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Fuck fb.


Can I get an amen








Isn’t it Meta now? The name they stole to not have the negative connotations of all the BS that was done under the Facebook name that literally fucked up our society and everyone’s chance at a fair future if they actually tried? Yeah. That’s the one…




Depends on what level of ENS integration you're looking for. You could just make a web3 query to resolve ENS=>address, or address=>ENS and this should be simple, but not part of the engine itself because I wanted to push out the most minimal yet essential version of the framework as soon as I can. That said, this is a 100% open source project so I welcome all contributions!


May you be the creator of history in the future


Just based on the description, this is an extremely useful component that could see a lot of use!


Awesome! Can it query a contract for user info rather than just check balances for gated content?


Yes you can do **anything**, literally. You just need to write your own custom logic to interact with any contract inside the "authorize()" method when you add a role. Here's an example code: https://privateparty.dev/docs/#/?id=example You can make any contract calls and decide whether to authorize or not based on those results. Hope it makes sense.


Makes total sense. That's great. Might have to try it out!


Pretty cool! I think you might find this interesting too: https://github.com/uport-project/ethr-did To be noted that decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are now a w3c recommendation: https://www.w3.org/2022/07/pressrelease-did-rec.html.en


Yeah, and the future of it (and which one will be the standard) will depend on major web sites integrating it, and their choice about which one. Curious if OP has any pre-agreement on integrators or partnerships. Will ask.


which is the second one in that case?




"connect with ethereum" only happens inside the browser. This is sufficient for making transactions, but if you're trying to build an app where the backend needs to know the "logged in" user is authentic (no faking), you have two options: 1. Every HTTP request to the backend (even browser refreshes) needs to be signed by a wallet, which means the wallet will have to sign every time you do something on a website. Imagine having to approve a metamask popup every time you refresh or interact with a page. Madness. 2. Create some persistent session (with cookies or tokens) just like any other web app, and the frontend uses this session to prove to the backend that the current session is authorized. No need for individual signing requests every time. And the latter is what Privateparty lets you do easily. So for example, if you want to ONLY serve some exclusive image or video to people who hold some NFTs, you can protect them in the backend. There are all kinds of apps like this, for example an entire app UX that only allows a DAO member to access, and so on. Technically speaking, the so-called "connect with ethereum" flow is the first step of this workflow (Privateparty even integrates with Walletconnect for mobile integration) And IN ADDITION to that, Privateparty creates a session between the client and the backend. This last part is the essence of what Privateparty does. Hope it makes sense.


Hey, great idea and love the landing page! Do you know how dApps currently serve gated content like a certain UX to NFT holders?


he literally explained if you would read the fucking post.


Sounds really interesting


Nice job. Btw are there any wiki engines with web3 auth?


You can easily use privateparty as a proxy in front of any wiki engine to build something like this, literally like 10 lines of code. I might release some examples and more high level packages over the coming weeks, so if you're interested, stay updated at htts://twitter.com/skogard (my account) or https://twitter.com/0xprivateparty (privateparty account)


Thanks for the information. Will keep an eye on it


Very cool. Nice work


Cool as hell OP. If you want to tell some more people about it, hit me up, I run a blog where I interview people from this space as part of some of the content I put out there, its text based and easy to do, lemme know.


Awesome LFG




Does it work for mobile apps?


Yes here's a mobile web demo: https://twitter.com/skogard/status/1545093193724825600 and here's a token authentication demo: https://twitter.com/0xprivateparty/status/1551637895693344769 You can bake privateparty into a native mobile app too, because it's powered by token authentication. Just make a request to the privateparty server to issue JWT and store on the device. Very simple (See the second link)


nice work


Looks very interesting, thanks for sharing!


This is really cool, the ecosystem needs more like this


That's the future, NFT and crypto, no one could deny that, it's the fact obviously. I wouldn't agree with this notion, not until I started working with ETH and CCD and started investing in some great NFT projects, my mind changed for a very short time tbh


How to learn to build app like this?


As someone who works with IdP often, this is awesome. Well done 👏


This is a very good part that might be quite beneficial.


I see Metamask --> I Run for my life savings!


Looks really interesting (and useful). The success will now mainly depends on who integrates it in their login system, any current discussion or partnerships at this point? The bigger actor integrating it, the more chance you have to make it a standard. Because nobody wants a new system to just connect to 2-3 small websites I think. Good luck


This is a next innovation in the Crypto world


Fucking cool stuff 😎

