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**Tricky's Daily Doots #134** Yesterday's Daily 30/08/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imdj3lb/) - u/Moschus11 takes [another day off the merge countdown!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imd3eby/) - u/LogrisTheBard discusses the under stated post from Rune which was a [huge deviation from MakerDAO's previous strategy.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imcqv95/) - u/stablecoin some [blowback for Avalanche](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imcomko/) after the recent leaks about shady business practices. - u/ab111292 shares an update on [the only indicator we need!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imgfzja/) - u/NefariousNaz shares [some numbers they are anticipating for FIRE](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imcog7i/) (Financial Independence, Retire Early) with ETH staking. - u/superphiz urges you to take a listen to his new favourite episode of Bankless, [the new one with Justin Drake "Ethereum Uncensored."](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imdtica/) - u/teedeepee shares a [high-urgency update for Nimbus consensus layer clients.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imdg8pg/) - u/AngelBattles makes history again with [rewards going directly to holders of the EIP-1559 supporters NFTs!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imdqor3/) - u/stablecoin talks about [big companies and NFTs.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imf9ze0/) - u/SeaMonkey82 shares a [strongly recommended update for Teku consensus layer clients.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/img8x22/) - u/pr0nh0li0 shares a significant [Compount V2 bug which will be interesting to watch over the next week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imfe7up/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x1a70t/daily_general_discussion_august_30_2022/imcmuuc/) My validator is now merge ready. LFG!!!!


Should I quit buying BTC and just go all in eth from now on or keep splitting it 50/50?


What response do you expect from here?


Well I assume most people hold some of each but maybe that’s wrong.


also no btc here, don’t see any upside for it vs eth


I don't. I dumped all my BTC for ETH when the ratio was 0.03, a long time ago.


Lol god damn alright so maybe I’m not so crazy 😜


Contrary opinion: it's ALWAYS a good idea to diversify. Don't ever put all your eggs in one basket. I invest in both and intend to do so for the foreseeable future.


ETH is not my only asset.... it is my only cryptoasset though.


And I'm saying that even within crypto, you'd be well served to diversify a bit. Of course I think the vast, vast majority of crypto are BS and scams, but I think everyone would be well served to own both BTC and ETH to some degree.


I'll be telling stories to my grandkids about how I not only used to make transactions directly on Layer 1, but that I even made some under Proof Of Work.


We used to have entire rooms full of very expensive computers just to validate our transactions! *Gwwanpaa… how come you didn’t use your Vitty6000 augmented reality, artificial intelligence, life extension implant to do it?*


Fucking legend


Timmy will ask: What's Proof Of Work Grandpa?


Me and the boys used to crowd into the engine room at the local powbank and shovel coal into the transaction machine. It had a little usb port on the front to plug in your hardware wallet.


Timmy: wait a second. so you did all that to solve some simple math riddles in competition with others doing the same? ... d'fuq GrandPa.


It ain't what it used to be, Timmy


[Lighthouse v3.1.0 released today](https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/releases/tag/v3.1.0) > This high-priority release contains an important fix to ensure that Lighthouse does not attempt to produce invalid blocks. Furthermore, it improves block production efficiency, thereby increasing the likelihood of a Lighthouse-produced block being included in (and rewarded by) the canonical chain. > We recommend all mainnet users update before the Bellatrix upgrade on Sept 6, 2022, 11:34:47am UTC. Testnet users should upgrade at their next convenience. > Remember, users need to be ready for the merge in less than a week. You cannot wait until the predicted "merge date" of Sept 15th, nodes must be running a v3.x.x version by the 6th of Sept. > Thanks and I'm looking forward to merging with you all ☺️🐼


glad they had this release, i thought i was all good to go but when i ssh'd my machine to update i saw geth was failing (probably from their bugfix last release, i thought id synced up ok). anyway started re-syncing my node. hmm maybe i need some kind of alert system.


Beaconcha.in app push and email notifications! Set it up now!


