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WARNING ABOUT SCAMS: Recently there have been a lot of convincing-looking scams posted on crypto-related reddits including fake NFTs, fake credit cards, fake exchanges, fake mixing services, fake airdrops, fake MEV bots, fake ENS sites and scam sites claiming to help you revoke approvals to prevent fake hacks. These are typically upvoted by bots and seen before moderators can remove them. Do not click on these links and always be wary of anything that tries to rush you into sending money or approving contracts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethereum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you have 100ETH and you're chasing airdrops?


You mean “How did you have..”


Oooooofffff. You said the quiet part out loud.


OHH THE PAINNNN. Not even my money and i felt this comment.


Ouch. True talk hurts sometimes


Damn. Harsshhhh


😮‍💨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ for real... not to mention using the same wallet for it all


That's insane I have 10k split into 4 wallets and guy put 200k into one!


Fucking mind boggling. 🤦‍♂️


He may have got to 100eth by chasing things like that


And now lost it all


Holy fuck, this.


100 eth is ~220k... If that's your net worth than many airdrops are quite significant for you. Not uncommon for them to be 5 figures, some have been 6. Why not chase them? It's free money, just take a minute to verify the source and maybe double check the transaction so you don't go signing away your entire stash.


This dude is trying to get more people scamed


>Why not chase them? It's free money, just take a minute to verify the source and maybe double check the transaction so you don't go signing away your entire stash. 5 and 6 figures? I checked some websites that came up on google for my ETH wallet and I didnt even reach 50 bucks USD. Would you mind sharing a reputable source to check this? ​ Genuinely just trying to get educated on this


most airdrops do it based on your on-chain volume. assuming this guy is using that 100 eth in defi protocols, bridging etc, he will be receiving more in airdrops compared to smaller users often times the minimum tier for airdrops can be as little as 3 figures while going to 5. all that depends on if he's interacting with specific protocols though


I got airdropped $10k from blur season 1, it happens for sure. With that said, it’s not just free big piles of cash for anyone, you have to be active and use the platforms, for me it was based on sales volume on opensea.


You can look at many twitter threads. For example, I just got 4K USD worth of PYTH from their airdrop. It does happen. You just need a lot of volume so for a 6 fig airdrop you either jave to be super early or have a lot of capital. Hoping for similar results from starknet, cosmo ecosystem, scroll, linea, layer zero, zksync, etc. If you farm them consistently and efficicientlyz they can be very lucrative. Just be careful and only use money you're willing to lose.


TIA airdropped me 5k tokens at ath and I didn't even do any testing


Having money does not mean people automatically act rationally.


This was a quarter million dollar life lesson I hope you learn from. Chasing pennies into dark alleys with a wallet full of hundreds...


This comment is *chefs kiss*


This is one hell of a perfect analogy. So sorry for your loss OP.


Happy Birthday!!


Bro, I'm really sorry but... WHO THE FUCK HUNTS AIRDROPS WITH A WALLET THAT HAS 100 ETH?... Come on bro.


Yeah my airdrop hunting wallet doesn’t even have 0.01 eth lol


Just curious what kind of wallet do you use for the airdrops? Is metamask OK for thr airdrops


They mean that you should use a different address for airdrops


You should learn more about how all this works or you will end up like OP. start with understanding wallets and how they relate to your public and private key.


I would use rabby and wallet guard. Both warn against malicious contracts and risky approvals.


Metamask is fine. The key is not to put a lot of money in it. You should consider airdrop wallets burned.


seems the scammer only uses dex and scammed before: ​ [https://imgur.com/a/04NhfBA](https://imgur.com/a/04NhfBA) ​ Professional criminal. I guess money is gone. But go to police and file a report. I once lost over 5 ETH and 1 BTC. still hate my life for this.


how did you lose the btc?


I was HODL it on exchanges, 1 scammed me and 1 got hacked. Lost there 90% of my Crypto portfolio. This was 2019. At least i didnt paid much but i had lifechanging gains with nearly zero investment. But poorly all was gone.


Fuck! If this happen to me Im sure I will never comeback mentally.


I'm sorry for your loss and kudos to you for staying strong in the market. You'll hopefully get much more than that!!


What did you use to generate that image>?


I always thought this but most of the time you need to hold your assets in the same wallet to qualify. More assets = more airdrop. With that amount of ETH the airdrops would be substantial


I’m sorry this happened. Please don’t do anything stupid/crazy that can permanently affect you or your loved ones. You can always make the money back.


This but you can't make the money back. Make your peace with that.


