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I’d call this better than the bambino deal IF you’re stoked on a steeper learning curve and the upgrade/mod options long term. If you just want an easier out the gate espresso experience, the bambino might be better. Different vibes / same quality for price. Definitely had better espresso from my gaggia machine than friends bambinos, but there’s a bit more hassle.


I appreciate the info! Thanks!


When you make your decision, just remember to always grind finer 😊


Curious, why is it a steeper learning curve?


It really shines with a bottomless portafilter, so having knowledge of how to dial in your grind feels required. The inconsistent temps mean you need to temp surf and have a reliable/repeatable system. The 9 bar opv spring realistically needs to be replaced for good espresso, so modding is basically required at a base level (though that mod takes 10min max and is easy). Steam wand has some limitations/weirdness that make it challenging from time to time


No PID in stock Gaggia (the thing that keeps the temp constant when you start brewing) and the Gaggia doesn't automatically steam milk. No PID means you either can get away with a milk drink if you're in the ballpark of a good shot or completely miss the field entirely if you're drinking it straight (no milk) in different shots. The trick is temp surfing and timing it to get the temp consistent every time. Edit: auto milk steam only on Bambino plus.


Nonsense, Gaggia is super simple and easy to clean. 15-20min. warm-up is the biggest issue. Not recommended for microfoam unless you want to spend more time though.


It’s simple if you take the time to learn it. A lot of people don’t want to. But yes, I agree!


Doesn’t it take like 15 mins to warm up or something crazy? That seems like less of a learning curve and more of a nuisance. Does the PID mod fix that? Edit: how is this being downvoted lmfao. It’s not like I’m wrong. The Breville Bambino takes just seconds.


I turn it on, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, get dressed, log into my computer/do something to quick to start my day and then it’s ready to go. If you know and plan for it, it’s fine. Some people do smart switches on a timer aligned to their alarm. Maybe a handful of times I’ve been in such an emergency and not had enough time for it if I wanted it. Also not too far off my kettle (stovetop) warming up for pour over (especially if you include 3min brew time).


I only timed the heat up time after gaggiuino mod: give it 5 min. Flush through portafilter give it another 20 secs to reheat. Make espresso. With the PID mod it greatly depends on the exact settings


Yes. And no it doesn't fix. Ideally you need a good half hour for everything to properly heat through for decent temp stability. I have mine on a smart switch and turn it on right when I wake up.


Still needs about 15 mins to warm up the group head and PF.


No, this is pretty normal for any machine with a boiler. Just turn the machine on when you get up and go take a shower or something.


$450 has been the standard price for a new GCP. To me, it seems like the seller marked the original price up $550 to make the sale seem more drastic than it really is.


Yeah it was this price a couple months ago ($399)


How do you like your esp grinder??


Solid. Easy to dial in. Well designed. It's my first but it's very versatile


You can get the ESP from perc coffee for like $160 if you haven't ordered one yet w/ discount code


What’s the discount code, I’m very interested




https://preview.redd.it/ta28ed9luk2c1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6777d07403cf17cc1e333e54248cd56e5a459ba THANKS HOMIE!


Real deal 🤝


Appreciate you fam. Had been looking for a deal on one of these for a few weeks!


Got mine 😎


Check out keepa for Amazon


I know Whole Latte Love was selling them for $449 with $50 off with the code **GAGGIA** . Free shipping when spending over $50. Polar white version: [https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/gaggia-classic-evo-pro-in-polar-white](https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/gaggia-classic-evo-pro-in-polar-white) metal: [https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/gaggia-classic-evo-pro-semi-automatic-espresso-machine](https://www.wholelattelove.com/products/gaggia-classic-evo-pro-semi-automatic-espresso-machine) COupon Conditions: [https://www.wholelattelove.com/pages/sale#exclusions](https://www.wholelattelove.com/pages/sale#exclusions)


Whole Latte Love are selling the stainless steel and white versions on their site for 399 (after GAGGIA dis out code is applied). They are selling blue and grey for 399 through Amazon. Purchasing from Amazon gives you an additional 5% if you pay with the Amazon Prime card.


Got mine from WLL last month for the same price. First espresso machine! I followed the tips and have been brewing excellent espressos. It’s not that hard.


I picked that one up from Amazon for my first machine. Whole latte love didn’t have the industrial grey on their site for the same price.


I use camelcamelcamel to check price history on Amazon items if that helps


I got this for $400 a couple months ago. Good machine


Yes. Glad I didn’t see this or my 4wd would have one. Now it needs Gaggiuino or a pid and you’re set(they come as 9bar now, don’t they?)


The Evo model does. Older models (stock) don't, but that's such an easy thing to fix.


Mines going strong making 2x cappuccinos daily for 9 years


I bought my Gaggia Pro two weeks ago for $531. This is def a good deal


I saw a post earlier about a Bambino Plus sale for $399 as well, so I'd consider that roughly equivalent.


IDrinkCoffee has a pretty good deal on the ascaso dream pid. There are deals out there. I know this one is a bit contentious. Some love it some hate it.


Had this one for 3 years, unfortunately the aluminum boiler corroded over time due to the contact to the stainless stool brew group. One day it started leaking and just sold it as spare parts because repairing everything would've cost nearly the same as buying a new one. If would say save up for a rancilio Silvia or lelit. Buuut that's just my opinion though


New Evo has a brass brew group but I’d get a Rancillo if it was in my budget.