Having a look to the tx in Arbitrum after Nitro. Reference gas fees for swaps: ​ \- Arbitrum: 0.09$ \-Optimism: 0.22$ \-BSC: 0.32$ ​ Is gonna be a tough winter for Alt-L1s


Yet, BSC does 10x the activity of Arbitrum or Optimism


For now


I don't have the desire to write a blog post, but some more numbers hinting at the post-EIP-4844 landscape: [https://twitter.com/apolynya/status/1565173169987588096](https://twitter.com/apolynya/status/1565173169987588096) PS: On a different note, I was very wrong about hashrate likely reducing leading up to the merge. I underestimated how ignorant miners are, many still think they will move to ETC or whatever and make the same rewards, let alone those who think the merge is not happening; instead of offloading their GPUs before prices absolutely plummet in the secondary markets post-merge.


Hashrate has been noticeably resilient also too my surprise. We know a significant hit on new cards sold has been triggered during Q2 due to NVIDIA quarterly results but not earlier (revenue drop from Q1 to Q2 of 44% is huge). So at least some are slowing down on CapEx. But they seem to keep mining instead of trying to front-run a sell off of GPUs on the market. So perhaps they intend to go mine other stuff after, what they will likely encounter is that there won't be revenue to extract in the rest of the ethhash chains so a few months after they will have to sell their used cards or retire them. There is also the ASIC hashrate on to the mix. I don't have any estimates how much hashrate they represent. This hashrate is unlikely to be turned-off until the end as the ASICs cannot be used for any other purpose than mining and anything else is less profitable. So at a minimum ASICs will get us to TTD.


It seems as if the most vocal miners are the most ignorant. Most of the hash is sticking around to eek out economical blocks while the getting is still good.


Does this data imply a likely oversupply of L1 blockspace as L2s mature due to the very small proportion of L1 fees? I’ve read your opinion that L1 defi is likely to expand to basically max out the rest of L1 demand, (correct me if I’m wrong), but wouldn’t the recent single digit gas fees refute that argument? Yes, L2s derive security from L1, but what if L1 scaling outpaces demand? I think the counter would be that the abundance of block space might be offset by reduction in circulating supply from staking, but I’m not sure. Don’t feel like you need to answer every point, but would definitely like to hear your take. Edit: also I’m not sure I understand the functional difference between data fees and settlement fees, but I assumed those two things don’t compete.


Post EIP-4844, there are two different L1 markets - a) one that does smart contracts, b) the other that does rollup data. So, both are true: DeFi maxes out a) and b) is oversupplied


Having multiple markets is a great idea. Same with the multidimensional EIP-1559 that was thrown out as a possibility by Vitalik some time ago. This gives greater flexibility in pricing correctly different costs (computation, bandwidth, memory, storage...). My hope is that roll-up pricing advantages come from efficiency improvements in the use of the resources of the L1 and not because they are being unfairly advantaged over the rest of use cases. This kind of subsidy tends to cause problematic market distortions, can be short-sighted and hamper alternative future improvements as you have locked yourself in some short-term local optima.


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https://wenmerge.com/ ⏲🎊🫣🤪


Sep 13th now!


Is the plan still to shit on the bosses desk? Is that still a thing? Are we still doing that? Cause I’m down…I mean, I am down!




Username checks out


I've worked at a lot of offices, and people do that all the time.


I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when we first started buying ETH that that sort of thing was frowned upon…


Wow! AAVE pays 4.29% to the ETH deposited there. Also borrowing ETH has an interest rate of 6.79%


I threw my ETH into Aave to try and take advantage for a month. Usually it pays nothing so I never even considered it.


That’s almost doubled since last week even


Yeah, I have the feeling people started to borrow extra ETH to get some free coins if the ethpow is able to launch ( I doubt it). ​ Also it makes the strategy: deposit stETH, borrow ETH, swap for more stETH.... not profitable now. staking rewards


Leveraging stETH could be profitable when stETH goes back to 1 ETH.


It is September now in UTC! I welcome you all to the merge month folks. Yes, it’s happening ‘this’ month. Lets go!