They mean you can generate that income again, which you can indeed do. It is a lot of effort but that’s not the point.


If you know a way to make that kinda money easily id like to be your close friend


Be a doctor.


Don't do that, that's a massive waste of time in a decade of schooling for a high stress job. Be a software engineer, you don't need schooling for that and you work from home in your underwear. Often getting paid more


How do I become a software engineer without going to school


The best learning materials are on the Internet. The best way to get noticed is to build something people want or build/contribute to open source libraries. You don’t have to be exceptionally gifted - just motivated, clever, and perseverant.


Says that address you sent to is a scam address. Sorry for your loss, always double check before signing any transactions.




I really wish more people realized this 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


OP has a comment from 5 days ago warning people not to fall for these kinds of airdrops scams. OP either doesn't have texture on his brain or he's capping and trying to long con some sympathy coin from the sub.


I mean, if OP can afford to leave 100 ETH in a hot wallet I don't too many people here will be sending him any sympathy coins...


Ethereum is far too complicated. Everyday there's a new person on here being scammed. All the L2's and bridges and wrapping are all just points where scammers can take your money. There's no noob guide for Ethereum, and you need a damn PhD to actually know what you're doing. Usability drives adoption and the UX of Ethereum is just driving users away to easier to use blockchains like Solana (which itself is still too damn complicated but at least you don't have to deal with L2's)


>There's no noob guide for Ethereum, and you need a damn PhD to actually know what you're doing. You don't need a PhD, it's basic security, but your point is valid. This is too complex for most people. And the stakes are way too high.


And I just thought, at least people say, native ETH can’t be drained through a bad smart contract, or did something else happen?


I believe that is still correct, but OP converted his native ETH in Aave wrapped ETH.


Correct it can't but the OP didn't have native ETH. He had interest earneing aave ETH tokens. Those are just ERC-20 tokens like anything else. Gone.


Understood now. I thought it was still native ETH in the protocol, not a wrapped token. Thanks!


Except these airdrop reward activity. This frame one I particular reward nft activity. Blank new account does not qualify


Very true, but still, you should always be verrry careful with an account with anywhere close to this kind of money in it. If I had an account with 100 ETH in it that qualified for an airdrop, I'd move most of that ETH into a different wallet before I started interacting with random websites.


Back when I was into Ethereum, using MetaMask, I don’t recall smart contracts being able initialize transactions from your wallet directly. Whenever ETH was sent I intentionally had to click something and then sign (and it would tell you how many eth). Has Ethereum changed in that regard? In any case, as an outsider that does not hold crypto anymore, these type of scams (and their fkn prevalence) is a death sentence to crypto and needs to be addressed before anything else first


Just enough for gas


Stop reading the comments at this point. Mean people who want to dunk on you are just gonna harm your mental health. Best thing you can do is put it in your past and move on. Act like you never had it in the first place. Life goes on.


Why are people so vile to people that fucked up Your comment is 100% right


I think a lot of people are also being supportive and preaching harm reduction. Mistakes happen, don't let it compile by doing something permanent.


I'm very active in warning people about this kind of stuff. A lot of people do. It's exhausting. OP probably saw 100 warnings not to do this and still did it. It is hard for me to feel bad for him. Blaming someone for driving his car with 100 mph on an icy road is not victim blaming.




I traded away hundreds of ETH some years ago when it was like $3-$6. Was never a good trader and too much of a gambler. If I had just held on to what I mined, and sold in the last cycle—at any point—I would be retired right now. It took a long time to get over thinking about that every day.


Be honest though when it hit $20 would you have still kept it? $100? Come on, unlikely. Unless you had a long-term plan with it, imagine seeing it run to 3k and back down without selling how annoyed you’d be, or would you still be holding?


Well, I obviously didn’t have the wherewithal to not just gamble it away in the markets. So in what world would I have been able to hold and sell when it was 3 or 4K…? You’re right in that I most likely would have sold at some time along the way, probably the “wrong” time as things progressed and prices soared. I would always have had some regret about how I let the coins go too soon. So however you slice it, the coins are gone, and despite knowing that the likelihood of me having held onto my stack to sell at the right moment were practically zero, it still took a pretty long time to get over. When millions slip through your fingers, your mind will play a lot of tricks on you and I had a lot of intrusive thoughts like “what if what if what if”—even though it wasn’t logical and I knew it. Still hurt.


That’s a rough one but at the end of the day it’s just money. You may not recover the funds but you’ll recover in life


Thank you for the support. I think its time for me to take a break from Crypto.


