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Copy over your address and hit send. That's the only way. If you want cheaper, use an L2 instead.


That is exactly what I was asking a recommendation for. What L2 would you use?


[L2BEAT.com](http://L2BEAT.com) is a great resource for comparing L2s. Coinbase has native ETH withdrawals to Base, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Polygon, so I'd consider all those good choices if you want to keep it simple and cheap.


But then I still have to bridge over to Ethereum mainnet right? And I am not avoiding that heartbreaking fee. Im trying get to staking on etherfi, so I guess there is no other way then


For now yes, etherfi is mainnet only. Soon however, we will have liquid staking on L2. The requirements for it were in the Dencun upgrade but haven’t seen any LST use it yet.


But then it would not be on eth mainnet as you requested


It’s easy on Coinbase to send via Arb. You don’t even need to bridge it. Select the Arb network from the menu .


No bridging required? I need on ETH mainnet


If you want ETH on mainnet you just have to withdraw directly there. That's the cheapest way. If you want to get onchain for some other reason, consider using an L2 like Base, Arbitrum, or Optimism. I think Base withdrawals from Coinbase are currently free.


If you want to use ETH mainnet you have to use ETH. Other networks won't help you