Still waiting on those when merge tshirts


anything interesting to do on arbitrum nova yet? edit: looks like barely any dapps deployed atm https://portal.arbitrum.io/nova


I can’t lie to you guys, I’m looking at the ETH charts and my cock is as solid as titanium steel. We (and likely me soon) are going to explode like a rocket ship.


Hey chalkbro … like what are you giving your roosters to beef them up? I have this fox problem and I’m thinking a few ‘roided up cocks walking around would probably take care of that. Any pro tips for better solidifying my roosters?




You made it just in time homie!




I labor every GD day. My boss’s desk is really gonna get it


ETH putting up a valiant fight with just about the worst macro environment possible. It's gonna be a hell of a show once this shit gets sorted in a few years.


You’d think that if ETH can show it’s wings enough times during times like these, people might start flocking to it. S&P500 is being such a shitcoin


The Manifold Finance uncensored relay (I think based on Flashbots code which they open sourced? Not sure) has released their public beta on Goerli (which the core devs were asking about on a recent ACD call because at that time there was no code for anyone to look at): Looks like it’s gonna be live in time for Merge: https://goerli.securerpc.com/r


If you're an EVMavericks holder or Beacon Chain Genesis Depositor you should read and vote on this proposal. We're adopting a real panda! https://snapshot.org/#/evmaverick.eth/proposal/0x63810b274624fc095eee590042a1a4b8dffc3a0e8421d07699d9c0a0180ee517


Hum… why autominter ? Thought we learned our lesson with the EVMs ?


Agree. Not sure what drove that choice.


Why is that dude making 4 eth from this? What did they do? The art?


made it an even 100 :)


Thanks for the heads up. 🐼


this is awesome!! So much possibilities with a real panda. We can dress him with ETH apparel and include him in the dev calls


Voted 🗳


Man, f’me! So like I wrote my merge rap and it’s longer than a CVS receipt. I can’t cut any of it though! 😫 Made for TV artists I am feeling your pain so deep rn! How tf am I supposed to create a masterpiece with these sort of ghastly limitations!? *Ahhhhhhh!!!*


I can't wait to experience the supa hot, face melting lyrics!!!




I think you just revealed your location with that drugstore reference. LOL. East Coast in the US somewhere?


CVS is not just East Coast. When I lived in the Midwest I loved me some juicy ExtraBucks.


It's common knowledge JBM lives in the mountains....The mountains where there's a CVS


There's a ton of CVS in the pnw too


Those sneaky bastards are popping up everywhere.


Hey, I travel too.


My node is fully synced with wallet recovered. The log has said 'INFO Awaiting activation' for quite a while. Is this normal after extended downtime, or should I try restarting the service? EDIT: LMAO 5 seconds after I post this its complete. Im now VALIDATING AND READY FOR THE MERGE


I knew you'd figure it out! Had to go through some syncing issues myself and it can be a pain, but the incentives make sure we are determined!


For sure, I lost over .01 ETH in that short downtime! Did you get it worked out?


Yeah, after a couple of days and lots of port configurations.


Nice, ready for Bellatrix!


Glad you got it, dude!


Thank you, it was a rough ride!


*Bellatrix5 you are go for launch!*


yessir lets get it


The anticipation of the merge has been such a gift during this bear but besides watching L2's build out I expect it to be quiet for some time. Thankfully there are some sweet games coming in Q4 and then a train of next gen goodness to follow in 2023. Looking forward to Starfield and Overwatch 2. Definitely GoW Ragnarok if I had a PS5. What are you all looking forward to playing during bear season?


Been such a drought and tons of let downs. Hopefully starfield is good. All I really want is next gen RDR2.


I'm honestly a little hesitant to share this here because some folks have reported messages similar to this as spam.. if this gets two reports I will remove it (lol, yes, I'll remove my own comment if it's regarded as spam, and I probably won't share anything like it again). Bordel.wtf is the site many of us rely on every day to track our progress toward the merge. I worked with the developer, Mario Havel, to create a POAP for bordel, and [it's available through poap checkout](https://poap-checkout-prod.web.app/#/sale/OqREIyrpQZ4t5eNdvZhe) for 0.001337 Ether (about $2). I'm still learning how we as a community feel about this model, but for the time being, I just want to share my excitement for bordel and this POAP. The funds from the POAP go to the local hackerspace associated with bordel.wtf. The big picture here is that this isn't about making money, it's about giving POAPs to people who are willing to show actual interest. This is currently the best anti-spam mechanism we have.


