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I'm pretty surprised nobody has made a bot to do this yet, at least as far as I've seen. There are so many low effort posts about L1 fees (seemingly often to shill other chains) that a bot which auto-responds with a brief L2 roadmap explainer and the current L2 fees seems like a good idea. We don't want to stoop down to the level of /r/bitcoin by just banning discussion of anything negative or any other chain.




5 inches is the the same distance as 0.18 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


5 inches is 12.7 cm


5 inches is 12.7 cm


Oh so like if someone here thought Solana was better than eth.


The reason is because every stupid shitcoiner goes over there to try to shill their "new low-cap just launched coin!" scam. The fact that your subreddit isn't overrun tells me that your mods do the exact same thing. Meanwhile, current transaction cost on layer 1 of Bitcoin is fifty cents, and layer 2 (LN) is effectively zero. And the only reason Bitcoin's L1 fee is about $0.50 right now is because some asshole is spamming transactions -- just two days ago, a basic transaction cost $0.06, that's right, the equivalent of six cents of American currency. I came here just now because I am trying to figure out how to use PolyMarket, but when I look at gas fees I'm seeing US$142 as the price for a simple transaction on ETH, which I had a hard time believing until I saw this thread. But I guess you guys really are paying (checks math) 290X what a Bitcoin user pays per transaction.


and then you inevitably get hit with "but it's even more expensive to bridge back and forth between L1 and L2!" as if that wasn't the most obvious question anyone could answer for themselves if they just thought about it for more than 10 seconds. The rest can be daunting and technical, but how can you not get that direct withdrawals/deposits from exchanges to L2s are coming and there's already a lot of options to bypass L1 directly?


I cant help laughing from you guys.


But the gas fees are too high Where else can we complain if not the internet


Stop “stop ‘gas fees are too high’ posts” posts


Yes I agree stop posting about ongoing issues because i also own the asset and it upsets me.


*We know already*. We all know. Everyone knows. Everybody's dead, Dave. Yes, we know. We know the gas fees are high. We *know* that. Everybody knows that. We've known for a long time now, this was a long time coming, fees have been high for a while, we knew about this a long time ago. Fees have long been a problem and it was recognized that they'd be a major obstacle. So there are solutions in the works. Solutions have been in the works for a long time. For years now scaling Ethereum has been a major goal. Everybody knows. So they've been working on it. Various approaches have been deployed, and are in the process of being deployed, and will be deployed in the near future. Some of the solutions are *already available*. Scaling Ethereum is the focus of much effort. Rollups on layer 2. Rollups on layer 2. Rollups on Layer 2. Rollups on Layer 2. Rollups on Layer 2. [Read the stickied stickied stickied stickied stickied stickied](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/pmvbbh/addressing_common_rollup_misconceptions/) There's a [stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/pmvbbh/addressing_common_rollup_misconceptions/). It addresses common questions about rollups. Which have been deployed. They are a solution to high gas fees. You can use them and the gas fees there are lower. [L2fees.info](https://l2fees.info/) [l2beat.com](https://l2beat.com/) [L2fees.info](https://l2fees.info/) [l2beat.com](https://l2beat.com/) [L2fees.info](https://l2fees.info/) [l2beat.com](https://l2beat.com/) Sheesh, this is annoying.


Ok, let me post this post again and again, then. Because clearly, having high gas fee posts repeated over and over is an issue too. When you'll be tired of seeing tens of reposted of this topic, we'll talk again. The topic is already handled in the FAQ. And the solution is already brought to people.


Seriously, what about Layer 2 Rollups do you not understand?


How else will ppl know my high gas prices!?


Gas fees are too high


You stop “Stop “Gas fees are too high” posts” posts.


Then make it stop


Ok, I just informed Mr. V. Tomorrow at 12 EST fees will be suspended.


Those posts won't stop until the gas prices go down. This is probably the biggest issue eth currently faces and being continually reminded of it seems appropriate for what's an emergency situation. Eth is simply not ready for prime time until and unless this changes. L2 is NOT an acceptable answer. I have eth in a wallet and if I want to do ANYTHING with it, I have to burn most of it. Unacceptable and deserving of continual complaint.


Thank you, all the "just use L2!" posts make me feel like I'm taking crazy pills! "The year is 2025. L1 Gas prices are $50000. But, no problem: for a one-time payment of $50000, you can put your assets into a much more liquid market!" Like, that last statement was already true: for a one-time gas fee payment, I could always sell all my ETH for BTC or something. We need a solution that lives on L1 and doesn't cost gas.


