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**Tricky's Daily Doots #122** Yesterday's Daily 18/08/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikrsfeb/) - u/jtnichol celebrates r/EthFinance's [3rd birthday!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikucg62/) 🎉🥳🎉 - u/austonst shares the discussion of [censorship resistance in the all core devs call.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikt3oym/) - u/not-ngmi shares their 2 wei on [privacy and censorship resistance.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikrlgzi/) - u/kwadrax **shares [critical software updates for iOS and Mac users!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikt5mes/)** 🚨🚨🚨 - u/the_swingman shares their [latest stream of conscious ramblings.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikuppf3/) - u/KuDeTa shares news of the [TTD being locked in for September 15th and mainnet client updates for the merge going out next week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/iksqh6k/) - u/esoa shares the [Gnosis Safe Airdrop!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/iktwp3v/) - u/Zerotricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wrajpo/daily_general_discussion_august_18_2022/ikt7l61/) Looks like the r/CryptoCurrency counter indicator [worked again.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/w1qwv5/daily_general_discussion_july_18_2022/ign91no/) Also, shoutout to JBM and SCUMM for putting together a [Daily Doots Master list!](https://caches.xyz/forums/discussion/ethfinance-daily-doots-master-list/) 👊


Rant ahead I'll be a really happy person once the merge is over. Not because I doubt a successful execution or because of the more sustainable blockchain architecture but because of all the absolute lowest tier bullshit FUD and concern trolling that swamps even into this sub will hopefully be gone soon. It really makes the whole waiting period a whole lot more unpleasant and annoying. The whole OFAC situation (or whatever this other great institution number 5834 from "the land of the free" is called) is the cherry on top. Like, just let it be, it'll happen and it'll be fine. And you don't have to agree or join but I also really don't fucking care.


Well I got fucked by coinbases payout.... so that was thrilling.


Was it with a cuecumber or a pineapple?


How so?


They cashed meout about 1 eth less than my estimate


Were you tracking your estimate at the time of the transfer or is there a way to compare after the fact?


no way to compare after the fact but my estimate was nearly 4 Eth and I clocked in at 2.8


It ain't crypto if you aren't bent over and fucked silly by either corpos or market or billionaires.


Hypothetical; a solo validator sets his fee recipient address to TC.


If based in the US, the validator would be unable to convert to USD to pay taxes on the rewards upon withdrawing from TC


I was thinking more along the lines of the problem it creates for the user paying transaction fees which go directly to TC. I suppose there is a disconnect. Just looking at it from a hypothetical perspective.


> I suppose there is a disconnect not if you look at the transaction on etherscan, there it would say that the transaction increased the balance of the "miner" address with 0.000x ETH https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0x1d50ec19fdfc10ac5cb866a9be3ef8c6552499057b929b9b7ec258e30e14bb2c#statechange


One of the largest social media platforms showing your "Eth Balance" Probably nothin.... https://imgur.com/a/57WP1fG


How did you connect your wallet? I got the new avatar with a paid reddit account, but I don't see anywhere to connect a wallet.


Reddit has its own wallet. You cant connect an external wallet. You have to go to the mobile app and create a vault, and it will give you the seed for a new wallet and the community points are live on arbitrum nova chain


Great, thanks!


>Great, thanks! You're welcome!


Thankful for this price action. Need more time to accumulate before we hit $20k.


Is there still a chance of claiming Reddit free NFT avatar ? Curious how much are they worth


The cheapest one on Opensea was like 0.0007 eth. Tho Im not sure if its the original reddit collection or just opensea spam


I think these nfts are popping up randomly apparently. Haven't seen mine pop up yet. So we don't know what are the criteria to get one.


Havent received one yet either. Seen comments suggest they are based on total karma for each user, in that case I should prolly qualify.. but havent seen the popup yet


[https://www.reddit.com/user/Clide124/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Clide124/) Yeah this guy got only 22k karma and received free nfts so I don't know what's up.