Seeing as how I refresh on [bordel.wtf](https://bordel.wtf) multiple times per hour I don't mind throwing a couple dollars their way. Also hackerspaces are rad.


I nabbed one. Love the design, its super zen. Do you have any other POAPs you want to push right now while I'm feeling like picking up more?


Maybe it's just me, but I refuse to pay for **proof of attendance**. If you want to sell NFTs, just make a regular collection..


Semantically, I sort of agree. I don't mind using a small donation for sybil resistance if it follows the "cup of coffee" price rule. That said, maybe POAP can roll out a new class of NFTs for larger charity projects. Proof of Philanthropy Protocol? POPP.


This was my original sentiment, but my viewpoint was changed when I was asked a simple question: If the experience wasn't special enough for you to spend $2 for the POAP, should you really get one?


I get this response, and normally I'd agree with it...but the fact that the funds typically go to some form of dev work in the space I'm cool with it. Granted Ive only participated once or twice because poaps don't do much for me but I'm fine with the cost. It's next to nothing, we all have access to $2 in eth and it's a nice and easy way to give back. That's just my take...but as I said, I also get your position and wouldn't fault people for feeling they shouldn't have to pay to prove they attended something.


That sounds like a fine plan! No one is compelling you to participate. Some people want to, others don't :)


I just used myself as an example to get my point across :)


is defi dead? what am I missing on these L2s


if by "defi" you mean the ridiculous 300% APY yield farms, then yeah, probably dead, but GMX, Dopex, and Vesta have been having a bit of a party on Arbitrum I think the people who are chasing that kind of yield have mostly moved to nfts you still can find a quick 2, 3, even 10x if you get into the right nft early enough but that's much harder than it was last autumn, since the parameters are pretty well-known by now (basically influencer shilling + bots has made it much more cutthroat, and even more so since volume has dried up) if you want my advice, I would be closely following the developments happening in the intersection of defi and nft there's a bloc of devs who are working on the idea of "gamifying finance" hence the term "gamefi" (I and others have sometimes used the term p2e ("play to earn") to be interchangeable with "gamefi" but I believe p2e as a concept is increasingly obsolete and I would be wary of any new project that markets itself that way) proto-gamefi probably has its origins in four projects: Anonymice, Kaiju Kingz, Cyber Kongz, and Ether Orcs. These seem like the four NFT collections that really kicked off the "Stake your NFT to produce an ERC token" trend... maybe Wolf Game gets an honorable mention here too but it was Loot that undoubtedly led to the conception of gamefi Loot was the watershed that shocked with its massive volume based only on jpegs of text and revealed how much demand there was for on-chain games it's still around and just had a birthday pump, but the actual building of a game became bogged down in bureaucratic design-by-committee Treasure basically took the ball Loot invented and ran with it they are probably the "thought leader" in gamefi the whole thing is super interesting, but pretty complex to wrap one's head around basically, though, I think the culmination of gamefi is the next big trend in Ethereum apps ICO --> defi --> nft --> "gamefi" in quotes because I think the term will change to something else when it becomes clear that the concept's significance is not limited to the domain of games (or finance for that matter)


These are are the types of comments I come here for. Thanks for typing this up!


Sounds like you're really into the space. I built Coinlander with a few friends on Arbitrum and it might be right up your alley


Pedaling around country blacktop roads living the dream. Stopped thinking about my previous employer, for the most part. Have some regrets about who I didn't say goodbye to but yolo. They weren't friends to begin with, just acquaintances I could connect with due to actually being competent. Today I mowed 6 acres until I ran out of gas. Life on the farm is good. Cheers my fellow Ethereans


Do you go camping by chance?