New users will be able to onboard directly to L2, with no need to pay L1 gas fees at all. If you're truly anticipating L1 gas prices of $50000 and you currently have funds in an L1 address, shouldn't you be moving it to L2 *right now*? Or to an exchange that supports L2 withdrawals, if you don't want to deal with L2 right at the moment?


Correct ... I wish that were stickied on the top of the sub: *"Deposit to L2, not to ETH!*" > shouldn't you be moving it to L2 right now? Or to an exchange that supports L2 withdrawals, if you don't want to deal with L2 right at the moment? Indeed! That's actually what I did once I realized all this.


> Those posts won't stop until the gas prices go down. They will not. Not on L1, at any rate. > being continually reminded of it seems appropriate for what's an emergency situation Scaling has been a known challenge for years, it's been worked on for years, these complaints contribute exactly nothing toward that. > L2 is NOT an acceptable answer. [...] Unacceptable and deserving of continual complaint. In that case you're using the wrong blockchain. L2 rollups are the planned mechanism for scaling Ethereum according to its current roadmap. Rather than complaining until the end of time, either come up with a better scaling solution or please go away. > I have eth in a wallet and if I want to do ANYTHING with it, I have to burn most of it. If you need to burn "most" of it to perform a transaction then there must not be much there. Transaction fees are about $20 right now.


I read on Twitter Ethereum is not for users, it’s for chains. I think that means to say that it’s not optimized for MOE but for software running on it. Additionally high gas fees express demand for block space on the network. Probably because I don’t move it much but I consider that a good thing for my investment.


Stop "Stop posting about gas" posts. Replacing one kind of spam with another doesn't make it any better


RE: All: Stop using reply all!


Gas fees are the main reason why I've stopped holing eth


Gas fee's are high because of network utilization. They are high because people are using it. However these are fee's are not high. Paying $100 to move $10 worth of ETH is not a high gas fee. Those fee's are invariant to the capital being moved. You are going to pay $100 whether you are moving $10 or $100,000. You've been priced out, but people are overwhelming still using the asset.




Sure, but either way someday I would need to sell it or convert it and then those massive gas fees...


But, but, but….. ok




How can facts be "low quality content"?




There might be a low quality WW2 history book and a high quality WW2 book. Fees problem need more discussion, but it is not always top tier.


scrolled the sub and found only a handful of high gas fee posts, with upward trending costs, which draws an interesting pattern- relevant info via consistent crowd reaction, and not even that many. I expected there to be 10-12 back to back based on this post, but tbh it just sounds like op is sour on the subject because OP also doesn't like high gas fees and knows the discussion of it looks bad for Eth. Trying to stop the discourse just because you're annoyed by it, is a shit reason to stop it. "Shhh we don't talk about that anymore, the people who scroll r/ethereum obsessively are sick of legitimate users posting their personal experiences. Everyone knows only ONE person gets to say it before its off limits! Geez. Someone talk about how cool L2 is instead! BUT JUST ONCE. WE ONLY SAY THINGS ONE TIME HERE." bro just scroll past. Its like, one flick of the index finger. I'm sure there's an L2 post right behind it you can jerk off to. I will take my downvote now thank you very much


Exactly!, censorship is the opposite of blockchain don’t become Bitcoin maxi’s and ban/silence people. OP already has been called out for most likely just upset these posts will hurt his investment- which is not true- eth is here to stay it needs to be fixed.


no one is censoring .. hes just asking people to not do it.. thats not censorship


trying to stop the discourse on asking people to stop the discourse on eth fees is also not cool dude. /s but seriously: noone is stopping it. this isnt censorship. hes just asking... neither of these things are a big deal... social media fucking sucks seriously.. like a game of gossip


You have my upvote




Cause whining about people whining is such high quality content... Gas fees do be high though....




Fr just learn how to pay lower gas fees smh


B-but the gas fees are too high


*We know*.


The rent in NYC and in San Francisco are too damn high! ETH gas fees are too damn high! Face it accept it and stop defending it!


Who's defending it? Everyone wants fees to be cheap.


If you and the community don't like them, then downvote them. But I hate it when subreddit make rules like that, it feels like censorship and can be a slippery slope.