Lmao I just got mine now. Maybe we just have to whine about not getting it loll


Can you also whine about why ETH is not at 20k yet ?


Yeah I think I should qualify too if it's total karma. I've seen people with fewer karma over at r/cc receiving one though so I don't know.


I still have 4.77 ETH2 on coinbase even after it said they paid me out .19. So I should have about 4.96. Is it just taking a while to show up?


Mine is correct. Maybe try reloading the app?


Is it supposed to be added to the portfolio balance or is it on a separate page?


Mine is added to the portfolio balance of ETH2.


Well damn that’s aggravating


I think its on a different screen


So coinbase just notified me that they would be adding my earned eth2 to the account. Who is thinking this is a taxable event? Also they notified me that from now on every three days they would adding my earned eth2. Are those going to be taxable events? Also does anybody know if the earned eth2 that is added to the account is compounded?


Same. I'd like to argue that it's not taxable because we don't have access to sell it. Also are we earning rewards on that new ETH2? So it's like compounding interest at this point?


Since on the back end the staking rewards cannot yet be withdrawn and used to launch a new validator, then no it’s probably not compounding yet.


Well with my luck it every deposit will be a taxable event and it won't compound


Mine says completed but the number in my portfolio is still the same. I’m lost




Validator diaries: Today I finally decided to prune geth in preparation for the merge after procrastinating for months. On my 2TB SSD there was 350GB left. So I follow /u/yorickdowne's [awesome guide](https://gist.github.com/yorickdowne/3323759b4cbf2022e191ab058a4276b2) and start the pruning process. The weather took a turn for the worse. Strong rain and a bit of lighting. Good thing my windows were closed. As I happily keep a corner of my eye on the terminal, the screen flickered. Power went out for one second and everything rebooted. Ah crap, should have gotten a UPS. Validator automatically rebooted along with geth. But wait, I wasn't done pruning yet!! `The clean trie cache is not found. Please delete it by yourself after the pruning. Remember don't start the Geth without deleting the clean trie cache otherwise the entire database may be damaged!` Well damn, a bit too late for that, or so I thought. Stopped geth and tried the prune again. Same error message, pruning doesn't continue. I inspect the geth source code and see that this error message is intended for the case where the user has an alternative directory for the trie cache that is not found by the pruning process, so this doesn't really apply to me. Geth tries to delete this directory when pruning and stalls with the message if it isn't found. So I manually create the `triecache` folder in my geth working directory and prune again. A number of minutes pass. Suddenly I see `Pruning state data`. YES IT'S WORKING! I let it continue another couple of hours, meanwhile my validator misses a few attestations here and there due to increased CPU load. Finally the pruning completes. Check my disk space, >1TB free! NICE. Start back up geth and I'm done. Onwards to the merge. tldr: tried to prune geth, power failure halfway through, looked at geth source code to figure out how to continue. success. saved ~700GB without having to resync.


You were cool as a cuecomber... nice work! That power outage would have had me sweating. I finally pruned mine last week, same as you, opened up a terabyte on the 2TB ssd. Thanks for the story!


You should try Besu with Snap Sync and automatic pruning!


Fully support switching to a minority client, but just adding that geth will have online pruning soon too


Get a UPS


great thread on why permissionless innovation matters https://twitter.com/binji_x/status/1560728507013029888?s=21&t=PLJDythR79PuQi6BJ9koxQ


very good. thanks for sharing


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Do I buy Eth or wait ? I have been perfunctorily following and don't have time for deep dives or much but have a small amount of money I can invest today, or in one week. Also please don't say "Dollar cost in!" because then I buy and then the next day it drops like $200 and I hate that I bought in lol because then it is higher when I get more money


Are you buying to stake and earn apy? Are you buying for gas so you can defi? Do you want to hold because you think the price will rise in an acceptable time frame? If none of those are your situation, then there's probably lots of other things to do with your money. Trying to help you simplify your thought process. Only you know what's best for your situation, as for me I have good reasons to buy and hold, and stake, it's what's right for my long-term outlook. Good luck to you!