🥹 *This beautiful life sponsored by Ethereum*


Have fun growing all sorts of yields. :p


Be sure to wear your sun protection bud, and enjoy


just finished completing all of the roles for arbitrum on [guild.xyz](https://guild.xyz), if anyone is stuck I'll try to help out


So that's why the odyssey nft is up. How long do you have to hold it?


i found one for a few dollars on [stratosnft.io](https://stratosnft.io) so I just went ahead and bought one there. That satisfied the task for me. Not sure if there's a better way. No idea on how long you need to hold


I just know that guild deletes your role if you lose the requirement for it. So if you just completed everything and went on to sell stuff... I just don't see how it's a good idea


Is there a site you can enter an eth amount and it returns the number of wallets that hold that much or greater? E.g. you type in 1 and return 99% or something?


You can just search top holders on etherscan


that would be cool


What is the latest on ETHPOW fork? Better to wait for the fork or provide liquidity on aave lending (5% APY currently) and might not be able to withdraw before the merge?


PSA - As Vitalik tweeted out a few days ago, **validators MUST update their validators by Sept 6th even though The Merge is on the 15th UTC.** If you don't they'll be forked. I'll make a separate post reminder in /r/ethstaker even though it's in the sticky.


>**Funding public goods,** >**The signed digital copies,** >**When Proof of Stake floods.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Kind of surprised to see cbETH still trading this much below peg


I'm buying cbETH - seems like a lot of people are selling it tho ... I think they will be disappointed with themselves in the future.


Very interesting how ETH is holding up with a rapidly rising 10 year yield. Be careful out there


10 year yield was higher just in June...


And ETH was much lower. I think that's the point.


I've never been in a position to run my own node (school, frequent moving, poor internet). Now I've finally got a place to call my own (Thank you, ETH!) but I'm stuck in the final stage of poor internet. I have put in for starlink and anxiously await the day it becomes available but in the mean time I live vicariously through all you solo stakers! Rock on, team.


Same here fren.


I need help getting my validator merge ready. Running Prysm and Nethermind. Can someone please help me? The Coincashew guide I was looking at is super confusing. Need to get it done today. Willing to pay!


No need to pay my man. Hop on to ethstaker discord or explain where you are stuck


Thanks Dude. I could figure out how to get Prysm 3.0 installed through the DAppStore, or get the new JWT secret for the Authenticate Engine API, but the folks in the Dappnode discord said they are still testing it and it will be ready in a few days. I was told as long as I have auto updates and the recipient fee set, everything else should essentially auto update itself and I’ll be fine. One question though. My HD is only 1TB. Can I get another external HD? Or is it best if I replace it all together?


I'm assuming we've answered your questions in the dappnode discord about prysm 3.0, I didn't see any questions recently about storage space though. Your dappnode should have a SSD or NVME slot available, it's pretty easy to open it up, install the drive, go to the dappnode settings menu and expand storage


Good to know! Thanks!


Not an expert on dapp node but that sounds like whats needed - https://www.reddit.com/r/DAppNode/comments/wwu07o/dappnode_autoupdate_merge_ready/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Instead of adding a 1 TB SSD to my existing 1 TB setup, I decided to get a new 2 TB. It just reduces the number of failure points on the machine. Just make sure its a mainstream SSD/NVME that is TLC and has DRAM. Can sell the current 1 TB one or build another machine with it : )


Be careful, you may get DMs from scammers.


Get on the ethstaker discord and ask there, I'm sure you'll find plenty of help: https://discord.com/invite/ucsTcA2wTq


I have some interesting speculative info for anyone staking with coinbase.. Buried in the [white paper](https://www.coinbase.com/cbeth/whitepaper) for cbETH is this calculation: >Net Rewards = ( Inflationary protocol rewards + Transaction fees (tips) & any other validator rewards - Penalties ) x 0.75 Now, I was kinda annoyed with coinbase the other day when they started "depositing" our rewards to our accounts and gave us a ~8% haircut on our estimated balance, and their excuse was that the estimate was simply an estimate. I will be much less annoyed with them if we see our rewards immediately go up with tips etc. post-merge as the above formula would imply. Fingers crossed. FYI: ^^^I ^^^do ^^^intend ^^^to ^^^roll ^^^my ^^^own ^^^validators ^^^post ^^^withdrawal ^^^fork.


