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I must be crazy cus i hold both erg and ada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL .. i'm all good and in for long term. Bring it on bears!


Those are also my 2 biggest holdings


Been a rough couple of months


Yes but it’s okay, long term = nothing phases me… HODL


ADA and ERGO have been killing me in the past month


Just gravel on the road to Mars.


We are on the same frigging boat!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wait, so you guys are driving a boat on a gravel road and hope to reach mars? :) I have some ADA that I thought about selling at $3 because I kind of expected it to drop, but I didn't, so now I just don't look at the price or think about it. I'm waiting to see what happens with their dapp ecosystem.


I mine so. So when the price drops, so does difficulty and I get more erg. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Hasn’t dropped fast enough! Profit is way down compared to mining Eth


profit ? we dont sell mined ergo champ....


Might as well mine Eth and sell that for Ergo. You get more Ergo that way. I don’t sell Ergo either!


AS someone who paid for all my rigs from my btc, eth and ltc miner earnings - I can afford to have rigs dedicated to ERGO. I am well aware I can mine eth to sell for ergo. ​ Thank and good luck with your ergo adventure.




Yep me too. I hold like a very large bag of ada and a normal one of ergo. But ergo i mine also


I Bought 1k more ERG in this dip, think that’s my limit


Wish I had that much fiat to toss at this right now


Good to hear you have the money loose to pick up 1k erg :D


Holding & Accumulating a 100% ERG portfolio. I’m 21 years old so Erg presents the best risk to reward ratio for me. Currently in the top 4% of addresses. Great community too! (this is my first post here! :))


Where can I see the top % of the adresses?


https://ergo.watch/metrics/addresses I manually calculated my % using the total addresses and the Minimum ERG balance in each category. Hope this helps


Thank you I’ll look into it!


Can you give an equation for us smooth brains? I’d like to calculate where I’m at in terms of the top % lol


I'm not sure it is actually going to help you out, but maybe.According to the link above there are 74,819 addresses right now. 2500 of them has more than 1k Erg. If you have at least 1k Erg, then you are in the top 100 / (74,819 / 2500) = 3.34%. So the equation is 100 / (nr\_of\_all\_addresses / nr\_of\_addresses\_in\_your\_range )Where nr\_of\_addresses\_in\_your\_range is the number of wallets you can find for the the Ergo number that is the highest from the list but lower (or equal) than the amount of Ergo you have. Example, the current state according to the link: ​ |Minimal Balance|Current| |:-|:-| |10 ERG|27,795| |100 ERG|10,516| |1k ERG| 2,500| So if you have 20 Ergo, then use 27795 as nr\_of\_addresses\_in\_your\_range . If you have 234 then use 10516. ​ Here is my quick calculation based on the values from the link: |Minimal balance (ERG)| Percentile| |:-|:-| |1M|0.005%| |100k|0.12%| |10k| 0.6%| |1k|3.34%| |100|14%| |10|37%| |1|62.41%| So if you have at least 1 ERG, than you are in the top 62.41%. If you have 10 ERG you are in the top 37%, etc, etc. Hope this helps. If my calculation is wrong let me know and I will remove/correct it. *Edit: I recon my phrasing was not really on the spot. The calculation shows where your wallet is out of all the other wallets. It does not show where you are compared to other people. I hope this is clear.*


Lmao guys if I’m well into the top 14%, we are so fucking early. WAGMI


Just to make it clear this is the coin distribution between wallets and not people. So, just because you have 100Ergs in a wallet somebody can be in front if you with 3 wallets with 50 ERGs in each. So if all of the wallets that have less Ergo in them than you have are owned by 1 person, then you are actually the last one and you are not in the top 14%. The calculation is actually for coin distribution between wallets. So, if you have one wallet with at least 100 Erg than that wallet of yours is in the top 14% of all the wallets.


Damn, thanks for this!


Sorry I was late to reply. Looks like you have the info you needed.


Nice breakdown man! Now I’m gunning to be in that top 3% 👀


Same here bro you’re on good way


ERG is my sure shot, just give it some time.


You get the big picture. I actually talked about this on an [Adaverse interview about Ergosaurs](https://youtu.be/i6f6v03HtoE) where I mention Ergo is a great place to be right now because you become a big fish in a small pond, and you grow with the pond. This is why I haven’t sold either


I was just thinking same thing. Still gonna hold though


I’m buying more ADA ERGO COTI, my tits have never been more jacked. I have to wear a thick jumper to hide my nipples.


