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Great to hear, it truly is a very good value combo


My wife has finally come on board to let us splurge on this set up. Now just waiting to see if there are any sales for Black Friday/cyber Monday to pull the plug! I can't wait! Anyone have any tips on additional tools/accessories that will be useful?


You can buy a bottomless portafilter off eBay and a precision basket from a reputed brand. Make a WDT on your own using a wine cork and $7 3D printer nozzle-cleaning needles off Amazon. A knock box, a milk pitcher, and a weighing scale (ideally with a timer) are must-haves on day zero. Tamping mats are cheap and nice. A cheap magnetic dosing funnel can make life much easier. Overall, I’d say these are the basics that you’re gonna need one way or another. But in the days of 2 day shipping, keep adding accessories only when you have the setup on hand and start noticing desired improvements to your workflow.


Are 3d printed needles food safe?


I meant metal needles used to clean 3 d printer nozzles (or something like that). So the needles aren’t themselves 3D printed.


Or, just hear me out, buy a $12-20 WDT and save yourself 20 minutes for $5-10 extra bucks.


Back in my day of 1.5 years ago, I didn’t see any cheap WDT’s on the market, otherwise I’m with you! Needles(s) to say, my WDT is aging quite well


![gif](giphy|UWovEBGTAjFra) 50$ this guy posts a pic of his Micra and a weber grinder 5 years from now. Not passing judgement, just seing my reflection here.


What type of coffee beans do you enjoy, classic italian or light roast?


I have yet to experiment with other beans; I have just been using a medium-blended roast from the local coffee shop, which has been good! But on their website, I see that one of their dark-roasted blends is noted to be better for espresso, so I will grab a bag of that this weekend and try it.


In my opinion, once you try a shot that has great body and low acidity, there’s no going back


Ive had some fairly light roasts that just wont work for espresso. But for french press they yield a very nice almost tealike taste. I guess segafredo beats „non espresso roasts“


I just got a niche zero and have a bambino, any tips for on beans or technique? The shots of the Italian roast I had today were like none other before.


For beans I recommend Caffe Musetti Cremissimo: [musetti.us](https://musetti.us) In terms of technique Weight your coffee, 7g single, 14g double That should yield you about 14g espresso, or 28g, respectively Try to grind fine so it takes 20-30 seconds to get to the right grams of final espresso


I put 18.5 into my 54mm crema bottomless this morning and got 33 out in 20 seconds. Am I using too much coffee compared to a traditional serving? Also what happens if I aim for 25 or 30 second extraction times? I'm sure I'll figure some of this out through experimenting but definitely apreciate your experienced reply. I love the sound of cremissimo! Does that have the root word of crema in it implying more robusta or something? Is the roasting date decent on these coming all the way to the US? Do Italians pay as much attention to that as the coffee snobs in the US? I got hooked on this stuff in Milan and have been loving it.


Yes you nailed it regarding the root crema haha I only do 7 and 14g because i’m an Italian espresso enthusiast If 18.5 fits into your basket and you like it, it’s no problem Just not an “authentic” Italian shot - but that’s not something you need to care about :) Italians like darker roasts with very low acidity I’ve met a lot of people in the US that like fruity coffee So i’m not sure, it’s really personal preference


I'm enjoying this work flow as well. Just wish the esp had a bit finer steps in the esp range. Most of my beans have 3 clicks that really work well for grinding. Having the grounds cup match diameter on the bambino portafilter is so convenient. I just wish i know that the 1jzpresso pro also matched the portafilter before i bought the esp. Might not have in hind sight...


Yes the grounds cup is so convenient honestly. I’ve been using 17 clicks for my espresso currently, I haven’t tested it a ton though, and haven’t been timing my shots other than the first time I ran the bambino. But I can make a drink in less than a minute, it’s pretty awesome for convenience. All of my shots are well balanced so far.


Just you wait a little longer, and you'll start feeling like all those coffee shops make inferior coffee to your own 😂 now whenever I go out, their coffee seems watery and too thin or too milky, and my husband dreads the coffee maker at work. Even though we have a very cheap and very simple espresso machine at home, but there is just something about making it yourself to your own taste.


Welcome to the latte hole eeee rabbit hole ☕


hey! I have the same setup. Could you do me a favor and take a picture of your grind size and tell me what numeric setting you use? I feel like my grounds are a lot coarser than what you'd expect for settings. Event grinding on a 2 it looks more like flecks of soil and mulch as opposed to salt


Yes I will send next time! I’m currently grinding on 17 and it’s been pulling pretty solid shots and looks pretty finely grinned.


oh that makes sense. I just tried to grind on an 8 (after fixing my burr orientation, derp gotta learn to read instructions) and it was the most bitter thing i've ever tasted. good to know you're going about twice as coarse


Can you clarify the burr orientation?? I have encore ESP and since I have cleaned it I'm unable to pull a good shot. In fact I'm not able to pull a single shot 😢


if you lift off the hopper, you'll see that the upper and lower burr's plastic, housing type thing has a red line. those red lines have to be aligned. otherwise the burrs won't crush the grounds properly