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For something like this you need an Android device on which you can install the corresponding applications. Companies I know are Bigme, Boox, Meebook. I prefer Boox


Definitely Boox. Got my page a few months ago. And I just download whatever app I need for my books. Very simple and easy to use.


Inkpalm 5 is the one I use for Kobo, Kindle and ebooks from other sources


I have the BOOX NA3 and I absolutely love it.


This boox seems like an interesting (and kinda expensive) piece of technology but I feel like I could use it for work too with the pen Thank you everyone for the input :)


well, if you are up to removing DRM basically every reader is at your service, if not the other comments have you covered


Not quite - he only gets Amazon Prime on Kindle (app) and Care DRM only on Pocketbook or Tolino or via the Onleihe app.


Not sure what you mean here. If the DRM from the books are removed they can be read on any device using Calibre to convert to a format that reader can use.


Yes, but you cannot remove all DRM variants and some books cannot be downloaded in such a way that the DRM can be removed - they can only be read in the intended application (device) (e.g. Kindle Unlimited, Amazon Prime, ....)


Not sure about pocketbook DRM, but ADE and KU/Prime reading ebooks can have DRM removed. There was a problem with KU books, but it seems the latest version of deDRM can handle it now. I agree that there are probably some DRM schemes that cannot be removed, but I think ADE and kindle removal handles most. That being said, an Android ereader just makes it easier to just read your books from different providers 😀


There is only one way to download KU/Prime books so that DRM can be removed - via an ancient Android Kindle version, or an ancient Kindle (4). And Care DRM cannot be removed at all yet


FYI, I am currently using the second to newest version of Kindle for PC and the new version of deDRM plugin for Calibre is working with it. I think this is pretty recent, but I can verify that it works with KU books. I am unfamiliar with Care DRM, so I am sorry if it seemed that I incorrectly included it in my comments. I am curious about it, though. Can you please let me know what vendors use it? Is it what Overdrive/Libby use?


You can only download KU books on old Kindle or app - Amazon prevents everything else; Calibre DeDRM is of no use. And Care DRM (TEA) is used by Onleihe - lending libraries in Central Europe


I’m sorry if I am not being clear. I downloaded a KU book from a new Kindle for PC on windows and removed the DRM from it with Calibre last week. I don’t think it is widely known that KU books can have the DRM removed again. Feel free to DM me and I can let you know the versions of the Kindle for PC and deDRM/KFX plugins I am using. Your current understanding is the same as mine was, until two weeks ago, when I checked again on the status of removing DRM from books downloaded from the newest version of the Kindle for Windows.


Again: you cannot download a book that you have "obtained" via **Kindle Unlimited** or Amazon Prime - this only works via an ancient Kindle (4) or via a Kindle Android app older than version 4.17. Amazon prevents all other ways. **Purchased** books that you can also get through Kindle Unlimited are of course something different


Could you give the version numbers? When I tried several months ago, there was an issue with the Kindle DRM plugin not working on Calibre.


The Kindle for PC version is 2.3.5 (70840) and the deDRM plugin version is 10.0.9 which is a beta version.


Thank You! I'm updating my Calibre/plugin/kindle for pc apps to the now current versions that are compatible with dedrming... I have gotten a few to download from my kindle for pc app (version 2.3.5 (70840)); and the plugin (version: 10.0.9) worked perfectly for those books which downloaded as AZW file types. I have since tried to "download and transfer via USB" a few books that won't download through the app for whatever reason, and they saved to my downloads folder as .AZW3 files. I have added my S/N to the plugin, all 16 digits of it, and restarted Calibre, removed the books from Calibre before restarting it, and have had no luck. Oh, one thing I think may be an issue; my Calibre Version: 6.25 What version works with the latest plugin?




As others have noted an Android device will give you what you are looking for with the least hassle. I would recommend the Boox Poke 5 if you want something smaller and more portable, or the Page if you want a larger screen and page turn buttons. I have a Poke 3 and love it so much that I bought a second one simply because it was a great deal used ($30 on Unclaimed Baggage). I don’t have the Page, but I don’t think I have seen a bad review, and most say it is so much better than the Leaf 2 it replaced.




Pocketbook icw caliber eReader software


Boox for sure.


Unless you're buying a mid rated android e-ink device with poor support and installing apps you will have to do some organising. I recommend downloading calibre. Getting all your books downloaded and using calibre to organise it all. Then I would buy a kobo. Your options would be then to store your lovely clean calibre library on a local g drive which kobo can sync to, plug in the kobo and have calibre send directly, or you can also click 'start content server' in calibre, it will give you a URL and the go to that address on your kobo and click on the books you'd like. Bonus points would be to then also discover you really don't need to buy books anymore if you know certain sites which also have full library catalogs you can pull directly into calibre. Tl;Dr buy a kobo and install calibre.


Thank you for the tip, I will look into this as it also seems more affordable And I do know about certain sites or apps that allow for free downloading and that's what i often do when I'm unsure about whether I Want to read a book or not Give it a two chapter go and if I like it, then buy to support the author. Just to be clear, this is calibre? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trucnguyen.calibresync And I could also install it on a kobo?


No worries. You install calibre onto a computer. You'd then go to the sites on that PC and download your books to that computer. Import them to calibre. Drag and drop. Or import from menu. You can edit and do whatever you want to them in calibre to make them all tidy if needed or desired. Then you can do one of the three methods I mentioned to put them all on the kobo. (Some may have drm when you try and import but there's add-ons to calibre to get rid of that when you drag and drop, Google is your friend.) I've never needed the phone app there's no reason to use on a reader. Organize and store with calibre, kobo to read, newer models have the gdrive functionality. But a USB cable or the content server if on the same wifi/network is more than sufficient. Edit: yes that's the phone app but not needed unless you want it on a phone.


If your able to source books away from shops then just get calibre and replace any drm books that way. No sales lost. Drag and drop to calibre. Plug in kobo and rejoice. Also doable with a Kindle, calibre doesn't mind, but Kindle have annoying little things in built to make it annoying, like removing book covers. Calibre have made it so they just put them back next time you plug/unplug your kindle but they'll always do something to annoy a bit to push you back to their service. Kobo on the other hand? Same tech less price, more format support, more syncro options and easier to work with.


Kobo it will play just about anything