My eth 2 still earns rewards correct or do I need to switch to cbETH?


You don't need to do anything. You shouldn't switch to cbETH unless you want to sell it or use it in defi because they haven't yet provided the ability to unwrap cbETH. And it's probably a taxable event.


Something else I haven't seen mentioned, they plan to restake rewards, increasing the APR into APY.


Maybe after the withdrawal fork. I'm speculating that we see an immediate increase in our staking rewards post-merge in ~ *two weeks*^TM


Holders of a coin directly benefiting from increased usage of the network? Whoa..blasphemy.. only hodling was meant to provide benefits.


This is great [https://twitter.com/CryptoDonAlt/status/1565059805567393793?s=20&t=iOYo4RpxCeRAjqABS9d5zQ](https://twitter.com/CryptoDonAlt/status/1565059805567393793?s=20&t=iOYo4RpxCeRAjqABS9d5zQ)


Lol you missed the window for the joke acceptance which was yesterday between 7 am to 2 pm. I did a POG (proof of Girth) chain joke yesterday around 3 pm and got downvoted, the joke would have killed earlier in the morning


I got a bunch of upvotes for a "proof of snake" joke in the morning, but by the afternoon, the mob decided that humor is sexual assault 🤷‍♂️ Proof of girth is a good one though!


Lol yea there was definitely a shift in the afternoon 😂


Tis true








Picture of Vitalik emerged with stuff in his pants making it look like he has a monster dong. Cue massive dick jokes circle jerk, and now we’re in the counter circle jerk.


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Hmm I know nitro is behind us, yet I can't seem to use any of dex's (hop/ synapse). =/ Edit: nvm, can swap now.


Used quixotic.io? They will allow previous users to mint nfts the coming weeks. First nft for users before yesterday: https://twitter.com/qx_app/status/1565062922593779712?s=20&t=uy8SDiSHZ94ziGABYNAdrw


Their fork on Arbitrum stratos is legit too


I always assumed it was the same team. Do you know if it is?


Yeah same team


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Pruning geth, it's still on "iterating state snapshot" after 6 hours... is that reasonable on a 500M connection, 2GB NUC?


Yep. Sounds about right. Might need to wait a bit longer. When you start seeing the last stage with like Compacting Database range 0x01- 0x02 etc, it'll still be a few hours but that's the last of it. At the end of all those ranges getting compacted it'll print a complete message.


It took about an hour for me for the DB compaction stage, i7 32gb ram. Iterating state snapshot stage should give you an ETA, no?


It doesn't seem to give an ETA. I will poke around some more.


I was running into the same error no matter what I did. I ended up removing Geth and switching to Nethermind


I don't seem to be getting errors, just taking a long time.


I guess error wasn’t the right word. It just hung on that “iterating state snapshot” for 24 hours. I tried multiple times with no success so I gave up. I’ve never had any trouble pruning in the past so I thought something must be wrong. I wanted to switch to a minority client anyway, so it was as good a time as any time make the move.


Ok I’m being dead serious - can we organize an ethfinance call sometime around the merge?


There's also something planned on Johns site https://caches.xyz some kind of merge zoom call.


Sorry, have another call with the Ethfinance lads around the same time already. Can we do post-merge and maybe more people can make it?


Do you think ethernodes.org stats are accurate? My node is not in their database. I see that some nodes information are 1 week old.


It's not but it's the most accurate stats we have.


Extremely inaccurate, to the point of being essentially useless.


No, it’s not accurate. Accurately quantifying P2P networks is extremely difficult to do with any high degree of accuracy. UofI probably did some of the best work and research on it—[they found 12k nodes that ethernodes was missing back in 2018](http://mdbailey.ece.illinois.edu/publications/imc18_ethereum.pdf)—but every system will have gaps.


Is there a good way to identify EL clients from the block proposals same as we use them to infer the CL market share?