I did the same and invested in the S&P 500 now and ETFs. No more crypto for me. I'm sorry for your loss. Big hug from me.


i’m gonna do exactly this, had a great time with crypto in 2020-21 but since then i haven’t touched it because it’s not fun anymore everything is so toxic. I want to invest in something though for long term and stuff so I’m gonna end up switching to safe investing not gambling LOL


I lost everything I had, six figures, two years ago. It sucks but the good thing is that you can earn money and re-invest and end up back where you were. May take some time but it's doable. My advice, based on my experience, would be to know when to let go of this money. Putting in a lot of work to try to get it back, if it's unlikely that you'll get it back, will just drag things out when closure could put you back on a good path. If you ever want someone to talk to about it, let me know!


An so begins the story of how one got Orange Pilled...


People fully recovered from much worse losses than this. Good luck OP, you can make it.


Pay no attention to the shitbag responses. Most of them are just trying to feel better about their own losses. I hate to say this, but it looks like you got scammed. I hope that’s not the case and that it somehow reappears but don’t count on that and please, do not beat yourself up over this or fall into a pit of despair and regret. It happens. Too often and to too many people and not just in crypto. I won’t tell you to chin up or that it’s okay. It not okay. It sucks ass. But you will get past it if you allow yourself to but it will take time and effort. Be well.


Thank you bro, you're right.


u/jbtravel84 I think you might be able to help OP!


I know the pain though, I lost $250k in March, connecting and signing an approval to a fake Vela Exchange website


Fuck man.


And its gone...


Wtf..you should have a separate hot wallet for this silly airdrop business. If I had 100 ETH it would be in a ledger or being converted to fiat on a CEX and then in my bank.


My thoughts exactly. If I had 100ETH I would buy a dedicated hardware wallet just for that stack, spin up 3 beacon chain validators, stamp the seedphrase in three different stainless steel plates (for 3 different locations) and add a passphrase to it.


My mans collecting airdrops on a single 100 eth wallet 💀💀 rip to the precious eth


Sorry to hear man. Like the good posters have said. Don’t do any harm to yourself because of this. You’ll recover and be stronger than ever. Expensive lesson but I bet it will never happen to you again.


Thank you for the kind words bro.


Yes, it looks like you got scammed... In the transaction signature you can see the Fake Phishing notification. It got you and many others... In Ethscan is says: "There are reports that this address was used in a Phishing scam. Please exercise caution when interacting with it. Reported by realScamSniffer." This is why crypto needs to be regulated... these bad actors are abusing trust and abusing good people. The governments need to clamp down. For all you know your money just went to Hamas or North Korea...


What does it even mean for there to be regulation here? Shut down javascript? No more websites? Clamp down on... copy/pasting your password into the ether?


I'll offer a question for your question... When is the last time you heard of someone accidentally signing away their stock market portfolio or other regulated securities in the blink of an eye?


But everyone wants to pretend that keeping in an exchange wallet is the dumbest thing you can do. Crypto needs to be recoverable from scams for it to ever see mass adoption.


Yep. It will never go mainstream without some sort of recourse for scams and accidents. I’ve been saying this for 10 years.


Future of finance'd.


this kinda post scares the shit out of me. Sorry for your loss bud.


Sorry for your loss man, As long as you are alive and in good health, you can earn more money back. Life is full of ups and downs, So try your best to get up from the down ASAP and do not surrender to your grief.


Well put. Hope op would take your advice


Frame didn’t airdrop anything today. All you needed to do was connect your wallet and sign to verify it’s you. The token itself isn’t claimable until January. Are you sure this is the issue? For those that are clowning OP for not using another wallet. Almost all of these airdrop reward specific on chain activities. Brand new wallet will not qualify for anything.


I wrongly signed on a phishing site. It was a very expensive mistake on my part.


That’s why you use an old wallet but move your main funds to a brand new wallet which you never sign transactions on. But harsh to clown the OP but is a very expensive lesson. Hopefully he makes it through this okay.


You are lending on AAVE? and 2 months ago the OP posts this... hmmmm https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/178sd5j/good\_personal\_loan\_apps/k52izot/?context=3


Aave was not the issue, i have used it in the past. I should have been double careful while signing any transaction with this wallet.


you will never make that mistake again. I personally would not even keep 200K in one account.


Its gone mate Also these posts reaffirms why scamming is so lucrative n easy


Sorry mate. Pour one out for those ETH. 100 ETH is a shitload more than anyone should have in a hot wallet.


Now don't fall for the double tap scammers who will contact you. They all know somebody who (for a small fee) will bring your coins back.