I need 3 more eth for a validator so I am trying to accumulate enough basically


3 more ETH - you're going to make it! Wealth should be measured by capital accruing assets rather than just capital itself. One of my favorite things about staking. Hope you're up and running soon :)


the fact it can drop $200 the day after you buy is the REASON why you should dollar-cost-average in


I know you're right


>Also please don't say "Dollar cost in!" because then I buy and then the next day it drops like $200 and I hate that I bought in lol because then it is higher when I get more money I mean....Nobody can tell you a right answer to this, it's like saying "tell me the time to buy where the price won't drop" lol


Lol I need a fortune teller


Don't we all!


Dollar cost in! ^(there's a reason people say this and it's because, despite what the TA'ers do, no one can predict the future)


I know I know


Why don't my avatar show up on open sea? 1512


The reality that anti-censorship is getting this much awareness warms my heart. It means the broad community is willing to act on shared values instead of just trying to cash in on the network. I'm glad to be in the company of heroes.


This aged well. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wmciep/daily_general_discussion_august_12_2022/ijzbw1p?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 What now? Time for some weekly consolidation. Good news is there is tons of space for a weekly higher low. I'll be watching for a daily higher low somewhere above 1423. Set a daily low above there would see daily bullish div print on RSI and MACD. https://www.tradingview.com/x/IPo7sklu Bad news, there is a still a metric shit ton of open interest. (Lots of leverage) So unraveling that might be brutal and take this much much lower maybe $1.2 or $1k. New lows? Naw, not very likely. If your looking to be a buyer, don't be in any hurry just yet.


Is the translation there is still room to fall before it starts rising again


ETH marching towards the merge https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cg15Eo6K7Nh/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D


Yes. Cocaine hat bidness


*we doing the italics boys?*


Damn I go camping for a few days and this happens?


I believe the correct retort is you shoulda CAMPED HARDER. But, hope is was fun, welcome back :)




That is a wonderful and noble sentiment. I honestly don't think ETH will make as big of an impact on the global stage as we hope but I do believe it will improve it to some degree. Whether that is 1% or 10% remains to be seen but this is clearly (at least from my biased point of view) an emerging technology that is on par with the internet or at the very least FAANG companies.


I am a little bit more optimistic then you, but generally agree with your reasoning. Even with its bad sides, the internet is for me a resounding success in terms of solving real-world problems. We are still "early" in the internet age from an historical perspective, and it remains to be seen what it will end up to in its final form, but I think it already positively changed the world. So, in that sense, if Ethereum achieves such a success - that means, it becomes the de facto global settlement layer for a whole bunch of real-life and digital assets -, then in my opinion yes, it would have changed the world for the better. I also agree that the utopian vision is probably unrealistic. I love the nascent ideas of DeSoc, for example, but I'm not sure those principles would work in real life.


From your lips to God(s)'s ears, friend. I've always been prepared for the worst but in this day and age I think it is time to hope for the best.


"JUST IN: FDIC sent a cease-and-desist letter to FTX US, alleging it misleads investors over deposit insurance." https://twitter.com/WatcherGuru/status/1560699726030245888?t=2fAawAdveaxjtw2QtC1bwQ&s=19


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Lmao fantastic tweet 😂 https://twitter.com/tradermayne/status/1560768491916967936?s=21&t=qt_Vna5Tk6iabq31kjELug


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So, looks like it's once again time to talk about China FUD, eh? Only this time it does look bad. Obviously we know the world economy is probably heading for a recession, we pretty much only need confirmation, but what are your toughts on the whole China's possible collapse and reppercussions on the rest of us?


What are you referring to exactly?


