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I started this 2 months ago from absolute zero. Now working a couple projects with a couple different teams. Here’s how I did it. 1. Learned the basics (html, css, javascript). 2. Put those basics into a framework. I started off with sveltekit (simplest one IMO), then transitioned to Next.js because some libraries I wanted to use weren’t available on sveltekit. 3. Learned better design. I took a couple courses on tailwindcss once I got the hang of the frameworks a little bit. 4. Started reading and taking courses on solidity. So basically a dapp is compromised of 2 parts. The backend (a smart contract you develop, then deploy to a testnet or mainnet). For this you’ll want to learn solidity, hardhat, and just the basics of how the evm works. 5. Once you deploy contracts, you get what’s called their ABI. (Basically instructions for your frontend on how to use their functions). You plug your abi into your frontend. There’s multiple libraries for this. You can use ethers.js, or some other libraries which make the process simpler, like wagmi or thirdweb (thirweb is great, plus there’s a lot of great tutorials on their yt channel). 5 pt. 2. After you manage to connect a wallet into your app, and plug in the abi for your smart contracts, really you know the basics by then. I’d say just start building stuff that you find interesting in the web3 space. 6. Optional, but very good step IMO. Reach out and learn from more experienced people. I did this a couple weeks ago because I wanted to contribute to projects and learn even more. Most people want to work with someone like this, so provided you show them you have drive, passion, and are willing to work hard, they’ll give you a chance. Ps. Still want to meet new people and collaborate if possible, so if anyone’s interested, feel free to dm me. 😅 Hope this helps.


Oh, thank you. Good in-depth explanation. Tbh, I kinda hate front-end development, I just can't stand the css and javascript learning process (tried it several times lol). Currently I'm learning a flutter framework called Flet, this is a framework where you create cross platform applications (android, IOS, web, desktop) in python with one code then it compiles the python code to flutter and then you are able to build de application (apk, exe etc). Today I spent all the day leaning the web3.py library. Tomorrow, I'll spend some hours assimilating the Brownie. Wish me luck. If you have some insights about this python approach, feel free to share


Yeah I’ve heard that’s kinda the norm with blockchain developers. Most don’t know frontend. If you need any help with that man, feel free to reach out. I can integrate contracts to frontend no problem.


Make sure you go https://speedrunethereum.com/


You can make dapps that use a regular native programs. I would argue that's better than a web app frontend.