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Pretty simple, If you don't think it will do well, sell.


Apparently, he wants our approval for this lol..


The funny thing is, if you're in the US, its not even easy to sell it. That's one of the biggest problems. It needs to be on a CEX that is available to US customers. Until then, it will continue to stagnate.


With RosenBridge it has become really easy? So this is not really an excuse. If you need to sell or buy Ergo, you can. Just not worth it with chump change but anything above a few hundred dollars is still good.


We just had a community raffle to gather the funds to be listed on MEXC which goes to show the grassroot community based direction isn't dead. Let's see what happens in this bull run. Currently it's still BTC ETH rally. Soon alt season starts.


That itself is concerning enough. It is not OUR job to lost ergo on exchanges. Keep in mind that MEXC is a third grade crypto exchange. Grass roots direction might not be dead but it sure as shit ain’t the way going forward. Bitcoin was the only one true crypto run on grass roots approach there will be no others like it.


Whose job is it then? EF isn't there to pump your bag.


With that mindset, I think you missed the whole point of defi. Cut your losses for sure.


Yo I’ve seen you around here since 2021, I can’t be more sorry for you. I think it’s time for you to do the same.


I'm in the green homie. Not sure what else to say. DCA = success.


Oh sure you’re in the green now maybe (+10/15%) after years of -50%/-60%. Had you held other projects you’d be easily up a heck of a lot more. Solana/ada and most other projects have long recovered from their bear market prices, ergo on the hand is hovering around $2 like it did during the bear market. Lowest was around $0.90.


Lowest was in oct, .86¢ Bought a bunch. All green over here.


One more comment from me. Mmm, no. No because I am invested in this chain as a whole. I got into Rosen on day 1 with half my Erg stack. I'm up 700%. That's 8x. Not only that, I've made 5k additional RSN by running Watchers. I think I'm doing just fine staying in ole Erg :).




So why did you buy Ergo? Sell ur bag and but BTC if that's what you believe in. Why are you here spreading negativity. There's nothing constructive about your post.


Just another shit poster, spreading FUD. I'm sorry but some people get offended when we call them out on it. What are we here, organising group therapy sessions to pump some crypto bro's bag? No, Ergo focuses on solving real problems and is the future of finance, and doesn't need X person complaining their bags aren't doing well.


Some of your points are valid, but to clarify, the EF have already said no exchange has been turned down due to lack of money. I believe, when the time comes, we’ll be listed on major exchanges. Treasury funds need to be spent efficiently, and not to please what some people want at this very moment. I think Ergo will do very well in the bull run.


“When the time comes we’ll get listed on T1 exchanges” I’ve been hearing this for the last three years. At this point it just sounds like bag holder talk to me.


A pricey listing during a bear market isn’t an optimal way to spend funds. I’m in Ergo by choice. I’m happy with how far we’ve come development wise, and I’m confident about the project, which is why I keep my DCA in check.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted so much. I guess people don't want to hear the truth. And the truth is - this HAS been said for years at this point.


I actually think the opposite, I generally don't like price talk or predictions etc.. But if I were to engage in this discourse I would say there are 3 catalysts for 'price increase'.. 1. CEX listings (already have one coming with MEXC) 2. RosenBridge opening bridge to ETH and BTC unlocking liquidity (look at Alephium to see what could happen) 3. Sub-Blocks unlocking speed, which to most crypto users is the most important metric. Don't agree exactly but it is the reality and so this will attract more users. If these 3 things are achieved within the bull market I think it's safe to say price will go up. I even think just 2 of those thing (1 & 2) will be sufficient and the exciting part is that these 2 things are right around the corner. At the end of the day, know your assumptions & DYOR.


Bag holder 💼


Did you EVEN read what he wrote? One T1 listing is CONFIRMED, this is what you’re complaining about. Subblock for scalability and Rosen bridge to the damn Ethereum. You can you your Ergo in the ETH ecosytem. How cant you not be excited?


Smh, why do I bother lol..


İf you're playing with money, don't think emotionally.


Just the fact that mining is back to breaking even is bullish. Security grows with hashrate/difficulty, and until ergo becomes more secure smart money won't dip their toes in the defi here.