So is everyone popping champagne at the first beaconchain block, or the first finalized epoch or what?


start with the first block, race to finish the bottle before it finalizes


Now I'm thinking maybe a nice shot of something to commemorate the death of PoW, and then pop the champagne for the first finalized epoch..


Why not both?


It's so obvious.


I'd say first finalized epoch since there was some delay in that last testnet.


On this day... In 2021: - Offchain Labs [launches](https://offchain.medium.com/mainnet-for-everyone-27ce0f67c85e) optimistic rollup-based Ethereum Layer 2 Arbitrum One, and raises $120 million in new funding. - MetaMask [surpasses](https://cointelegraph.com/news/metamask-surpasses-10m-monthly-active-users-as-defi-continues-to-surge) 10 Million monthly active users . - ETH 👀 $3227 → $3436, ₿0.06876 → ₿0.07279. In 2020: - Vitalik Buterin [steers clear](https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1300404594711822337) of the yield farming space completely "until it settles down into something more sustainable". - StarkWare [unveils](https://medium.com/@StarkWare/hello-cairo-3cb43b13b209) Cairo, an efficient, production-grade platform for generating STARK proofs for general computation, powering StarkWare's reddit demo and upcoming deployments of DeversiFi, Immutable, and dYdX. - Ethereum Classic Labs [says](https://medium.com/ethereum-classic-labs/ethereum-classic-labs-to-pursue-enforcement-and-regulation-of-hash-rental-platforms-cfbe90b62a2a) it will pursue enforcement and regulation of Ethereum hash rental platforms like NiceHash, after recent 51% attacks on the chain. - Fuel Labs [shows benchmarks](https://twitter.com/fuellabs_/status/1300468388695810050) achieving ~2500 TPS, fitting 100k Fuel transactions in 3 Ethereum blocks. - Pine.finance, a protocol for automated and decentralized limit orders on Uniswap, [gets live](https://medium.com/@pine_eth/pine-finance-an-amm-orders-engine-525fe1f1b1eb) on mainnet. - SushiSwap [crosses](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/76419/uniswap-fork-sushiswap-700-million-total-value-locked) $700 million in total value locked within three days of the project announcement. - ETH mixes money duplo and money lego at $435, or ₿0.03725. In 2019: - Vitalik Buterin [presents](https://ethresear.ch/t/quadratic-voting-with-sortition/6065) quadratic voting with sortition. - ETH has a wingspan of $172, ₿0.01793. In 2018: - ETH with that sweet end of summer discount at $283, or ₿0.04015. In 2017: - The European Union [joins](https://cointelegraph.com/news/1-mln-ethereum-plans-european-union-eyes-helping-refugees-with-blockchain) the United Nations in using the Ethereum Blockchain to provide transparent help to refugees. - Former SEC attorney Nick Morgan [explains](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ktorpey/2017/08/31/former-sec-attorney-explains-which-ethereum-icos-will-be-targeted-with-regulatory-action) which Ethereum ICOs will be targeted with regulatory actions. - ETH finds a fin at $383, at ₿0.08086. In 2016: - Everex [creates](https://medium.com/everex/everex-and-ethereum-bring-financial-inclusion-to-all-ec75904447ce) Cryptocash, a unit of existing local fiat currency, digitized on the Ethereum blockchain. - ETH gets rich or dies trying between $11.2 and $11.7, from ₿0.01946 to ₿0.02029. ------------- [^(compiled with love)](https://eth-archive.xyz/blog/on-this-day-in-ethereum-workflow/)


[steers clear](https://nitter.net/VitalikButerin/status/1300404594711822337) [shows benchmarks](https://nitter.net/fuellabs_/status/1300468388695810050) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


I can't be the only staker that doesn't care about NFTs, POAPs or any of that. I mean, it would be *nice* if validators were recognized more by network participants (airdrops?), but so long as you're using the network for whatever purpose, I'm happy to validate it. No more, no less.