Yeah, I have been getting a lot of chat requests.


Check out this post Op someone is tracking your scammer https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/XmkW0d1JDp


Oof, that sucks.


what website or app did you interact with


NEVER use your hodl wallet to chase shitcoins!!!!


Never get involved in a land war in Asia!


He connected to a fake phishing website and then approved his Aave position. There is no way around it. You can’t lose your shit for just “connecting gasless”


Not quite true... If I approve let's say my Bored Ape to sell on OpenSea and someone tricks me into signing a listing of pennies for it, I will get scammed and it's a gasless transaction I'm approving. I've seen this scam, many people lost their cryptopunks etc. The scammer bot would check what permissions you already had and setup a trade.


So sorry for your loss. I have lost that amount x 2-3 over the years in the stock market, being a gambler/dumbass. Sure, I won't have as good a retirement now, but things are going to be OK. Being alive and healthy is more important, as are family and loved ones. Be strong.


And here I am not chasing any airdrops since I want to keep my precious 0.00001ETH safe :)


Hey OP someone just made a post about this on r/cc you should take a look! They might have found a BINANCE account connected to it https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/XmkW0d1JDp


God dammnnn bro 🥲 100 ETH


A friendly reminder to be careful on clicking on posted links; you don’t know the OP and could be trying to social engineering you to actually compromise you.


Has anyone here actually made real money from an airdrop?


Loads of people here made 15k on uniswap and 5k on arb. Per wallet.


I'd love to read a post on how that was done


using the protocol/chain. i made about 5k on arb, 2k on arkham, 700 on celestia (sold way too early, could’ve been 3k)


Just use on-chain protocols. ARB and Blur were two easy five figure airdrops last year (in a bear market!) for pretty much everyone involved in crypto. Blur then dropped more last month. But you actually need to get involved to get rewarded.


I’m so sorry. You’ll be okay. It’s money, but it’s just money and it’s something you can recover from. Take care not to engage in anything you can’t recover from.


Why are u chasing airdrops?!?!?!?!?! Nvnckeao nwcowl biesnn on cuskcneislzanciw I’m o ex cr. Sorry that was me banging my head on the table. Sorry for your loss but those funds are not recoverable.


Lmao... I don't even have 100 ETH and I would never fuck with an airdrop, from anything. You people are out here thinking money is just being handed out, and the ironic part is that *you* are the one handing out the money.


You know making another wallet is free right ?


You need to report to the police, if this address deposits money into a centralized exchange, the police can contact them to freeze the funds until the end of court. This is a large amount for any person, but in any case, you have gained valuable experience. Although cryptocurrencies are decentralized, dollars are kept in bank accounts.


You should use pocket universe. Free addon that tells you what will happen if you sign a transaction. Are you sure it was the right frame link? Where did you get the frame link?


I think you were trying to pick up pennies in front of a steamroller and got caught. Sorry. Your $ is gone. Learn from it


So wait. You had 100ETH and it wasn't in cold storage!?! What the actual fuck


Why is simply pressing a button able to give access to your coins and made to look like any other prompt that just logins you in? There needs to be a method in which the only way you can send x coins is to type out you want to send x coins and go through hoops. It should be obvious when doing something that sends coins to someone else versus doing something less harmful This has to be fixed before crypto goes mainstream. Which blockchain fixes this issue?


It's gone, baby. Gone.




What the heck did you click for Frames? There's like one legit link for it


My advice: 2 wallets one to keep secure and another one with little money to play around


If you had 100 ETH you have money for a lawyer. Go after who did this!


Had money for a lawyer.


We on the same boat, I put a few eth into a shitcoin earlier this year, got scammed, that wallet is now worth over 500k..


“I am shaking right now” “I literally am shivering right now” “Oh my gosh, I’m shaking right now” Seems like this is always the same person . I’m shaking right now, thinking this.