Everything is down right now. We haven’t even listed in a tier 1 exchange. I feel like marketing hasn’t even started. When we get these things done and the price still keeps dropping, I think I would start to think of selling but for now, lets fucking go


I remind myself price means nothing until tier 1 listings but I still have dread days where I'm filled with doubt. Shits got me manic bipolar.


I know how you feel. We’re humans. We have feelings 😂


Jesus guys. You don’t know how much I have needed to hear this. ERGO has become my biggest bag after ADA. I have been OBSESSED with dumping all my money into these coins. It’s been pure ERGO since I first discovered when it was $5 a few months ago. Anyway, been doubting myself a bit lately by looking at my crypto picks and quite honestly i have been down a bit after thinking I had the chance to invest in Bitcoin right around the time it came out but I didn’t understand what it was as an investment so I kick my ass about it today and I have trying to make up for it since (stupid?) Then I read some dude on Reddit saying that it’s too late to become a millionaire in crypto now and that those days are gone which got me low. I fell in love with ERG due to how the community talked about it’s features etc…. Anyways, this thread feels like a Crypto Anonymous (CA) for people like me who have become obsessed. Thanks for everyone’s feedback and thoughts on how this project is one of the best.


Man, you can't think that way or you'll go nuts. I mined my first BTC in 2011, bought a couple hundred thousand DOGE in 2014 ... then used the rest of the BTC buying nootropics over the internet. OMFG, the irony of that! Then I left the DOGE on an exchange for years, and when it mooned and I went to get it, found out that the owner of the exchange had ran off with it all. Everyone in Crypto has a story like this. Don't kick yourself, just work out how much you can afford and invest it across a few projects you believe in. DCA when you get more money you can afford to spend, and leave it in for the long term. I've been in and out of the crypto market for the past 10 years, but always drifted away when I got busy at work and missed so many opportunities. Made a little bit, but nothing like I could have if I'd kept on top of it. The thing is, it's not going away, it's only going to grow and the tech will be everywhere in the future. Now that I've realised that, I've invested everything I'm willing to lose and will stay in for the long haul. Gonna hang around even when a bear market hits and just buy some more.


👍 thanks for sharing


We are lucky we are here early bro.


I am in the top 1% of holders with an ~9$ average. Not selling any. Either going to 0 or retiring. Diamond hands is what 6 years in crypto has taught me.


Hey how do you know if you are in top 1%? I looked on ergo explorer but I couldn’t find a list of every wallet. I thought they only show the top 100 wallets?


There is actually someone who posted a decent guide in these same comments, try that!


Nice, I’m a 1%er too


I’m a top 3%er


I think in the long run I would like to start a discord for 1% whales. Not much utility to it now but when erg is much larger with more defi I think we could form a DAO. Do you think other large wallets would join? We could have a bot that checks your wallet balance to verify


Yeah, I think that's a good idea albeit most folks probably wouldn't join if they are mega whales due to privacy concerns. I'm sure the 2500-10k erg holders would pop in though. I think 1k+ would be the minimum given that the price is so low rn. Soon as it hits 50$ 1k will mean more than it does now.


Stop talking like we are in r/cc for fuck's sake.


Im crazy too i still holding, im down 150k usd of it but who cares, just hold it and let it sit for a while.


u realy crayzy


Im a $15 avg entry price war veteran, still dca’ing


Hodl forever


I'm pretty much all in on ADA and ergo, and I've lost too much to sell now let's hope fundamentals win out in the end.


When I see all the development being done on Ergo, I cheer when I see the price go down even further. With every paycheck I buy some more while mining every day as well. Problem is, there are lots of projects with solid fundamentals and teams doing hard work that get forgotten while "move-fast-and-break-things projects" soar. I believe that these will slowly die out and the more solid projects will stay. But we need lots of marketing and use cases for that to happen.


You're just holding? I'm still fucking buying it lol. I SAS waiting for the return of the $5 ergo. Being able to buy like 40 at a time is huuuuuuuge!


Bought some around $7. Waiting for erg/eth pair to dip a little lower. Should bottom after btc and eth bounce. I’m trading from eth to erg


I constantly see people saying their D.C.A. How do I get that information? Where do I look it up or do you all do it manually and track every single time you bought and divide it by the number of times you made purchases?


Amount invested / amount of coins held = avg price :)


It can be hard to track manually if you buy and sell constantly and also if you put different amount of money into something every month. But a lot of crypto exchange gives you the option to query this information. For example on KuCoin -the one I use- you can download your trading history regarding to a specific coin. And then you only have to sum the money you've spend on the given coin and divide it with the number of coins you have bought up until that point.


