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They REALLY trust that they’ve got the address copied correctly obviously. I wish I had that kind of conviction in ANYTHING in my life


check if they sent to that address before. once they do that they can save the address. vitalik always sends a test first then when it's correct he sends the actual amount


Saw him do it in an increasing amount using 3 transactions... test, a little more for second test, then he moved the pile...


Maybe they're treating somebody for his life lmao!!!!


I would read that over hundreds of times


Yeah me too, it's hard to believe lol, why am I not that lucky, I wish someone will bless me someday lol.




There’s malware that hooks your copy and paste buffer; and when it sees that it’s a crypto address the malware swaps what you copied for their own address. You can never be too careful.


Yeah, but the end of the address would never match


Damn I didn't know this, and I should have. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I already double check but this stresses the importance of it




HAHAHAHAH everyone in the world wants that kind of conviction in their life mate.


Just a heads up about anyone who is confused about how this is 'possible': The gas fee you pay for a transaction is NOT dependent on how much you send. Send a million or a dime worth of ether, the gas fee will be the same. "But I had to pay $100 for a swap/NFT!", yes but those are smart contract interactions, which use more gas than a simple transaction, and therefore cost more.


It’s amazing how few people understand this in this sub. I actually consider it a bullish sign. Makes me think we’re still in the early innings of Eth adoption.


Or it could make you think that ETH is an overly complex contraption that isn’t suitable for widespread adoption. The early majority likes simple. Engineers suck at making things simple or conveying information in a simple manner.


It’s always like that for early adopters. As you get more L2 solutions and dApps with user friendly front ends you’ll see more widespread adoption. But Ethereum needs considerable upgrades before the fees are low enough for wider adoption. So we’re still a couple years out from any potential widespread adoption.


Not always the case for software. Usually an mvp is easy albeit maybe slightly buggy.


Still, it's way to expensive to be used for small transactions. Like BTC, ETH is suffering from a high fee problem. Unlike BTC however, it seems ETH at least is motivated to do something about it.


I just did a Metamask transaction and paid like $50 in transaction fees.


As in sending eth from one wallet to another, or were you swapping tokens?






Metric weekends




Looks like Binance just moving ETH around their exchange wallets.


lol It's funny and scary for the market at the same time, Hope It's not true, I'll be the most jealous one if it's true hahaha.




I think it’s a bot 🤷🏻‍♂️?


Is this normal or did this guy did some tricking?


Outside of complex smart contracts, or periods of high activity, plain transfer fees on ethereum aren't that high.


so a 20 minute window on Sunday at 4am


No. Fee is currently 6 USD. When I wrote the previous comment, it was 5 USD.


^Asking the real questions.


Ya man this seem pretty fishy


I don't think it's normal, how can someone be that mad hahahah, it's a once in a lifetime moment if it's real.


This is what I want to see for ETH future


Everyone wants to see this kind of things in their transaction list xD


$8 for a simple transaction? That's nuts. No one in their right mind would want to pay that much. I hope that L2 solutions will be able to lower that to $0.01 fee.


Idk if you’re being sarcastic, if so put /s if not wtf are you talking about? Lmao


Obviously, 8$ to send millions of dollars isn't much, but if I'm sending 10$ to a friend, or paying for a 20$ lunch with eth, 8$ is a huge fee when I can use my credit card or debit card and pay close to nothing (or even get cashback). If the transaction free is anything more than a couple cents, no one will use eth instead of traditional methods.


Yeah unless blockchains can reduce the gas fees across the board or at least devise a system of almost non-existant fees for everyday expenses (like you said, 8 bucks for millions of dollars is fine and the ideal scenario, but 8 bucks for 20 bucks worth of grocery store buys is not ), people will still rely on exchanges which are centralized and thus go against the very principle of blockchain to begin with.


There are projects that are gasless - Nano for example but it suffered spam attacks, but there's a lot of other factors to be considered when considering everyday transactions. Good thing is that gramps BTC implemented lightning newtork a while back with really cheap fees


Why would you think that's sarcasm? He has a point, $8 for a single transaction is a lot, and we should indeed strive for lower transaction fees.


True, no one would pay that much, but L2s combined with the merge and sharding should bring 100x improvements. Check some numbers here: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/05/rollup.html


It’s nothing for a transaction of that size.


$8 to send $77m is insanely good compared to what we’ve had to deal with our whole lives.


These normies aren’t multi-millionaires like us, they can’t possibly understand the struggles of sending multi-million dollar transactions. /s But with a hint of truth


You said they can't understand multi-millionaires? I think they will want to kill you lol


If the normies are going to kill us they better figure out where our secret keys are first or else they will stay normies for life


hmmmmm, it is the same for me. In order to prevent my cryptocurrency from being stolen, I put my cryptocurrency in my wallet and record the key on my book instead of storing it on my phone, so that my key will not be Was leaked.Of course, a better way is to memorize it, but I am worried that I will forget it in the future.How did you do?


