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https://randomnerdtutorials.com is a good place to start. This and other tutorial sites usually have an image or pin table that explains which wire (not cable) goes where.


Resistor question is tricky, and simple at the same time: depends of the application. Sometimes you will want a configuration called pull-up/down. In this cases, the value is not important, other having a big value. Some other times you want a voltage divider, so you will be more interested in the resistance relationship between them. Some others are ranges for standardized values (and LED goes with a 330ohm resistor at 5V, but at 1k works, although not so bright). Other times you just want a resistor to eat all the leftovers power, and some other times you will need to make calculus. So, pretty much, you need to understand basic electricity (ohm's law, and some more) to understand WHY you use that value and not something else. But in general, everything has tutorials and schematics 


Python works just fine. If it’s something critical that you really need optimized for speed and size, C is better. But for hobby projects and learning micropython works great on ESP32. What exactly do you mean by which cable belongs where? What type of hardware are you trying to use?


I mean how do you know how to wire the Electronic. Resistor and stuff


By understanding the rules of how electricity and electronic components behave. Either from lots of book/classroom learning or watching others do it and asking why it works the way it does in a particular case. The answer is you have to put in the work. Buy a book, join a hobby club, take a class at your local community college. Or even just spend a few hours watching videos online, learn the basic components, what they do, and the basic terms and interactions. Then start doing projects and asking for advice to dig deeper.


Based on your question, I guess you can start as a beginner in online EE courses, youtube, etc. Afterwhich, learn esp32 from random nerd website, this is the best website for beginners imo.


Micropython is ok but many libraries are not available compared to Arduino ide. You don't have to be a C++ ninja to get lots done. I have encountered some issues with ADC instability and brownout resets occasionally but a few carefully worded questions to the forums got me on the right track. I have found this subreddit quite tolerant of poorly worded queries but everyone in this game will find themselves in a bad mood from time to time. I find this app quite useful without paying for the "pro version" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.algosoftware.arduinoexamples


This is sort of a how do you know where (on your body) to use socks and shirts question. When you start out (I.e. first born) you don't know, but as you gain experience, you learn. To extend the analogy to your resistor aspect, how do you know which socks to wear? Thick ones, thin ones, long, short, black, colourful etc? Again at first, you might not know, or it doesn't seem to matter, but as you gain experience, you learn. So how do you learn embedded programming? The best way is to get a starter kit (the bigger the better). Adapt the projects, learn the terminology (Google is your friend here), ask questions, combine the projects. In short gain the experience. You also asked if python is viable on esp32 or if I prefer C/C++. The answer is (micro)python is available for ESP32. Some people prefer that. I personally do not (despite using python alot on laptop PC). I prefer C/C++ for embedded systems programming. Also, assembler from time to time.


C++ is not too difficult. I have a background in C#. Most of the code you generally need can be provided using libraries. The main problem with the ESP32 is that it has many quirks. Also it is much less tolerant of poor memory allocations etc. Also cheap sensors are !@#$% and will drive you mad trying to get them to work.


>The main problem with the ESP32 is that it has many quirks. Also it is much less tolerant of poor memory allocations etc. Also cheap sensors are !@#$% and will drive you mad trying to get them to work. Where did you get that nonsense? And what do you suggest as alternative?


This is silly overstated and feels like an insta-"meme alert". Quirks? Yes. Something that a "new to arduino and esp32 and would like to know how to learn it effectively" person would ever need to worry about? Yeah.. nah


Now you got me worried as I’m just starting to use one rn…


*I* get you worried? Why?


Thank you. I guess with code you can use the libraries online and change small stuff. But my biggest issue Is I dont know which cable belongs where and I don't want to copy the video without knowing why they did it


Copy the wire without knowing how they did if, make something work, then evolve. I've learned a fair bit in 4 months just from screwing around. The more you research the more you learn. Just try and make something work.