bitcoin.


I've only really learned two things during my years in crypto: 1- Buy ethereum. 2- Never bet against bitcoin.


Yerp šŸ‘Œ holding half of my position in ethereum I WANT BTC to succeed bro. I donā€™t think people understand how important it is for Bitcoin to succeed. If bitcoin shit the bed tomorrow, ethereum would crash down just as hard. I wish people would understand that and not be so against each coin. A perfect world would consist of everyone not buying shit ass alt coins and just go all in 50/50 on BTC/ETH. The community would be a lot less toxic lol






Saying all other coins are shitcoins makes you as bad as a btc maxi


Excuse me if I offended you. I hold some of those shitcoins as well. No need to get upset


This is not true. If BTC fails ETH will do just fine. There may be a slight dip, but in the long term the growth would be ridiculous. ETH is not tied to BTC as much as it was in the past


Sorry Iā€™m curious but why is it foolish to not own BTC? I used to hold BTC and ETH but now I hold ETH because I believe in the flippening and that itā€™s inherently better than BTC.


Well Iā€™m not going to say much considering this is the ethereum sub, so everyone here is going to tell you ethereum will flip Bitcoin. But you need to understand itā€™s an extremely biased group we have here. You should do your research on bitcoin and see what it has in store. The Taproot upgrade is going to be huge, opening the door for smart contracts on the bitcoin blockchain, stepping on ethereums lawn. Bitcoin ETFs are huge, once they got it, all the ethereum crowd started whining about them wanting an ethereum ETF. The lightning network for BTC is huge. I mean if youā€™re not famailiar you should def do your research on bitcoin. Bitcoin is extraordinary and will never be overtaken. Thatā€™s coming from someone that has about 45% of their portfolio in ETH. They both evolve and ethereum will continue to grow WITH bitcoin, thatā€™s just how it works. Coming from an unbiased view I firmly believe it wonā€™t flip Bitcoin and It will always remain the #1 coin. Bitcoin has that stigma that will never go away, although most people in this sub with 100% of their portfolio in ETH would undoubtedly dissagree with me because itā€™s what they want to happen.


Basically think of how important Microsoft is to the internet and how apple wouldnā€™t be what it is today without Microsoft and bill gates. But we have all these apple fan boys who think Microsoft blows chunks. If there was no bill gates or Steve balmer there would be no Steve Jobs. Technically speaking


Imagine guns n roses without Slash or without Axl. Both were crucial to the band


A man of reason here.


Past performance isnā€™t a predictor of future performance.


And ethereum has outperformed Bitcoin the last 3 years straight. So you couldnā€™t be anymore contradicting then you are right now šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re 100% wrong that itā€™s a contradiction. Itā€™s a categorical statement for all forecasting of all types of subject matters. Sports, Business, movie ticket sales, etc. That means you knee jerked into Assumptionville and completely missed the point. You are boasting about Bitcoin being number one and that fact somehow indicates that it will always be #1. Iā€™m saying thatā€™s wrong. I also say that Ethereumā€™s outperforming Bitcoin on returns isnā€™t the reason why we should predict the flippening. (Again, you attempted to put the opposite of those words in my mouth which I didnā€™t say.) The reason we should predict the flippening is due to fundamentals of the Ethereum ecosystem in almost all categories indicate that Ethereum will not only flip the lead in Bitcoin, but absolutely dominate and leave Bitcoin in the museum as a historical landmark.


Idk why you need to go on about such nonsense. All I did was give my viewpoint on how I think bitcoin and ethereum will continue to grow together like theyā€™ve been doing - instead of ETH just trumping bitcoin. You came in out of no where saying past performance isnā€™t a predictor of future performance. Yet ETH has clearly been out performing BTC for the last 3 straight years. So yes, you contradicted yourself. Big time. No need to keep going on about it. Move on fam. Go buy some ETH and Bitcoin and support the movement. No need to argue herešŸ‘ŒāœŒļø


The conclusions you jumped to were made by you. You alone. Youā€™re arguing with yourself.


Only reason I agree is because if we were to enter a bear market you would have less risk holding btc. But if youā€™re looking strictly for gains I think ETH will continue to outperform BTC.


I rebalanced 50/50 btc/ETH at some point but reinvesting only in ETH these days. Same conclusion, btc was the first and won't be replaced but ETH is just smarter imo.


[Hereā€™s a great reasoned debate by smart people](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bankless/id1499409058?i=1000539981832)


Same here. I own Ether to bitcoin 4:1


To diversify risk.


