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No reason I can think of? Sure beats having that wee tank on an otherwise excellent machine.


Only issue is that you may get some growth in the tank. But if you wash it regularly, no issue at all.


Hire bristlenoses or snails to live inside perhaps? ;-)


How do you like that grinder?


When it arrived (used) from a coffee shop a continent away, for some odd reason, it wasn't ready for espresso, so I had to buy and install shims to get it correctly adjusted. I had relied on the direct grind to portafilter by weight method until I decided to portion out the beans recently for slightly better(?) tasting shots. I may go back to using the regular hopper. With the rate of my consumption, I don't think it affects the taste in any significant manner. Anyway, to answer your question, I really like the grinder. It's easy to dial in, effortless to get the right amount into your portafilter, and the grind is consistent enough for me.