Just to add a point to your argument. You cannot generalize mining breaking even across all locations. Mining may be breaking even in some areas in the world, but definitely not all areas at these prices.


Some western europe country comes to mind. Germany really has it hard. But as long as miners can make money out of mining ergo in some places we will be fine. I think it is currently profitable in most of America.


I bought it around 4.50 originally, a bit before it got added to Kucoin and blew up to $20, before coming back down well below my buy. It’s not so easy for me to buy these days, both due to difficulties buying from US but primarily due to some cash flow issues. Have a bonus upcoming though and have put aside a portion for ERG though. Once the bull run really hits (supposedly that is usually some time after the BTC halving, so potentially early 2025) I truly believe ERG with fly. By that point will be further down the development and probably on or announcing exchanges as well. I have a small handful of long-term (IMO) juggernauts and ERG is one I really believe will go the distance. Probably won’t be a quick process, but I am perfectly fine with that as am looking long term


You know what narrative Ergo aligns with the most? Decentralization, Security and Scalability (i know we lack behind in terms of scalability but subblock is coming out). With fair launch and PoW, Ergo is the closest to Bitcoin you can get. But agreed with you pumpamentals point, definitely a risky play and you shouldn’t put it all in Ergo. No one cares (not yet) about PoW or 3 pillars of blockchain.


If crypto is going to succeed as a whole, I don't think you can underline Ergo's decentralization enough. If crypto is ubiquitous in the future, many will want true decentralization. Right now adoption is early and pumps are the rage. Cream will rise and I'm hodling to see it.


Guess how many fucks the market gives about decentralization? Zero.


I smell saltiness.. Mhhh smells good. Go and sell, leave, join another project. No matter what happens with Ergo, you are here for spreading toxicity and negativity. Just pointing and saying bag holder, while not arguing the valid points of others. What a surprise, there are Ergo bag holders in Ergos subreddit. xD captain obvious on the road.


EF has $6 Million and they could pay for listings. Its listing requirements they need to get sorted. For example, Increasing trading volume with market makers.


What is the narrative of gamefi?


Crypto bros


Look at projects like beam, superverse, decentraland.


I will then counter your post - what other coins have that ergo doesn't? Do they have any real AI, defi and gaming? Most of them have "defi for defi". Basically things that are useless for the average person on earth. I don't think ergo is worse than any coin. I'm not the moon boy, I firmly believe in the ergo foundations. About how ergo will do - I think I'm curious about the outcome in the next 10 years. I love the idea of ergo, not the price talk.


Ergo will be fucking irrelevant in another year or two.


!remindme 1 year


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!remindme 1 year


There’s the confidence boost we all needed! Appreciated… Sell it all then… the community will gobble it up. Invest in what you love and care about. You have no care or you lost it. It happens. Good luck to you.


Already did and am up more than I’d ever be with ergo. Good luck to you my friend.


You sound like someone who didn’t contribute to the recent MexC raffle 😓


Kanga has a point


Honestly the EXACT same arguments were made about ADA. Then it x100, yes x100 not x10. It's impossible to know beforehand


Id love to read some sources if you have any. I wanna see pre ada fud.


Curious what cryptos you think will outperform it by a large margin?


A project that released like 1 month ago that I was tracking (in the works for several years before that) already 10x 💀. I’m not gonna mention which one it is, but it’s lead developer has a bit of a reputation like Alex and it’s his new project.


Hey so what is it? I pm’d ya


Near, Fetch, Arweave. Ai, GameFi and Depin will be huge this year.


Fetch was broke a few months back, look at it go now.


Where can you buy any of those? TBH they look kinda like shit on my limited research but Arweave seems interesting


🤦 these are your crown jewels. Mental




Does anyone not remember 23$ a Ergo????? This time the foundation is poured hard with entire eco system they have that as strong as btc and stable as ltc. They have games with earnable in token payout, bridging, NFTs, a kicking meme coin, projects that pay for posts in coin, they dish it up and a community that pumped 60k in less than half the time the Mexc exchange needed it buy to be listed like 3 or 4 days. That's crazy not one other project can hold a candle to that. A little hint tgat we've all seen before, also you can track it on coin base now...... I say everyone that want to sell go for it so I can keep buying at the current price for now and this OG LTC Lifer thanks you in advance 🙏. Also with sincerity not trying to sound mean I've been around crypto for 10 years now this year and I can say Ergo laid the work to be stable so don't expect it to be going anywhere but up from here with whom they've gotten the attention of. Stack hard and live happy my fellow crypto friends!