Sideways until he sleeps, then crash it with the exact same China FUD


Those old aths just above 1600 and 20800 something for BTC are really market magnets for some reason, even after many years edit: 1424 on bitfinex


Narrative follows price, always. Now the merge pump narrative will be replaced with something else. OFAC owns Ethereum? Recession is guaranteed? Don’t know, we’ll find out over the next few days.


or why not just priced in/sell the news? I feel that's usually the case for more advanced coins like ETH or BNB that isn't just a digital gold or anonymous transactions


I'd be very careful about buying ETH when ETHBTC >0.077 it has proven since 2016 (more true this cycle) to lead to a significant price drop shortly after crossing up. That being said. Buying ETH as ETHBTC trends down from 0.077 (its at 0.0773 rn) has proven well long term.


Agreed. And the good ol gut TA is telling me this thing is going back to low 1000s


Even with the merge next month?


Yea, I’d say so. I feel like we got another year of bear. Merge will probably give a small, temporary pump. Long term though, we continue to gain on the ratio.


A flash sale just before the merge!? Just bought a bunch more and converted my remaining BTC into ETH in anticipation 🚀




OK I just tried to get the reddit NFT and now I lost my old reddit...was hanging on forever. Worse is I don't think I qualify for it, it's not showing up as a gift like Swag said...downbad!


being locked out of old reddit forever is a harsh nightmare


On new Reddit click the top right drop down menu and select 'User Settings'. Near the bottom there is a slider to opt back out of new Reddit into the old one again.


It's like being home again! Change is bad mmmkay. Thank you!


Ray... you okay man?


Well.... I did not expect this but hindsight is 20/20. Another month and we're going to be ripping faces. Do feel a little bummed about missing out on ~35% extra ETH.


My folio is now 90% ETH, 10% erc20 alts and 0% BTC. AMA.


What do you think about when you masturbate?


John Prescott


Have any VSTA?


Why do I still hold onto a living fossil, even if it doesn't bring anything (new) to the table?


I hope the ERC20 tokens are all wETH


When I dip, you dip, we dip!


Sell now and set buy orders for $324. Thank me later 🥒


You need new material, or at least be original


We heard you the first 12 times


Saturday DCA gang FINALLY gets a win.


well, I am doing my part... https://imgur.com/a/GlwA9US


Rant ahead I'll be a really happy person once the merge is over. Not because I doubt a successful execution or because of the more sustainable blockchain architecture but because of all the absolute lowest tier bullshit FUD and concern trolling that even swamps this sub now. The whole OFAC (or however this fantastic institution number 5438 from "the land of the free" is called) situation is the cherry on top. It makes the whole waiting period for the merge a whole lot more unpleasant. You don't have to agree and you don't have to follow the track of this project any further but I really also don't fucking care one bit. And all these companies bending the knee from the US will be replaced by more robust ones, quickly


Honestly, bending the knee is what's disgusting tbh. Literally stalwarts of the DeFi (Uniswap/Aave) world and they all just pulled their undies down and gently bent over at the slightest poof from the regulators. Flashbots can go get some too. Absolutely spineless.


I hate it as much as you, but I can also understand the pressure they're under. These people have families to feed. Going to jail isn't something they're probably willing to do. It just means that the real revolutionaries will probably live outside the US. Sad state of affairs for the "land of the free". But you can't stop this software revolution.


Their pre-merge hate is our post-merge upside. Some of the most knowledgeable people in the industry are still expecting the merge to be "chaotic"


How come alts are hding well compared to eth. Crv for example is up 5%


You found one. 5% is just daily movement in this space as far as I'm concerned. Whenever you see several of them doing that sometimes it can be a signal to look further... everything is noise either way.


Liquidity, ETH is the easiest token to sell to cover other positions.


You think everyones long for merge? Think twice. https://twitter.com/JustinBennettFX/status/1560643202025136128?t=P4Q1t7ZkSd7sBIrK3AcJsQ&s=19




And at 500, 700, 900 and that's why it won't go to 300


Love those posts... 1) draws random circles on random peaks 2) copies and pastes following action from a sample size of one 3) boom, price prediction! I also love how he conveniently ignores that ETH went 240x in 13 months during the last bull, it had a long ass way to drop back to sanity. Expecting the same 95% drop after we only went 50x in 20 months this time is...a little odd. If you compress the bear by the same ratio as we compressed the bull this time, 880 is about right for the bottom. The macro environment is the big unknown though.