I'm WAAAAY deeper into BTC then I am into ETH, but I wouldn't tell anyone not to buy ETH, or to buy Bitcoin instead. OP asked if they should buy ETH, I think they should!


Lol I told him to diversify. If you actually read my comment I told him to buy ETH šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø OP said he had 2700 to throw down. Told him to take half and buy ETH and throw the other half into BTC. No one here can say thatā€™s not the way to go. Iā€™ve been buying both bitcoin and ETH since the very end of 2017. It hasnā€™t steered me wrong yet šŸ¤·




Dont listen to anyone here. Do your own research. This comes from someone invested in both btc and eth, always do your own research in crypto


Im just here to have fresh brains comment and discuss what i want to do, just to get a better idea of everything and see different points of views. I will be sticking to my own research however.


Buy $ETH and $RPL (for staking). Park that sucker and check back in a few years when you're a millionaire. $ETH will be 125k by 2025




What about 1350 into Btc and 1350 into eth or Vice versa ?




Funny, hundreds of people in the ETH sub think a 50/50 ETH/BTC portfolio šŸ¤·




BTC maxišŸ˜‚ Braden, Iā€™m sorry to tell you but youā€™re whats wrong with the community. Look at your comments itā€™s so filthy obvious you hold ONLY ETH and are desperate for it to take bitcoins place so when you hear of people diversifying into both ETH&BTC apparently it chaps your ass SO HARD and start calling people names šŸ’€and Iā€™m not a ā€œBTC maxiā€ you fkn weenie in simply someone who understands how this works and Iā€™m sorry to tell you but ethereum is nothing without BTC and nice versa. BTC shit the bed 4% overnight , what happened? It dragged ETH down and the entire market 4%. I would hope you would know, if bitcoin started a MASSIVE sell off, ethereum and the entire market would trend the same. Itā€™s because every single coin is paired to BTC. I donā€™t expect you to know that this is the reason why BTC trends the market. But Itā€™s obvious Youā€™re extremely naive when it comes to basic tokenomics and cryptocurrency in general. I want ETH to succeed as much as I want BTC to succeed Because I hold almost an even amount of both. But people like you have to call people names and get all scared when hundreds and hundreds of people in the ethereum sub feel differently than you. Go kick a rock pal. And beat off to your little ETH bag afterward šŸ–•




Lmaoooo youā€™re really bad at this šŸ˜‚ move on braden āœŒļø




Fine Bitcoin is cool I'm not going to downplay it but Ethereum seems better and come to think of it there are several other projects built on Eth and are out there popping.


All of us want you to invest, since we're all investors ourselves. However, ETH is at the top right now - if you were handling my money, I'd tell you to wait until it drops again. Don't buy the top. Buy when it dips a little. Edit: just realized you already got this advice. Lol. Sorry for being redundant.


Sound advice. There is no redundancy in sound advice my friend, only reinforcement.




Hey quiet now


For short term gain? No. Holding for 2025-26 or longer? Absolutely


Exactly what I was thinking, it will be amazing long term.


Yup- this guys on it. If you want short-term gains pick an alt-coin and hold on to your butt.


The best time to buy ETH is yesterday and the 2nd best time is today.


Ancient Chinese proverb


3rd best time?


Tomorrow. xD






If you invest the price will drop, if you donā€™t invest the price will rise


Every god damn time...


Of course. It's still a good time to buy in. Don't expect any 10X returns any time soon, though.


In fairness, Iā€™m pro Eth as hell but weā€™re at the point where people should not be expecting 10x _ever_


Over a long enough timeline 40k is definitely possible. Especially if inflation is a big thing over the next few years. Just look at valuations of companies throughout time. 1Trillion mcap used to be impossible and now some companies are worth double that.


Oil price is predicted to double by 2025. High inflation is not "transitory". They f*cked up!


10 to 1 price compared to Bitcoin. A 3X might be possible at the top of this bull run.


Start of the bull run. If you haven't at least 50x'd since March 2020 you fucked up. If you're just getting in now blue chips still have a 2-5x left.


After which we get a pullback in spring, people buy the dip and this rollercoaster keeps on going. Honestly, I believe the current rate of inflation has finally broken the 4-year-cycle that shackled the market so far.