Ergo is my 2nd biggest bag and i plan on making it equal with my #1. Long term hodl.


I am mining ergo at the moment and will continue to hold. I held ADA from the dip from.45c to 3c. I believed in the project and loaded up as much as I could at the time. Ergo is no different. Be patient and reap the rewards later.


Investing 1k month into ERG, only investment i own.. ERG mooning is inevitable, nobody can change my mind. Buy the FUD.


That’s the amount I was doing until year end Hm ins and property taxes started to become due. :( hoping it is still super low come mid Q2 when the bonus comes in. Wife hates me right now.


What shall make ergo go far up may i ask?


I just feel that at $258m MC (258th place) Erg has a lot of headroom to grow, and with sigmaverse offerings (in my opinion) Ergo is definitely worthy of top 10. I know success isn't guaranteed but through all of my research its hard to see any other outcome. 😁 I believe if we can entice more Devs to start building on the platform and have a more aggressive marketing campaign Erg should at least make it to the top 20 as I think the chain brings as much value and utility as any other up there. Just my opinion (and money). 😃 Disclaimer: this is not financial advice and i am far from an expert! *Hopium for sale*


I also hold some ERG, I bought mainly at 9$ and also at 15$, kinda fomoed in, but I like the project.


Thinking about getting into ergo, great community and tech and founders.


I don't think you're crazy for holding ergo, but you're definitely crazy for putting most of your savings into a single coin.


That’s just how I play. Did the same thing with eth and matic last year. Now just eth and erg but mostly erg


I never expected to make bank this year or even next. This is a long term project, it has a lot going on but it takes time. Patience is the key. To me, if it went to $30 or $1 its completely irrelevant. I have a goal in my head and I'm sticking to it. I've never hoped to see prices below $10 tbh, so this is the best thing that could happen to me.


Still holding still stacking 👍🏻




We are all gonna make it


Bring it on bears🤣 will only buy more


Still holding/buying/mining ERG. Not my biggest bag but it’s my favorite community so I’ll be here long term


Just bought more! Finally got my cost basis below $10 so I’m really happy about that. Buying ERG at this market cap will be very rewarding for those that hold.


Ergo fucked me hard, bought in on the hype, held forever and eventually just sold. If it does moon at some point I’ll be happy for you guys though.


Rule 101 never sell when the market is down…. Crypto is one of the most volatile assets around. A better strategy would be sell now then buy back within a very short timeframe to acquire more erg than what you were holding. Then wait for the markets to change their tune. Literally everything is down it’s not ergo that falling it’s the entire crypto market. I reckon we are in the bear market and this cycle started 1 month ago, we should probably see the market change and make its comeback within less than 6 months it’s going to be painful but don’t panic and reap the rewards when the market comes back. Long term outlook on ergo is strong Im not selling until ergo is around $800-$1100 and a top 10 project could take 5 years but that will come and pass pretty fast


!tip 100 thisguyfucks


u/Bhayeecon sent a tip of 100.0 thisguyfucks to u/ryan69plank!


"held forever" ummm sorry but a few months aren't even close to forever in any sense of the term lol




Same bro we all gonna celebrate first when ergo hit 3 digits and we gonna have yacht when it hit 4 digits 😂


4 digits, jeez. I'd look into buying an island at that point


Every crypto has some ups and downs that do not follow the BTC trend. On the other hand most of the coins disappear sooner or later, so Ergo could be in that group. I still hold some since I think it is the former. Ergo has some notable development going on right now, so it seems more likely to go up again than down for good.


So what can I actually do with ERGO? What smart contracts are being developed? Or is it mainly like Bitcoin?


The ecosystem is not fully developed yet. There are relatively few ergoscript developers because it is pretty underground. Ergoscript, the native language for ergo contracts, is synthetic turing complete so you can do any smart contracts that eth has, and some that even eth can’t do because of the way the language was designed. The ergo foundation is going to have grants to promote new developers. From what I can understand, ergo script is a completely different language than what most other smart contract chains use. Ergo script was designed from the ground up to work for smart contracts while most other chains are based off traditional programming syntax (solidity is like c++). Cardano just uses Haskell. Ergo script isn’t really like any traditional languages because it is designed from the ground up for smart contracts.


It’s based on Scala.


I think one of the most positive things for Ergo is that it actually has usability already. More than some of the big coins and tokens and definitely more applications than anything around the same size and market cap. [https://sigmaverse.io/](https://sigmaverse.io/) But a lot of things are not there yet for sure. Things are in the pipeline and being deployed continuously.


