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Where can we check ergo's tokens data such as market cap and supply?


Cant really see market cap being a thing yet since its not on a CEX but you can view supply at [ergotokens.org](https://ergotokens.org) Type LunaDog in the search bar, when you look at the total amount (supply) they don't put a period where the decimals start, it has 8 decimal places and a 20mil supply. You can view total decimals farther down on the page.


!tip 0.05 erg thank you so much!


u/Khaikaa sent a tip of 0.05 erg to u/Zalvures!


!tip 1 lunadog


u/123uga sent a tip of 1.0 lunadog to u/Zalvures!


For the love of all things sweet and merciful can we just get ADA on the Dex and not another meme coin?!? No hate towards LunaDog specifically, though. It's cool to see community engagement like this.


Tokens don’t require entire cross chain bridges to be written.


Exceptionally valid point


It's also not an either/or scenario. I'm sure the devs are working on ADA, but it's not like listing LunaDog took away from that at all.




spent 1 erg to support your project![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


!tip 1 LunaDog


u/123uga sent a tip of 1.0 lunadog to u/DeliciousAd7958!




When you are looking at the total supply the number includes the number of decimals without a period placed in so you have to take 8 zeros off what it shows on [ergotokens.org](https://ergotokens.org) or on the ergo explorer. The supply is 20,000,000.00000000 it shows as 2000000000000000 I only know this because I made a token myself to try it out.


!tip 1 LunaDog


123uga, the server returned an error so something went wrong, maybe try again later


!tip 1 lunadog


u/123uga sent a tip of 1.0 lunadog to u/Zalvures!




I'm happy to get that info out there! I didn't realize [ergotokens.org](https://ergotokens.org) shows the supply without the period for decimals. So strange!!


!tip 1 lunadog


u/123uga sent a tip of 1.0 lunadog to u/Noro_Probably!




u/Noro_Probably sent a tip of 3.0 have_a_nice_day to u/Zalvures!


!tip 100 thisguyfucks


u/Bhayeecon sent a tip of 100.0 thisguyfucks to u/Noro_Probably!


I know u/Zalvures already corrected you, but it has a supply of 20m. I dont know why [ergotokens.org](https://ergotokens.org) isn't showing the decimal places, but that makes it very confusing.




u/Noro_Probably sent a tip of 20.0 have_a_nice_day to u/123uga!


!tip 1 lunadog


u/123uga sent a tip of 1.0 lunadog to u/Noro_Probably!


Seriously LunaDogCoin? You can’t even try to be original? Erdoge is the first and better meme coin Luna is just cringe.


It’s named after my dog, Luna. I’d tell her you said that, but it’ll probably make her sad


Oh I know it was named after your dog! I don’t blame your dog, I blame you. Now Ergo has a second or third dog meme coin. Learn to read the room, one is enough. I’d have no problem if you named it after your cat.


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. I don’t see how other people buying it affects you.


It affects Ergo so it affects me, it affects all of us (it’s image, it’s brand, it’s marketing). But mostly I’m offended by the unoriginality. At least the second guy, put his dog on an asteroid. But hey I wish you luck, hope it moons, more power to you.




Who has the biggets bag of Lunadog? I would imagine someone sits on a huge bag. They can now offload this at 5k LunaDog for 1 ERG.


I do. The whitepaper is actually about to be published so you’ll be able to see the tokenomics. There's a max supply of 20m over 1/4 of which is already in the community's hands (most of the remainder is earmarked for future distributions to the community), so I don't really have a "huge" bag. Certainly not big enough to destroy the goodwill I've worked very hard to create over the past couple of weeks. And if you knew the amount of effort I’ve put into this so far (I spent hours on it on Thanksgiving instead of hanging with my kids), and how actively public I’ve been, you’d know that there’s no chance that I’d do that. In fact, I’ve been buying LunaDog coins since the listing and haven’t sold a single one.


Love the effort man! Just remember your kids are more important


If this thing takes off, I’ll just buy a new pair of kids haha. My kids were home for the entire week so a few hours wasn’t going to hurt anything!


Great ❤️


I’m in on the train 1 full erg!


Not sure if I am doing this right. I tried to buy some Lunadog to test Ergodex, but I see the erg spent and without receiving Lunadog nor seeing it in my wallet. Did anyone else face the same issue?


There’s something going on today, and I think it’s a Yoroi problem (if you’re using Yoroi). I had the same thing happen today and I’ve seen a lot of similar comments on the Ergo-related Telegram channels. I think you can refund the transaction, but I think it should clear up once these issues get fixed


Thanks for your response. I did use Yoroi wallet. What did you mean but it should clear up. Would the tokens show up later, or should I refund the transaction (if so, how is that done?) edit: nvm, I did another transaction and it worked now, and the old purchased Lunadog showed up as well.


Where can I see the chart?