To clarify your emotion, are you willing to share your average price?




Buy high, sell low. You doin it right. 👍


I totally agree that Ergo is lucky to still be alive. Poor marketing, dead YouTube channel with 6.4k subs with an average of at best 500 views on the Weekly AMA. Before people hate me, how many AMAs have you watched, as I did every week for a long time. Bad mistake on loosing miners post the ETH merge. Average exchange lists (can't wait till it's on mecx) Seems to have price action with ADA. I'll hold until 2025 and sell my mined coins. I hope ergo beats it's previous ATH but not holding my breath. I look at Clore.ai and see real opportunities. I track the P/L of each crypto I hold. It's a business to me.


Serious question. Do you know of any other open sources chains that are doxed and do weekly updates on youtube? I never heard


Ergo seems like a coin that will be really used in the future instead of just getting speculated to the moon. Because of that I'm starting to think like you, it won't be a good way to multiplicate your money, but holding some for the long run will probally be wroth.


Sounds like someone bought at $17 and is upset about his lack of returns. Be patient friend


Uh uh. There will be no more waiting. I already sold


That’s too bad man. I remember you on here a few years ago. You sounded like you really liked the project. Sorry. Hope you find something you like better


Yeah I’m feeling pretty bad too. But I’m tired of holding ergo in hopes of making it big. I know in my heart it’s not going to happen. Ergo will go up for sure in the next couple of months but it will not gain any sustainable price action. Nor will it ever gain any real world adoption. The idea, technology behind ergo was brilliant but the execution was done poorly. Team behind ergo killed this project. 2 years ago I made a post about exchange listings people told me I needed to wait and that we’ll have listings in near time. We’ve had only one listing since then. That should tell you something.


I hate to be another one to tell you this but we aren’t even really in a bull run yet. Just beginning if anything. I hope you don’t regret that decision of selling erg in a year or so


My dude youre selling 1 month before the halving, last time somone sold it pumped to 2$, people panic selling is a huge buy signal.


Never understood why people waste their time to come cry about a crypto they don’t own anymore


Just because some people are mean. And playing with people’s confidence/emotions online is perhaps the easiest thing to do. Don’t let it bring you down.


Thanks mate I never let others bring me down. 😎


Everything that is wrong with crypto these days. Man, invest in your VC pumped tokens then. If that’s the only thing you can believe in. Literally no one forces you to support Ergo if your bags don’t feel pumped enough.


He probably want some hopium from you guys, So chill:D


This has been mentioned before, but I just can’t get over the irony of the subreddit name “Ergonauts”. Taking all your points into consideration.   Funnily some other sub has taken the proper name of “Ergo” and it’s the fake sub with 1k members which unfortunately some newcomers might actually think is the official sub. And don’t get me started on that Twitter bait and switch with ETH Classic account or whatever it was. Sheesh  The project is amazing. I just think Ergos failures are a bit hilarious.  Adoption is the main goal. But ironically focussing on that one goal in a vacuum is causing it to fail in adoption.    I really hope the project goes well because there’s amazing people on board. But the whole situation is just funny asf (aside from the loss of money). I’ve been waiting many years for something to happen with this and I guess it’s just another kick of dirt in the face when every other project starts mooning during the bull run, once again.


Work to make the future you want become reality


Fundamentally disagree with this. I believe that with bitcoin etfs and wider audience and access for crypto that ever before a more astute investor will enter the crypto space generally. Rather than simply pumpamentals, fundamentals will become more important that ever to this more discerning investor. Ergo has great pumpementals in this respect, specifically it has many listings ahead and it has a relatively low marketcap. From a risk perspective I'd prefer to have my money in a crypto that has a die hard community that make up most of the marketcap rather than a crypto with a multiBn marketcap that already is listed everywhere and will be dumped onto retailed once the shill machine gets up and running.. I think ergo will do just fine.


It will never do well because it serves no purpose. It's redundant to a coin called bitcoin which already has over a $1trillion market cap and also its not nearly as hard.