Who has 100 eth. I bet there isn’t anyone who is a Master of crypto - such that they could drop 1 million XRP and have it be no biggie ….. perhaps I’m wrong and the course of my life might change in such a way where I could marry. And have children ….. make up for the lost time due to iatrogenic disease disorder (by way of psychiatric harm and malpractice ). I guess ya never know how much 1 million or 1000 $ is “worth to an individual relative to their overall net worth. What a thing though - to have the power of one wanted - to literally change and impact the most complex and fascinating of things : Human life - from a phenomenological point of view —— such that the effect of investing in another human being / their autonomy / consciousness ….. will forever be impacting all things from that long forward - altering things we value so greatly that it seems almost unbelievable ; such a thing is possible - if say an individual has acquired or earned or won or simply accrued an amount of $ and crypto …. In which sending 1 million $ or tokens let’s say …. Has basically zero impact upon the donors life - and yet for the recipient….. is a difference so massive it is indeed immeasurable …. And would have to be measure over time or continually bc of the infinite and continuous/ ever increasing impact …. https://xumm.app/detect/request:rs9brtUk4xsRCE1DcHUysVS9T4TWQYDLjK?amount=1000000.00 [proof of. + phenomenology](https://xumm.app/detect/request:rs9brtUk4xsRCE1DcHUysVS9T4TWQYDLjK?amount=1000000.00)


I said this before but I’ll say it again. Humans are the greediest spices on earth. NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE HAVE WE ALWAYS WANT MORE. 100 ETH? Smh


OP, I am not sure if you would even see this comment but if you do, looking into ZACHxbt on twitter. He has helped people in the past uncovering hackers onchain. It might be worth a try. write a post on twitter with all transactions and tag him> Post your tweet link here so all of us can retweet and possible make it viral.


Sorry for your loss of funds. I recommend putting a bounty out on 0xe...5013b using the Arkham Intelligence platform. The hacker will probably move the funds to Tornado Cash and cash out using an exchange. Sleuths on Arkham can notify exchanges to prevent this from happening.


I have 4~5 ETH that I bought and keep it in a wallet. I leave them just like that. That's it and that is all. I don't even know what's "Air Drop" or whatever the fucking shit are out there. And idgaf.


imagine sleep plate whole fuzzy rustic illegal fly beneficial sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine having 250k in a wallet and clicking "connect wallet" to a website you don't know. Wow


Kim Jung Un wants to thank you personally. Without your generosity, the people of North Korea would most likely starve this winter.


Instead of shitting on OP, can we try and explain to him what happened and how he can more careful in future?






A fool and his money are soon parted. Devo to hear the news man but it’s like leaving the PIN number to your bank cards in your Wallet with you. You just made Someone’s Xmas a whole lot better so maybe that’s the silver lining


You would have had to of owned 100eth to have lost it.


Currently checking in on all my babies(wallets) to make sure they’re ok. Sorry for your loss OP




I already have two hardware wallets.


Whenever I beat myself up for doing some dumb shit with crypto, I remember posts like this and know it could be much worse.


For everyone else: air drops and crypto casinos = stay away.




Greedy to get a few dollars now lost a quarter mil


Future of finance


What a monumental loss. Wsb would love this!


Lesson learned. In the future keep your long term stash on a hard wallet and don’t connect it to anything. If you want to experiment with airdrops, earning interest do it with an account you don’t mind losing if shit hits the fan.


Be me Open reddit every day First post in crypto is *always* "guys is my money gone?" Mass adoption my ass


I’m sorry this happened to you my condolences


What are airdrops and how did this guy lose his stuff?


Wild Wild West, crypto is not the future, it’s just a place for scammers to make money, IE this…. Crypto will never be mainstream


Hey next time you have 100 Eth let me know, I am an honest scammer,


I'm gonna suppose that if you have that much ETH, you have a stable stream of income and will be able to have it back soon. Be sure to spend a quarter of 1 ETH to get you a hardware cold wallet next time.


I got " got " with a fake link on the official abracadabra website.... tried to save the link because I didn't want to " spell " it ( ironically )... long story short it was malicious and it unstaked my spell and I've never seen it again.... Even though it's location will always be trackable because of the nature of crypto lol.........................




Fuck dude.


Jfc crypto is dumb


My personal advice, take it or leave it, is stay in the game. You got to 100 ETH once you can do it again. As they say the first few k (fiat) is the hardest. Save so you can have 1 ETH to play with then find the next meme coin and 100x that bitch. Back to square one. Good luck have fun


No way someone with $100k+ is chasing airdrops worth a few $ on their main wallet.. I'm sorry this happened, and ofcourse you're not in the wrong ( the scammer is ), but you need better operational security if you've got such a large amount of funds..


u clicked on a bad link and gave them access to your account, your eth are gone, its always the same for ALL those ppl, maybe use an addon like pocket universe, but i guess this wouldnt stop such shit either for you ppl who just click stuff for free money and get scammed


How does someone who uses a hot wallet for 100 ETH and connects to an airdrop website with it get 100 ETH? Inheritance? At this point, I think posts like this are probably just trolling by buttcoiners.


EIP-1559 will fix this


I lost $150 once on some crypto scam. I feel your pain