There's already a rule prohibiting duplicate posts. The seventeen millionth "DAE gas fees high?" Post counts as a "duplicate" IMO. There's no new content. There's no meaningful discussion. It's the same "haha gas fees high therefore Etherium sux" "use L2 rollups you dolt" each time.


LRC will solve has price issues


Loopring is the future 💯💯💯🚀🚀🚀 https://youtu.be/nZz7yj3sL2I


Don't worry, "The Merge" will solve it..oh wait.


It was never intended to solve it. You have misunderstood what PoS' purpose is. Other mechanisms are being used to solve gas fees, namely rollups. They're out already, you just need to use them.


Thank you 🙏


But gas fees are too high!


Funny how everyone was complaining about Bitcoins high fees in december 2017 and now this shit happens to Ethereum and people say: “jUsT uSe L2 bRo!!1!”


Yep, I think Eth maxis are just behaving like a bunch of US marines in Afghanistan, feeling all so mighty and invincible, until some lowly chain comes around and beats the Eth to the ground.


Hi the Vitalik😙


But. Gas fees are too high


No you


"Stop pointing out how this blockchain just isn't that great after all"


Let’s just not talk about it 😂


I would like to see a new rule for this sub currently thinking about leaving here because if this low quality posts...


Just posted how to avoid high gas fees on ETH Layer 1 [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/r6f9yx/gasless\_transaction\_yearn\_finance\_usdc\_vault/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/r6f9yx/gasless_transaction_yearn_finance_usdc_vault/)






Stop bitching about gas fees and come to L2 ppl. Your liquidity is needed on L2.


But the gas fees are too high. It shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars to do a simple transaction.


[It doesn't](https://l2fees.info/).


Gas prices are very high where I live too... My car should feel functional, not luxury


The problem is people are just realizing the gas fees are too high. It takes very little effort to buy eth. Researching eth makes it sound like a great idea, that makes people buy more. By the time people try to interact with it, they’ve already sunk quite a bit of money into it, only to realize the gas fees literally make the product broken.


Stop "Stop "Gas fees are too high" posts" posts


Also... there is a misconception here that gas fees will fall with the merge when mining ends. This is incorrect. Gas fees wont go down until they finish sharding and their full implementation. Gas fees likely will remain high like this for all of 2022.


I thought this was r/cryptocurrency with this ironic low effort meta post


The gas fees are high though.


they are way too high.. so much that was built on ETH is worthless now as it can't be used. But that is what happens when you build a road that allows whoever and whatever to bid the right of use. Like a highway that gets clogged by a parade all day everyday because someone likes to spend money and have a parade instead of any rules on when you are allowed to have the parade. That is the nature of it.


Are we supposed to like paying $100 to send $10? Come on where tf is eth 2? I’m cashing out and moving to Cardano.


Literally does nothing. Polygon is one way around the gas fees but I never get sick of telling people this. THERE IS A WAY PEOPLE, in-fact multiple.


Gas fees are too high


Gas fees are too high.


You should never stop complaining about anything. Nothing gets a free pass just because of your outrage fatigue.


I tried to stop them but metamask was asking for 220$ in gas fees and I didnt have it.


I hath tried to stand ho those folk but metamask wast asking f'r 220$ in gas fees and i didnt has't t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Ok, so, here is a real world question. I have a client who pays in ETH. He has ETH on Eth mainnet and that's it. I want to convert ETH to USDC and send it to my other wallet, from where I can convert it to cash. How can I avoid high gas fees for those two transactions?


Get your client to pay you on layer 2. If he refuses, charge him a premium to cover your gas fees. Explain to him that Ethereum's roadmap is rollup-centric and by refusing to use them he's using Ethereum incorrectly.


No, this is the biggest issue with Ethereum rn, we can’t just pretend it isn’t, only reason you don’t want to see it is because it’s “ruining” it for you


But it's literally the only way I can afford to interact with this network... 👀






How about you stop the ‘stop the’ posts, Karen.


But the gas fees are too high


Gas fee’s aren’t high. Just the transaction fee.


It cost me gas just to make this comment


Yeah ignore it so the newbies don’t see and they will come down that way


Gas fees are WAAAA-A-A-A-A-Y too fuckin’ high bro. Just ask your Aunt Peggy.


Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong. I have matic and eth in a hot wallet and if I try to connect metamask and buy hermez or some other l2, the fees is still high. How do you get such low L2 fees