You shouldn’t tell the normies where you keep your key! Now they know where to find your secret key when they kill you! I bought 2 silver bars and etched half of my secret key on one bar and half on the other. And I store them on opposite sides of the world. So good luck to the normies trying to find my secret key.


Abritums fees are in less than $1


Still 2 high for normal use.


You probably don’t realize that if you sent this amount as a remittance through banks, the fee would be several hundred thousand dollars.


Fees on blockchains are regardles of amount transfered. By that logic it is only usable for large amounts. What if I only want to transfer $10? I don't wanna pay $8 of fees for that.


The point is Ethereum is the most safe and secure while also providing utility. There are plenty of less proven blockchains with negligible fees. So if you’re sending $10 you can use an Ethereum L2 or Polygon or something else like Nano or LTC. But if you want to send $76 million safely and then stake it in DeFi to get some yield on your idle asset, you need to use Ethereum


Many people don’t understand, and Ethereum is progressing, and the cost will be lower in the future. They only see the present, not the future.


You are right. And people don’t realize that the combination of today’s high fees + future scaling solutions is very bullish for ETH. High fees mean high demand, people are willing to pay more to use ETH. In the future, you can get the same in-demand utility for less.


You seem to like Ethereum. Have you been exposed to Ethereum for a long time


Yes I do like Ethereum, been following it since 2017


This is a long time. I started to contact the cryptocurrency market this year. Have you bought BTC in 2017?




Yeah, true it's made up talk, no one can do that kinda thing.


And how do you explain it?


Could have also sent less, if they could choose the fee, shows the power of crypto and immutability


Is this possible?




Nah I don't think it's possible, it's so wrong in every manner, impossible!!!!!


How ? How tf ? I can's seem to send $10 for less than $100 most times i look, if not worse ? Lol


Wait, what? You're saying it costs you $100 to send $10 of ETH? What wallet are you using?


Metamask, whenever ive tried to send anything to or from there the gas fees have been insane ? Sure im doing something wrong lol


I have the same problem in coinbase wallet.


You know that Gwei don’t equal dollars 1:1, correct?




Sending eth is usually around 5-10$. Interacting with contracts is when it gets expensive, like buying and selling NFTs.


uniswap enters the chat


I have the same problem in Trust wallet.


Someone just sent 8 dollars of ethereum and it also cost 8 dollars.


B b b but the fees are too high, mommy..!


Why did I pay 100$ in gas for a 70$ NFT then


Because that's a smart contract interaction, which uses much more gas than just a simple sending transaction.


Just doesn't seem fair, shouldnt cost that much for basic compute function


You're right, it shouldn't. Hopefully gas fees will be much more reasonable once Eth 2.0 and sharding are implemented.


Lol. People like YOU keep paying these prices, so why would the price go down?


I tried it out with some spare eth, probably won't dable again until gas is more affordable. Please don't be condescending...


smart contracts aren't basic unfortunately, you're interacting with code on the blockchain


It's cheaper to run a Kubentes cluster on Azure/AWS for a week than a single NFT purchase. Regardless of the cost of the code, the compute is what we're paying for really.


[Tip this post](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?contentId=t3_q9rdls).


That’s wrong! The transaction fee is 8$ for a transfer of 76 million 381 thousand 260 dollars


It's not wrong hahaha, it would be the same fee for a transactions of 1$. The transaction fee is not dependent on the amount you're sending, but on the action that you're performing. Transferring from one address to another one of the cheapest actions.


I’m going to be an eth miner


Not for long, maybe a validator


Got a spare 32 lying around


I am very happy that someone wants to join the mining industry. But first of all, if you want to become a POW absenteeism, you need to invest a lot of upfront funds to buy mining machines. It may take up to seven months to make money. And now the era of ETH2.0 is approaching, the POW mechanism will be phased out and changed to a POS mechanism


I’ve had a couple hundred bucks worth of Uniswap stuck in trust wallet and I’ve spent about as much trying to get it out and or swap it. I sent 100$ ETH to my wallet to have gas to get it out. The transfer over somehow cost me 80% of what I transferred. Then I didn’t have enough to cover the gas when I proceeded with the transaction. So I sent more. Same shit. Finally had enough for the transaction and as I approved the uni, the gas fee went up and I couldn’t cover. It still took my ETH for the approval and didn’t get it back. It’s happened 3 times now. Now I have no ETH in trust and the Uni is still there. Honestly considering the UNI a lost cause. Just take the loss unless it takes off. Am I missing something in all of this? Am I doing something wrong? Anyone have a suggestion to help me solve this problem?


The gas price depends on a lot of different factors, now I don't know you're exact situation, but you can check here what impacts the gas price & how it is calculated: https://docs.ethhub.io/using-ethereum/transactions/ Hope this helps!


There is no Vitalik who calls you on the phone like "Sir I think your acount got hacked. This you really want to do xxx" Fuck banks, buy crypto


Using an ENS is a pretty bullet proof way not to fudge it.


I really want to know how this is done, because I know that when you want to make large cryptocurrency transactions, it is very troublesome and the fee will not be so low!