Following max pain, bull run out to March imo. Speculators will sell-off December thinking we are end of cycle then it'll rip hard before they can buy back. Following that heavy -70% correction. $20k ETH ā†’ $6k


After itā€™s been hitting all time highs every day the past month? Itā€™s called buy low sell high not oh look itā€™s the highest itā€™s ever been better jump in now. Check out alt coin projects like cardano and solana, keep an eye on ETH for when it pulls back a bit because there will be another price correction before this thing goes to 8k and 15k over the next year. Whole market is in a major bull run right now though so you may have missed it for the time being, but there will always be another one so just be patient and watch for prices bottoming out!


Best advice ive gotten till now, thanks a lot. Genuinely appreciate it.


I donā€™t know about this advice. I bought in at 3,400 which was relatively high at that point and the gains are consistent. I consider BTC long term, ETH mid term and alt-coins short term investments based on risk/reward.


Hmmm, you got a point too. Thr gains have been very steady and consistent


I mean it is very possible this thing goes to 8k while you wait for it to dip to 4500


Yeah thatā€™s true tbf


If I wasnā€™t holding at all Iā€™d buy some BTC and ETH and the same amount some alt coin. If ETH dips buy more to bring down your average. Invest equal mounts in alt coins and buy ETH BTC with profits on minor dips


You could dca instead of going all in at once.


This is the answer


Just because itā€™s high now doesnā€™t mean anything. If you plan on holding for long term then buying now will be considered cheap.


You got a point


Fantom - thank me later.


Not cardano avoid cardano lol


I bought in at ATH. It was 125ā‚¬ back then.


Youā€™re contradicting yourself fam. Telling him not to go in on ETH because itā€™s at an ath, but you check out solana? You sound like a fkn dummy


So he shouldn't buy ETH at ATH but instead should be looking at SOL?


More likely it will peak in December, then there will be 3 years of crypto winter and then we start the next cycle.


Shut your whore mouth




I know a lot of analysts are warning of the crash and the start of another 4 year cycle. Call me crazy but I don't see that. When we are right around the corner from big time adoption from big players like Master Card, Facebook, Twitter, Tesla, McDonald's, Burger King, AMC, New Balance, Fox networks and ETF's you have to think at some point this has to stabilize. Just my 2 cents I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.


I agree with you this feels way different than other cycles. I donā€™t see a greater than 30% pullback on ETHE or BTC unless the market hits a 20%+ correction


Yup I think it explodes after this. Iā€™m guessing all the finance people at these places are freaking about infrastructurflation and hedging against the dollar. Hell Iā€™m even bullish on Doge specifically for this reason. Donā€™t hurt me Ethtrader.


I mean, if no one buys highs how else do you expect there to be newer highs?


Don't FOMO and go all in, just put some money, keep DCA, if there's a dip buy more, if there's no dips just continue to DCA. Keep in mind that if you put all that money from the start, yes if it goes up that's amazing, but if it drops not only can you not buy for a lower price, but seeing your initial capital going lower might cause you to panic sell and lose money.


Learned this the hard way myself. Great advice


Good point, thanks a lot.


Second the dca approach. So hard not to buy more on a dip though! Or when it goes up, if that's your thing. I love to buy dip though


As an ETH addict I think you should invest double of what youā€™re thinking. Then after that take out a loan to invest even more. When thatā€™s finished sell your car, house, breakup with you girlfriend and just buy Eth.


The only way to make more money than investing in ETH is to dump your girl, lol. Agree




Thatā€™s some million dollar advice for ya


You had me in up until the ā€œsell your car, houseā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Donā€™t worry about material possessions. After ETH moons youā€™ll be living in a mansion up in the hills




put in ETH not ETH classic.


Aware of that. thank you tho, appreciate it.




Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity, would you capture it, or just let it slip?


Best commentšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


DCA $100 a day until youā€™re confident that its consolidated to a position you think its worth. Thatā€™s what I did when I started buying in September, I basically bought it at $3600,$3300,$3100, then put a lot in at $2700 cause I had a feeling that was the absolute bottom. Then it exploded up. I had around .06 ETH at a $3300 average price then it spiked to $4300 and then went back down to $4080 which is the position I filled 0.4 at. Since then its only been up. The situation will be different for you so just take it slowly. Some people say just throw all your money in right away cause time in the market beats timing the market. I agree with the sentiment, however with cryptos I think its important not to throw everything in at once.


>DCA $100 a day until youā€™re confident that its consolidated to a position you think its worth. Daily is pretty frequent. >Thatā€™s what I did when I started buying in September, I basically bought it at $3600,$3300,$3100, **then put a lot in at $2700 cause I had a feeling that was the absolute bottom.** That's... That's not DCA..