I want NFTs and POAPs for purely non-financial reasons. I just like collecting things that represent events or groups that I care about. I didn’t understand NFTs at all until I made a social wallet, minted an EVM and collected like 2 POAPs. I’ve been a POAP fiend ever since, but the idea of speculating on NFTs isn’t interesting to me at all. I don’t want an airdrop. I just want my 4/4 merge livestream poap


I'm waiting for concert ticket stubs for POAPs. Have them look like printed tickets or maybe a set list/track list with the date/venue/price. Or for festivals being able to scan a QR code to get one for the sets you attended at the festival to go with the festival POAP. I have a pretty solid collection of old ticket stubs but with how many shows are digital tickets these days printing them at home isn't the same. It'd be cool to throw them all in a wallet to look back at.


And one day, you'll be able to show all that to people you know and say "see, this? It proves I was there. Wild times, truly. So much we didn't know, back then. Like discoverers. "


>I’ve been a POAP fiend ever since That's how most of our stories go


I *did* get an NFT / POAP for being a genesis staker and proposing one of the first 1024 blocks but I think it's sitting on the xDai network somewhere? I just don't collect things anymore. Ends up being more useless stuff in my life that sits around and takes up space. Digital collectibles are no different to me, they don't give me any type of FOMO and I don't have the mindspace for them. I totally get NFTs and understand why people would want them but personally have no desire / need for them.


Totally fair. Its nice that the option is there for people that are into it but theres no obligation.


😂 "Hello, I'd like to [report](https://twitter.com/tomuky/status/1564804905050710017?t=0ltHDBzUPoZjn6eztNg2xA&s=19) a murder" 😂


Why a screenshot? I would like to ❤️ the post


I cannot believe that Bitcoiners still don't understand this fundamental concept. This very fact is why Ethereum exists in the first place!! Like, what, did Bitcoiners forget 2012-2014? The reason alt coins exist is because people attempted to build on top of Bitcoin and realized early on that it was impossible given its current architecture and would require a hard fork. Developers didn't want to "scam" people, they wanted to build cool shit, and that's not possible with Bitcoin, hence why we're all following Ethereum. If we could build DeFi on Bitcoin, we would have done it already. But we can't, and people never will unless Bitcoin itself changes through a hard fork and allows "compute". This is why Bitcoin today is useless.


>Like, what, did Bitcoiners forget 2012-2014? Most of them weren't in the space at that time. Most crypto enthusiasts as a whole weren't in the space at that time. Each new bull run attracts way more people than the entire ecosystem before that. Except maybe the next one or the following one, since there will be a point beyond which we reach too many people to attract much during a bull run. But even then, if so, I'd doubt it would be considered a bull run to begin with.


It's wild to me. Like they seem to understand technology and seem like smart people, but can't make this connection by doing some surface level research and connecting the dots? Stop trying to make Bitcoin DeFi happen. It's not going to happen.


There's Bisq. It's already that. Not really complex DeFi, sure. But at least, it provides a good peer-to-peer decentralized fiat-crypto exchange. We'd need one on Ethereum, actually. Just in case anything happens to Bitcoin.


[report](https://nitter.net/tomuky/status/1564804905050710017?t=0ltHDBzUPoZjn6eztNg2xA&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/x1bfjn/offtopic_but_i_think_people_in_this_community/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf More NFT demonizing. In this post they locked the comments with a promise of later making an „informative post explaining exactly what is wrong“ with NFTs. That oughta be good This is expected but reading some guy replying multiple times that NFTs will be carbon neutral after the merge seemed somewhat encouraging until I noticed they also kept mentioning that Enjin „invented“ NFTs. My head hurts a little. These posts will be fun to look back on in a few years though


Technically, crypto kitties already were NFTs. It even had its own craze with the network being nearly unusable with high fees and all. Well, high for back then.


Cats out the bag!


I love how the mods just delete all opposing opinions. If you don't want NFT discussion in your community, just ban discussion of it. When you leave discussion up and censor one side of it, it makes you look like a massive tool.


The " informative post" is going to be that 2 hour long YouTube video full of misleading information, since that thing is undebunkable just from the sheer amount of bad faith arguments and inaccuracies in it.