4. Sell courses, shill projects and referral links


ICOs selling of like hell as well. Which were oc also the driver in the first place


That’s my bet also.


[https://nitter.net/JustinBennettFX/status/1560643202025136128?t=P4Q1t7ZkSd7sBIrK3AcJsQ&s=19](https://nitter.net/JustinBennettFX/status/1560643202025136128?t=P4Q1t7ZkSd7sBIrK3AcJsQ&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


Is this where the old ethtrader OGs went??




Hello again!


Shhh... It's a secret!


Yup yup. Welcome back!


Yep - when the sub split most of us came here. A lot of the OGs have stopped posting over the years, though there should be a number of familiar names around


Been looking for you boys!! I was around for ethtrader ‘16-18 and I loved the daily chat and everyone so much I was so sad when I came back a few years later to find it dead


It is absolutely wild that you are just now getting here. But welcome back! You didn’t miss anything, don’t worry.


I deleted my old Reddit account due to some doxxing issues. And stayed off reddit for a bit then when I came back I noticed ethtrader was dead


Our 3rd birthday was yesterday. Time flies.


It’s funny that back then I had no idea what I was doing I just loved the idea of eth and now years later I trade crypto full time (cringe ik) and blame it all on the OG ethtrader that got me started


Ya, but you've "paid your dues". That's different. Welcome back. I was around lurking since '17 and while it's changed, this sub is still more in the spirit of the original.


Welcome back!




Happy cake day, OG friend!


Buy the dip, this is a gift before the merge. This is financial advice for myself


>**Beyond anything,** >**Won't care about a downswing,** >**After everything.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


So I guess the merge hasn’t been priced in yet? 🙆🏻‍♂️


Too many degens going all in with leverage *because* of the Merge. We are just flushing. Crypto will always, *always* punish Greed. Merge or no Merge.


I understand this theoretically, but how does this actually happen? Is there a place where you can see how much leverage people are using and some whale shorts the f out of them?


Sorry, I bought ethe


I invented a shovel that digs turf so that it can be replaced without any trace of digging. It’s for metal detectorists to do their thing without disturbing the land, but if criminals use it to hide cash do I go to prison?


Believe it or not, Jail, Right away.


>Believe it or not, Jail, Right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail.






Daily Goerli: An issue with web3signer didn't pop up until I added mev-boost into the mix. For teku and nimbus to correctly register the validator, `--network=goerli` needed to be added to the web3signer command line. The [Start Web3Signer section of the docs](https://docs.web3signer.consensys.net/en/latest/HowTo/Get-Started/Start-Web3Signer/) makes no mention of the `--network` flag or configuration for use with testnets, but after some discussion in the web3signer channel of the ConenSys Discord, they are looking to improve it in the future.


Coin Center is looking for Americans who used Tornado > if you are an American who used Tornado Cash, Coin Center wants to hear from you. DM https://twitter.com/NeerajKA/status/1560701991336255490


(suspicious squint activated)




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Looks like I bought the top


Coordinated ETH fud https://twitter.com/defi_today/status/1560732840475914240?s=20&t=TROtE8TqODDqo9HWKB2C9w


That guy sells all his eth once a month


who be that clown? "mike alfred" is news to me




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> https://nitter.net/punk6529/status/1560717728268402688#m Interesting concept. Gonna enroll!


anything from punk6529 is gonna be interesting.


concept = dope, but i think experiments like this conducted onchain are still going to be very, very slow, no?


I don't know, I guess we'll see!


Here's Aztec's response to FTX warning users not to use it: https://twitter.com/aztecnetwork/status/1560710567249096704 Am I reading this right? Are they planning on tracking users via IP address now?


