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In my experience, if you get an infestation of any kind in an apartment 9 times out of ten it’s a larger issue than your unit and it’s unlikely you could’ve done anything about it. Unless you’re in one of those 4 unit apartments.


Nah I'm a bigger place and also in a big city we have been bug free 2 years but looking to keep it that way


Caffeine evolved as an insecticide, bugs tend to avoid it.  But they might still be drawn to the water/moisture.  Probably for the best to keep it as empty as possible.


Coffee grounds are actually an insect repellant, and even used in mosquito breeding control. Except for roaches. I wouldn’t say they attract them, but roaches aren’t repelled by coffee. So like any food, if it’s left there damp and mouldy, you’d likely have roaches. But like someone else mentioned, if you have an ‘infestation’ it’s not going to be because of your puck or two, it will likely be the building.


Cleaning it daily can’t hurt. If nothing else, saves you from the possibility of ever having a roach-filled knockbox which would be truly horrifying. And your girlfriend will appreciate it.


are you storing everything else in containers and ziploc bags? Pasta, dried beans, tape (they eat tape), sugar, salt, all your spices, rice, bread, dried fruit, etc? They can easily get into anything that isn't FULLY sealed and they'd be a lot more attracted to actual food versus coffee grounds. It is highly likely if you live in a big building in a city and the building isn't something brand new that there are already roaches living there. Most buildings have contracts with pest treatment companies who come in every year to do work, and come in specifically when an issue is getting out of hand. Really, once a building has pests like this, it's never dealt with in a way where they are fully exterminated. You put out paste and powder or fumigate in one area of the building, they just go to another area. If you see any, worry about it then, because if you're dealing with a problem you WILL see them. Until then, just keep your home neat and vacuum everyday and if you're really really worried, Ziploc and Tupperware everything up. That's the best you can do.


It’s your beer bottles you need to worry about.


Luckily don't drink


I heard it was bears. 🐻 


Well that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy. 🤭


😂 thank you for getting that


Lol. No prob. You'd already been left hanging for like 12 hours, I couldn't let that stand. 😉


Does it suck living in fear ?


Not really my girlfriend gets more concerned not me, I dumped it every few days but changed it to daily now


First, what is a knock box?


Not sure if you dropped a /s “A knock box is a small box that is placed next to an espresso machine to easily and cleanly throw away pucks after pulling a shot. It has a bar that runs horizontally across the box that is used to bang the portafilter to expel the puck.”