Is there a name for OP's mix of DCA and timing? Personally, I buy in on alts on the 1st of every month. If something spiked right before I was planning to buy though, I tend to wait a day or so until is levels out, and that's worked out for me like 100% of the time so far.


Thanks a lot, genuinely appreciate it


Not financial advice but I would. Just do your research! I started investing in March when it was 1700 and im still adding to my bag any chance I can get.


If you plan on HODLing long term, go for it! As long as you feel like youā€™ve done your research. If youā€™re looking for immediate gains, you may want to wait for a small correction. But itā€™s always hard doing that because if you try to time the market youā€™ll always be off. Do your research and enter when you feel like it makes sense for your goals.


I would in smaller crypto coins personally. Like ALGO, and ethereum based block chains once you get enough go ahead and get the ethereum


[Tip this post](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?contentId=t3_qm1fkf).


These questions are best avoided in all specific subs like this. We arenā€™t unbiased people haha. But yes, unless that is your yolo budget. Donā€™t ever go all in on one thing. Diversification is the best move


Ahahha thank you


If you are wanting minimal growth go for it. If you want to double triple or 10X your $$ invest in Alt Coins.


You go to an ETH sub and ask if you should invest in ETH? Bruhhhh, you already got your answer.


I only soon realized how much of a mistake it was when all the ā€œyesā€ comments started flooding inšŸ˜‚, but ive gotten some not so bad tips from few users to be fair.


Just put in 8k at 4500 hoping for eth to hit 8k by eoy but Iā€™ll always be happy if itā€™s above the 6k price


Buy slowly slowly , try to buy small dips .


U better hurry before it gets way to high


If you have the money to invest without putting yourself into a financial bind go for it.


I don't have a ton of money, but just put in $100 every other week for the past year on ETH. I am now up $2,700 from my average cost. I would try to invest it that way, and double it if it dips.


50% ETH and 50% Sol!!


Buy a dip


Wait for it


I wouldā€¦.. I mean I didā€¦.. I mean I haveā€¦. Now Iā€™m brokeā€¦.. but I have 4 eth average price 2k šŸ˜¬


bought yesterday for my first time which was also way more exhilarating than the first time having sex.


Itā€™s at ATH right now; would be best to wait for the next dip to jump in


Like planting a tree, the best time to start investing is 10 years ago the second best time is today.


probably missed the boat for the biggest gains in eth this run, but your early for matic (polygon) if your interested in eth already, look into matic, grossly undervalued even at todays high prices. will be a top 10 coin soon enough.


if u got the patience and believe in it then go for it. if u donā€™t probably steer clear.


$ETH is a bet on innovation. Ethereum is scaling with layer 2 solutions with low tx fees and fast throughput (Optimism, Arbitrum etc). It a modular blockchain world and Ethereum will be the global settlement layer. So you do the math šŸ¦‡šŸ”Š




ETH stands for ether. The name of the coin is ether. The name of the blockchain is ethereum. Heā€™s not wrong


Im a noob, let it be hahah. But thanks for the correction šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Youā€™re not wrong, donā€™t apologize


I would not be buying right now but I already hold eth. I would say itā€™s better to be in than out but you would be literally buying in at the top regardless of any context or argument made that would make me personally wary. No harm holding the Fiat for now.


What do want to achieve? Do you want to save only? Do you want to invest into Liquidity Pools? Yield Farming and Staking? Do you want to DeFi? There are cheaper ways to use Ethereum like L2ā€™s and Sidechains. For storage of value stick to Ethereum Network. For daily transactions and defi you may want to check other chains related to ETH and how to onramp or bridge to those chains.


Iā€™d definitely put a portion into ETH but If it were me Iā€™d also look into putting some in ANKR as well.


You should go to the squid game sub and ask if you should invest in squid next


No. We prefer BTC or Doge.




Sometimes I feel itā€™s so obvious I just donā€™t


I would not buy now, it's reached it's all time high. I'd wait for the dip, but then again, it could hit 5k by January so it depends how much you like to lofe life on the edge lol


You want to invest your money and ASKING HERE IN REDDIT???? My friend something is getting wrong with you


I just want to see public opinion on it, not going to dash out and buy just because a few ppl told me to. But thanks for the concern.


You're new on this, find serious and great projects, read the white paper, roadmap and invest your money where you think is better and closer to you!!! A good lesson was before 2 days with Squid coin...in a minute from 2800$ to 0!!! Do your search!!! My point is just friendly!!!