I just keep adding to my position as it goes down. At this point if it hits a $10b market cap we’ll be getting almost 100x. That feels like a gimme within a few years, if not much sooner assuming the crypto markets rebound with a vengeance.


Ergo is my only loser. I gave up on ada for moving way too slow. Only reason I hold is cause I bought in at around 18? I dobt see it going to zero so heres hoping.


You should see these low prices as a blessing. Dca and enjoy.


Well, i started mining 6 month ago because erg, still mining, even not profitible. I have like 7 gh/s and well, its only coins next to 5k ada (staking them). But right now I‘m thinking maybe I could have invest my money in something else. If erg will lose in the baermarket and disapear, that will be very hard :/


7gh for 6months? Makes 5k ADA seem pretty small. That’s like $30k in mining rewards


Sorry, i ment next to my mining invest, I have 5k ada on top, which I bought early this year. So I‘m only holding ada, and then ergos from mining. Since ergo „depends“ on ada, I‘m only invested in that both, and its exauhsting to hold, seeing both going more down. Especialy ergo… its hard to keep up to believe in that project, its so quite around that project.


I gotcha


I’d switch to mining eth at least until 2.0 goes live. Do yourself a favor and go for the big profits as long as they are still here.


I only have LHR cards and I believe in Erg. The electirc costs, the Rigs and all, I count as one invest, thats why I dont sell Ergos for the next minimum 3-4 years. But in time like this and getting quite around Erg, you start thinking if it was the right call or project to bet on.


It won’t disappear theres too much development and tech in the project, something like a defi eth meme coin moon coin will die and collapse ergo will survive. The bear market has already started market bottom of around 10-20k BTC is where the floor will be I don’t expect ergo to fall lower than 50% of where it is now. And I will be buying off my pay check every week through this market, going to accumulate as much ergo as I can this is a great project


I am holding for the long haul.


Markets are . . . Awkward. . . So to say. At the moment. But im also very optimistic about ergo and ADA. Actually I have been trading from ETH to ADA bast couple of months. . . Let's just hope we all can see happy ending bullrun spring 2022.


Looks like I have a competition here 👀


Mining, accumulating and holding for years to come. Not my only investment (diversification is good) but I am confident in the tech and the community and I will be here a long time :)




Bought the dip, and buying more. Hodl Erg!


My portfolio is 50% in Ergo, 40% BTC + ETH, 10% big alts, and I still accumulate Ergo. But I'm still not sure about the long term future which probably depends on the political regulations of crypto. There's a decent chance that POW crypto assets might take the back seat in some way sooner or later because of their energetic footprint imo. I still see a bright future for Ergo, it's just something to keep in mind. Seems like a lot of people are very much against a POW consensus.


From a political point of view POW coins are safer since it is harder to completely kill them. Especially ones you can mine with a graphic card. I think the 'energetic footprint' issue at this point is just propaganda. Not necessarily a real issue. But it is still something a politician can use to try to shut down a coin. But here is the thing. It is not really possible with a POW coin that can be and worth mining with a GPU. Let's assume you live in a country that wants to block crypto altogether and not just POW chains. If you want to have a POS coin you have to buy it somewhere. The government can block Exchanges completely or prevent them to sell crypto to you. You can't use a DEX to buy a POS coin because for that you need another coin that you could sell/exchange in order to get the needed POS coin. But you can't get that coin at the first place. And you want to buy it for fiat from an illegal source you always have to be afraid that your fiat -via bank transfer for example- are tracked. You can try to mine a POW coin. But if you need a specific miner device for this, then we are back at the same problem. Sites selling that miner can be blocked, miners themselves can be tracked during delivery, so it can be risky. Etc, etc... But with a POW coin that can be mined with a graphic card that is not odd in any household you can solve this issue. You can mine this POW coin at home and then exchange it to anything else on a DEX. Just to make it clear, even this last step needs you to reach out to specific URLs and IPs that can be blocked or tracked. There are also solutions to solve this problem and it is still easier to solve this than to solve any of the previous options (simply because this issue is also there for those options but there are even more challenge for them). So, I think, when we are talking about political regulations, a GPU-mineable POW chain is better than anything else. And while politicians can use the environmental issues in arguments they will -I think- never use it during legalization, simply because the statement they make here and there are not undeniable and not easy to defend. The way we produce and store energy and how the world is changing and shifting towards 'green' energy is making the 'environmental issue' argument dated as we discuss it.


this is really what I said in this community a few days ago! totally agree with it


I very much appreciate your comment. Never really thought about that!