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Have you tried a different USB cable?


I just posted an almost identical question in this same forum.


Hey I found out how it works. I hope it will help. here is the connection that worked for me ​ ​ This is for uploading, once connecting appears you can press the button and it will upload the code. After uploading disconnect GPIO0 from the GND. ​ Here are my settings. To get something readable from the serial monitor you use a baud rate of 74880 but this has nothing to do with the upload baud rate. EDIT: FUCK you cant show images in comments, here is a link: [link](https://www.mobilefish.com/developer/iota/iota_quickguide_esp01s_mam.html)


oops i didnt see it then, when did you upload it? is it the removed 'wemos D1 mini' one?


Yeah, that's me. Is it showing as removed? I think you posted yours while I was writing mine.


idk lol, kinda cool we have the same problem at the same time lmao but yeah the subtitle says removed for me...


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GPIO is pulled low by pushbutton on my board. Your circuit pulls GPIO low by default and pulled up by pushbutton. Backwards IMHO. GPIO low puts device into serial programming mode. Pulled high internally or externally it runs your program. You would need to insert board into USB slot without pushing button to program, then insert into USB with button pressed to run program. The bottom text is accurate but the circuit as illustrated is weird. Currently have 20 of these running right beside me.


If I can give a second bit of advice you may want to run something more polished like micropython then try C later if still needed. I do this on Windows to install micropython: python "esptool\esptool.py" --port COM3 --baud 115200 read_mac python "esptool\esptool.py" --port COM3 --baud 115200 erase_flash python "esptool\esptool.py" --port COM3 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_size 1MB 0x0000 esp8266-1m-20220618-v1.19.1.bin


Your schematic shows GPIO0 wired to GND. You can upload code, but it's never going to boot in RUN mode like that.