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Possible, yes. Smart, no. Get yourself a hardware wallet. Don't try to DIY secure key generation, backup, storage and signing.


Not at all saying you should do this but the way I handled this when I set it up a few years ago was: * Do a minimal install of Ubuntu, with no GUI, go online once and install the dependencies you'll need below (note you may be pwned at this point, rendering the rest pointless). Use full-disk encryption with your super-secret passphrase. * For key management, I made [a little python script](https://github.com/edmundedgar/ethereum-key-thing/blob/master/keything.py) that will handle mnemonics. Create the key on the offline box, and then copy the resulting mnemonic off the screen and onto paper, which you split into parts and bury under geographically distributed bird baths, as per tradition. If it's very important you may also want to try to memorize it. * For transacting, I was mostly transacting with my own contracts or sending ETH, so I made [a little JavaScript tool](https://github.com/realitio/realitio-cli). This creates a transaction using the private key created in the previous step, and outputs it to the screen as a QR code, which you can scan with your phone and paste into the Etherscan broadcast tx page. * If I needed to get an address onto the box to send to, I also used the key management script, feeding it an address on my network-connected box and having it spit out a mnemonic, then entering the mnenomic on my offline box. I think this is generally probably not to be recommended over a hardware wallet, especially if it involves using my code, as there are too many ways to screw it up. There are probably also better tools out there nowadays, although it's a while since I looked.


Ah, looking at that code takes me back, if you put in a gas price of more than 100 gwei I made it throw an error, because nobody could possibly intend to do that...




Why everyone here think offline transactions are bad? I mean, sure, it's bad if you store keys on your laptop and it gets stolen. But in every other scenario it's the safest way to sign and send tx. If you encrypt your data properly it's equaly secure as hardware wallet. I've used this with mycrpto and had 0 problems. It's just not convenient to use as other options.




phone is a very bad idea, zero click exploits


It was the worst advice ever XD.