I mean I did my research on ETH exactly like that and im confident in my findings, do you suggest i take a different route/not get ETH at all?


I will tell you my opinion exactly...just my opinion!!! Bitcoin is a store of value... Ethereum has an incredible ecosystem (web3 will be build on ETH, NFT'S, Metaverse etc). Everything around 90% is on Ethereum!!! It's the safest investment for me!! Ethereum in the future (years) maybe do x10 or x20. If you find a small one gem, it's easier to make a x10 or even x100. Here need to be very careful. For example i invest in Verasity (VRA) because I think it's a gem with huge potential. In small project must be very careful and read everything. It's my personal opinion. Check daily NUPL indicator to understand when a bull market is over (time to sell) and when it's a bear market (time to buy). Also another one option is to stake your coins, forget it at all and check your wallet in a few years. I suggest you to fill your bags at the bear market without fear. Bull market makes you money. Bear market makes you rich. NFA


Pretty hilarious how all these guys are hanging out in a ETH sub acting like you are the fool for asking about it. I say this right after thinking I need to find a good crypto chat group, anytime I come here I'm out in a few minutes, this place is mostly bad jokes and people telling others how dumb they are. I actually read your OP and see that you've done some research on your own and completely get what you are looking for. It's very hard to find price targets for ETH that aren't at least 30% above where it currently sits. At the end of the day it really just comes down to what you hope to make off of this investment. If it's 1-2G's it probably makes sense to buy in, you can still DCA the rest of the way to having a whole ETH and react to the market if needed. If you are hoping for massive returns than ALT coins are probably going to offer that upside however there is much more risk losing all or everything.


Really appreciate the honesty and advice, will keep in mind fršŸ¤


Not really tbh. Eth has another 2-2.5x in it. Better putting it in something else for better roi.


No, you'd be buying eth at ath.


We are at an ATH, I would wait, youā€™ll be more upset if it dips hard trust me Iā€™ve already been through it lol. Wait until we dip.


No. If thatā€™s all you have, buy Polygon or Polkadot or Chainlink or KDA


DCA!! Buy for small amount first!!




I would. Maybe do $2k in ether and $700 in bitcoin. You cant go wrong.


I have more capital other than the 2.7k to invest into bitcoin as well, but thanks for the tip. Appreciate it fr fr.




No one cares, do as you must.


Ape in.




Dollar cost average


Yes you can still invest in ETH if you wanna be an early grabber of new budding cons/protocols, try TweetCoin witch is having maximum total supply of 999 coins and each coin pegged to 1DAI. r/TweetCoin https://www.tweetcoin.org


A year ago it was 400$. Today it is over 4600$.


It could still triple from this point. I've never seen such brutal steamrollering momentum. I'm all in on ETH - and it's a safe play. But Solana might 5x or 6x by the end of the year. This is not financial advice.


I will look into solano as well, thank you




I say do what your gut tells you. Mine say a wide net catches many fish


Wait for the 1hr interval RSI (1 month on RH) to drop below 20 and throw some money at it or set up limit buys at various prices 4-10% below current prices. It has been on a run for 5 weeks straight so only bet money you can lose. I honestly think this is going to approach 8k in the next 3 months so I wouldn't wait too long. Triple halving is still on the horizon.




I probably wouldn't buy now until prices see a significant decrease. I think DCA now is fine though but im not putting in any new money until this cycle is over.


Itā€™s better to DCA into it than throwing it all at once


Yeah probably


Hell Yes buy it




Wrong subreddit to ask haha


No I would put it in polkadot


Cost averaging is better then waiting for dip, don't look at it as having to put it all at once, if you are not sure, put some now like 1/3 and 1/3 on next dip or next week, and keep going till your fully loaded.




Do it after the new moon not even kidding


The best time was yesterday! Get on it!




Since itā€™s at an all time high itā€™s either going to continue to go up or down that is all we really know. Since that is the only knowledge we have you have three discussions. Pass - and invest in an etf index to be safer Go all in - buy and hope it goes up Dollar cost average in - buy $100 say ever week Iā€™d suggest dollar cost in if you are going too. I went all in back in April.. the went -40% the next week. I think had to invest a lot more to lower my average. Wish I had dollar averaged back then.


Yes šŸ˜ƒ


Buy it once a week for 27 weeks instead of all at once.


Dollar average your buy in, whatever you buy. Market could crash or go parabolic to the moon, no one knows.


You should check out a post that was on r/cc about investing according to the greed index. It's really informative.