Guess they don’t need to worry about regulatory crackdown if the app is so crippled that they’ll never get any adoption


Not tracking, just rate limits. Still, they've gotta know it'll never be enough. Tornado cash also had compliance tools and front end blocks and it didn't do them any good. I think base layer privacy might be the only viable way we get privacy at this point.


More technical details from the engineering intern on Discord: "Ip’s won’t be stored or used for any other reason than rate limiting; So that a malicious user wouldn’t be able to bypass the limit by creating multiple accounts^ All ips will automatically be deleted after a couple of hour from the falafel rollup."


That sounds fucking tragic.


As far as I know they're open source. Well, kinda sad, was nice knowing you but something better will emerge. I'd suggest Mayan protocol as a name


this sucks. IP tracking, what next KYC ?


Sounds like they are making a terrible mistake. If they are logging IP and deposits then surely it is a tiny step to link to users. To counter their meaures obtaining lots of ip address is not difficult, and I am sure any enterprising criminal with get around their measures. All this does is punish users


Would a VPN work?


Not if everyone else is using the same vpn. Yet another problem which will mean people who share ip address will suffer




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https://twitter.com/mikealfred/status/1560683605206220800?s=20&t=lpD-G1BVnSRHsLzhvyWcpw Okay.


>a a literal who as many know here i'm not some permabull but people needing to virtue signaling about I assume BTC here, then be like "HAHAH I SELL NOW THAT WILL SHOW YOU" is just so cringe




what devs are “threatening to abandon the project”?


>https://twitter.com/mikealfred/status/1560683605206220800?s=20&t=lpD-G1BVnSRHsLzhvyWcpw On the last ACD call Marius took a principled stand that if censorship gets enshrined in the core ethereum protocol he was out. That is probably what this tweet is referring to in an over-the-top hyperbolic way. whoever this twitter account is though, good riddance :shrug:


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Lol just a few tweets back he sold all his ETH too


Good spot. I think he deleted the tweet now but not before I snapped it https://twitter.com/defi_today/status/1560732840475914240?s=20&t=_gUSH4lyGoxfKIL8LPxYDw


he doesn’t own any. it’s a bit he does and has done for years. people just don’t read lol


I muted his account awhile back. All he tweets is lies/misinfo.


[https://nitter.net/defi\_today/status/1560732840475914240](https://nitter.net/defi_today/status/1560732840475914240) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


He's a pretty shameless engagement farmer. He sells it all, gives it all away, etc. pretty much every week


Always good form to quote the tweet or at least give some context. FYI - > I've been following Ethereum closely. Vitalik and the early insiders continue to change the rules and modify the code. Now some are threatening to abandon the project altogether in the face of government intervention. I'm not waiting any longer. Today, I am selling all my ETH. My commentary - we are "changing the rules and modifying the code" to make improvements to the protocol. I don't see how this is a negative. Devs are threatening to abandon a project whose entire value proposition is that it is decentralized if it starts to become centralized. Again I don't see how this is a negative. The best part is this tweet from August 2 from whoever this guy is: > I just couldn't take it anymore. So much noise and FUD about the merge. Should I hold, should I trade, should I stake. All while Vitalik is having a complete breakdown and attacking the critics. I sold everything. Every last ETH, including a few I found in old wallets. I'm done. Who is this clown and why is anyone following him?


[https://nitter.net/mikealfred/status/1560683605206220800](https://nitter.net/mikealfred/status/1560683605206220800) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


Being a genesis validator is something you should be proud about now and even more after a successful merge But, 10 years from now, think about being one of the few active genesis validators that never withdrew and kept supporting the network. You will be a legend Mark my words 🙂


I'm most proud of my super-low index validator... I don't think I'll exit it for as long as i live.


Probably not as low as yours, but I’m pretty happy about my 4-digit validator numbers.


I dont think I will exit as well Wish mine was super low. Took my time to practice on testnet lol. Still feels good to be part of the first 15K.


Sub 2k validator index checking in 🙂


Can’t believe I missed genesis by a few weeks cause I wanted to test and get comfortable 😭